Tempting Tessa

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Tempting Tessa Page 2

by Samantha Lind

  “Ready to go get the kids and hit the park up?” Caroline asks me.

  “Absolutely, I miss my boy. I know he’s only been at my parents’ since last night but I still miss him when he’s gone. Since we missed taking a picnic lunch, maybe we can surprise the kids with ice cream after playing at the park?” I suggest to Caroline.

  “Sounds like the perfect plan!”

  We agree to meet up at the park in about 30 minutes, as we both need to go pick up our kids. I arrive at my parents’ house a few minutes later to find Ty out back with my brother, Brian, and his wife, Sara. They are expecting their first little one in the next few weeks, and I’m so excited. I love seeing my little man so excited when he gets to play with my brothers or Matt’s siblings. Ty finally notices that I’ve arrived and comes barreling over to me and almost knocks me over when he runs into my legs. I swing him up in my arms and hug him tightly.

  “Have a good time at Grams and Gramps’?”

  “Yes!” he yells. “I got to stay up late and watch movies with Gram. Then this morning we had pancakes with sprinkles and bacon!”

  “Wow, Grams is spoiling you!” I tell him.

  He laughs his little 6 year old belly laugh and squirms for me to put him down. I can’t believe how big he has gotten and that he will be starting kindergarten in just a few short months.

  “Ty, you need to go clean up any of your toys that are out. We are meeting Caroline, Jack and Oliver at the park in just a little while.” This gets him excited again as Jack and Oliver are two of his best friends, and what kid doesn’t love going to the park. Twenty minutes later we are in the car on our way to meet them.

  While the boys are all running around playing, Caroline and I sit on a bench having a nice conversation about the fun things we can do this summer. Jack is also starting kindergarten in the fall, and we both have a list of things we want to do before school starts. After discussing plans for the summer, I also bring up all the things I need to have done on my house this summer.

  “Ugh, do you or Luke know anyone I can hire to come in and fix everything I need done? Now with the flooring in the kitchen needing to be replaced, as well as the roof needing to be replaced and the gutters fixed, I might as well try and hire a remodel or construction company to come in and fix it all. Hopefully I can find one company that can complete it all. I’m lucky; my insurance is paying for the roof. I will call them on Monday to see if they will send someone out to see if they will also pay to replace the kitchen floor. Even if they won’t, I still need to get it done.”

  Caroline thinks for a few minutes and says, “Actually, Luke’s best friend from high school is back in town and recently took over his dad’s construction company. I think Jake does repair-type jobs when they are not building new buildings and houses. Let me text him quick to see if they do and if so, I can get you in touch with him.”

  “That would be perfect. I would much prefer to hire someone that you or a family member knows. I hate it when these contractors try and take advantage of single women.”

  “Jake’s a great guy. He used to be in the military, got hurt while deployed and had to medically retire. He came home and it took him a few years to fully recover from his injuries, but once he did, he started working with his dad again and took over the business completely when his dad retired. Perfect, he just texted me back saying that they do take on some repair jobs. I gave him your name and number and told him I will pass on his info to you as well, so that you guys can set up something.”

  “Thanks, Caroline, I hope his company can get everything fixed. I’m so tired of things going wrong. I know I’ve neglected the house over the past 5 years since Matt died, and I need to get it all taken care of so that Ty and I have a roof over our heads.”

  After letting the boys play for another hour or so, we finally gather them together and take them off to get that ice cream. It has turned out to be a beautiful day now that it’s late April, and we are taking full advantage of it.

  Later that evening I receive a text from Jake.

  Jake: Hi Tessa, this is Jake Richards. Caroline contacted me earlier stating you needed a construction company to come look at some repairs on your house. Would Monday morning at 10am work for you?

  Tessa: Hi Jake, yes that works perfect for me. Did Caroline give you the address?

  Jake: Yes

  Tessa: Perfect, I will see you on Monday at 10:00.


  The past two months since I’ve fully taken over Richards Construction have been crazy. We are gearing up for our busy season – summer – when we really get going with new builds, as well as outside repair jobs on roofs, siding, and other projects. I have been out providing estimates and filling up our schedule nonstop over the past few weeks. It’s great for business and makes me proud that I can continue my dad’s business and do him proud. Six years ago, after being hurt while deployed with the Army, I would have never thought I would be in this position. I lost my right leg below my knee and had shrapnel taken out of multiple places in my body. I also lost my right kidney and damaged my left one. Thankfully, after a year on the transplant list, I received a new kidney and haven’t had any other medical issues since.

  This next week’s calendar is already filling up fast with appointments for me to head out on, so when Caroline texted me about her best friend needing someone quickly, I moved some things around to head to her house on Monday morning.

  Monday morning comes and I head into the office early. I need to get some of the estimates finished from jobs that I looked at on Friday before I start in on new ones this morning, and with appointments starting at 8:30 this morning I need to get going early.

  My first appointment of the morning goes easily and it’s time for me to head to Tessa’s house. I pull up and notice that the roof looks like it was damaged in the bad storm that we had about a month ago. I also notice some siding and gutter damage that probably goes along with that. I get out of my truck and walk up to the front door, ring the doorbell, and wait.

  The door opens, and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen is standing in front of me. I lose my train of thought and almost forget where I am and what I’m supposed to be doing. She doesn’t notice her effect on me and immediately starts talking to me. I have to remind my dick to stay down. I don’t need to start sporting erections while meeting with potential clients.

  “Hi, you must be Jake. I’m Tessa. Thank you so much for getting me on your calendar so quickly.”

  I snap out of my foggy state and stick my hand out to accept hers.

  “No problem. Caroline told me you needed someone quickly and that you needed someone trustworthy. Our company has been around for over 30 years and we strive to be the best. I noticed a few things outside when I pulled up that look like they are issues, but why don’t you go over what you are looking to have fixed or replaced.”

  “Sounds great. I’m sure you noticed the roof damage. That was caused from the hailstorm we had a few weeks back. My insurance company already had an adjuster out and approved for the entire roof to be replaced, as well as the gutters and some of the siding. Inside, I just had a pipe break over the weekend that flooded my kitchen. I now need the ceiling fixed as the water came from my washing machine upstairs, as well as the kitchen flooring. I called my insurance company this morning to report the leak and damage and they are sending an adjuster out this afternoon to take a look and let me know what they will cover. Even if they don’t cover it all I need to get it done, so I’m not worried about waiting for their answer to get started.”

  “That’s all very doable. Let me look at the kitchen, as well as your laundry room, so I can make some notes and then we can head outside to look at those issues.”

  After gathering the measurements I need from inside, we head outside. Tessa hands me the paperwork from her insurance company that lists everything they deemed damaged and will be covering. I pull out my ladder to climb up on the roof to make sure they didn’t miss anything. Once I hav
e verified their list is complete, I can put together a complete estimate and timeline of when we can get her repairs all completed and hopefully it will be within her budget.

  “Have you thought of what type of flooring you want to put in the kitchen?”

  “I have a few ideas. I’ve wanted to replace the flooring for a while now and just haven’t gotten around to it. I’m leaning toward a hand scraped hardwood. I know for sure I do not want tile or linoleum.”

  “Sounds great. Here’s a list of the local stores that carry the flooring brands we recommend, otherwise, if you have something you already know you want that is local, we can also install that. Once I’m back in the office, I can start working up the estimate to send over to you. Depending on what flooring you choose, we can finalize the estimate.”

  “Perfect, how far out are you currently booking?”

  “Your jobs are all fairly easy and quick, so depending on how quickly you pick the flooring we could actually get you squeezed in starting next week. We are scheduled to start a new build sometime late next week or the week after depending on the ground prep being completed. If we can’t get you in before we start that, then we are looking at the end of summer.”

  “Oh wow! I guess I’ll choose the flooring right away then. Sounds like the perfect time to just get everything done and out of the way.”

  “Here’s my card, plus you already have my cell number. Let me know as soon as you pick a flooring option so we can get it ordered. Once I have that information, I can finish the estimate for your approval.”

  “Thank you so much for your help and how quickly you were able to get me in.”

  “No problem, I will talk to you soon.”

  I get back in my truck and drive off. Tessa stays on my mind the rest of the afternoon. It was obvious she doesn’t realize just how beautiful she is. It was hard to not just stare at her the entire time I was with her. I had to keep myself from just babbling around her. I need to ask Caroline more about her the next time I see her, and ask her why she has never introduced us before. I didn’t notice a ring on her finger and believe me, I checked.


  Jake left and I couldn’t shake how handsome he was. I haven’t really been attracted to any men since Matt died, but I know deep down that I’m lonely and need to move past my guilt of moving on since Matt’s death. He has been gone for 5 years, and I’m not getting any younger. If I ever want to have more kids I need to work past the last of my grief and anger over his death and allow myself to love someone again. Caroline and my sister-in-law, Sara, both tried to set me up on blind dates a couple of years ago and they both ended horribly. I just couldn’t bring myself to open up and the dates ended with dinner. Matt is still the only man I have ever kissed, the only man who I have slept with, and let me tell you I miss sex like crazy. The last five years I’ve gone through a fair share of batteries and battery operated boyfriends. My main concern has always been Ty. I don’t need a revolving door of men in and out of his life, but he also needs a dad figure in his life. My dad, along with my brothers, Matt’s dad, and Matt’s brother have all stepped up and tried to provide that for him but they can’t be here all the time.

  Considering Jake’s company is so busy, I’m on a tight schedule if I want them to be the ones to complete the repairs on my house. I need to get the flooring picked out ASAP, so I head for the store to pick something out. On my way, I call my mom to check on Ty. He stayed there last night so he would be out of the way this morning with Jake coming over and the adjuster coming out this afternoon.

  “Hey, Mom, how is everything going today? Ty behaving?”

  “Hi, sweetie, yes, he is behaving just fine. We’re just about to head outside to play until lunchtime. Then after lunch I figured we would have some quiet time with a movie. How did your appointment this morning go?”

  “It went great! Jake measured everything and gave me a list of local flooring companies to go choose flooring from. If I can get it selected quickly, they can squeeze me in next week before they start a large job that will last all summer. I am actually on my way to the store now to see if I can find what I want.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. Sounds like it will all work out perfect. With you running all around today and dealing with the insurance adjuster, how about you plan on just having dinner over here tonight when you come to get Ty?”

  “That sounds perfect, Mom, thank you so much. I’ll head over once I’m done with the adjuster this afternoon.”

  I arrive at the first business on Jake’s list and head for the flooring department. I quickly text Caroline to see if she’s busy.

  Tessa: Hey, are you busy? I met with Jake a little while ago and I’m now looking at flooring options.

  Caroline: Just at home with the boys, send me pictures of what you pick out!

  Tessa: Will do, and um hello, why have you never mentioned Jake to me before? Is he single? What’s his story? He was HOT!

  Caroline: LOL, girl are you actually admitting to being attracted to someone??? Luke and him grew up together and have been friends for a long time. I don’t think he’s seeing anyone and I know he isn’t married. I can get more scoop from Luke when he’s home from work tonight.

  Tessa: Maybe… He was so nice and professional. If I can get the flooring picked out and they can get it ordered by the beginning of next week, then they can fit me in before they start a huge building project that is scheduled to last all summer.

  Caroline: Wow that’s awesome! Have fun picking out your new flooring!

  I start looking at the brands that are listed as the preferred brands on the list Jake gave me and narrow down what I like to four options. The associate helping me tells me I can take samples home of the ones I like to see what they look like in my kitchen. This way I can get a couple of opinions from my parents and Caroline. I make it home in time to meet the insurance adjuster.

  After waiting for the adjuster to look over everything, she gives me a printout showing what damage they show, as well as what they will cover. Thankfully, it looks like they will cover most, if not all of the repairs.

  Tessa: Hey Jake, I just got done meeting with the insurance adjuster regarding the kitchen repairs and per the printout she gave me, it looks like they are going to cover most of the repairs! Can I drop off a copy of this report to you? I also have narrowed down the flooring to four options. I brought home samples to see how they look in my kitchen.

  Jake: Sounds good, Tessa. I just finished a final walk-through and am not far from your subdivision. I can swing by and pick up the paperwork and take a look at what flooring options you are considering if you need another opinion.

  Tessa: Thanks! I’ll see you when you get here.

  Cue freak-out. I run up to my room to freshen up before he arrives. I can’t believe I have butterflies in my stomach because he is coming back over. I really need to rein in this attraction I have developed suddenly. I hope Caroline is correct and he isn’t dating anyone. But am I ready to jump into the dating ring?

  About 10 minutes later my doorbell rings and I have a huge smile plastered on my face as I answer the door.

  “Hey, Jake, that was fast. Thanks for stopping back over. I know you’re busy.” I can’t stop myself from all the word vomit nor the huge smile plastered on my face.

  “No problem at all. Like I said, I wasn’t far from here and it saved you the trip to our office.”

  We stand there at the door for a few seconds just looking at each other before I realize what I’m doing, and finally step to the side to let him in. “I’m sorry, please, come in. I have the insurance paperwork in the kitchen, as well as the flooring samples.”

  Looking at the samples, Jake grins at me. “These options are all great quality and top brands. They will all install beautifully in the kitchen. I think options 2 and 3 match best with the cabinets and trim that you already have in here.”

  “That’s what I was thinking myself. I’m so glad that the store offered the samples to me so I
could see the options in my actual kitchen and not just try and imagine what they would look like in here. Oh, and here is a copy of the paperwork from my insurance company for the kitchen. I also had a thought when I was at the store. Do I need to pick out the roofing stuff or does your company handle that?”

  “We purchase it in bulk, so as long as you don’t want a different color than what is already on your roof, we will just replace it with the same color.”

  “The same color is perfect. As for the flooring, Caroline and Luke are going to stop by tonight to look at what I have and my parents are going to come by as well. Once I have made my final decision do I let you know or call the store to order it?”

  “You can call, text or email me your selection. On the back of each of the samples they should have a sticker with a code. I just need that info and we will get it all ordered. I have the measurements, so we will be sure to order the correct amount needed. I will also have a construction dumpster delivered on Monday morning next week. Is there a specific place you would like us to have it put or an area that we need to avoid?”

  “Along the side of the house is fine with me, unless you would prefer it somewhere else? I would just ask that it not block my garage or the area by the swing set, as that is where my son plays when we are outside.”

  “The side will work perfectly. I will put that information on the order when it gets sent in. If you don’t have any more questions, I will get out of your way. Once I’m back at the office I will get your estimate finished and emailed over to you.”

  “Thanks again, Jake, I will be in touch soon,” I say as I smile up at him.


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