Ark of Fire

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Ark of Fire Page 36

by C. M. Palov

  Seating himself in front of the laptop, he quickly pulled up the missive.

  “It’s beautiful,” he whispered, examining the architectural blueprint that had been forwarded to him. “Absolutely beautiful.”

  The construction plans for the Third Temple.

  Based on the precise description given by the prophet Ezekiel—cubits having been converted to feet and inches—the temple would be constructed on the same parcel of sacred land where the First and Second Temples once stood. When completed, it would rival the beauty of even Solomon’s fabled marvel.

  Only two more days.

  Two days until Eid al-Adha. The Muslim Day of Sacrifice. The day when two million Muslims would be gathered at Mecca. And when those two million infidels learned that the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem had been destroyed, they would go on a violent and bloody rampage. That rampage would incite them to take up arms against Christians and Jews. To become the fierce and bloodthirsty army of Gog. As foretold by the prophet Ezekiel.

  A battle between Good and Evil would ensue.

  But this time the crusaders will be victorious.

  With the destruction of the gaudy and heathenish Dome of the Rock, the beloved Children of God would finally be delivered from the Islamic tyranny, the gold-plated shrine having been built over the exact site where Solomon’s Temple once stood. For the first time in eight hundred years, God’s sacred parcel, the Temple Mount, would again be a place of holy worship.

  Obliterating the Dome of the Rock from the Jerusalem skyline had been planned to the last detail; the Muslims had actually simplified the mission op. For years now the Islamic Trust, the supposed caretakers of the Temple Mount, had turned a blind eye to the six-hundred-foot-long bulge in the southern wall. Given its present condition, the ancient foundation wall was already in a severely weakened state. With the insertion of a few carefully placed IEDs, the wall would come tumblin’ down, bringing with it the newly built al-Marwani mosque that had been constructed on the southern end of the Temple Mount. In the ensuing chaos, his demolition experts would then be able to set a ring of high-powered explosives around the exterior perimeter of the closely guarded Dome of the Rock.

  The old bait and switch.

  The infidels would never know what hit them.

  With the second explosion, the path would literally be cleared for the construction of the Third Temple.

  Only then could the Ark of the Covenant be returned to its anointed place within the Holy of Holies. Only then could the Ark become the vehicle through which heaven and earth become one. And only then could a new covenant be made between man and God, paving the way for a holy kingdom that would prosper for a thousand years. A true theocracy where nonbelievers would be judged swiftly and harshly. One Christian nation under God.

  “Sir, the sentries just made their rounds and have given the all clear.”

  Stan glanced at his gunnery sergeant, who stood in the doorway. The sitrep did little to allay his fears. So far, the lanky Englishman had proven a worthy adversary, somehow managing to kill two of his best men. Though he was certain that Aisquith had no way of knowing the Ark had been brought to Malta, he couldn’t forget that the man had done what many before him had tried and failed to do—he’d found the Ark of the Covenant.

  “Keep me posted.”

  Snatching the night-vision goggles, Stan walked over to the window. Elbows braced on the limestone sill, he returned his gaze to the sea.

  One if by land, two if by sea.

  He chuckled, amused by the thought. Like the founding fathers, he, too, was about to launch a revolution. One of biblical proportions.


  Hurriedly Caedmon made his way up the treacherous path cut into the side of the limestone cliff, grateful for the faint light shed by the cluster of stars overhead. Particularly because he couldn’t risk using the torch. At least not until he had reached the summit and surveyed the area. MacFarlane would undoubtedly have sentries posted. Men who would not hesitate to shoot at a stray beam of light.

  His forty-year-old knees aching from the strenuous ascent, he was very much aware of the fact that he no longer had the power and might of Her Majesty’s government behind him. He was on his own. The lone and hungry wolf.

  He snorted, amused by the thought.

  In sheep’s clothing, I daresay.

  Huffing slightly, he reached the top, the top being a treeless, rocky plateau. About two hundred meters to the northwest, he could discern the outline of St. Paul’s tower, the only visible landmark on the barren escarpment. Once, long centuries ago, the Knights of St. John had used the tower to signal ships at sea. Wishing he had a pair of night-vision goggles, he thought he saw what looked to be a large military transport truck parked beside the tower.

  MacFarlane could possibly have the Ark stored inside St. Paul’s tower. Out of sight from prying eyes. Or stowed inside the truck, ready for transport.

  Standing motionless, he scanned the rocky terrain, searching for a telltale sound or a blurred bit of motion. Something to indicate that he was not alone. That others lurked in the shadows.

  A good two minutes passed before he saw a faint flicker, little more than a pinprick of light.

  A burning cigarette.

  The target sighted, he set forth.

  As he navigated his way across the bramble-strewn escarpment, his thoughts turned to the Knights of St. John, who for nearly three centuries had patrolled those same craggy heights, safeguarding their domain from Turkish corsairs. During the Great Siege of 1565, sixty of those stalwart knights had defended the fort at St. Elmo against a Turkish force numbering eight thousand strong. Perhaps this night, history would repeat itself.

  Lord, he hoped so. The thought that he might never again set his gaze upon Edie Miller’s face left him bereft.

  He quickly shoved the wayward thought aside, turning his attention to the man negligently leaning against a large slab of limestone, a lit cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

  And an H&K MP5 submachine gun cradled against his chest.

  Though it was difficult to see in the murky shadows, Caedmon assumed the man’s finger was on the trigger and that the safety had been disengaged.

  Coming to a standstill, keeping to the shadows cast by the limestone outcropping, he slid the five-inch diving knife from its sheath. The hilt securely grasped in his right hand, he inched forward, hoping the sentry didn’t suddenly spin around. Praying he didn’t inadvertently kick a loose stone. To his dismay, he saw that the other man had a communications device protruding from the side of his head.

  If the sentry so much as whimpered, the game would be over before it even began.

  Caedmon slowed his breathing. An age-old trick to calm one’s nerves.

  Then, having come to within two feet of the sentry, he lunged forward.

  In one smooth, surefooted motion, the movement ingrained from his long-ago training, he grasped the other man from the rear, clasping a hand over his mouth as he yanked his head back, exposing the jugular vein and carotid artery. First he slashed. Then he ripped.

  Warm blood gushed from the opened artery.

  A silent kill.

  As the sentry dropped to the ground, Caedmon shoved his finger into the weapon’s trigger guard and yanked the H&K MP5 out of the dying man’s grasp, knowing that a spent round would be his undoing.

  Sliding his arm through the submachine gun’s shoulder strap, he crouched beside the now-dead sentry, relieving him of the radio equipment, the device both a blessing and a beast. Although he’d be able to monitor sentry movement in and around the tower, when the dead sentry failed to report in, MacFarlane and his cutthroats would know they had an enemy in their midst.


  Edie sat up and hacked, the frigid sea air scalding her lungs.

  Damn Caedmon Aisquith.

  Her head ached. Her body ached. And, not unexpectedly, her heart ached; Caedmon hadn’t trusted her to pull her weight. So what did he do
? He cut her adrift. No warning. No discussion. Just wham-bam, thank you, ma’am.

  Rolling onto all fours, she awkwardly shoved herself to her feet. She glanced at her left wrist. No watch. Because the cheapo Timex wasn’t waterproof, she’d left it behind at the hotel.

  She wondered how long she’d been out. Hopefully not too long.

  With a groan, she bent at the waist, snatching the flashlight.

  “How considerate,” she muttered, wishing her AWOL partner had instead left her a bottle of aspirin.

  Knowing the anger wouldn’t get her off the desolate strip of beach, Edie tilted her head back and peered upward, the sea cliff like an impregnable fortress wall. One that she intended to ascend. Just a few months ago she’d mastered the rock wall at one of D.C.’s largest sporting-goods stores.

  So, I’m good to go.

  Furtively, she searched the rocky shoreline, recalling that Caedmon had said something about a nearby path. Switching on the flashlight, she followed the footprints that he’d left in the sandy soil, tracking them about forty feet.

  Right to the trailhead.

  Afraid the flashlight might attract unwanted attention, she flipped it off, securing it in one of the elasticized loops on the waistband of her hiking pants. Hands free, she carefully began the steep climb up the incised stone steps. She wondered if it was the Barbary pirates or the Knights of St. John who had undertaken the painstaking chore of carving what amounted to a staircase into the side of the sea cliff. No doubt Caedmon would have been able to pull that particular factoid out of his hat. Had he been there.

  Damn him, anyway. The man actually thought that he could take on the doomsday prophet all by himself. MacFarlane would fight him tooth and nail. And his loyal followers would use far deadlier weapons.

  That thought spurring her on, Edie glanced behind her and saw that she was only at the halfway mark. Her breathing noticeably labored, she struggled to keep on climbing, stunned to realize she was pathetically out of shape.

  Finally, sheer willpower coming to the fore, her leg muscles having long since turned to rubber, she reached the summit. With nothing she could do about the burning scrape on the palm of her hand, she wiped the blood as best she could against her pant leg.

  At a glance, she could see that she was standing on a flat-topped ridge. A pitiless place that in the light of day probably resembled nothing so much as a big asteroid. Only the faint whiff of rosemary indicated that it could actually sustain some sort of vegetative life.

  In the distance she saw a tall, circular tower. That being the only building in sight, she headed in that direction.

  As she got closer to the tower, she saw a large canvas-covered truck parked outside. It was the kind of vehicle one might see on a military installation. Hoping it wasn’t loaded with armed soldiers, she headed toward it. Trying to keep as low a profile as possible, she hunched over, running in a crouched position. The way people scurried about in the movies.

  She hadn’t gone far when she saw a bear of a man emerge from the tower and head toward the truck.

  Boyd Braxton.

  Terrified, Edie came to an abrupt halt. Needing a weapon, and needing one quick, she snatched a jagged rock from the ground.

  Give me strength, God.

  The same kind of strength that had enabled Samson to slay a thousand foes with the jawbone of an ass.

  Edie glanced at the harmless-looking rock clutched in her hand.

  If only she had the jawbone of an ass.


  Pondering his next move, Caedmon stared at the watchtower that loomed a hundred meters away. Absently, he stroked the smooth metal of the H&K MP5, wondering if a little shock and awe wasn’t in order. That would certainly ensnare MacFarlane’s attention.

  And, no doubt, would get him killed in the bargain. Without ever having set eyes upon the Ark.

  No, he needed a far more subtle tactic. An unexpected trap. Something that would lure MacFarlane’s men away from the tower where he presumed the Ark was being stored, enabling him to sneak inside and decapitate the serpent. And maybe, if he was lucky, he could then exit the tower with none of the bully boys the wiser. The wily fox outwitting the ferocious pack of hounds.

  But how best to create the necessary diversion?

  If he were anywhere else in the world, he would start a fire. However, other than a few windblown brambles, there was no combustible tinder to be had. He did have the portable laser light, a last-minute purchase. Perhaps he could do something with that.

  Like a man mesmerized by a dangling crystal, he continued to stare at the tower. The Ark of the Covenant was near at hand. Yet completely unattainable.

  Had Stanford MacFarlane deciphered its secrets? Had he donned the Stones of Fire, stood before the Ark, and communed directly with God?

  “We’ve got a breach on the northwest quadrant. Somebody just tripped the security laser.”

  Hearing that disembodied voice in his earpiece, Caedmon’s breath caught in his throat.


  He scanned the promontory, searching for that familiar, curly-haired silhouette, knowing he had to find her before MacFarlane did.


  Standing as still as a Grecian marble, Edie surreptitiously watched as Boyd Braxton threw back the canvas tarp on the military-style truck and swung open the tailgate. She assumed that he was about to unload something. Or else he was getting the truck ready to be loaded. Whichever scenario it was, it had to have something to do the Ark. Of that she was certain.

  Taking deep measured breaths, she continued to watch Braxton, curious as to why he suddenly pressed a finger to his ear. Just before he pulled his gun out of its shoulder holster, turned on his heel, and took off running.

  Something had spooked the man. But what could possibly have—

  Oh, God! They’d found Caedmon.

  Swiveling her head back and forth, squinting to better see in the murky shadows, she searched the rocky promontory.

  It was like searching the dark side of the moon.

  Belatedly realizing that it really was a whole lot like being on the moon in that there was no place to hide, she began to shiver.

  A few moments later, four men emerged from the tower, carrying what looked to be a large shipping container. Two other men, stubby machine guns at the ready, followed in their wake.

  Without being told, Edie knew that the Ark of the Covenant was inside the shipping container.

  Her heart painfully thudding against her breastbone, she watched as it was loaded into the back of the truck. That done, the two armed guards took up a position on either side of the vehicle, the four load bearers returning to the tower.

  Slowly, she backed away from her observation post.

  She’d taken no more than three tentative steps when a large hand was slapped over her mouth, an unseen assailant bodily lifting her off the ground.


  “Keep your hair on!” a distinctly English voice hissed in her ear. “We don’t want to alert them to our position.”

  Releasing his hand from her mouth, Caedmon stepped in front of her; Edie was surprised to see a machine gun strapped to his chest. A disgusted look on his face, he snatched the rock that she still had clutched in her hand.

  “First they would have to know that we’re here before—”

  “They do know!”

  Cinching a hand around her upper arm, he unceremoniously pulled her to the ground, the two of them squaring off in a low squat.

  “Have you lost your bloody mind?” His warm breath hit her full in the face. Not bothering to ask permission, he yanked one of her hands to his face. The palm of her scraped hand was smeared with blood.

  “Don’t say it. I’m here. Deal with it.”

  “I can render you unconscious at any moment, so kindly do not tell me what I can or cannot do.”

  “That reminds me . . . did you have to hit me so hard?”

  “Be thankful it was me doing the hitting and not o
ne of MacFarlane’s thugs. And before you rail at me further, I had no choice in the matter. You were the one who issued the ultimatum.” For several seconds he stared into her eyes. Then, raising his left hand, he gently caressed the side of her face. “I am truly sorry, Edie, that I hurt you.” Both his features and his voice had noticeably softened.

  “My feelings are more hurt than anything else. Mainly because you didn’t trust me enough to—”

  “I trust you with my life. And I will do all in my power to safeguard yours.” He removed his hand from her cheek. Taking her by the elbow, he urged her to stand upright. “You are to follow my lead. No harebrained heroics or I will stuff my kerchief in your lovely mouth before binding you hand and foot.”

  “If you did that, I wouldn’t be able to tell you that they loaded the Ark into the back of that big truck. Oh, and how about giving me a weapon?”

  Reaching into his pocket, he removed something that resembled a capped ink pen. “Here.”

  “What am I supposed to do with this?”

  “Shine it directly into an assailant’s eyes. I don’t have time to explain the laws of photonics, except to say that it will instantaneously induce a state of temporary blindness. So please be sure that the business end is pointing away from you when the light is activated.”

  Edie reluctantly took the portable laser light. “I was hoping that you might give me your diving knife, seeing as how you managed to find yourself a machine—”

  Just then, she heard a sound—the friction of rubber on stone—emanating from a booted footfall.

  Frantically, she glanced at Caedmon.

  Amazingly calm, he put his left index finger to his lips, cautioning her to silence, while at the same time he placed his right index finger on the trigger of the submachine gun strapped across his chest.

  Suddenly, surprising Edie with his quickness, he pulled off a lightning-fast one-eighty spin.

  “Drop your weapon and remove the headset! Now!”

  Realizing his pistol was no match for Caedmon’s mightier weapon, Boyd Braxton obediently put his pistol on the ground, kicking it in Caedmon’s direction. That done, he yanked off the headset and, snidely smiling, tossed it several feet away. “You didn’t want that, did you?”


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