Claimed: Death Dealers MC Book 3

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Claimed: Death Dealers MC Book 3 Page 1

by Sapphire, Alana

  Book Three

  By: Alana Sapphire

  Copyright 2015 Alana Sapphire

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is entirely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are fictitious or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products or works mentioned.

  Thank you for purchasing this eBook. This eBook remains the copyrighted property of the author, and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. This eBook, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a review.

  Cover and logo design by Margreet Asselbergs from Rebel Edit & Design © 2015

  Edited by Hot Tree Editing


  Acknowledgements and Disclaimer


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Other Books by Alana Sapphire

  About the Author


  Gage and Raven barged into my life more than a year ago. I started writing Claimed before I even thought of publishing Forbidden, so these characters have been with me for a while. I’m a little sad to see them go, so who knows? Maybe you’ll see them again ;)

  I want to thank my family and friends for embarking on this journey with me. I love you. Thanks to Becky and Kristin at Hot Tree Editing for your guidance. Margreet Asselbergs at Rebel Edit & Design, thank you for my lovely cover. To my Hellhounds, you’re more than just a street team. Thank you for all you do and for being a sounding board for my madness.

  My beta readers, thank you for your valuable input. Miguel, as always, you’re awesome! A HUGE thank you to all the bloggers who share my covers, teasers, links…you rock! To everyone who’s read and reviewed my books or even sent a message to say you liked them – thank you for your continued support. This wouldn’t be possible without you. I’ve been writing for most of my life and my words were for my eyes only. It was my therapy. Know that every word you read is a piece of my soul…and I’m sharing it with you.

  Thank you all for your love and support!


  There is a character in the series whose road name is “Allah”. As explained in Tempted (book two), it was derived from a mispronunciation of the word “Holla”. It is in no way related to faith/religion, nor has any religious connotations. This book also explores the subjects of life after sexual assault, and depression. If these are triggers for you, please proceed with caution.



  1. (v) State or assert that something is the case; Express something definitely or clearly in speech or writing

  2. (n) A demand or request for something considered one’s due



  Where we left off in Tempted...

  I can’t believe this shit is happening again. I’m handcuffed and being dragged through the halls of the hospital like a common criminal. Well...I am a criminal. The fucked-up thing is I keep getting arrested for crimes I didn’t commit. Rape. Why the fuck would I need to rape any woman, let alone my own? This is some bullshit.

  “You’re making a huge mistake, Renley.”

  “Why? Because you’re such an upstanding member of the community?”

  “I’m no saint, but I’m no rapist, either.”

  “Maybe. It could just be a coincidence that two women you’re connected to end up getting raped. I’m not taking the chance on a third.”

  He pushes me into the elevator just as E approaches. “Call my lawyer,” I tell him. He acknowledges with a dip of his head and pulls his phone from his pocket. I lean on the back wall, shaking my head.

  I don’t have time for this. Raven needs me. I should be with her but instead I have to deal with these motherfuckers. Fuck. She needs me and once again, I won’t be there.



  Raped. That’s what the doctor standing over me said. I was tied up, drugged, stabbed, and raped. How did that happen? The last thing I remember is getting into the shower. After that, it’s all darkness.

  The doctor’s lips are still moving, but I’m not hearing a sound. The thought of someone violating me in the worst possible way is the only thing on my mind. Raped. Judging by the feeling between my legs, pretty brutally, too. Now they’re asking my permission to violate me further with their tests. What the hell. It can’t get any worse. In the midst of my pain and confusion, one thing becomes clear. It couldn’t have been Gage. No way. I can’t believe I even thought that for a second.

  “Miss Alvarez?”

  I stare at the doctor with dead eyes. Did he ask me something? I have no idea. There’s just one thing I need to know. “Who?”

  He clears his throat and drops his gaze to the floor. “The police have arrested –”

  “It wasn’t him,” I stop him before he can even get the name out. He raises a brow at the conviction in my voice.

  “Do you remember anything?”

  “No. But I know it wasn’t him.”

  “Yes, well…the police are investigating. If Mr. Hunter is innocent, I’m sure he will be cleared.”

  “He’s innocent,” Dr. E’s voice rumbles from the door. He shoots a death stare at the other doctor and moves to my bed, his expression becoming tender as he looks down at me. “Hey. How do you feel?”

  “Like I just went ten rounds with Floyd Mayweather.”

  His jaw clenches and anger flashes in his eyes. It reminds me of Gage. I’ve never seen this side of Dr. E before.

  “A moment please,” he says.

  The other doctor nods and leaves. Dr. E pulls up a chair and takes my hand. “I doubt this…but do you remember anything from last night?”

  “I remember Ellen dropping me off and then getting in the shower. That’s it.”

  He nods and takes a deep breath, gently squeezing my fingers in reassurance.

  “We’ll find the motherfucker who did this. All the guys are on it. Don’t worry.”

  “Gage?” I ask hopefully. I need to know what the police have done to him.

  “He’s down at the station, but they have nothing. I won’t be surprised if he’s back here by this afternoon.”

  Thank God. I need him. I need him here to hold me, to make me feel safe. Oh, God. What if this guy comes back for me? Panic grips me. Tears stream down my cheeks as I begin to hyperventilate.

  “It’s okay, Raven. You’ll be fine. I’m here, and I’ll have two guys posted outside at all times. You’re safe.”

  No, I’m not. I won’t be until Gage gets here.


  Renley tosses a Ziploc-encased object on the table. My stomach roils. It’s a dildo. It’s the dildo. The one that violated my girl. The thing has to be at least ten inches long and four inches wide. Her blood is still on it. I turn away and clench my fists on the table. I promised I’d never let anyone hurt her, and I failed.
I wasn’t there.

  “What’s the matter, Hunter? Can’t get it up?” Renley sneers.

  My lawyer told me not to say anything until he gets here, but fuck that. “Fuck you. This was not me.”

  “Yeah, well, excuse me if I don’t believe you.” He takes the seat opposite me and his deputy leans on the wall in the corner. “I couldn’t get you for Janet Presley, but your ass is mine this time.”

  “Sorry, but I don’t swing that way. Your deputy looks like he does, though.”

  Deputy Michaels grinds his teeth together but keeps his distance.

  “Don’t worry, Michaels. I’m sure he’ll be very popular with the inmates up in State.”

  “You have nothing on me and you know it. That’s why I’m still sitting here.”

  “You were both seen riding around together in the morning –”

  “That’s not illegal.”

  “No, but rape is. Never knew you liked them so young, Hunter.”

  Motherfucker. “Her doctors will tell you she was a virgin before she was attacked. I never touched her.”

  “And that’s why you raped her. Because she wouldn’t let you touch her.”

  “I did not rape her,” I state vehemently.

  “There was no forced entry. She let her attacker in. She let you in.”

  “She was excited about her birthday party. She could have left the door open.”

  He leans forward and stabs the desk with his index finger. “We have a witness who saw you leaving her house right before the ambulance arrived.”

  “Bullshit. I was nowhere near there and I can prove it.”

  “Let me guess. One of your guys can vouch for you.”

  “I have dozens of people who can vouch for me, but I don’t need them.” This is one of those times I’m thankful for surveillance cameras, and also for the fact that Tek is a paranoid son of a bitch who puts them everywhere. “I’ve got video footage documenting practically my entire day.”

  Renley clenches his jaw. “How do we know it hasn’t been doctored?”

  “My guys only watch live feeds. I’m the only one who has access to the recordings. Bring me my phone and I’ll show you right now.”

  I can practically hear his teeth grinding against each other. He sees his whole case blowing up before his eyes. He jerks his head toward Michaels and the other man leaves the room. Leaning back in the chair, I observe him. Usually, I’d love to throw his failure in his face, but I just need to get out of here and back to Raven. She needs me.

  Michaels returns and I quickly tap into my security system. I show them the Kitty, making sure I point out the timestamps of my arrival and departure. Same thing for Scythe.

  “My sister Ellen, and I’m sure anyone who saw them, can tell you she picked Raven up at the salon and took her home.”

  I bring up the footage from my house and show them me entering, then Ellen arriving, and finally me running out after I got the phone call. The officers stare at each other with uncertainty.

  “You could have easily gotten someone to do your dirty work for you.”

  “If that’s so, Deputy Michaels, you just agreed your witness is full of shit.”

  He blanches, realizing the mistake he’s made. Renley taps his finger on the table. “Say you’re innocent. Why would someone go through all this trouble?”

  “A lot of people have grudges against me, Renley.”

  I gesture toward him and he narrows his eyes at me. This has gone on far too long. It’s time to set the record straight.

  “Look, I need to get back to the hospital, so I’m going to settle this once and for all. I didn’t hurt Janet. Her psycho of an ex-boyfriend did and threatened to kill her if she didn’t finger me. I convinced her to recant after I promised to get her far away. And I did. If you want proof, I can make a phone call and she’ll be here by tomorrow. I just need to know you’ll drop this once she tells the truth.”

  They stare at each other again, having some unspoken conversation, and then Michaels nods.

  “There’s still the matter of the missing evidence.”

  “You can’t blame me for your negligence, Sheriff.”

  He’s shit out of luck if he thinks I’m copping to that. Especially since I’m going to need my contact at the lab now. I dial Rambo and put the phone to my ear. “Rambo, I need you in Stony View yesterday…and bring your old lady.”


  He’s here. I don’t need to open my eyes to know it’s him. He’s finally here, and I can’t look at him. How can I face him after what happened? He’ll never look at me the same way again. I no longer have what he wanted, what he’s waited so long for. I’m damaged goods.

  His scent grows stronger and I feel him standing over me. Tears gather behind my lids. I shut my eyes tighter to keep them there, but that just makes it worse. He gently wipes a tear from my cheek with his thumb.

  “Raven, look at me.”

  It’s like opening the floodgates. He’s blurry through my teary-eyed vision, but I couldn’t bear to see his expression anyway. I couldn’t bear to see disgust in his eyes. He hands me his bandana, slowly sliding his fingers through my hair.

  “It’s okay, doll. I’m here.”

  He doesn’t sound disgusted. A little sad but…compassionate. I brave his stare and his blue eyes glint at me. No judgment, no repulsion. I breathe a sigh of relief. As he leans in, I grab his shirt and pull him down to me, burying my face in his chest and taking a deep breath. His scent fills my body, mind, and senses. I hold my breath for as long as I can then let it out slowly. This is what I needed. Peace.

  “My little puppy. That’s why I made sure I showered before I came back here.”

  I crack a small smile as he drops a tender kiss on my forehead. He pulls up a chair, but I shake my head and pat the bed. I need him next to me. He carefully moves me over and I struggle onto my side – the one with the good shoulder. I lay my head on his chest as he settles in next to me and just breathe him in. His strong, steady heartbeat calms and reassures me. He’s here.

  “I’m sorry, Raven.”

  The pain in his voice grabs my heart. What does he have to be sorry for?

  “This is my fault. I’m the reason this happened to you.”

  Before I can object, Ellen and Aunt Nita walk in, followed by Millie, Chrissy, and Toni. They gather around us, each one appearing to be fighting back tears. Millie cups my cheek and smiles weakly.

  “How are you, sweetheart?”

  I look around the room again. Chrissy and Toni have lost the battle, sniffling as tears roll down their cheeks. Ellen looks to the ceiling, still putting up a fight. I break down again, fisting my hand in Gage’s shirt.

  “Oh, shit,” he mutters under his breath.

  It can’t be easy for him, being surrounded by five crying females. They move closer, each touching me in support.

  “You’re not alone, Raven. We’re all here for you…anything you need.”

  I nod to Aunt Nita as she hands me a tissue. Gage strokes my hair, trying to soothe me. In the midst of my sobbing, it hits me that I don’t really know why I’m crying again. It was triggered by the others, their tears and the looks in their eyes. I know what happened to me and I feel the effects of it, but I guess it doesn’t seem real. Maybe it’s because I don’t remember what happened, but I don’t feel it. I’m sad, upset, and a little scared, but that true feeling of violation is just beyond my reach.

  Chrissy holds up a bag then sets it on a chair. “I brought you some stuff…my kindle and iPod. They won’t let us into your place.”

  “I brought you some soup…the way my Mom makes it,” Toni says as she places the container on the table next to the bed. I’m not really hungry but if I could eat anything, it would be Mama Doreen’s soup.

  “Thanks, guys.”

  They visit with me for about an hour before the nurse from earlier comes in and announces she has to check my bandages. The ladies leave and Gage carefully climbs out of the bed.
r />   The nurse looks pointedly at the door. “Sir.”

  I grab his hand before he even acknowledges her. She presses her lips together and narrows her eyes at him.

  “What’s your name?” he asks her.


  “Look, Cindy…we got off on the wrong foot, but you better get used to seeing me. As long as she’s in here, I’ll be here, too.”

  Sighing, she shakes her head in resignation. “Fine.”

  She starts with my shoulder, and I flinch at her touch. I don’t know why, but I don’t feel comfortable with her touching me. She moves to the foot of the bed and lifts the sheet to inspect my legs. The moment her fingers graze my skin, I freak the fuck out.

  “Don’t touch me!”

  Startled, she releases me and steps back. “It’s okay. I just need –”

  “Don’t touch me. Get away from me!” I turn to Gage in a panic. “Please, don’t let her touch me. Get her away from me!”

  “I got you, babe.”

  He wraps his arms around me gently as I sob into his chest. I vaguely hear him tell the nurse to get Dr. E, and then he whispers in my ear that I’m okay. This is not the behavior of someone who’s okay.

  What the fuck just happened?



  She’s shaking in my arms and I don’t know what the fuck to do. I do what I can – hold her and try to comfort her. By the time E gets here, she’s calmed down enough to lie back on the bed.

  I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead. “I’m going to talk to E, okay?”

  “Please, don’t leave me.”

  The desperation in her voice almost breaks me. I squeeze her fingers lightly and give her a reassuring look. “I’ll be right outside the door, doll.”

  She nods, but the frightened expression lingers on her face. I close the door behind me and take a deep breath.


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