Spring Break Navy SEAL (A Spring Breakers Short Story)

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Spring Break Navy SEAL (A Spring Breakers Short Story) Page 3

by Sierra Hill



  I’m trained to be light sleeper and to be ever alert and cognizant of my surrounding environment at all times, even during sleep.

  So, I’m surprised that I fell asleep so soundly.

  I guess that’s bound to happen after a really great night of sex. Sometime after the third round of fucking Abbie in the wee hours of the morning, I was out like a light until a draft of air from an open door startled me awake.

  I come to, immediately realizing Abbie must have left without saying goodbye. I scramble out of bed to find my shorts and run to the door, hoping I’m in time to see which direction she went.

  I’m not normally one for repeats, but last night was pretty fucking amazing. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the weekend with Abbie in my bed. Or in the shower or against the wall. All of which happened last night.

  The hot morning sun blazes from above, as I stand groggy and barefoot, trying to pinpoint the direction she took off in. Unfortunately, I see no sign of her but do spot Zeke, the groom-to-be, ambling across the lawn with a grin upon his face, carrying two cups of coffee.

  “Morning, sailor,” he salutes with a raise of a cup. “I see you’re awake and bright-eyed-and-bushy-tailed. Or maybe just bush and tail.”

  My older brother Zeke can be such a dick, but I am obligated to be nice since he is getting married this weekend. I haven’t even met his fiancée, Erica, yet, since they live in New York City and he’s only known her for six months during which time I’ve been deployed.

  “Thanks brother. Good to see you made it in one piece.” I give him a slap on the back hug and take the coffee from his hand.

  “How was the flight? Everything good so far?”

  We walk out toward the courtyard and take seats in the open café spot. Zeke shrugs.

  “Yeah. Things good, but shit’s about to get serious.”

  His voice sounds strange, almost reluctant, but when I focus on him, he wears a smile.

  He cocks his head, assessing me. “You got lucky last night, didn’t ya? Not that I’m surprised. You’re a mother fucking SEAL.”

  He laughs good-heartedly. Zeke’s an investment banker on Wall Street. Boring as shit job, if you ask me, but he’s never been lacking in the female company, either. He works hard and plays hard, which is why I was very surprised to hear he was getting married. Especially after only knowing her for six months.

  But apparently, time is irrelevant because when you know, you know.

  Or so they say.

  All I know is last night with Abbie was pretty damn fun. We actually had some good conversation in between rounds of sex and foreplay. I learned she’s in grad school finishing her Masters’ Degree in Oceanography. Something about saving the oceans, which are bearing the brunt of global warming and climate change.

  She’s smart, cute and sexy as fuck. And I’m oddly disappointed I won’t see her again. She didn’t leave a number and didn’t even ask for mine. She just took off while I was asleep. So, unless I’m lucky enough to run into her this weekend, I’m hosed.

  Zeke slaps me on the back to regain my attention. “What’s on tap for tonight? You do have something planned for us, right? It is in your best man job description.”

  My brother thinks I’m still the idiot kid brother who’s unable to follow through on things. I finish off my coffee and flip him off.

  “Yes, I have something planned, you cocksucker. We’re doing a dive this afternoon and then hitting the Waves Beach Club for dinner, drinks and merriment.”

  My brother nods and smiles. “All right then. I’ll go tell Erica what’s up and we’ll gather the troops for lunch.”

  As I head back to my hotel room to get showered and shaved, I realize how tired I really must be because it dawns on me as I step under the cool spray of water.

  The reason why Abbie is down here for spring break. She mentioned it last night. She’s here for one of her college sorority sister’s wedding.

  Holy shit.

  Could I be so lucky?

  Stepping out of the shower, I towel off and shoot a quick text to Zeke.

  Yo. Where did Erica go to college?

  A few minutes pass and the three dots appear as I wait for his answer.

  I have the razor in hand and shaving cream on my beard when the phone lights up with his response.

  Z: Oak Ridge University

  Hmm. Well, maybe the chances aren’t are perfect as I thought they might be.

  I distinctly remember Abbie mentioning she’s in school at UC San Diego in La Jolla at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Which is a far cry from Oak Ridge in the Northeast.

  I guess that plan is out. I’ll just have to look her up when I get back to Coronado.

  At least I have proximity working for me.



  A day out in the sun with the girls was exactly what I needed.

  We’ve been sipping our fruity tropical drinks, laying by the enormous pineapple-shaped pool, chatting about our lives, and generally getting caught up on what everyone’s been doing the last few years.

  And it’s given me the distraction I need to get the night I spent with Zayne out of my head.

  But nothing short of a sledge hammer against my noggin can do anything to obliterate the fantastic memories he left me with.

  It was a shame I had to sneak out of his room earlier this morning without a goodbye. But I thought it was for the best. I didn’t want that awkwardness of the morning after to be the thing we were left with upon our departure.

  But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reminiscing about all the fantastically obscene and gloriously sexual things he did to my body.

  Good lord, is it hot out or what?

  “Hey, you. What are you grinning about over here?”

  My eyes pop open at the sound of Erica’s voice, who stands at the foot of my lounge chair with a sarong wrapped around her petite bikini-clad body and a suspicious smirk across her wide mouth.

  I try to shrug it off, shading my eyes with my hand as I glance up at her.

  “What? Nothing. I’m just relaxed and happy.”

  And dammit, Charli chooses this moment to walk up and snort-laugh at my comment.

  “Mmm-hmm. Relaxed and happy after a hookup with Mr. Navy SEAL. I bet he put you through some rigorous workouts last night, didn’t he, Abs?”

  She snickers with a salacious eyebrow raise.

  I give her the finger. “How’d you know Zayne was a SEAL?”

  The only reason I knew about his profession was upon seeing him naked, Zayne’s dog tags were exposed, making me curious as to what division he was in. I was not at all surprised to learn he was a SEAL.

  Charli waves me off. “Well, duh. After you left last night, I was hanging with his crew. I may have had a little fun myself with Tony and Mel, his SEAL team crew.

  I hear a strangled noise from Erica and my eyes snag on hers again. She’s gone ghost-white.

  “Erica, are you okay? Do you need to sit down? Have some water?”

  I scoot up, swinging my legs over the side of the chair and pat the spot next to me. She sits down slowly and grabs her head, fingertips massaging her temple.

  “You slept with my soon-to-be brother in law.”

  Charli’s eyes snag mine with a penetrating stare. I blanche. And then in unison, the three of us all let out an, “Oh my God.”

  Hanging my head in embarrassment, I mumble out my apology.

  “Erica, I had no idea. Zayne only mentioned that he was down here on leave. I never asked why.”

  And then it hits me. If he’s here for the wedding, I’m going to see him again.

  Erica’s tone grows serious and she gives me an empathetic look. “Honey, that’s not a big deal that you slept with him. It’s just that…”

  She pauses and I cock my head to the side, now very interested in what she has to say about the man.

  “Just what?” Charli asks, demonstrating her interest i
n it, as well.

  Erica heaves a sigh. “Well, I’ve never officially met Zayne before, but Zeke has told me stories. Mostly about his travels. But he has mentioned that Zayne’s a player and not interested in settling down. Apparently, he uses women just like Natalie uses her credit card. Often and fast.”

  We all turn our attention down the row of lounge chairs to our college friend, Natalie, who has been known to max out her several credit cards on her spending habits and new Jimmy Choos.

  Natalie, her face covered by an oversized straw hat, is texting and is oblivious to what we’re talking about.

  While it does sting a little to hear that Zayne is such a lady’s man, I’m not hurt by the fact. It doesn’t matter about his sex life, because it was only ever going to be a one-time fling.

  I return my gaze to Erica and pat her hand. “It’s fine. It was just a hook-up. I just don’t want things to get weird now that you know we slept together, okay?”

  She nods her head fervently and makes the mouth-zipping gesture with her fingers. “Of course. Mum’s the word.”

  I nod and raise my empty glass, the cocktail umbrella hanging precariously at the edge, just as Erica squeals and jumps from the lounge chair.

  “There’s Zeke and the boys! Make room, ladies. We have company.”

  I turn my head, shielding my eyes from the sun, able to see only a shadow of the group of men walking toward us.

  But then from behind the group of four men emerges a familiar figure. One I now know intimately all too well.

  Zayne’s naughty smirk indicates he’s actually happy to see me.

  And remembers exactly what I looked like naked.


  This just became the world’s most uncomfortable after-hookup-meeting ever.



  “Erica, ladies, let me introduce you to my brother, Zayne.”

  I do my best to engage in the obligatory introductions, but honestly, all my attention is wrapped up in the bikini-wearing Abbie lounging in the chair before me, who looks like she wants to crawl in a hole and die.

  The thought amuses me, simply because it’s so completely opposite from my reaction. I’m thrilled to see her again. Especially looking so relaxed and spectacularly gorgeous in the little red string bikini she’s wearing. My dick perks up as I consider removing said bikini bottoms and fucking her right in this cabana.

  After a fun morning deep-sea fishing and diving, and enjoying a great lunch of lobster, crab and swordfish, Zeke and the guys decided we’d head down to the pool for a little R&R before our dinner and club night.

  I’m personally not a ‘lay by the pool’ kind of guy, but now I’m pretty fucking glad I came down. And seriously happy to learn that Abbie is indeed one of Erica’s bridal party attendants.

  I embrace Erica in a brief hug. “Nice to finally meet you.”

  When she pulls back, she eyes me suspiciously and then steals a glance down at Abbie, who is still trying to pretend I don’t exist.

  “Nice to meet you, too. I hear you’ve already met a few of my bridesmaids.”

  I give a bemused chuckle. “So it seems. Nice to see you again, Charli and Abbie.”

  Charli waves and Abbie grimaces, quickly avoiding my gaze. But I’m not about to let this go.

  “In fact, Abbie, I wanted to talk with you again.” I turn my attention to Erica and Zeke. “Mind if I steal her a way for a bit?”

  Zeke’s confused. Erica looks curious. Charli is ecstatic. And Abbie. Well, let’s just say Abbie is about to spit nails.

  “Sure, be my guest,” Erica gestures, as I extricate a groaning Abbie from her chair that Erica confiscates. “Just make sure she’s back before seven tonight.”

  Abbie scoffs loudly. “Excuse me. I’m right here! I can speak for myself.”

  Everyone finds this funny and laughs as I escort her away from prying eyes and toward an empty cabana at the far end of the pool deck.

  “You don’t need to manhandle me,” she grumbles, trying to wiggle from my hold.

  “Huh. You didn’t seem to mind that last night.”

  “Oh my God, don’t even…”

  But I don’t allow her to get the words out as I shut the cabana tent flaps and attack her mouth.

  She goes slack in my arms, as I sweep one hand under her tight, hot ass, covered only by a tiny scrap of material. The other I sling around her waist, lifting her up in my arms so I can kiss the ever-loving fuck out of her.

  Her response is stiff at first, but within seconds she’s wrapped her arms around my neck and legs around my waist like a monkey climbing a tree. After giving generous attention to her mouth, I reluctantly pull back.

  “Why did you sneak out of my room and not leave your number?”

  I strum my fingers down her spine, the warmth fanning the flames of heat in my dick. I carry her over to the cabana couch and sit down, situating her on my lap in a straddle.

  Her head is down in a contemplative gesture, and I lift her chin with my finger so she’s looking at me.

  She heaves a sigh, the movement pushing her breasts up and making my cock strain into her crotch which is right there, giving me dirty, dirty thoughts. Her eyes grow wild and hungry.

  She groans, in what I think is pleasure, but could mean something else. “I – I didn’t expect to see you again.”

  I would laugh if I wasn’t ready to bust a nut and bury myself in this girl.

  I let my lips trail a path along her exposed neck, nipping and licking my way up to her ear, where I bite her earlobe between my teeth. The action has her grinding against my erection.

  “And yet here we are again. You can’t shake me. I think it’s fate.”

  “You were only supposed to be a one-night thing. I didn’t want to see you again.”

  I give her pouty lip and a hip thrust upwards. “I’m crushed. Is that how you really feel about me right now?”

  Her harsh comment actually does some nerve damage, spearing tiny pin pricks in my heart deflating my ego. It’s never mattered much before what a woman thought of me because I would never saw them again. But Abbie does matter to me. I want her to feel the same way about me.

  I slide a hand down the front of her bikini-bottom, fingering the scalloped edge before slipping it inside to find her drenched.

  We both moan together. “Answer me, Abbie. Do you want me to leave you alone, or fuck you again?”

  This time I slide my finger inside her pussy as she rears against me, riding in earnest.

  “Oh my God, Zayne. Yes. I do. Please, I do.”

  But then it becomes imperative for the health of my ego to know why she didn’t want to see me again, so I extract my finger as she gasps in protest.

  “Why didn’t you want to see me again?”

  I grab her hips to stop her movement and give her a pointed look.

  “It’s not you, it’s me. I’m not looking for anything more than one night and don’t want anything serious. But the way you made me feel last night...”

  I plaster my hands on both sides of her cheeks, my tongue separating her lips and sliding inside, sweeping through her mouth and tasting the Pina colada on her tongue.

  “I felt it, too. It seems fast, but goddamn it, it feels so good with you. I need one more night with you, Abbie. Then you never have to see me again if you don’t want to.”

  The sensation that sizzles in my heart from her small hands grasping behind my neck, tugging at my hair, and the way her lips lock with mine, only proves that this won’t be the end between us.

  It’s only the beginning.



  I don’t know how this happened.

  Or how we got here. Or what the hell I’m even thinking.

  Clearly, I’m not because I’ve been swept away by lust.

  One minute I’m thrown off course seeing Zayne again, having learned he’s my friend’s soon-to-be brother-in-law, and the next thing I know, I’ve turned into a breathless, panting hussy f
rom his kisses.

  Or perhaps it’s just the intense combustible reaction I have with Zayne that buzzes and swarms in my belly like a hive of bees, fueling my desire and need to be connected with him that makes me act this way.

  Either way, I’ve allowed myself to get carried away – literally – as he swept me off my feet and transported me into this private tent, where our hands, mouths, tongues are everywhere.

  Zayne slips a hand in his pocket and whips out a condom, undoing the drawstring in his swim trunks, where I find he’s commando.

  “You’ve been on my mind all day,” he says, palming his massive erection poking up into my belly as I salivate for what he’s got.

  “I like knowing that. You’ve been on mine, too.”

  I push his hand away, grasping him hard, barely able to enclose him in my fist. The sharp intake of air he inhales gives me an excited thrill. “You didn’t let me touch this last night. I’m remedying that now.”

  My finger rolls over the smoothed, but taut head, flicking at the beads of pre-cum. My eyes flicker up to his face to see his reaction. It’s a mix between pleasure and agony as I stroke him from root to tip.

  “Fuck, that’s good.”

  And then I slip from his lap onto my knees between his parted legs and a small, appreciative noise emerges from my throat as I open wide and suck him in deep.

  He tastes of ocean and musk and at the raspy sound he makes, I want to see him come undone.

  His dog tags clink together and jingle from underneath his shirt as he grabs his dick and traces the head over my lips.

  “How much can you take, baby? All of it?”

  My answer is to lick up the underside of his shaft, encircling the tip before opening wide to give him permission.

  Zayne is cautious with his movements, slowly fucking my mouth with careful, precise thrusts. Each time he hits the back of my throat, I gag a little and he groans in pleasure, adding several expletives in its wake.

  We get into a rhythmed groove of thrust, slide, lick, stroke. I leave my tongue flat but close my lips around his girth to give him the suction he needs. In the meantime, the cotton of my bikini bottoms is soaked, and my pussy clenches with need for what my mouth has.


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