Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4)

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Glock (The Bad Disciples MC Book 4) Page 26

by Savannah Rylan

  Right on cue, I got a call from Harrison.

  “Hey sweetheart? I was just thinking about you. How did everything go at the precinct?”

  “Baby, I need you to be upfront with me, alright?” I could hear the distress in his voice.

  Panic slowly started to course through my veins. “Sure, baby. What’s wrong?”

  “Does your family have anything going on right now? Any deals?”

  I lowered my eyes and pulled my ear away from the phone. I shook my head, thinking that his Captain must’ve gotten into his head and forced him to get some information out of me.

  “Why, Harrison? Why are you asking?”

  “Because, I just need to know. I need to know the details if you know anything.”


  “Just trust me, Carina. Please.”

  Why was Harrison asking me this, just as he left the precinct? Did they offer him his job back? I sat down on my bed as my mind raced. Harrison loved his job. He was willing to put his career on the line for me, but what if it got too much to bear? A dark thought crossed my mind and I clenched my jaw. Harrison was pulled back in. And now he is was trying to get information out of me.

  “You know what? You think I am dumb, don’t you, Harrison? You think that I am going to give you information about my family right after you left the fucking precinct? Right after you spoke with your fucking boss? He probably called you in there to ask you about this information so they could have the upper hand whenever it happened.”


  “Don’t ‘what’ me, Harrison! I know that you spoke to him yesterday. You left me at lunch to go and speak with him, and here you are asking me for information on my family.”


  “And not only that, but the first thing you ask is if my family has something going on, involving business. Really, Harrison? Really?”

  “Carina, if you would just shut your mouth for a second and let me talk, you will see where I am going with this. I have been putting my ass on the line for you. I have been risking my freedom for you and your family ever since I found out that you were connected to them, so why the fuck would any of that change now?!” His voice boomed in the phone and for as long as I’d known him, I’d never heard him use that tone with me. Anger bubbled up in my chest.

  “Look, I just got word that some shit is going down,” Harrison continued. “The deal that your family is getting ready to make is fucking bullshit. The guy who is leading the operation. His name is Ronald and he has gotten his foot in the door so he can set them up. I need to know what the fuck is going on so I can warn your family to abort that shit. It is all a trap.”

  I thought about the dinner that my father wanted me to go to tomorrow. I glanced at the dress that I had just laid out on the bed and imagined what things would be like if Harrison was telling the truth. If everything really was a set up, and I attended the dinner, I would be directly involved with the family business. I would probably spend some time in jail, but my family would be ruined. Dismantled. It was the one thing I had feared since the day I realized that they were involved in illegal activity.

  “Carina? Carina, babe, are you there?”

  “Huh? Oh, yeah, I’m here. I’m here. I was just thinking.” I stood up from the bed and started to slowly pace around my room. “So, it really is a set up?”

  “Yeah. O’Malley called me into his office to show me the man who was about to bring them down. He is a real fucking prick, but that is another issue. Listen, you have to tell your family to kill that meeting. You have to. I know it will be obvious that I tipped your family off, but I don’t give a fuck. I will figure that out when it happens. I am not working with your family, I just care for you, Carina. I care for you a lot and there is nothing in the world that I want to protect more than you. Please. I don’t want you to get hurt. Tell your family to cancel that meeting and end all conversation with that businessman.”

  “Alright. Alright, I will tell them know.”

  I hung up the phone with Harrison, and then quickly made a call to my father. I needed to tell him everything that was going on. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Daddy, I’m coming over. We need to talk.”

  “Is everything alright sweetheart?”

  “Yes, I’ll explain when I get there.”

  I hung up the phone before he could ask any more questions and sped over to my childhood home. I called Harrison on the way.

  “I’m heading over to my parents’ house now. What the hell am I even supposed to say?”

  “I will meet you over there, and we will figure out what to tell them together.”

  I hung up the phone and continued down the road. Well this is one way to introduce Harrison to my parents. I just hoped he wouldn’t end up dead in the process.

  Chapter 21


  I pulled up to the Dellucci’s house just as Carina was. A slight sense of fear that I was not at all used to started to course through my veins. I was about to go into Tony Dellucci’s home, tell him that I was a cop and that I knew about his business meeting. Oh, and by the way, I was dating his daughter. Fuck. This was not going to go over well.

  I got out of my car and walked over to where Carina was standing.

  “You ready for this?” I asked.

  She nodded her head slightly, grabbed my hand in hers and we walked up to the door. I had been an undercover cop for so many years. I had been in a lot of scary situations, but I never have once felt the fear I did, walking up to the Dellucci’s door. Carina reached out with a shaky hand and rang the doorbell. I swallowed hard and squeezed her small hand in mine.

  The door opened and Nico stood there staring back at us. He had a big smile on his face when he saw Carina, but then as his eyes darted to mine and then traveled down to our entwined hands, his smile quickly turned into a scowl.

  “Who the fuck is this, Carina?” Nico asked.

  “This is Harrison. We are here to see dad,” Carina responded. I could easily tell that she was trying to be strong, and I appreciated that. Nico took another look at me then finally moved his large frame out of the doorway.

  “Carina is here!” Nico shouted. “With someone,” he added a bit more quietly. A loud booming voice, I could only have assumed was Tony Dellucci came from somewhere inside.

  “Bring her to the living room, I’ll be down in a moment.”

  We followed Nico inside the lavish Dellucci home. As we walked inside, I took a moment to look around me. As I pulled up to the house, I could tell that it was a newer home build, unlike the rest of the 1980’s style homes in the neighborhood. The walls were white, but they were covered with various pieces of art. Looking at them closely as I past, I could tell that these paintings easily cost more than my paycheck, and I took another hard swallow. Carina continued to hold my hand as she walked down the small hallway to the living room. She pulled me over to the couch and took a seat. I fought the urge to pace the room as we waited.

  After a few moments, the man I recognized from all the pictures walked into the room. Carina immediately stood up and went over to give him a hug.

  “Hi daddy,” she said sweetly. He embraced her and then pulled her close to his side.

  “Hi sweetheart. And who is this? You didn’t mention you were bringing company.”

  Carina pulled away from her father’s side and stood next to me.

  “Daddy, this is Harrison Nash.” Tony smiled slightly and extended his hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Harrison.” He turned toward Carina. “Now why is he in my home?”

  Carina walked over to her father and put her hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you take a seat daddy, and I will explain everything.”

  Tony smiled at his daughter and nodded his head. He looked over at Nico and nodded slightly as well. Nico stepped out of the room slightly and when he returned his brother Luca was standing beside him. Carina sat down next to me on the couch and slowly fidgeted her fingers. I
could feel Tony’s glare on me, and I was about to speak up when finally, Carina spoke.

  “Daddy, Harrison is a cop.”

  As soon as the word cop left her lips, I heard the telltale sound of guns being cocked. I shifted my eyes slightly to where Nico and Luca were standing, and they both and their guns pointed at me. Carina quickly stood up.

  “N-no, stop!” Carina cried.

  I kept my hand to my side. My gun was in the back of my jeans, but I didn’t want to make a move yet unless I had to in order to defend myself. Or worse, to defend Carina. I watched Tony intently.

  “Daddy stop this!” Carina cried again.

  Finally, I saw Tony look over at Nico and Luca and nod slightly. I looked over at them and they slowly lowered their guns, but kept them in their hands at theirs sides.

  “Let me explain everything,” Carina said. “Harrison and I met out one night. At the time, he had no idea who I was, or even who my family was.”

  “How are you so fucking sure of that?” Luca spat. Carina turned her head and glared at Luca.

  “Because I am,” she said and she turned her head back to her father. “As I was saying, at the time he had no idea who I was. We started seeing one another, and that is when he was given an assignment.”

  “What sort of assignment,” Tony ground out.

  “I was assigned to investigate your family,” I said. Tony’s eyes shot to mine and I tried to remain steady underneath his glare. “The Chicago Police Department is trying to pull together information to bring your family down. I was supposed to infiltrate in, but then I met your daughter,” I reached out and grabbed Carina’s hand and I looked at him honestly. “And I couldn’t continue my job as it was assigned.”

  Tony stared at me watching my every movement. I could see the wheels inside his head moving and I knew that my story was a tough one to believe. But I had to make him understand that I was not going to harm his daughter.

  “Mason Jennings is one of my best friends on the force.”

  Tony’s head cocked to the side in thought. He looked over to Luca. “Mason Jennings, he’s one of ours, right?” Luca slowly nodded his head.

  “Mason is detained currently,” I said. Tony looked back at me and swallowed. “My Captain took me off the case, when I wasn’t giving him enough information. I wanted to keep Carina safe and out of the investigation so when I found out that Mason was involved, I had him keep tabs on everything for me. They assigned a new undercover officer my case, and I believe he is the one that figured out Mason.”

  Tony looked at me and nodded.

  “Daddy that man you are meeting with tomorrow, the one you are having over for dinner, is the new cop assigned to the case,” Carina said. Tony looked over at his daughter and then back at me.

  “Is this true?”

  I nodded my head honestly. “Yes. Ronald is an undercover cop. I met him at the precinct today.” Tony glared at me and then dropped his heads into his hands. He stayed there for a few moments and Carina reached over to me and grabbed my hand. Finally, Tony looked up.

  “Nico, Luca. Go dig deeper into Ronald. See if what Harrison is saying checks out.” Nico and Luca nodded and left the living room. Tony stood up and walked toward the couch and reached out his hand. I smiled and grabbed it.

  “Thank you, Harrison,” Tony said honestly.

  “You’re welcome, sir. But honestly, I didn’t do it for your family.” A stern look crossed his face.

  “I did it all for Carina.”

  Chapter 22


  “I honestly can’t believe you walked out of there alive.”

  Harrison let out loud laugh. “I’ve been in some tense situations before, but that had to be one of the hardest I’ve been in.”

  I squeezed his hand as we walked back up to my place. Shortly after my father had sent Luca and Nico away to check out Ronald, they came back in with more information on him. Nico, as tough as he was, was extremely smart. He knew a thing or two about computers, and was easily able to dig a little deeper than he had before on Ronald. While the police department had hidden the majority of his identity, they had forgotten to take care of news articles of Ronald when he was working in St. Louis. Nico was able to find several old news articles with Ronald’s name and picture linking him to the St. Louis Police Department.

  My brothers rushed in and let my father know what was going on. And from that moment, his demeanor towards Harrison completely changed. Instead of the guarded boss of a mafia, he turned almost friendly, and thanked Harrison for his help before we left. He even mentioned that if Harrison needed anything he would make sure it was taken care of.

  “Do you think you are going to take my father up on his offer?” I asked as we walked into my living room and collapsed on my couch. Harrison put his head in his hands, I could easily tell that he was conflicted. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it slightly. I felt awful that I was the reason he was now in this messed up situation.

  “I’m not sure.”

  I sat there rubbing his back because I didn’t know what else to do or say. Suddenly my cell phone cut through the silence of my apartment. I reached over and saw my father’s name flash across the screen.

  “Hi daddy,” I answered.

  “Hi sweetheart,” he said. “Listen, are you still with Harrison? I need to talk to him for a second.” I moved the phone away from my ear and looked at Harrison.

  “He wants to talk to you.” Harrison grabbed my phone.

  “Hi Mr. Dellucci,” he said.

  “Hi Harrison,” I could hear my father say through the phone. “Listen, we discussed things here, and we are still going to go through with the meeting with Ronald tomorrow.”

  “But, sir, I’m not sure – “

  “It is the only way not to tip him off. I don’t really feel like being dragged to the police department this evening. But I figured we can fix two birds with one stone with this one.”

  “What do you mean?” Harrison asked.

  “I have a friend that owes me a favor. I gave him a call after you left, and he agreed to everything. I still need my lovely daughter to attend tomorrow, because we had mentioned to Ronald that she would be there. Would you mind being there, behind the scenes, to protect her?”

  Protect me? Why would I need protection? I opened my mouth to say something, but Harrison held up his hand to keep my quiet.

  “Yes, I will be there,” Harrison said confidently.

  “Perfect. We will see you tomorrow Harrison.”

  “See you then.”

  “Oh, and Harrison? Take care of my daughter.”

  And with that Harrison hung up my phone and pulled me closer to him.

  “You sure this all a good idea?” I asked. It seemed risky to continue on with the meeting. Harrison let out a long sigh.

  “I’m not sure Carina. But all I know is that I will feel a lot better if I am there and able to get you out of there if I need to.”

  I scooted closer to him, folded my legs under me and put my hand on his lap. He got up and grabbed a couple of glasses from the kitchen and poured us drinks. He was the first one to take a sip. I stared at the bottle of liquor, scared of the venomous bite that it packed behind it. The silence filled the room as we sat inches from each other on the couch.

  I wondered what he was thinking about, but personally, my mind couldn’t help drifting to the last time we had sex with each other. His hard body pressed against mine as we made love in the room. I wanted to feel that again, but I didn’t want to come off being too aggressive.

  “So,” I turned towards him but before I could get my words out, his lips met mine with a soft, sensual kiss.

  We ended up back in my room. He laid me on the bed and climbed on top of me, but I put my hand into his chest. I wanted to control it. I sat up and I loosened his belt and allowed his pants to fall down below his waist and hit the ground. I stroked my hand over his cock and bobbed my head up and down on it at the same time. I knew what he li
ked. I wrapped my lips around it tightly as I moved my head up and down. He reached forward and pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my bra. I slid one hand back and unstrapped it as my breasts fell free from their traps. Without warning, I took his cock and slid it in the middle of my breasts. I squeezed them together as I moved my chest up and down.

  He grabbed my breasts and thrusted his pelvis up and down. He picked up his speed, but I quickly removed my breasts from his cock and slid my mouth back onto it. I could feel his muscles tighten.

  “You like that, baby?” I asked, stroking his cock.

  “Yeah, but I like being inside of you more” he said.

  His cock was still hard as I kicked my pants across the room and removed my panties. I slid on top of him; my core was already soaked, so he slid right in. I quickly hopped on him.

  “Oh, my God,” I said as I felt the pleasuring pain from his length. I grinded on top of him while his cock brushed against my g-spot, sending a rush of waves from the inside of me. I ran my hands over the ripples on his chest as I looked down at his waist.

  He lifted me off the mattress and laid me on my back and from there, he moved inside of me slowly. His waist moved back and forth like he was in rhythm to a beat inside of his head. His abs flexed right in front of me as he used his stomach muscles like he was slow dancing.

  He sent his tongue onto the edge of my ear and licked it softly, making a trail from there to my collarbone as my legs tightened around him. He slid his hand onto my ass, gripping a handful of it while he moved on top of me. With his other hand, he stroked my hair and kissed me softly on the lips as if it was the last time he was going to see me. The last time he was going to hold me.


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