A Green Christmas!

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A Green Christmas! Page 1

by Ray O’Ryan


  Chapter 1 Holiday Plans

  Chapter 2 Shopping Time!

  Chapter 3 Off to Cisnos!

  Chapter 4 Mall Madness!

  Chapter 5 A Storm Is Brewing

  Chapter 6 Time for Christmas!

  Chapter 7 A Change of Plans

  Chapter 8 Christmas Memories

  Chapter 9 The Cosmic Storm

  Chapter 10 A Green Christmas!

  ‘Galaxy Zack’ Excerpt

  About Ray O’Ryan and Colin Jack

  Chapter 1

  Holiday Plans

  Zack Nelson stretched out on his bed with his dog, Luna, beside him. He clutched his hyperphone and punched in the z-mail address for his cousin Louis on Earth. Christmas was coming, and Zack was already on his school break.

  Zack was born on Earth. He had spent the first eight years of his life living in Dubbsville, Texas. But Zack now lived on the planet Nebulon.

  Zack and his family had moved to Nebulon several months ago. At first Zack missed Earth very much and he wished he could go back and live there again. But Zack had grown to really like his life on Nebulon, even though he still missed his friends and family on Earth.

  As Zack’s hyperphone blazed to life, his cousin Louis’s face appeared on the screen.

  “Begin video chat,” said a computer voice from the device.

  “Hey, Zack! How’s life on Nebulon?” asked Louis.

  “Pretty good,” replied Zack, “but I can’t wait to get back to Earth for Christmas!”

  This would be Zack’s first Christmas since his family moved to Nebulon. But Zack, his mom and dad, and his twin sisters, Charlotte and Cathy, were planning on traveling back to Earth. Zack loved spending Christmas with his relatives. Louis and his family lived in Vermont, and Zack always looked forward to sledding and building snowmen with his cousins.

  “We already have about eight inches of snow here,” said Louis, “and they are expecting more by Christmas!”

  “Yippee wah-wah!” Zack shouted.

  “Yippee what?” asked Louis.

  “Oh, that’s just something we say here on Nebulon when we’re really happy about something,” Zack explained, “and I’m SO excited about playing in all that snow with you!”

  “Me too!” said Louis. “Does it ever snow on Nebulon?”

  “No,” said Zack. “It gets cold, but not cold enough to snow. That’s why I’m so glad I’m coming to Earth! It just wouldn’t feel like Christmas without snow.”

  “And without you!” Louis added.

  “Yeah!” Zack cried.

  “Do they have Christmas on Nebulon?” Louis asked.

  “Yeah,” said Zack, “but from what I’ve seen so far, it’s really different. The Christmas trees look weird. So do the ornaments. The trees look like long tubes of light. The ornaments are all square-looking and metal. I guess they’re okay, but I prefer the ones that we have on Earth.”

  Just then Louis held his hyperphone up to his bedroom window. “Look!” he said.

  Zack saw what was happening outside: White snow was falling gently on the Vermont mountains.

  “Wow!” said Zack. “It’s beautiful. This is going to be the best Christmas ever!”

  Ruff! Ruff! Luna barked excitedly.

  Chapter 2

  Shopping Time!

  The next morning Zack hurried into the kitchen. His parents and his sisters were already having breakfast.

  “Good morning, Master Just Zack,” said Ira. “What would you like to eat this morning?”

  Ira was the Nelson family’s Indoor Robotic Assistant. Although Ira was a machine, he had a personality. Zack had come to think of Ira as part of the family.

  “I’d like a couple of eggs, cosmic-style, and toast with boingoberry jam, please,” replied Zack.

  “Guess where . . .”

  “. . . we’re going . . .”

  “. . . today?” asked Charlotte and Cathy.

  The twins always finished each other’s sentences.

  Zack looked at his mom and dad.

  “We’re going on a shopping trip to the planet Cisnos,” Mom explained.

  “Cisnos?” said Zack. “That’s the planet with the really grape Lollyland amusement park. I love that place.”

  “Same planet, Captain,” said Dad, using his favorite nickname for Zack. “Only instead of going to the amusement park, we’ll be going to the mall. It’s holiday shopping time!”

  “And it’s not just any mall . . .”

  “. . . it’s the Cisnos Mondo-Mall . . .”

  “. . . the biggest mall in this part of the galaxy!” Charlotte and Cathy squealed with delight. They both loved to go shopping.

  “Your father and I figured that we would do all our shopping before our trip to Earth,” Mom explained. “That way when we get to Earth, we can start celebrating right away!”

  “Ugh,” Zack moaned. “I’d rather go to the amusement park.”

  “They’ve got the biggest food court in the entire sector . . . ,” Dad pointed out.

  Zack’s eyes opened wide. “What time do we leave?” he asked, smiling.

  Just then a panel in the kitchen wall slid out. Out came a mechanical arm holding a plate of steaming eggs and toast.

  “Here is your breakfast, Master Just Zack,” said Ira.

  “We leave just as soon as you finish eating,” Mom said.

  “Grape!” said Zack. He shoved a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

  Zack was looking forward to seeing what the Christmas decorations on Cisnos looked like. But he still couldn’t wait to get back to Earth to celebrate the old fashioned way.

  Chapter 3

  Off to Cisnos!

  The Nelson family piled into their car. They took off for the Creston City Spaceport where they would catch the shuttle to Cisnos. Zack had been to the Creston City Spaceport many times. He loved space travel.

  The Nelsons soon arrived. Once everyone got out of the car, Dad pressed a button on the hood. The tires folded up into the bumpers and the trunk slipped underneath. A few seconds later the car had turned into a small green square.

  Dad picked up the green square. It was very light. He slipped it into a storage slot.

  “The Nebulon version of a parking garage!” said Dad.

  “I love that!” said Zack.

  “Me too,” said Dad.

  “The Cisnos Shuttle is now boarding at Landing Pod seventy-seven,” said an announcement over the spaceport’s loudspeakers.

  “Here we go!” said Dad.

  The Nelsons boarded the shuttle. A few minutes later they were zooming through space.

  Zack stared out the shuttle window. Nebulon grew smaller and smaller.

  “What are you going to look for at the mall, girls?” Mom asked Charlotte and Cathy.

  “We want to get that new doll . . .”

  “. . . Orbiting Alice . . .”

  “. . . the doll that flies around the room . . .”

  “. . . as a gift . . .”

  “. . . for cousin Susie in Vermont,” the twins replied.

  “Very nice,” said Mom. “How about you, Zack?”

  “I don’t know,” said Zack. “I was thinking about getting Louis a book about galactic blast. I know how much he likes baseball. I thought he might like to read about the version we play here on Nebulon.”

  “All of you have such good ideas,” said Mom.

  Zack stared out the window and watched stars zip through space. But all he could think about at that moment was playing in the snow back on Earth.

  A short while later, an orange planet came into view.

  “There it is!” cried Zack. “Cisnos!”

  “Wow . . .”

  “. . . pre
tty!” said Charlotte and Cathy.

  As the shuttle dropped through purple clouds, a huge shopping mall appeared below. The mall was ten times bigger than any mall Zack had ever seen on Earth!

  After the shuttle landed, Zack followed his family and stepped onto a moving sidewalk. The sidewalk led them right into the mall.

  Stores were everywhere. Zack looked up and saw that the mall spread out in every direction.

  “How do we even know where to begin?” he asked.

  Chapter 4

  Mall Madness!

  “Welcome, Nelson family,” said a woman’s voice right above Zack’s head. “What are you looking for?”

  Zack jumped. He was startled by this unexpected voice. Looking up, he saw a small round metal ball hovering in the air.

  “I am Midge—your Mall Interactive Directory Guide Escort,” said a voice coming from a speaker on the flying ball. “I am here to help you.”

  “This thing reminds me of Ira,” Zack said.

  “Correct,” said Midge. “The Indoor Robotic Assistant was developed in the same lab as I was.”

  “We want . . .”

  “. . . to find . . .”

  “. . . dolls!” squealed Charlotte and Cathy.

  “Certainly,” said Midge.

  Suddenly, Charlotte and Cathy saw their names appear, flashing along the floor in front of them.

  “Simply follow your names,” said Midge.

  “I wanna go to the food court!” said Zack.

  “Certainly,” said Midge.

  Zack’s name appeared right at his feet.

  “I will keep track of all family members,” explained Midge. “I will make sure you do not get lost and that you will find each other later.”

  “Grape!” said Zack. He started following his name as it moved along the floor. “See ya later!” Zack called out to his family.

  “Okay,” said Mom, a bit concerned. “Be careful, Zack. You too, girls!”

  “Do not worry,” said Midge. “I will keep an eye on them.”

  Zack followed his name along the floor. Every store he passed was filled with Christmas decorations. But the decorations Zack saw didn’t look like the ones he knew from Earth.

  Instead of Christmas trees, the Cisnosians and the Nebulites used thin glowing tubes. The tubes were shaped to look like tree branches. Zack thought they looked unfriendly. He loved the look and smell of the real evergreen Christmas trees that grew on Earth.

  Ornaments hung from the glowing tubes—but they were different, too. These ornaments had sharp angles. Zack preferred the homemade ornaments his family used each year. They always gave him a warm, cozy feeling.

  I’m glad we’re going to Earth for Christmas, thought Zack. Here they have no snow, no real Christmas trees, and weird-looking ornaments.

  “You have arrived at the food court,” said Midge, who reappeared.

  The voice startled Zack. He had been busy following his name and looking in all the store windows. He had forgotten all about Midge.

  “Thanks, Midge,” Zack said. Then he ran into the food court.

  Zack bought a bag of fritter loops and began munching. They reminded him of the curly fries he used to get on Earth. Next he gobbled up a galactic stack, the biggest sandwich on Cisnos. Then he washed it all down with a swirlie—a really delicious, sweet, fruity frozen drink.

  The food at this mall sure is good! Zack thought.

  He suddenly remembered that he had to buy Louis’s present. “Midge, can you lead me to a bookstore?” Zack asked.

  “Certainly,” replied Midge. “Just follow your name.”

  Once again, Zack’s name appeared at his feet. He followed his name to a store called the Universe of Books. Inside, Zack saw tall stacks of books of every size and shape.

  Zack stepped up to a small view screen. “Books about sports, please,” he said.

  The view screen blazed to life, and a series of arrows showed a path through the store. Zack followed the arrows and arrived at a whole shelf of books about galactic blast.

  Zack looked through several books until he found just the right one. “This one’s perfect!” he said, grabbing a big book off the shelf. “The History of Galactic Blast. I bet Louis is going to love it!”

  After Zack bought the book, he stepped out of the store. But as he turned, he found himself face to face with Seth Stevens, the biggest bully in his class!

  Chapter 5

  A Storm Is Brewing

  “Hi, Seth,” said Zack.

  When Zack first arrived at the Sprockets Academy, Seth bullied him. But over time, the two started to get along.

  “Hi, Zack. What did you get?” Seth asked.

  “It’s a book about galactic blast for my cousin,” Zack explained. “We’re going back to Earth for Christmas.”

  “That sounds like fun,” said Seth.

  “What’s that?” Zack asked, pointing.

  Seth was holding something hard and plastic. It looked like a shiny boot.

  “It is my Christmas stocking, of course,” Seth replied. “Have you not seen one before?”

  “Sure,” said Zack. “But the ones we use on Earth are soft and made from cloth.”

  “Weird,” said Seth. Then he walked away, shaking his head.

  “Excuse me, but it is time for you to rejoin your parents,” said Midge. She had been hovering nearby, out of sight. “I will show you the way.”

  Once again, Zack’s name lit up on the floor. He followed a series of purple lights, which led to the bottom of a really long escalator. The rest of Zack’s family was waiting there.

  “How did you do?” Mom asked.

  “I got Louis this book,” Zack said, holding up the book about galactic blast.

  “We got . . .”

  “. . . Orbiting Alice. Look . . .”

  “. . . she flies!” said Charlotte and Cathy.

  The twins pulled a doll out of the bag they were holding. She wore a shiny uniform and had a helmet on her head. When Cathy pressed a button on the doll’s back, Orbiting Alice took off. She zoomed into the air and reached the top of the escalator. Then she flew right back into Cathy’s hands.

  “Pretty cool . . . for a doll,” admitted Zack.

  Zack noticed that his mom and dad had lots of big bags.

  “What did you and Dad get?” he asked Mom.

  “Never mind!” replied Mom, smiling. “You’ll find out on Christmas Day!”

  “Okay, gang,” said Dad. “Let’s all head up to the shuttle.”

  The Nelsons stepped onto the escalator. As they traveled up, they passed a series of huge screens. Each screen floated in the air. One screen showed a reporter covering a news story. The next one had the sports report. But it was the last screen that caught Zack’s eye.

  Maps, graphs, and images of the planet Cisnos filled the screen. A Cisnosian weather reporter spoke. “It appears that a huge cosmic storm is headed right for us.”

  A scary image then filled the screen. A huge blue-and-yellow swirling storm moved through space. In the bottom corner of the screen, Cisnos looked like a tiny marble. The storm spun right toward the planet.

  “Hmm . . . ,” said Dad as they reached the top of the escalator. “That is one big storm. And if a storm that big hits Cisnos, it’s going to affect us on Nebulon, too.”

  “What does that mean, Dad?” asked Zack.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Dad replied. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

  The Nelsons reached the shuttle and settled into their seats. Soon the shuttle took off, whisking them back to Nebulon.

  Zack had an uneasy feeling in his stomach the whole ride home.

  Chapter 6

  Time for Christmas!

  When the Nelsons got home, Zack flipped on the sonic cell monitor, which looked like a giant TV screen. Soon one wall of the living room blazed to life.

  On the screen, Zack saw images of the same storm he had seen at the mall. Luna sat beside him.

  “All the weather ex
perts agree,” said the reporter on the screen. “Nebulon has never seen a storm like this before.”

  The sonic cell monitor showed the giant storm. Streaks of blue and yellow spun around each other. The storm kept changing shape.

  Nebulon appeared on the screen.

  “Wow!” exclaimed Zack. “Nebulon looks super-small next to that gigantic cosmic storm.”

  “Daddy, what will happen . . .”

  “. . . when the storm . . .”

  “. . . comes here?” asked Charlotte and Cathy.

  “That’s exactly what I’m going to find out,” said Dad. “I’m heading to Nebulonics. We can study this storm.”

  “Don’t be too long,” Mom said.

  After Dad left, Zack looked up at his mom. He was starting to feel a little scared. He saw that his sisters were nervous too.

  “How about we forget about the storm for a while?” asked Mom. “Let’s decorate the house for Christmas!”

  “Sure!” said Zack. In all the excitement about the storm, he had almost forgotten about Christmas!

  “Ira, Christmas boxes, please,” said Mom.

  “Certainly, Mrs. Nelson,” replied Ira.

  A small door in the living room opened. Then several boxes slid out. Each of the boxes was labeled with what was inside.

  “I haven’t seen these boxes since I packed them up on Earth,” Mom said.

  Zack and his sisters helped Mom open and empty the boxes. Out came all their favorite ornaments and decorations.

  “Here’s our indoor tree!” exclaimed Zack. On Earth, the Nelsons always had a real Christmas tree outside, and a plastic one inside.


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