Forbidden Temptation

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Forbidden Temptation Page 12

by Teresa Gabelman

  “I’ve wanted to do that all night.” He looked down to see her nipples poking out from her shirt. He lifted her up and took one in his mouth, his strong arms holding her in place. “And these nipples have driven me fucking insane.”

  Roslyn moaned, her fingernails digging into his forearm. She wiggled to be put down, which he did. Immediately, she stripped out of her clothes, not even caring they were out in the open, and he fell a little more in love with her. Her willingness to trust his decision tugged at not only his heart, but his soul. He was a born protector, and she was trusting him.

  Standing naked before him, Roslyn remained still as his darkened gaze roamed over her body, devouring every inch of her. “Thank you,” she whispered, and his eyes shot to hers.

  “What are you thanking me for?” Dell asked, surprised. Seriously, what in the hell was she thanking him for? He should be the one on his knees thanking her.

  Her cheeks blushed a beautiful hue of red. “For making me feel special,” she whispered in answer, her eyes downcast.

  Suddenly, the urge to kill anyone from her past who’d made her feel less than enveloped his body, but he calmed himself quickly. His wolf howled inside his mind, but he silenced it also. Cupping her face with both hands, he brought her eyes to his. His need to reassure her strong.

  “You are special, Roslyn. Never doubt that.” His thumb caressed the softness of her cheek.

  “I love you,” she murmured so low he wondered if those three words were actually spoken.

  “You love me?” He wanted the confirmation, because no woman had ever said those words to him before. Dell needed to be sure it wasn’t just his mind speaking the words he wanted so badly to hear from her.

  “With everything I am,” she said louder, her eyes expressing the love she spoke.

  He leaned down inches from her face. “And I love you, more than you will ever know.”

  He took her in his arms and held her tight with the promise to show her just how much.

  Chapter 18

  Roslyn couldn’t get enough of Dell. She didn’t know if it was because she knew this was the last time she would ever be with him or if this was what mating and love really felt like. She fought to keep her tears in check, but a few slipped. She was able to hide it from him; at least, she felt she had.

  This was at least their third time. He had picked her up for her to straddle him and she slowly rode his hard cock. When she felt the tears leak, she would hug him close to wipe them away.

  It had to be early hours in the morning. The moon had moved in the sky. Birds that were still around, not flying south for the winter, sang their morning tune, and her heart bled. Time had gone too fast.

  So many moments she almost told him what had happened, but the evilness that was Cylus Kane stopped her. She could not put her pack in danger. She refused to be the cause of anyone’s death, especially the man she loved more than her own life. He would probably hate her, or think he did something wrong, and those thoughts were unbearable to her.

  “Hey.” Dell’s voice brought her out of her thoughts.

  Surprised, her eyes snapped to his and fear seized her breathing. She moved faster, trying to divert him from her distraction, but it didn’t work. He stilled her hips with his strong hands.

  “Something is bothering you.” His intense gaze observed her carefully, and she feared he would see her plans.

  “Yeah, a little bit,” she replied. She didn’t want to lie to him, hoped she would just sneak away, but she knew the possibility of that happening was slim to none, as in not happening. “I want back on rotation.”

  Dell’s head tilted. He looked away for a second and then back at her with a frown. “My cock buried inside you and you’re thinking about rotation? Son of a bitch, I’ve lost my touch.”

  A true laugh escaped her lips. “Hey, you asked,” she teased, then turned serious. “I’m sorry, but yes, it’s been bothering me a lot. I know the guys are talking and I don’t like it.”

  Anger flashed across his face, but then was gone. “So if I let you back on rotation, you’ll….” He cocked his eyebrow at her.

  “Ride you like a cowgirl on a bronco.” She gave him a saucy grin. “But only if it starts this morning.”

  “Demanding, are we?” Dell frowned, but nodded. “Fine, you’re on rotation.”

  “Yee-haw.” She gave him a wink, then did exactly what she promised and rode him long and hard. With each stroke, she knew her time with him was limited and she had to keep hugging him to wipe a stray tear. Her throat burned so bad from holding back the sobs, she almost couldn’t take it anymore.

  She knew Dell was as close as she was, but she didn’t want it to end. He gently pulled her off him and set her on her feet. Turning her around, he whispered for her to kneel on top of the shirt he’d put on the ground for her. She knelt, and with his urging, placed her hands down, so she was on all fours. He entered her from behind with a slowness that had her moaning. With expert movements, he finished them both as she watched her tears hit the ground wetting the leaves.

  Once he stopped moving and pulled out, she remained on all fours, trying everything in her power to stop the tears, but they kept coming.

  “Roslyn?” Dell’s voice was filled with concern.

  Her body was one huge sensitive trigger point and when he gently touched her back, the sobs she tried so hard to hold back escaped. Her control was lost as she crawled into herself and collapsed on the cold ground.

  “Roslyn!” Dell cursed, picking her up and holding her to him. “Did I hurt you? Fuck! Answer me, did I hurt you?”

  Shaking her head, she tried to form words, but they wouldn’t come. Her body shook, but not from the cold. No, her body shook with absolute terror for what she was about to lose and what was to come. She prayed to regain control. She did everything in her power to stop the betrayal her body and mind were putting her through. Dammit, she had been so close; she couldn’t screw this up now.

  “I’m sorry,” she said between sobs, tears, and shaking. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “Did I hurt you?” he repeated, and the fear in his own voice matched the one she was feeling, but for totally different reasons. Though neither wanted to see the other hurt, so maybe they were the same emotions.

  “No.” She shook her head. “Everything you did was perfect. No one has ever made me feel the way you do, and I think it just became overwhelming. I’m fine.” She hiccupped, rubbing the tears from her eyes.

  Dell watched her too closely, and she needed to fix this, quick. Touching his cheek with her shaky hand, she kissed him softly.

  “You swear to me that I did not hurt you.” Dell’s concern etched his face.

  “I swear you did not hurt me, Dell.” Roslyn kissed him again, then looked so deeply into his eyes she swore she could see his soul. “I would tell you if you did. I just had a girl moment.”

  He didn’t respond for a minute but just stared at her. Then gently, he wiped the rest of her tears away. “Promise not to have too many girl moments.” He still didn’t look reassured but played along. “Scared the shit out of me.”

  Roslyn giggled and felt more tears. As serious as the moment was Dell could make her laugh. Who knew big bad Dell Farris had a funny side. “I promise not to scare the shit out of you.” She lied, because in about three hours when she didn’t show up from rotation, he would fear for her, and that about killed her.


  Dell paced around his garage. Something was off, and he knew it. He should have never let Roslyn go on rotation, not after seeing her so upset. The woman had arrived and turned his world upside down, and obviously his common sense also.

  Not being able to stand it any longer, he walked to her place to make sure she hadn’t returned yet to change and then come meet up with him. Their protocol was to close themselves off when on rotation, unless there was a problem, so if any other shifters were in the area, they couldn’t get a read on them.

  If she
wasn’t at her place, he was going to shift and go find her. Something urged him faster up the road, and the closer he got, the dread forming in his gut had him jogging. Hearing something in the woods, he stopped and looked. Coming out from the well-worn trail were all of the recruits on rotation, except for Roslyn.

  “Where is she?” Dell headed their way.

  “Roslyn?” Devon asked, confusion in his voice. “She sprained her ankle when we first started. Said she was coming back. She didn’t show up?”

  “Fuck!” Dell cursed, then headed toward the house. “You let her come back alone and hurt?”

  “She was walking on it fine,” Les answered this time. “We offered to all come back with her, but she said she was okay and could make it. Hell, it happened right when we started.”

  The door wasn’t locked, so Dell burst inside, knowing she wasn’t there before he took two steps inside. “Roslyn!” he called out, just in case, but knew there would be no answer. He also knew there wouldn’t be a note, but he looked. He went to the closet and noticed the pack provided bag was gone. All that was left were empty hangers. That alone spoke volumes.

  He texted her but received no response. There was no scent of someone who didn’t belong, and her scent was fading, but he picked it up. “Get Taz!” he ordered as he followed her scent. He tried to remain calm, to think, and yet his mind was all over the place. He felt like he’d been stabbed in the gut and his heart pounded with dread. It had been drizzling rain on and off all morning, but now a steady rain was starting to fall, and he knew any tracks there might be would vanish.

  “I’m here.” Taz rushed toward them, already picking up the scent and putting his tracking skills to use.

  “I texted him,” Devon informed Dell, following behind with the rest of them. No one wanted to contaminate the scent.

  They hadn’t gone but a mile when Taz stopped, looking around then turned. “It’s gone. Washed away by the rain.”

  “Shit!” Dell stared out toward the woods. His fear tripled, knowing for a fact she was gone and not in town.

  “She’s alone. No signs of struggle,” Taz said after a moment of silence. “No other tracks are with her that I can see.”

  Dell knew that, but didn’t want to admit it to himself. She had left him, but why?

  “Sorry, man.” Devon gave him a sideways glance before turning with the rest of them and leaving Dell standing alone in the open field, right before entering the woods.

  He just stood there long after the others had walked away. She had left him. That thought was all that clouded his mind. Anger, betrayal, confusion, and a numbness settled over him. She had been safe here, taken care of and welcomed into the pack. Then she had lied about going on rotation to obviously sneak away from him.

  With one last glance toward the wood line, he turned and headed back toward town, his mood darker than it had ever been. He stopped suddenly as a memory flashed through his mind. His heart dropped. His stomach clinched painfully as he turned and ran back the way he came. He shifted in midrun. At his command, his wolf turned and headed into the woods where her scent had disappeared.

  The ease his wolf had running through the thick woods gave Dell the time to think, but contemplating what he might find scared him more than anything ever had. His wolf’s paws slid on the damp leaves but didn’t miss a beat. The sight of the cliff came into view, and the wolf stopped, shifting back into the man.

  Naked, breathing hard, Dell just stared at the spot he had seen Roslyn not long ago. The memory of her spreading her arms wide as she leaned toward the empty air replayed in his mind over and over again. His body tight with anticipation of something he didn’t want to see made him stand stone still. He knew she wouldn’t have done this, not after the first time. They had talked and she had confided so much to him. She also knew she was safe. And still, he needed to know, needed to see for himself.

  Taking one step and then another, he rushed to the edge of the cliff. Falling to his knees, he grasped the edge and looked down. Fear of what he might see kept his eyes shut tight. After a deep breath, he finally found the nerve to open them and searched below, praying—something he hadn’t done in a long time—not to see Roslyn’s broken body down below.

  The relief was so great he fell back from the cliff on his bare ass, his breathing rapid. Lifting his head toward the sky, Dell let out a roar that was both human and wolf as a single tear fell from his eye.

  His relief faded as other emotions shifted through his body. He had no idea where she was, but he was going to find her. He wanted to hear from her own lips that she wanted to leave him, leave the safety of a pack that had welcomed her in.

  Standing quickly, he didn’t look toward the edge of the cliff as he turned and walked naked the way his wolf had brought him. With only one thought in mind, he took off at a run. He had a mission to find her, and when he did, she better have a good fucking excuse for walking away.

  Chapter 19

  Regret more than fear weighed Roslyn down the closer she got to Shoemaker Ridge. She had always known since being sold to Cylus that her destiny had been set. She would never be free of him, ever. She could run, but he would find her. As much as she hated to admit it, Cylus knew her better than anyone else. He made it his goal to know his pack so he could use everything and anything against them. He knew any threats against someone she cared for would send her running back to him. He didn’t even have Uric wait to bring her back, because he knew she would come of her own free will.

  God, how she hated the man, but to keep others safe, she would sacrifice herself. She knew Dell would think she’d just walked away at first, but he would soon figure it out, or Leda would tell him. By then, it would be too late because once Cylus was done with her, no man would want her, not even Dell Farris. The thought shattered her heart a little more, if that were even possible, but her pain was worse than any she had ever experienced. She missed Dell already and wished it could be different, but reality was a bitch and reality was what she was about to face.

  Shoemaker Ridge was just a stop for Cylus’s pack. It was very remote and hard to find; she wasn’t even for sure if she could find the exact spot herself. But it was too remote for Cylus. He only stayed there when in hiding, but now he was there because he was waiting for her and knew she was close.

  Shoemaker Ridge was not populated, having no access to electric or plumbing either. The road leading to the ridge was not fit for vehicles, which was another reason Cylus picked spots like this. When the burning, prickly feeling pierced her skin, Roslyn knew she was almost upon them. Since meeting Cylus, she had thought of many ways to kill him and always did it with pleasure. One day, yes, one day she would get that chance. It may be too late for her and Dell by then, but she would have her revenge against the man she despised and who put her through a living hell.

  The scent of wood smoke grew stronger. She had gotten a slight sniff of it miles back, so she knew within minutes she would walk straight into camp. Time now to prep herself for what was to come. Hearing a noise to her right, she didn’t even glance that way. She was being watched, but not stopped. Cylus was waiting for her, and everyone in this pack realized that what Cylus wanted, Cylus got.

  Seeing the firelight through the trees, the laughter and grunts of conversation and sex, Roslyn took a deep breath and walked into the open. It was like she’d never left. Everything was the same. Drunken sex everywhere you looked, women naked and dancing around the fire, and Cylus Kane standing with his arms crossed, getting his cock sucked as he watched it all.

  His eyes immediately went to hers, and the smile that spread across his face should have warned her to run as fast as she could, but what was the use? They’d catch her. She was here. He got his way as he always did.

  Not wanting to show weakness because he fed off that, she continued to stare at him. Even when he took both of his hands and crudely finished the blow job off by pumping himself into the woman’s mouth, she remained stoic. She felt for the woman, had been
in that position herself, and it wasn’t pleasant. Her stomach roiled at the memories, but she pushed them away. This was her life, had been her life, and she had been delusional to think it would have been different. She had tried with Dell and the Lee County wolves, but it was just a nice vacation from her hell. That was it. Time to forget. Time to become Ross again. It was the only way to save the ones who mattered to her, who treated her like she was more than the dirt beneath their feet. Time to forget the love she had for the man who now probably hated her.

  Cylus continued with the woman, his eyes never leaving Roslyn’s until his release came and his head fell back. An inhuman howl left his lips. He pulled himself out of the spent woman’s mouth by pushing against her forehead where she fell to the ground, gagging and gasping. He stepped over her like she was nothing and headed toward Ross.

  The closer Cylus got, the more she wished with everything she had she would have succeeded off the cliff. If Dell had been a second later, she would have never known the love of a man to only have to throw it away as she stepped back into her nightmare.

  Cylus walked straight up to her and backhanded her across the face. “I’ve missed you.” His tone was as if he really had missed her, but the stinging of her cheek said otherwise. He missed controlling her, that was all.

  She remained silent, knowing that anything she said would only be used against her. The chuckles from those around her were easy to ignore. She hated them all.

  “So I’ve heard you’ve gotten a little close to those Lee County pussies.” It wasn’t a question, but an obvious fact; he had been told by Uric. “You know I have half a mind to pay them a visit.”

  Again, she remained silent and did everything in her power to hide the fear his words caused her. This was why she was here, to stop him from doing just that. Any emotion she showed would only spur his evilness, and that was something she couldn’t afford to do.

  He backhanded her again, but she didn’t go down. The pain was excruciating, and she tasted the hint of blood inside her mouth. Fully aware her nightmare was only beginning, she tried to make peace with the fact this was her life and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it. A flash of Dell’s strong features crossed her mind, but she pushed it away. That was over, and the sooner she realized it, the better off she would be.


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