Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4) Page 15

by Savannah Rylan

  “Come with me, beautiful,” I grunted, and I pinched her nipples hard. Sage squealed, and then giggled and then she began panting. She was moving her hips over me, angling my cock inside her the way she wanted. Over and over again, till I knew she wasn’t going to stop till she had milked me.

  I shot inside her with force, and I grabbed a bunch of her hair for support. Sage was calling out my name, thrusting her hands into the backrest of the seat. Her hips moved and shook while I filled her up with my come. I wanted all of her to be mine. This was the woman I wanted to fuck forever. Fuck Fuck Fuck! I was coming hard and then she started coming too.

  Our breaths were fogging up the windows of the car, I was sliding down the seat while she started riding me even harder than before. I was done, but I didn’t stop thrusting my cock into her. Sage came squealing, and she grabbed her breasts and squeezed until loader moans escaped her lips.

  When she was done with her orgasm, she lifted herself off me and slunk back into the seat beside me. We were both spent, sliding down our seats, trying to get comfortable.

  When I looked over at her, Sage was smiling.

  “I love you,” the words tumbled out of me from nowhere. Despite the conversation we had just had, I felt like I was putting myself on the line again. She had told me she wanted to stay in Long Beach and made it clear that she wanted to be with me too—but love was a different matter.

  Sage smiled, then sighed, then reached out and stroked my stubble with the back of her hand.

  “I’ve been waiting to hear that for ten years…no, twelve years, I don’t know, maybe even longer,” she said, and I gulped. “I love you, Glock, I always have,” she added, and I leaned over, and we kissed softly again.

  Sage was everything to me. I wanted to keep her safe, I wanted to build a life with her. After she left ten years ago, I never thought I could have that with anybody else. This was like a fantasy coming true.

  “Will you be happy here, Sage?” I asked her, and she straightened herself up on the seat and nodded her head excitedly.

  “I was never happy in San Francisco, not after I’d got a taste of what being with you could feel like,” she said. “I don’t want a corporate life of suits and briefcases and fleecing people of hard earned money. I studied this hard so that I could help people, and what better way to help people than to be here, in this neighborhood and helping them?” she continued, and I reached for her beautiful face.

  “Move in with me, Sage,” I said, and her mouth fell open. “I know this sounds too soon, but we’ve been waiting to start our life together for ten years,” I told her. She bit down on her lip and smiled.

  “Yes, I would like that…I think mom would like that too,” she replied with a laugh, and I stuck the key in the ignition again and started the truck.

  “Are we going back to the bar?” she asked, and I shook my head.

  “No, we’re going to go find an apartment. The one I live in now is a shit hole, and you deserve the best. What else am I going to spend my money on?” I said, and Sage’s laughter was like music to my ears.



  One Year Later

  I had been up since seven in the morning, preparing for the day to come. It wasn’t really a very big deal. I was just going to go to the courts today, to file the case officially. The proceedings hadn’t even come close to started yet.

  As of now, I was using the testimony I had gathered from eight of the rescued women, including myself and I had managed to build enough of a case to initiate legal action against three of the Dragon Knights members. The other members were still roaming around scot-free. However, they were all in hiding.

  It was going to be the responsibility of the police forces to bring these three guys to court, while the Bad Disciples were going to deal with the rest. Either way, Axel and the guys had decided that our apartment needed full-time security ever since word about the case got out. Apparently, my life was in constant danger, so there were always two men from the Bad Disciples who went with me everywhere.

  I was in the kitchen, making us some breakfast and I took two plates out to the door. Sniper and a new prospect were outside in the corridor, and I handed them their breakfasts.

  “If you keep feeding us like this, Sage, we’re never going to leave,” Sniper joked, and I rolled my eyes. As if Glock was going to let them leave even if they wanted to!

  When I returned to the kitchen, Glock was already in the kitchen. He was wearing nothing but his boxers and once again, I was struck by how absolutely panty-dropping hot this man was. His shaggy hair was ruffled, there was a stubble on his cheeks, and his eyes looked bloodshot.

  “What time did you come to bed last night?” I asked, walking into the kitchen. He had just poured himself a glass of orange juice, but he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Glock was going to kiss me before he answered me.

  “I don’t know, what time did I wake you up?” he said gruffly and then started leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I squealed and wriggled out of his grip. I was already dressed, in a smart skirt suit and high heels for my visit to the courts that morning.

  No matter how late Glock returned home, he always woke me up to make love to me. In the past year that we had been living together, there hadn’t been a single night that we hadn’t had sex. I couldn’t even believe the life I had!

  We sat down together at the breakfast bar, and I poured him a mug of coffee from the French press. Glock had made fun of my fashionable San Francisco habits when I’d first bought the coffee maker, but these days, he couldn’t get the day started without a cup of it.

  “Do you want me to come with you, babe?” he asked, and I gazed at his bare chest, the chiseled abs…I still couldn’t stop staring at his naked body. No matter how many times we slept together. I still couldn’t believe that I was with a man who looked like this! Every teenage fantasy I had ever had about him, was coming true and I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

  “No, you don’t need to. Brooklyn and the girls are coming with me, so I’ll have company,” I said, as I stuck my fork into my portion of scrambled eggs.

  “And Sniper and the prospect,” he said.

  “And Sniper and the prospect, of course,” I added, rolling my eyes.

  “Sage, we’ve talked about this. If you want to keep doing this job, you’re going to need full-time guards,” he said, and I sat back in my chair and nodded my head. I only pretended to be exhausted by my bodyguards, the truth was that I liked having them around. I felt safe. I still hadn’t completely gotten over my experience with Brick and the Dragon Knights. I still sometimes woke up at night in a cold sweat, but Glock was always there to soothe me and make me feel safe again.

  “Yes, I know, I’m not asking you to get rid of them,” I said and gulped down my food.

  I looked at the clock on the wall. It was ten already. I was supposed to meet the girls at the step of the courthouse at eleven. I jumped off the chair and picked up my briefcase.

  “I have to go, babe, I’ll see you for dinner tonight?” I said, walking over to Glock and he pulled me in for another kiss.

  “You look sexy as hell in this thing. We’re definitely having dinner together tonight,” he said and nuzzled my neck. I could see his cock tenting his boxers, and I bit down on my lip. I wanted it too, just as much as he did, but I just didn’t have time. I had an actual legal case to file!

  “Let me go! I have to go!” I giggled as he kept me strongly bound to him and continued kissing me.

  “Hey…shhh…shhh…listen, I have something to ask you,” he said, while I wriggled in his arms. With my heart pounding, my lips still stretched in a smile, I stared at him. What could he possibly have to ask me this morning? Glock looked serious, his eyes were focused on mine.

  “What is it, Glock?” I asked, and he released his grip on my wrists.

  “Sage, do you want to make a baby with me?” he said, and it felt like the whole world had suddenly st
ood still. I stared back at him, tongue-tied. It was like he had read my mind.

  For the past few months, I had been thinking more and more about how I wanted Glock to be the father of my future children. I couldn’t imagine building a family with anyone else. I just hadn’t expected to discuss this so soon!

  “Sage?” he urged me when I had remained silent for too long.

  “Yes, Glock, yes! I want to make a baby with you!” I fell on him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  There was no other man in the world, who deserved to be the father of my children than Glock did.


  Thank you so much for taking the time to read Glock!

  Liked what you read? Make sure you check out the next MC Series, Hawk (The Road Rebels MC #1) releasing on November 16, 2017!

  Want a FREE book? Check out Bad Boy Boss HERE!

  Kisses <3


  Turn the page for your bonus book of Undercover Love!

  Undercover Love

  by Savannah Rylan

  Chapter 1


  I stood in front of my third-grade classroom, tapping the ball of my foot against the tiled flooring. My students averted their eyes from my direction, silently pleading for me not to call on them for the answer. I could feel their nervousness clouding inside the four walls of my room as I smiled and walked back to the eraser board. “Alright guys, if you multiple five,” I pointed with my marker, “times four, what am I really saying? What are we doing?”

  Some of the students scribbled on their sheets of paper while others sent their eyes wandering around the room like a lost child. I let out a slight sigh. “I know you all know this. It is not as hard as you are making it. What am I asking when I say multiple five times four?”

  A few more seconds ticked by on the clock, echoing in the midst of the silence that flooded the room inside of Madison Prep Elementary. Finally, one student’s hand slowly lifted from her desk and extended into the air like a flag. I smiled as her long, blonde pigtails dangled over her shoulders. I winked at Sarah as she prepared to give her answer. “The floor is yours, Sarah. Go ahead.”

  “Um,” she looked at her paper as I patiently waited in the front of the classroom for her answer. “Five groups of four? Um. Is it twenty?”

  A smile flashed across my face like lightning. “Excellent job, Sarah! You’ve got it. Five groups of four makes twenty!”

  Her rosy cheeks pushed towards the bottom of her eyes as a bright smile jetted across her face. Those types of expressions were just some of the things that kept me happy at my job. Sometimes, the days could be long and tiresome, but when I saw comforting smiles of proud children, it made everything worthwhile.

  Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Chatter filled the room like a cloud of smoke as the children gathered their things from their desks and loaded their book bags. “Alright kids, don’t forget to study chapter 8 of your lessons this weekend. I won’t let Sarah answer all of the questions Monday,” they began funneling out of the classroom as I spoke, “so, don’t be surprised if I call on you, even when your hand wasn’t raised.”

  I was sure that only a small percentage of them heard anything I said as they trailed each other out of the room. “Um, Miss. Dellucci?”

  I looked down at Daniel as he stood by my desk. His snaggle-toothed mouth hung halfway open as he waited for my response. “Yes, Daniel?”

  “Um,” he pulled out his book and placed it on my desk. “I am having trouble with that one right there.”

  He pointed to a division problem, much like the one we just went over earlier in class. I smiled and sat down in my chair, “grab a seat, Daniel. It is not as hard as you think it is, ok?” He pulled his chair across the tiles, creating a dull, dragging sound until he plopped into the seat. I explained to him the division problem, occasionally catching his google-eyed glance aiming in my direction. He tried to quickly look away once I noticed it. I smiled. It was flattering whenever one of my little third-graders had a crush on me.

  After I finished explaining the problem, I sat the pencil on his paper. He smiled at me, “thank… thank you, Miss Dellucci,” he said, tripping over his words like he was walking down a dark hallway. “That helps.”

  “Good, Daniel. I am glad I could help you understand that better.”

  Just to our right, Freya stood in the doorway, leaning against the post with her arms folded over her chest. A smile escaped the corner of her lips as she stepped to the side and let Daniel past. “See you tomorrow, Daniel,” she said as he scurried past her. He waved at her, then me, before he sprinted down the hallway.

  Freya laughed as she walked closer towards me, shaking her head. “Really, Carina? Another one? You have at least 4-5 crushes every school year.” She grabbed Daniel’s chair and slid it back behind the desk.

  I smiled. “Well, what can I say? I mean, at least I know these little kids’ minds haven’t been polluted by the world yet, so their little crushes are genuine. Unlike most of these so-called grown men who like to play games just to get inside our pants.” I opened my drawer and grabbed a few stacks of papers that I had to take home to grade.

  “Oh, Carina, come on! I know you can’t still be hung up on the last guy you dated.” She sat on my desk and crossed her leg over the other. “You can’t let one bad apple spoil the bunch. That was, what? Over a year ago?”

  “Yeah, it was, but still. He left a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “Literally, huh?” she asked with a smirk.

  My eyes narrowed in her direction as I took the couple stacks of papers and slid them into my tote bag. The last guy I was with was Owen, and he was an ass. Sure, he was hot as hell, but he only wanted sex, and he made that pretty clear as he shoved me out of his bed every morning. It just took me a little longer than I would have like to catch on.

  “Ha, ha, very funny. Are you sure you are in the right profession? Maybe you should be a comedian instead of teaching second grade.”

  “Loosen up, Carina! You have been the same way since middle school. We should head out tonight and grab a few drinks. I think you need to get a little bit of fresh air. Get back out there and get your feet wet again.”

  I slid my chair behind my desk. “Did you see this stack of papers I just removed from my drawer? That is at least three days’ worth of work right there that I need to get caught up on.”

  She stood up and grabbed the tote before I could put the strap over my shoulder, “No. Carina. Listen, the weekend is two days. I think you can get that work done in that amount of time, so that gives you time to hang out tonight. Come on, girl, you can’t be a hermit crab for the rest of your life. You need to get out of the house and let your hair down. The only people you hang around are 4-feet tall.”

  I exhaled and folded my arms across my chest as Freya stood in front of me with her hand propped on her hips with the other still clutching my tote. Her foot slowly began to tap on the ground as she impatiently waited for me to fold.

  Freya and I had been friends since seventh grade. Our bond started during volleyball season and extended when we both made the girls’ basketball team the next year. We were always into sports, and our bodies reflected much of the same. We both stood between 5’6” and 5’9” with athletic builds. Her chest was a bit larger than mine, but what I lacked up top was made up for in my thighs and lower body. Her hair was pulled into a tight ponytail as her hazel eyes glared back at me, and I knew not matter how hard I tried, she wouldn’t let me say no.

  “I’ve really got a lot of papers to grade, Freya,” I said in a last ditch effort to try and convince her.

  “You also only have one life to live, and I refuse to let you bury yourself in your house, grading papers. So, are you going to come with me willingly, or do I have to take your work with me and lock it up in my safe until you come out with me?”

  I smiled. She was so persistent, and deep down, as much as I didn’t want to admit it, I knew she was right. I
could grade all of those papers by the time the weekend was over.

  “Fine, Freya. I’ll go,” I said with an exasperated sigh.

  “Yay,” she said with a grin and handed me back my tote. “I really didn’t want to have to carry this tote home. Besides that, I don’t even have a safe to lock it in,” she said, smiling. “So, I will come to your place at around 9-ish? How does that sound?”

  “It sounds like you twisted my arm behind my back.”

  She winked, then leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek. “Well, I know you like it rough, sweetheart, so I can’t imagine a time that you would object to something like that. Be ready by 9 pm,” she said as she sashayed out of the room.

  “And please look nice. I don’t want to go out with someone who is dressed like my 72-year-old grandmother.”

  Her high heels clicked with each step she took down the hallway until the noise vanished into thin air. Welp, I guess I am going out tonight, I thought, looking at my tote bag of ungraded papers. Our date night will have to wait until tomorrow.

  Ever since my last breakup, I had turned into a bit of a homebody. A great weekend for me consisted of cuddling up on my couch, surrounded by a sea of ungraded homework and tests while I sipped coffee and searched for new shows to watch on Netflix.

  Now, I was going to have to go out and field questions from thirsty men while pretending to be interested, just to give them a fake number by the end of the night and never see them again. My last relationship with Owen made me not want to get involved with anyone anytime soon. I grabbed my tote and headed out of the classroom.

  The sun beamed down on me from above as I walked through the parking lot to my car. As I pulled open my door, my cell phone rang out from my purse. It was my father. I quickly got inside my car before I answered.

  “Hey, Daddy.”

  “Hello, sweetheart. How are you today?”


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