White Hot Holidays 26: A Taste Of Honey

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White Hot Holidays 26: A Taste Of Honey Page 3

by Michele Bardsley

Honey rose onto her side. Leaning forward, she kissed his naked chest. His skin was taut, all muscled curves and ridges. She feasted on his pectorals, peppering kisses on every centimeter of flesh. She laved his tiny brown nipples into hardness then flicked her tongue across each nub until a soft, low groan issued. Glancing up at his face, she saw his eyes were open.

  “Hello,” he said in a whiskey voice.

  “Hi.” She licked the space between his pecs, tasting the faint musk of his skin. Moving upward to his neck, she traced patterns from collarbone to ear. “You taste good.”

  “Better than lemon juice pops?”

  She grinned. As she explored his body with fingers and lips, his hands were restless on her back, her shoulders, her buttocks.

  Her engine got revved all over again. And, apparently, so had Jarod’s. Before she could take her next breath, Jarod looped his hands under her arms and pulled her forward so his mouth could ravage her breasts.

  Zings traveled from nipples to pussy as he tugged one peak then the other between his teeth and flicked his tongue rapidly against the turgid points. The need built, an ache that bloomed between her thighs, a heat that engulfed her whole body.

  When he let her go, she scooted down and rubbed her nipples over his chest. His hand snaked around her neck and brought her down so he could nibble on her throat. As he occupied himself with teasing the sensitive spot behind her ear, Honey’s hand drifted down his thigh and snuck between their bodies.

  She squeezed his hard-on then caressed it. She loved the stone-wrapped-in-silk feel of his cock. His moan zapped the pit of her stomach.

  “I want to taste you,” she murmured.

  He released her and she crawled between his legs, her hands coasting up his rock-hard thighs. Honey wanted to feel that big, thick cock slide inside her again. Soon, very soon, she’d take him and ride him. But for now…she spent several glorious minutes fondling his balls and rubbing his cock.

  Jarod’s hands fisted in the bedcovers and his hips thrust, a silent begging for her mouth. She ignored that plea, stroking him rough then soft. Finally, he begged in a whisper, “Please.”

  Only then did she put her lips against his flesh. She savored that gorgeous penis, kissing it from base to head before taking the tip into her mouth and sucking it. Torturing him with endless tongue swirls and long licks, she took all of him.

  His hands dove into her hair and held her captive. Not content with her gentle worshipping, he fucked her mouth. She held on to his thighs and took his strokes, her tongue teasing the cock pumping between her lips.

  With a persecuted groan, Jarod released her, gasping and panting. Honey saw pre-cum pearl the tip of his penis and she sucked it away.

  Jarod looked at her, his eyes glazed. “I want to come inside you.”

  “That’s very good news.” She rose to her knees then planted herself on either side of his hips. She slid her hand between her legs and pinched her clit. Pre-orgasm shivers racked her. “That feels so good.” Her gaze held his. She rubbed her slick inner folds then spread them apart and showed him her succulent cunt.

  “That looks good.”

  Honey pressed down and slicked her cunt across his cock.

  Jarod’s eyes went blind and his hands fisted in the covers.

  In a hurry, she leaned over and opened the nightstand drawer. Grabbing the box of condoms, she opened it and dumped a shower of condoms on the bed. Reaching down, Honey rolled on the protection then finally—oh finally—guided Jarod’s cock inside her pussy.

  Their breathing was harsh, shallow. Their gazes held, mirroring passion. Then Jarod’s fingernails dug into her hips. He thrust upward and she followed his eager movements. His calculated strokes drove her mad. An ache stole across her, made her belly tight with need, made her core spiral with pleasure.

  He released her hips and played with her breasts, pulling on her sensitive nipples, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Then she felt his thumb stroking her clit and she squeezed her vaginal muscles as she fucked him, over and over, until he stiffened and shoved his cock deep inside. As he came, his stroking thumb never stopped.

  The bliss sparked, trembled…then…oh then…

  She shattered into a million sharp pieces that shredded her ability to think. For an endless moment she was only light and sound and feeling.

  When she was able to breathe again, Honey collapsed against Jarod, her tongue flicking out to taste the sweat beading his skin. Her heart pounded a trillion miles a minute and she still felt that gooey warmth. Jarod wrapped his arms around her and spent the next few minutes doing some expert snuggling.



  “How would you feel about exchanging names?”

  “Names?” Panic fluttered, but she swallowed the knot of dread lodged in her throat and rose up a little to look into his eyes.

  “No,” he said, uncertainty ringing in his voice. “I don’t want just your name. I want to unmask you.”

  Chapter Four

  Honey hesitated too long. Even through his mask, she could see that Jarod’s gaze reflected disappointment at her perceived rejection. Damn. If they took off their masks, the fun would be over. And selfish though it was, she wanted more time with him. Once he discovered that he’d been fucking his competition…well, it could go one of two ways. He’d laugh and snuggle with her. Or he’d yell at her and leave. Since men had as much pride as they had testosterone, she was guessing he’d go with Option B.

  “Tell you what,” she said, stroking his tense jaw. “If you can give me three more orgasms…we’ll take off the masks.”

  His lips curved into naughty smile. “A very erotic version of truth or dare?”


  The smile went wider, naughtier. “Just three, huh?”

  “Not a big enough challenge?”

  “I guess we’ll find out.”

  Jarod’s fingers drifted across her arm, down her side, to her hip. “Your skin is so soft.” He stroked her buttock, cupping it and kneading it. Then his hand moved leisurely to her thigh. “You smell good too. Like honeysuckle.”

  Ah. If only he knew…

  “You’re very distracting,” she murmured, stretching against him.

  He chuckled as he rolled her onto her back and covered her, his hardening cock nestled against her pussy. “I like making you come.”

  “Ooooh. And I like coming.”

  He kissed her shoulder and the soft press of his lips made her shudder. He tasted her collarbone, moved up her neck and peppered kisses along her jaw. His eyes were glazed with desire, his breath harsh against her lips.

  Jarod stretched her arms above her head. Her back arched slightly, pushing her breasts into his chest. Her nipples pebbled against his warm flesh. “Do you have anything that might help me tie you up?”

  “You mean like ropes or leather or…silk strands?”


  Her hand felt to the edge of the bed and pulled out the attached tie that had been tucked between the mattresses. “There are four.”

  “I need only two.”

  He moved off her only long enough to attach the silk strands. When he finished binding her wrists, she tested the material. Her arms had some movement, and she had no doubt Jarod would release her if asked, but she still felt a little vulnerable.

  Lowering himself onto her body until his mouth hovered above hers, he kissed her. It was a slow melding of the lips that made her breath hitch and heart pound. His tongue slipped into her mouth and danced with hers. He tasted like mints and like need. He released her mouth then licked the seam of her mouth. Her pulse leapt at the unexpected eroticism of such an act.

  “You have the most beautiful breasts,” he said.

  “And here I thought you liked me for my keen intelligence and acerbic wit.”

  He grinned, obviously unrepentant about his love of boobs. Just to mess with him, she wiggled her chest.

  Jarod took that as an invitation a
nd cupped her breasts. The feel of his strong, warm fingers against her aching flesh made her squirm. He pinched the nipples into hardness and she felt the buds tighten almost painfully. He kept pulling and tugging and she kept moaning and squirming. It was like he’d plucked a string that connected her nipples to her pussy. She shivered with liquid desire. “I like it when you suck on my nipples.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yes. A lot.”

  “What a coincidence. I like it when I suck on your nipples too.”

  His mouth surrounded one tight bud and his tongue flicked the peak. Pleasure jolted through her, spearing her at the core. He laved her nipple, suckling one while his hand tormented the other. Then he switched mouth and hand and she went up in flames, wiggling some more against him. His penis bumped her clit and she cried out at the tortuous contact.

  Crawling down her body, hot fingers dragged sensuously down her skin as his mouth trailed a wet line to her navel. His tongue encircled her stomach before sliding oh so slowly to her thigh. He pushed apart her legs and kissed the flesh on either side of her cunt. He parted the folds to taste her.

  Honey tugged at the silk holding her hostage and bucked her hips, wanting Jarod’s mouth on her, desperately. His tongue flicked her clit, teasing the hard nub before sliding down and tasting her again.

  God almighty. His kisses drove her wild.

  His tongue delved into her slit, licked the juice pearling there, then his mouth settled on her clit and sucked it, hard. The orgasm swelled, waves of pleasure threatening, then burst, sensation after joyous sensation rolling over her. She moaned and bucked, her cunt pulsating as she came.

  “One,” he murmured, and damned if he didn’t sound smug. She didn’t know if she should feel amused or annoyed.

  From somewhere in the bedding, he produced a condom. She watched as he rolled it onto his erection.

  Jarod pushed her legs up and forward until her heels rested on his shoulders. She panted, still shuddering from Orgasm One, when he lifted her hips and, without so much as a by-your-leave, plunged his cock inside her. He impaled her to the womb, stretching her and filling her in a way that made her shudder all over again.

  His hands slid under her ass and adjusted the angle. She felt his dick slid along her G-spot and a rush of breath left her. She clawed at the silk, her back arching. “Oh my God. Do it again.”

  He not only did it again, he did it just right. His hands were sweaty on her thighs as he held onto her legs and pumped into her again and again. The rocking of their bodies singed her to the core. She heard the erotic slap of flesh as their bodies met. And she saw the glazed look of lust in his eyes that surely reflected her own.

  Then there was that thick, delicious cock piercing her over and over and over.

  She felt the rise of another orgasm. Her body strained toward bliss as her mind reeled with the implication that Jarod might very well do as he promised.

  His thumb rubbed her clit and he fucked her harder, his cock pistoning into her pussy. She pulled on the silk bonds and closed her eyes, matching his movements, her heart pounding, sweat slickening her skin. His low moans brought her closer to another orgasm…

  “I love how you feel,” he said, “So warm and wet and tight.”

  She plunged over the edge into bliss. As stars exploded behind her eyes, she vaguely realized that Jarod was groaning, plunging deeply…coming inside her pussy. She convulsed around his cock, mini-waves of pleasure undulating from her core.

  “Two,” he said with a grin.

  Honey was too satisfied to berate him for arrogance.

  He slipped out of her then left the bed to dispose of the condom. When he returned, he kneeled between her legs and massaged her quivering thighs, leaning down to kiss her knees. He spent an inordinate amount of time on her legs, kissing and stroking. It wasn’t so much a seduction as a way to relax her.

  Slowly, her body gave way to his gentle touches and before long, she sank into the mattress, drowsy and sated.

  Her eyes had drifted closed and she faded into a half-awake state. Jarod had fucked the energy right out of her. She felt deliciously mellow.

  When she felt Jarod’s mouth on her nipple, sucking it into hardness, she smiled and murmured encouragement. Lust stirred anew. She’d never had such an eager, willing, tender partner. Then she felt something looped around her left nipple. Her eyes slitted open. She looked at the tiny black leather nipple clamp. Jarod pushed the tightener up until her nipple tingled with pleasurable pain. Then he paid exquisite attention to her right nipple. With its tightener pushed until the bud pulsed and ached, Jarod turned his attention to a third item.

  “You’ve rummaged my drawers,” she said in a lazy voice.

  He chuckled. “You have quite a stash of goodies. I liked this one in particular.”

  He held a clitoris clamp, which reminded her of an oversized silver bobby pin. She watched him trace the object with his forefinger. “I can’t wait to put this on you.”

  “Then don’t wait.”

  Her body had pulsed to life, no longer feeling languorous or tired. How he’d managed to rev her up so many times in so short a period still wowed her.

  His fingers parted her pussy and he carefully pushed the clamp onto her clit. The nub reacted to the constriction with pleasurable tingling. “Going for number three, then?”

  “Damn right.”

  The vibrator whirred on and Honey watched as Jarod placed the pink tip onto her tormented clitoris. As he rubbed her clit gently with the toy, nearly unbearable sensations rocketed through her.

  She gasped then panted then lost breath.

  He moved the vibrator across her swollen flesh and circled her entrance. “You’re so wet,” he said, his voice low and harsh. “You have a beautiful pussy. I love watching you. Love doing this to you.”

  “Do it to me some more.”

  He rewarded her for that sassy comment. The pulsating toy pressed inside and Jarod maneuvered it up just a little. With small, quick strokes, he fucked her with the vibrator.

  Orgasm Three nearly melted her bones.

  All the pleasure points triangulated into one big explosion.

  Her hips surged off the bed. A sob caught in her throat. She screamed his name.

  Then she was floating softly, softly back to Earth.

  Jarod removed the nipple cuffs and clit clamp, loosed her numb wrists and gathered her into his arms. She snuggled into his embrace. Wow-oh-wow. She felt so incredibly wonderful. Safe. Happy. Well-loved.

  Then Jarod leaned down and whispered, “How did you know my name?”

  Heart pounding, Honey splayed her fingers on his chest. “I know who you are,” she admitted. “I made some inquiries after that kiss at the Morrisons’ party.”

  “Isn’t that breaking the rules of the Sex Club?” he asked. He sounded playful, not angry.

  “You could’ve done the same,” she accused. She bit her lip. Stupid to sound that way. Like she had a right to be petulant about his behavior. “I guess that kiss wasn’t as…memorable for you.”

  “I wouldn’t have showed up if that kiss hadn’t boiled me alive.” His fingers edged along her mask. “I didn’t think you wanted to be known. And that’s the reason I asked to unmask you. I want to know your name. I want to see your face. I want to know your favorite color and if you like baseball and if you prefer chocolate or flowers on a first date.”

  Honey felt her heart plummet to her toes. He sounded so romantic. So eager to take steps beyond being just bed partners. And oh, how she wanted it. Wanted it badly.

  The mask shifted and, coward that she was, she closed her eyes as he lifted away the lace-edged plastic. For a long, terrible moment, she heard nothing.

  Then he inhaled sharply and said, “You.”

  The word was pure heat. Pure accusation. With nervousness clawing at her stomach, Honey opened her eyes and met his gaze. He looked shocked. And betrayed.

  “What did you hope to gain from this…this charade?” he as
ked. Already he was rolling away from her and off the bed. He searched for his clothes, pulling on the jeans he found first. “You’ve already put the squeeze on ProCare. This your way of making sure we go under? You like your men naked, don’t you, Honey?”

  “Damn right I do,” she said. She let him verbally flog her. Let him be pissed off. She deserved it for not revealing herself to him before they’d played together. “This wasn’t about business. It was about pleasure.”

  “You got cameras in here? Am I going to see myself in the Clement Falls Tribune buck-naked? Good thing it wasn’t me in those bonds.”

  That insult cut her like jagged glass scraped across her chest. But the image of him being tied up and at her mercy also sent a wave of lust through her. Lord, what fun it would be to take him…big, strong Jarod McClure…take him until he begged for her mercy.

  She sat up and glared at him. “You don’t know me. Or what kind of woman I am. But I would never hurt you like that. And I would never do something to betray the Club.”

  He tugged on his shirt and found his socks and boots. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

  “You’re upset. You have a right to be. But I just wanted…you. I’m sorry I hurt you by not telling you who I was. But c’mon, Jarod. I saw the stars with you. You’ve got me twisted into knots. No other man’s done that. Not like you. We have something that we can build on.”

  “Lies and mistrust?” His gaze burned into hers and she felt tears prick at her eyes. “I don’t cotton to that, Miss Sinclair. You can’t build anything on that kind of flimsy foundation.”

  “Would you have taken me?” she asked softly. “If I had introduced myself as Honey Sinclair, would you have met me and done the same beautiful, wicked things?”

  He was dressed now. He ran agitated fingers through his hair. He smiled grimly at her. “Guess we’ll never know, will we?”

  Jarod turned and strode to the door, unlocked it and left.

  She swallowed the knot in her throat then fell back onto the bed. Shoot. That had not gone well. She cried, feeling the pain of losing something she hadn’t quite had in the first place. How could you miss what had never really been yours?


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