Under The Covers

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Under The Covers Page 9

by Crystal Jordan, Lorie O'Clare

  “A tattoo? You?” He gave a short laugh. “Yeah, right.”

  Uncrossing her arms, she strode forward to sit on his black table. She arched a brow, lifted her shoulder in a nonchalant shrug, and made her grin widen to the most wicked she could muster. “Even nice girls go naughty, Jake. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  His chin dropped to his chest, and he closed his eyes. “Dayna—”

  “So I want the family tattoo,” she continued as if he hadn’t spoken. Even if things didn’t work out between them—and please, God, let things work out between them—she still wanted this indelible reminder of how much she loved and accepted her crazy, off-the-wall family. Just as much as they loved and accepted her with all her flaws and foibles. The first real smile since she’d walked in curved her lips. “I’d like the tattoo on my left hip. Can you do that?”

  He met her gaze, deadly serious, with none of the good humor she was used to. “It’s permanent, what I do. You can’t take it back.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping.” Lifting her hand, she touched him for the first time and stroked her fingertips down his cheek.

  He flinched but didn’t pull away. His skin went ghostly pale, but his expression was cool and composed. She fidgeted under his scrutiny, tucking her hair behind her ears and then twisting her fingers together in her lap. “So should I lie down for this?”

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Yeah, I do. I want to. It’s important to me.” She stilled, meeting his gaze and letting all the certainty she had about her feelings for him, her determination to run him to ground if she had to, show on her face. She knew what she wanted, and she always went after what she wanted. That wasn’t about to change now, especially not for something this critical.

  His brows drew together, but he nodded. “Let me prep a few things and we can get started.”

  Rising, he went into a back room, and she heard running water and then the whirring of what sounded like a copy machine. When he came back out, he carried a sheet of tissue paper with the family design on it. He finished breaking down the tattoo gun he’d used on Mrs. Simpson and replaced the ends with new ones. He set up pools of black and white ink in a little tray and snapped on a new pair of gloves. “You’ll need to pull your pants down enough for me to work, and I need to clean the area first.”

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She grinned and popped the button on her jeans, watching his chest expand in a deep breath as his green eyes locked on the movements of her hands unzipping her pants. His mouth worked, but no sound came out, and a flush raced up his lean cheeks. Good, at least he was still affected by her. It made this all a little less scary and gave her something to use in her campaign. She worked the left side of her pants down to bare her hip, trepidation and excitement rolling through her. She motioned to an area high on her hip. “I’d like it to be right here.”

  “Like that?” He held the paper design up to the place she’d indicated, and even that very professional touch made her heart trip.

  “Yes, that’s perfect,” her voice erupted in a breathless whisper.

  She shivered when the cool liquid disinfectant stroked over her skin. He took the paper with the design and transferred it onto her skin. Then he pointed to a full-length mirror mounted on one wall. “Go look and make sure that’s exactly how you want it. I can change it, if not.”

  Pushing away from the table, she went and stared for a moment. A grin bloomed on her face. This was it, a break from her old, perfect self who never would have considered marking herself permanently. A new beginning. A new Dayna. Still her, but more certain of what she wanted. Happier. She wanted to share that with Jake. “That’s just right.”

  He motioned with his hand for her to lie on her side on the table, so she scooted around until she could obey. She curled her arm under her head, watching him while he prepared. A frisson went up her spine as the tattoo gun buzzed a few times while he dipped the needles into the ink. “I’m going to do a test line so you can see how this feels. If it hurts too much, I can stop there.”

  “So, what—I’d just have a line on me, and that’s it?” She made a face at him. “Has anyone ever stopped after the one line?”

  “Once or twice.” His hand settled just above where her tattoo would be, and then the tone of the buzzing changed as the needles hit her skin.

  Her muscles clenched as a sharp sensation somewhere between a pinch and a burn seared her flesh. Air hissed through her teeth. He lifted away from her, and she wriggled herself to settle against the table more comfortably. It hurt, but it wasn’t intolerable. “I’m okay. Keep going.”

  His voice again took on that low rumble she liked so well. “You’re sure?”

  “Totally sure.” Shifting her shoulders, she tried to relax as he continued tattooing her. She breathed slowly, tingles rippling through her limbs in waves. The pain was still there, but distant. She closed her eyes and focused on each sensation. The needles on her skin, the heat of Jake’s hand through his glove. The almost sensual movement of his fingers that contrasted with the burn of the tattoo.

  Opening her eyes, she watched him work. The only time she’d ever seen such an intense expression on his face was during sex. The thought raised goose bumps on her arms and tightened her nipples. No matter how painful the tattooing was, she’d probably have to be dead not to react to his touch. Maybe if she was lucky, he’d kiss it and make it better later. A small grin quirked her lips but faded when his gaze flicked up to look at her while he changed the nozzle on the gun. He’d joked and teased with Mrs. Simpson but hadn’t said a word to her. She spoke softly, “Are you just not going to talk to me?”

  A muscle ticked in his jaw. “So when are you and Nathan headed back down to LA?”

  “I’m not going back. Not to Nathan and not to LA.”

  The buzzing stopped for a second, and he swallowed. He pulled in a big breath, let it ease out, and then resumed his work. Whatever expression had flashed over his face was gone before she could discern what it meant. The cool facade was firmly in place. He cleared his throat. “Good.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  He made a soft sound in the back of his throat. “I need to say something to you so we can…so we can be okay again. Just listen.”

  She nodded, desperately wanting to ask what he meant by “okay again.” Did he just want to be friends again, or did he want to be okay moving into a deeper relationship? What did it mean—what did he want? Loving her didn’t mean he wanted to be with her. Her belly knotted tight.

  “I’ve been an ass.” He kept his voice low, his hands still moving over her hip. “I didn’t think about how what we’ve been doing would hurt you. I just thought about how wrong that guy was for you, how he couldn’t give you what you need. I wanted to show you that being the nice girl, being this perfect person all the time, wasn’t what life is all about. But I didn’t stop to think about how much it would mess things up for you. I just want you to be happy, Dayna. That’s all I ever wanted. I just…wanted you to see that working to be perfect all the time wasn’t how to find happiness.” He drew a breath but snapped his mouth shut on whatever else he might have said. The buzzing stopped abruptly, and he stood. He looked anywhere but at her as he set the gun aside, peeled off his gloves, and tossed them toward a garbage can. “Okay, I’m done. You can go look at—”

  “I love you.” Gingerly leveraging herself up onto her hands and knees, she moved until she was on her feet in front of him. He backed toward the low counter that held the cash register, something close to panic in his gaze. Her heart clenched, but she wouldn’t let him run away from this. When he could go no farther, she cupped his face in her palms. “I love you so much, Jake. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out, and I’m sorry you saw me with Nathan yesterday. It was stupid, and I hated him touching me. I don’t…I don’t want anyone but you touching me ever again. I know I’m an anal-retentive pain in the ass most of the time, and you don’t do the for
ever thing with anyone, but I…” Her voice trailed off, but he didn’t say anything. He just stared at her, his face pale. She dropped her hands. Tears welled in her eyes, and she blinked rapidly to keep them from falling. A wobbly smile was the best she could manage. “No one will ever love you like I do. Plus, I come with great in-laws.”

  He didn’t laugh at her weak joke. His face remained serious, and his throat worked for a moment before he spoke in a harsh rasp, “Are you sure you can handle me? I’m no picnic either, sweetheart.”

  “Yes.” Her heart leaped at his words. Was it possible she was getting through to him? Could things actually work out? Hope so sweet it was painful churned inside her. God, she loved him so much. Swallowing hard, she slanted him a rueful grin. “I made a list about why I should be with you.”

  He chuckled, the sound rusty. “Show me.”

  Tilting her head, she lifted an eyebrow. “How do you know I have it with me?”

  His hand came up to cup her cheek, the look of reverence mingled with a teasing humor in his eyes that she’d come to need so much. He stroked his thumb over her cheekbone. “Because I know you. Show me the list.”

  “It’s in my back pocket.” She just waited, knowing he’d pull it out himself without asking her. He didn’t disappoint. His fingers dipped into her jeans and curled around the curve of her buttock. She arched her ass into the contact, loving the automatic heat his touch created.

  Slowly, oh, so slowly, he pulled his hand out of her pocket. He unfolded the piece of paper and read it aloud. “One, I love Jake. Two, Jake understands me better than I understand myself. Three, I love Jake. Four, Jake loves my family, and they love him even more. Five, I love Jake. Six, Jake and I laugh together. Seven, being with Jake makes me a better, happier person. Eight, I love Jake. Nine, Jake makes me scream in bed.”

  The look he gave her when he repeated the last item on her list made her pulse race. Fire flooded her body, dampening her pussy. He’d turned her into a wanton, sexual being, and she craved him. It had been more than a day since he’d made her come, and it was too long to wait. She licked her lips, staring at his mouth. He shuddered, dropped the list beside the register, bracketed her waist with his hands, lifted her up, and set her on the countertop. Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead against hers. “Dayna, I—”

  She kissed him, unable to stop herself. His arms wrapped tight around her, plastering her body to his. The contact made her moan. She clamped her legs around his waist. The counter was just the right height to let his erection rub against her clit. And he was fully erect. She squirmed, needing to get closer. “I want you inside me.”

  “Sweetheart, I’ve been hard from the moment I started tattooing you.” He kissed her every few words—soft, drugging kisses that made her body burn and throb. “It’s never been a sexual experience for me, but, damn…it was with you.”

  Everything with him was an erotic experience. He could read her the phonebook, and it would get her hot. Her tongue tangled with his, his goatee a sensual scrape against her lips and chin. She slid her palms under his T-shirt, letting her fingertips brush against the rough silk of his torso. He jerked his shirt over his head, dropping it on the counter beside her. His hands tugged at the hem of her top, baring her to his gaze. His eyes burned an incandescent green when he saw she wasn’t wearing a bra. Cupping her breasts, he chafed her nipples with his thumbs before he dipped forward to suck one of them deep into his mouth. A soft, keening sob erupted from her throat, pleasure slicing through her like a blade. Her fingernails dug into his scalp as she clutched him closer. “Please, Jake. Please.”

  A low, rough whisper answered her plea, “Lift your ass.”

  Leaning back on her hands, she raised her hips so he could slide her unfastened pants down. He took her panties with her jeans, yanking her shoes and socks off, too. Desperate want pounded through her, made her muscles shake. “Now yours. I want to see you naked.”

  He obeyed, shucking his pants and boots in one swift motion. When he straightened, his cock stood in a hard arc against his lower belly. Her sex clenched, wetness slicking the lips of her pussy. She held out her arms for him, needing him more than she needed air. She craved the feel of him moving within her and the knowledge that he was so deep inside her she couldn’t tell where he ended and where she began.

  Grasping his cock, he guided himself until the flared crest rubbed against her dampness. A lopsided grin quirked his lips as he filled her slowly. “You left something off your list.”

  “What?” She moaned, not really listening to what he was saying. Her heart nearly stopped, every emotion that streaked through her lying still as her body, mind, and soul recognized the deep connection with this one man. This was what she’d been looking for. This was real perfection. And then he began thrusting within her, and the world whipped into light speed. Stars exploded behind her eyes, tingles racing over her skin.

  “That I love you back.” He changed the angle of his thrusts, grinding against her clit with each push.

  “I know,” she gasped. Her head fell back on her neck, and her sex contracted. She was so close she could feel the orgasm shimmering just beyond her reach. Yes, yes, yes.

  “You know?” He stopped and leaned back, scowling down at her. “What the hell kind of response is that?”

  She couldn’t hold back a laugh or a strangled moan as her body clamored in protest. Her hips arched a bit, taking him as deep as possible, but still he wouldn’t move. “Rainbow told me so. She had a vision that we’ll have two kids and a dog.”

  “I like kids.” His eyes remained narrowed, but his cock was hard and throbbing inside her. His chest heaved as he panted, and streaks of sweat ran down his skin.

  “Me, too.” She flexed her inner muscles around him until he groaned. Her heart pounded, the sound rushing in her ears. Heat roared through her, and flames licked at her flesh. “Let’s make one right now.”

  That was the moment the realization hit both of them. He wasn’t wearing a condom. His pupils dilated until only a thin ring of green showed. His hands clamped over her knees, holding her in place as he began thrusting again. Hard. “No arguments here.”

  They moved together, their gazes locked, racing each other toward orgasm. He came inside of her, hot fluids filling her. A sob tore from her throat as she exploded into a million pieces. Her pussy clenched around his cock over and over until she screamed, tears slipping down her cheeks. He bent to suck her nipple into his mouth again, rolling the other one with his fingers. Aftershocks of orgasm slammed into her, and she choked as her body spasmed on his semihard cock. “Jake, I love you. Jake.”

  She felt his smile against her skin as he released her nipple. Satisfaction gleamed in his gaze as he looked down at her. His breathing slowed, and so did her heart rate as they came down off the high of orgasm. His hands cupped her hips loosely, brushing over her new tattoo. She hissed as pain echoed through the area, and her back arched reflexively. He dropped his hands. “Shit. I’m sorry, Dayna.”

  “It’s fine.” She slid a reassuring hand down his arm.

  He shook his head. “I need to dress it. Hold on.”

  “I’m really fine. It didn’t hurt that badly.” He pulled away, his dick slipping from her body. She moaned an objection. “You’re just going to leave a naked, willing woman all alone? That’s so wrong.”

  Not that she’d complain about the view. His muscular ass flexed with each step. He glanced at her over his shoulder. “Sorry, sweetheart. It could get infected if we leave it. I don’t take risks with you. Or with my work.”

  She slid off the counter and met him in the middle of the room. He smoothed ointment and a white bandage over the tattoo and then kissed the skin just above it. God, she loved him. It would kill her to have to watch him walk away from her ever again. “Jake.”

  “Yeah?” He pulled her into his embrace, running his fingertips up and down her naked back. She looped her arms around his neck, and he smiled down at her.

know we’re not perfect, we disagree on just about everything, and we’ve always argued as much as we’ve laughed together. I doubt that will ever change.” Unlike with Nathan, who’d just wanted to reason or rationalize. She liked Jake’s upfront approach better.

  He shrugged. “That’s how compromise happens, sweetheart. The bottom line is I’d rather argue with you than make love with any other woman.”

  “I know what you mean.” And that was probably the nicest thing anyone had ever said to her. Tears sprang up in her eyes, one of them escaping to slide down her cheek. “Promise me…promise me no matter how bad we fight that you’ll never walk away from me again. I think I’ve finally realized that we’re not our parents, and we don’t have to end up like them. We can make different choices, and I choose you. I’m always going to choose you.” She blinked away another tear to lock her gaze with his. “I swear I’ll always stick it out with you if you swear to stick it out with me.”

  “Deal.” His voice was rough with emotion, and she thought his eyes had gone a little misty. He swooped down for another soul-stealing kiss that had her rising up on tiptoe to get closer and made her cling to his shoulders and moan. They were both panting when he pulled away. “I choose you, too, and I’m not budging. I love you, sweetheart.”

  “Good, because I’d hate to have to hunt you down.” She lightly raked her nails over the tattoos on his skin. “It would really suck, and I would make you pay if you put me through the trouble.”

  His beautiful, blinding smile flashed as he laughed down at her. “This was, without a doubt, the best holiday ever.”

  “It certainly had its moments.” She reached between them to stroke his cock back to full attention, giving him a look wicked enough to send all the blood rushing right where she wanted it. “Looks like I really will end up on the naughty list next year.”

  The amazing, wonderful part was she really couldn’t think of anywhere she’d rather be. Jake loved her no matter what, and she was free to be herself with him in a way she’d never allowed herself before. Naughty or nice, she just wanted to be right here with him for every holiday season for the rest of her life. He’d given her the best Christmas gift ever.


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