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Maybe This Time

Page 3

by Shawn Lane

  “Jesus.” Win shook his head in wonderment. He remembered Randy’d had a hot bod before, but clearly his dancing since had only improved it. He felt more than a little intimidated by the sheer masculine beauty, but he was too turned on to feel too bad about how lacking he was in comparison. “Condom? Lube?”

  Randy’s tongue darted out and lightly flitted over his bottom lip. Mesmerized, Win could only stare. He was sure the fucker had done it on purpose. Damn.

  “In my top dresser drawer,” Randy said. “And take your jeans off while you get them. Hurry. Can’t wait for you to fuck me.”

  “Same here.”

  Win scrambled off the bed, shucking his shoes, jeans, and briefs as he went. He opened the top dresser drawer and grabbed the supplies. When he turned, he stopped and gawked.

  Randy lay on the bed, his ass scooted to the edge, legs spread, and his fist working his long, thick dick.

  “Jesus Fucking Christ,” he exclaimed, the ex-Catholic in him feeling vaguely shamed by the blasphemy. He walked like a zombie to the bed and stared down at the perfection who actually wanted to have sex with him.

  Randy smiled a sexy as sin smile. “Just don’t stand there. Lube me up, sugar.”

  He certainly wasn’t stupid enough to hesitate after that. He squirted out a gob of lube, slicked his fingers, and lifted Randy’s ass just a little so he could insert a slippery digit. Randy’s tight ass swallowed his finger easily.


  He added a second finger, which also slipped in easily past the ring of muscle. He moved them deep, pushing as far as they would go.

  Win’s cock bumped against Randy’s leg, leaving a bit of pre-cum there.

  “That part of you is eager.” Randy laughed.

  Win laughed, too, feeling himself flush just a bit. But Randy was too cute to feel much embarrassment. Besides it was true. His dick was definitely ready.

  Withdrawing his fingers, he tore open the foil wrapper and rolled the condom onto his erection. Win pulled Randy a little closer to the edge and lifted him enough to enter him while standing. He grasped the head of his cock and fed it inch by inch into Randy’s ass.

  “Yes, God, yes.” Randy moaned and pushed up, taking Win in all the way.

  Gripping Randy’s thighs, Win slammed into him over and over again, angling his dick so it brushed Randy’s prostate. He held back the loud moans he’d normally let escape in deference to Randy’s grandmother being nearby, but damn it was hard.

  Randy’s fist paused as it slid up to the head and squeezed. His bottom lip quivered. “Oh, God, Win, I’m gonna come.” Cum oozed from his slit and then spurted out over Randy’s fingers.

  “Ah, fuck.” He sank his teeth into his bottom lip as felt his own impending release tighten his balls. With several sharp thrusts, he gave himself up to his powerful orgasm.

  Later, after Win had discarded the condom in the bathroom trash, they lay together on the bed just dozing. He didn’t really want to move, but Win supposed eventually he needed to get up and make it back to Gran’s condo.

  * * * *

  He woke with a start and, lifting his head, glanced at the digital clock on Randy’s dresser. 2:33.

  Groaning, Win sat up.

  Randy stirred and put a hand on Win’s bare arm. “Mm.”

  “You don’t have to get up. I was just going to head back to my room at Gran’s.”

  Struggling up, Randy rubbed a hand over his face. “Want to try out your bed, huh? Okay.”

  Win laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Maybe.” He got out of bed and fetched his jeans from the floor. “I have to leave a note for my grandmother though. Don’t want her to worry.”

  He smiled, feeling oddly touched. “You’re really sweet, you know.”

  Randy rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  “No, I mean it. It’s surprising.” He picked up his shirt, saw it really was ruined, and stuffed it in a wastebasket.

  “I’m not just a pretty face.”

  “You’re definitely that, too.” Win hesitated. “Um, but, Randy.”


  “About coming over.”

  Randy frowned. “You don’t want me to?”

  “Oh, I do. It’s, um, Gran.”

  “Aw.” Randy laughed. “I’ll be quiet.”

  Win really did like the idea of being with Randy. He could stay, but, well, he didn’t want to worry Gran either. “Well, okay.”

  They stepped out of Randy’s bedroom and headed down the hall into the living room. Randy stopped at an oak console table set against the wall and picked up a pen lying next to a lined notepad. He scribbled something on it.

  “There, all set.”

  Win reminded himself as he again thought maybe it was vaguely odd to be moving from one condo to the next in the middle of the night with Randy, but then Randy was a different sort of guy than any he’d really been with before. He had really thought he’d just get up and leave, not that Randy would move, too.

  Shrugging, he decided to go with the flow, so to speak, hoping they wouldn’t bother Gran too much, and they slipped out of Molly’s condo and Randy re-locked the door.

  The condos were in an older high rise building in the mid-Wilshire district of Los Angeles. Gran had lived there for years, most of Win’s life, back before they’d been designated condos for senior living, and Molly had been a more recent resident. The rules required that at least one resident of the condo had to be a senior citizen.

  The two condos were just down a well-lit hallway from each other. Of course at two-something in the morning the hallway was empty except for the two of them.

  Win opened Gran’s door as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake and alarm her. He’d never brought someone home with him before, and though she’d told him he could, it still felt a little funny. He grabbed Randy’s hand and led him down the hall to his room.

  * * * *

  Randy woke to a heavy weight across his waist. He blinked rapidly and then remembered where he was. And whose arm was draped across him.

  Win’s bed.

  Morning light streaked through the mostly closed blinds on the window.

  He smiled and turned just a little, so that he was facing the still-sleeping man. With his quirky upturned lips, Win looked like he was smiling in his sleep, which Randy decided was just adorable.

  Waking up in the bed of the guy he’d just had sex with was something of a novelty for Randy. Usually once the sex was done, he waited for the guy to fall asleep, and then slipped quietly away. No strings attached.

  Nothing or rather no one had ever made him want to change his behavior. He’d always thought he was young, and being a little slutty was no big deal. He’d had fun.

  But a lot of things had changed for him lately. Giving up on Broadway, maybe his dream of being a professional dancer, moving back to California, moving in with his grandmother. This time, maybe it was time to grow up a little and give an actual relationship with a guy a chance.

  Whether Win would be the guy he settled down with, Randy didn’t yet know, but he did know he liked Win a lot, had a great time with him at the bar, and each time they had fucked, a total of three times now, the sex had been great.

  Randy decided this could be their fourth time. He slipped his hand under the covers and toward Win’s morning wood. He grazed his thumb over the slit, then closed his fingers around the head.

  Win moaned, but his eyes remained closed, and he moved to lie on his back.

  What the hell? Why not?

  He scooted down under the covers and positioned his mouth directly over Win’s crotch. He blew lightly on Win’s cock and noticed goose bumps appear on Win’s thighs. Smiling to himself, Randy opened his mouth and took Win’s cock inside.

  “Oh, damn,” Win said, apparently now awake and gasping. “Good morning.”

  Randy would have chuckled but he had his mouth full of dick. He grabbed the base and sucked Win’s shaft deep, to the back of his throat. />
  Win groaned, shifting as Randy worked his shaft in and out, swiping his tongue across the tip each time he pulled it out.

  As Randy cupped Win’s ball sac, Win shot up, arching his spine, and cum filled Randy’s mouth.

  He released Win’s dick with a rather loud pop and then brushed the covers off his head and slid up to plant a lingering kiss on Win’s slightly parted lips.

  “I have to say that’s the best way to wake up ever,” Win said. He curled his hand behind Randy’s head and brought their lips together once more.

  “Glad you liked it.”

  “Yeah, liked it doesn’t seem quite right.”

  A knock on the bedroom door made both of them jump. Win, eyes wide like he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, yanked the covers up to their chins.

  “Boys? Winnie?”

  “Um, Gran? What is it?”

  “Are you decent? Can I come in?” she asked.

  Randy laughed. “Yes, we’re decent.” Although he was certainly glad she hadn’t knocked a few moments ago.

  Win smacked his arm and shook his head frantically. “No—”

  The door opened and she peered in, grinning from ear to ear. “I was about to make breakfast. Good morning.”

  He felt his lips twitch even though Win tensed beside him. Win had also turned a bright shade of red. Randy figured he’d be the same way if it was his grandmother.

  “Good morning.”

  “Morning,” Win muttered.

  “Lovely morning, isn’t it? Anyway, breakfast. I was going to make eggs, bacon, and toast.”

  “Coffee?” Win asked.

  “Of course. And some of that green tea for you, Randy.”

  He smiled. “I’m so in.”

  Emma’s grin got wider if that was possible. “See you in a few minutes then.”

  * * * *

  It was sometime later that Randy made it back to his grandmother’s condo. He’d had a tasty breakfast with very pleasant company. He could so get used to it. But the truth was he couldn’t fully invest in getting things started with Win, could he? Not when he might be leaving. He really liked Win, though.

  “Ah, there you are,” his grandmother said when he opened the door and stepped inside. She was sitting on the sofa doing a crossword. “How was breakfast?”

  “How’d you know about breakfast?”

  “Emma called and invited me over. I decided I was enjoying my quiet morning.”

  Randy winced. “Sorry. I didn’t think about how things must be since I’m staying here now.”

  She shook her head and patted the cushion next to her on the sofa. “That’s not what I meant. It was just nice this morning, sitting by the windows.”

  He sat next to her. “Good. I would hate to think I was overstaying my welcome.”

  “You couldn’t. You going to work out today?”

  “In a bit, yeah.”

  She smiled. “You like him?”

  He nodded. “I do. Not sure that’s entirely wise though.”

  “He seems like a nice boy,” she said. “Emma adores him.”

  “I think he is a nice boy. I just mean, I don’t know that I should particularly like anyone right now.”

  His grandmother sighed. “I was hoping you’d want to settle down at some point. Having different bed partners can be fun, but it can get lonely real fast.”

  Randy knew a thing or two about that. Back in New York he’d never really had anyone he could call a friend. Most of the other dancers were too interested in being competitive, and he didn’t get to know anyone he had sex with. Some of the guys he met in clubs he never even bothered to learn their names.

  “It’s not really that I’m not looking for a relationship though, Grandma.” He shook his head. “There’s a good possibility in a few weeks I could get an audition in front of this choreographer doing a show in Las Vegas, one that performs there regularly. I should know if the audition is a go in a week or two.”

  She grabbed his hands and held them. “That’s wonderful.”

  He bit his lip. “It’s not Broadway.”

  “No. But it’s dancing professionally in a show, isn’t it?”


  “So many people never get to live their dream, Randy.”

  He looked into her sad eyes and his heart clenched. “Like you?”

  “Yes. As long as I could remember I wanted to be a dancer and back then being a Rockette was just so exciting.” She smiled. “I didn’t even know about the requirements, you know, I was just a girl from Oklahoma who had a dream. So Annie and I hitched all the way to New York.”

  He knew about her friend, Annie. She’d mentioned her before and Randy had seen pictures of them together as young girls. They’d met as teens.

  “Everything was different then,” she explained. “It’s bad now, sometimes, but then, you never spoke of it. You couldn’t.”

  He frowned, feeling lost. “What are you talking about?”

  She looked as though she was trying to decide what to say, so he squeezed her hand.

  “Annie and I weren’t just friends.”


  She dropped her gaze. “We were very close.”

  “You-you and Annie were lovers?”


  She had not told him that before.

  “No one knew. We were very discreet. Everyone just knew we were the best of friends. And because we both loved dancing we spent a lot of time together. When we got to New York, well, you know, I was rejected.”

  “And Annie wasn’t.”

  “Yes,” she said wistfully. “She was a marvelous dancer and she met the height requirement by several inches. In the end, that’s what came between us. She wanted me to stay with her in New York and I—I was bitterly disappointed and jealous. It changed things between us.”

  “I’m sorry, Grandma.”

  “I couldn’t get any work there as a dancer. I went back to Oklahoma with my tail between my legs.”

  “And you met Grandpa.”

  She smiled. “Yes. I loved him. But he would never have understood about my relationship with Annie.”

  “I imagine not.” Randy’s family were devout Christians, all of them, and were very strict in their beliefs about what was sinful. If not for his grandmother, he would have no one. “I’m sorry. I had no idea.”

  “I know and I should have told you about it before. But I got off on a tangent. I was thinking about the whole getting involved in a relationship. What I meant to say is that obtaining your dream is important.”

  “My dream was to dance on Broadway, though, not to be in a Las Vegas show.”

  She nodded. “Sometimes your dream has to be altered. But ask yourself, would you rather be dancing on stage every night in Las Vegas or teaching someone else how to obtain their dream?”

  He swallowed. “Dancing on stage.”

  “Then you have your answer.”

  Chapter 5

  Win hit send on the email he had been drafting for his boss. It had taken him a bit longer to draft than he’d intended, mostly because his mind had been on Randy and their date tonight.

  He tried to shake it off. The last thing he needed was to be distracted at work and make some big costly mistake they’d fire him over. They hadn’t been happy that he and Dean had been seeing each other. Didn’t like the idea of employees co-mingling. Win didn’t want another strike against him.

  “Hey, Win, you free for lunch yet?” Farley Krenitz asked. Farley was probably his best friend at the law firm. He’d just walked into Win’s cubicle. Farley, handsome with auburn hair, was around the same age as Win and even quieter and more serious than he was.

  “Oh. Yeah. Probably.”

  Farley leaned against his desk. “What’s up? You seem distracted.”

  “Thinking about my date tonight.”

  “You have a date?”

  Win nodded. “Yeah, I’m, well, sort of seeing someone right now.”

  He smiled. �
��That’s great.”

  “Things are looking up. Anyway, I’m going to dinner with Randy tonight and I just can’t seem to concentrate much.”

  “Randy, huh? What firm does he work at?”

  Win found it more than a little amusing that Farley assumed he was seeing another paralegal or someone connected to the legal field. It was the same mentality they all seemed to have around him. Date the same type as yourself. Win had kind of thought that way, too, until Randy.

  “No firm. He’s a dancer.”

  “A dancer?” Farley asked, blinking. “Like a ballet dancer?”

  He frowned. He didn’t know if Randy did ballet or exactly what. He wanted to dance in New York, but that’s all he really knew. He’d mentioned Broadway though so he didn’t think the ballet.

  “Like chorus line dancing,” Win said. “Broadway.”

  “Oh. Um, really?” Farley looked confused. “So what’s he like?”

  “He’s really hot.”

  Farley laughed. “I’ll have to take your word for that. Hot to me is a swimsuit model.”

  “Yeah, yeah, straight guys. Anyway, I really like him, so we’ll see.”

  “Maybe you should bring him to the firm barbecue this weekend.”

  Win sighed. “Not sure I’m ready to subject Randy to all the stuffed shirts.”

  “Well, I guess you know best. But, speaking of, I think you should know that Dean is back.”

  “What? Back? He moved to Chicago.”

  “Yep,” Farley said with a small shrug. “I guess things didn’t work out. Rumor has it he’s out to get his old job back.”

  Groaning, Win buried his face in his hands for a moment. “Wonderful.”

  Farley slapped him on his back. “And I hear he’ll be at the barbecue.”

  “Fucking bastard. I don’t want to see that asshole. I won’t go.”

  “Um, I don’t know if you should skip it, Win. Sally said the boss said he expected everyone to make it.”

  “Yeah, but it’s Saturday. He can’t really make it mandatory.”

  “Not officially. But do you really want to be the guy who didn’t show up?” Farley asked.


  “Come on, let’s go have lunch.”


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