Stolen Sight (AIR Book 3)

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Stolen Sight (AIR Book 3) Page 25

by Amanda Booloodian

  Agent Paulson shook his head. "From this point on, it's our report."

  "What? Why?" This was throwing me off balance. I had never had another team take over a case before.

  "Standard procedure." Agent Paulson didn't look happy. "You can call it into Kyrian or your handler, Hank, but from what we understand at this point, our perpetrator picked you up and took you for a ride."

  Took me for a ride? "It's not like I had a choice in the matter."

  "Which makes you one of the victims. Add that to Agent Wolfe getting shot. The agency thought it best if this case shifted hands." Agent Paulson turned and barked out orders and his people broke apart and began to sweep the area. Once they were out of earshot, he continued. "From what Logan reported, and from what I've seen here, it's pretty clear you've already wrapped this case up." He nodded to the shards of clay. "Just think of us as putting on the final touches. Your team has had a rough go at it. Agent Pironius-"

  "I'll wait for Agent Heidrich," Vincent said.

  "That's your choice, but this could take a while." Agent Paulson scanned the hills.

  "Excuse us a moment," I said.

  Agent Paulson nodded and walked off to talk to his team.

  Vincent looked at me, one eyebrow raised, waiting for me to argue.

  When I knew everyone was out of earshot, he didn't have to wait long. "You need to go back to the Farm."

  "I can wait."

  I shook my head. "But you don't have to wait."

  "Look, you’re exhausted to the point that you can barely stand. I'm not going to leave you alone out here."

  "I'm not alone. It’s not going to take long to walk Paulson through what happened, and I really want someone to check on Rider."

  The fragments of a worried look worked their way onto Vincent's blank face. "Logan's with him. We'll give them some time, and then call to check on both of them."

  "You need…"

  "Cass, today..." Vincent looked pained and took a deep breath. He couldn't manage to keep his voice or his face expressionless. "He was going to kill you. You were taken away from us. From me. When we got here, I wasn't sure what we would find."

  My heart clenched. I hadn't thought about it from their point of view. I could barely comprehend the day from my perspective, much less that of my partners. And Vincent? It was always difficult to fathom what had gone through his head.

  Vincent reined himself in. "I was afraid we would find you dead."

  "But I'm not." I tried to smile. "You should go and get yourself taken care of. I won't be long."

  "Right now, the best way to take care of myself, and everyone around us, is to keep you in sight."

  Looking into his eyes, I knew he wasn't going to budge. If this had happened to him, instead of me, there was no way I would let him out of my sight until it really sank in that he was safe and would stay that way.

  Instead of admitting that I would do the same, I changed the subject. "Did anyone talk with Gran?"

  "Logan spoke with her and Susan is keeping her company at the house until we get back."

  "Not Jonathan?" This came as a surprise since Jonathan was the oldest and most responsible of Logan's kids.

  "He's out of town."


  "For a few days. He'll be back before the move is permanent."

  Nodding, I looked around for Agent Paulson. He must have been keeping an eye on us because he came right over.

  "I've got the team sweeping the other hills. The cleanup crew is on its way to bag and tag the evidence. It looks like your pet was injured," Paulson said.

  Looking down, I saw the dried blood still on the rabbit's fur.

  "If you want I’ll get someone to take it…"

  "No." I latched onto the cage as though my life depended on it. Knowing it was a strange reaction, I tried to detract attention. “Do we have anything to numb Vincent’s arm?” I asked.

  Agent Paulson also noticed the arm. “Olsen is working on it. Want to walk me through what happened out here? We can try to make it quick.”

  Nodding, I jumped into the day, starting with Einar showing up at my house. I stuck with the facts that I saw, not what Einar had told me, and I didn't add in any of my assumptions. I never once used the word golem, but referred to Einar as a possible Lost that wasn't made of flesh.

  Vincent stood nearby, giving a statement to another agent. Whenever I looked at him, he was watching me. I'm not sure he ever looked away.

  We both pointed out where Rider was shot, where Einar’s gun fell, and where Einar had crumbled. I downplayed the strength of the Path and hesitated before saying that Vincent took the soul. But Vincent had done his job. He took out the perpetrator before any more harm could be done.

  I said nothing about Einar being already down before Vincent took his soul.

  Agent Paulson looked uneasily at Vincent, but continued asking questions until he received a call.

  It didn’t take him long to get off the phone and wave Vincent over.

  "The helicopter’s on the way to take you back,” Paulson said. “If you have anything else for me, let me know."

  "Thank you, Agent Paulson," I said, "we'll do that."

  “They’ll be landing a little further away this time to try to keep the rest of the scene intact.” Paulson looked at Vincent’s arm. “But I can get them to land here if it’s needed.”

  “Not necessary,” Vincent said.

  Paulson indicated where to go and Vincent and I walked away.

  "How's the arm?" I asked, worried the helicopter wasn’t moving fast enough.

  "It's not as bad as it looks," Vincent said. "Let's stop here."

  We weren’t far away, but through my exhaustion, I wasn’t going to argue. Sitting down the cage was a relief.

  "Look at me for a minute," Vincent said. He was standing close and gave me a penetrating look.

  "I'm in there," I said.

  He didn’t flinch away, appearing intent on making sure for himself.

  I shook my head, but let him look.

  "Any side effects?"

  "Huh, I'm not sure I'd know the difference," I said. Seeing Vincent's anxiety start to rise, I shifted gears. "What I mean is, I can hardly stand. It was...I feel better than I did, but I need sleep before I can really know."

  The answer I had given him had been real. My soul had already been a wreck, I'm not sure that one more round of abuse would have a noticeable effect.

  "Of course," Vincent said.

  I don't think he was buying that I was too tired to know, so I took his good hand in my own. When my fingers wrapped around his, a spark ignited in my veins and traveled through me.

  Vincent's features became less strained as he felt our connection.

  “The helicopter is getting close,” I said.

  We watched it approach and as it grew closer, Vincent let go of my hand.

  The contact had been so natural that it felt wrong when he drew away.

  Knowing the connection wasn't entirely welcome, I picked up the cage and shifted it between us so I wouldn't be tempted to reach out again.

  As the helicopter landed, I was so relieved I shook. Vincent walked up to the aircraft as though he had done this a thousand times before. I gripped the cage tight and followed behind.

  When an agent tried to take the cage, I resisted until he told me he could anchor it at my feet, but they didn’t want me to hold the cage. Since I had no idea what to expect, I nodded and kept an eye on the rabbit until I was seated close to it.

  Someone tried to give Vincent a shot, but he refused. When pressed, Vincent intimidated the man into silence with a look, but agreed to the sling the man held.

  We had headsets in order to talk, but we sat silently, allowing the roaring noise of the helicopter to fill the void. Even through all the noise, it didn’t take me long to fall asleep.

  Bleary eyed, I woke up when Vincent nudged me. When I realized we were landing, my sluggish brain tried to wake up and my thoughts focused
on Rider.

  Vincent didn’t look well, so once I had the zombie bunny back in my control, we went straight to the clinic.

  With each step, my stomach grew tighter and tighter, afraid of what I'd see when we arrived. Seeing Logan slouched in a chair in the hallway didn't help.

  "What’s going on?" I asked. "Where's Dr. Yelton?"

  "Rider's out of surgery, but he hasn't woken up yet.” Logan nodded in Vincent’s direction. "Go on in to see him and I'll go lasso the doc for your arm. Then, we need to do something to get that out of sight.”

  I looked glumly at my new pet, unsure of what to do with it. My mind wasn’t able to think much beyond getting in to see Rider.

  “I’ll take care of it,” Logan said. “Go see Rider.” He took the cage before I could protest and disappeared down the hall.

  Poking my head into the room that Logan indicated, I saw Rider laying alone. I never imagined my friend looking anything but healthy and vibrant. Hell, when I shot him, he laughed it off. Now, he looked lonely.

  Vincent came in with me and the doctor arrived in short order. Before leaving, Vincent looked over his partner while I dragged a chair to the side of the bed.

  "Cass, you need to get some sleep," Vincent said.

  "I will." I didn't have the strength to make the lie sound convincing. "Go get your arm looked at."

  He didn't argue and I settled into the chair as he left with Dr. Yelton.

  Even through his brown skin, Rider looked pale. For a while, I watched the rise and fall of his chest, continuously confirming that he was breathing. My eyes grew heavy, so I got up and moved around the room. Machines beeped with Rider’s pulse, blood pressure, and a number of other things that I couldn't name.

  Logan showed up with coffee, to my great relief. When he assured me we were alone, I filled him in on everything that had happened, including what I said in our reports.

  "Thank you for making sure someone looked in on Gran," I said and covered my mouth to yawn.

  "She was pretty upset when she called me. She seems to be having trouble hearing as well,” Logan said.

  "Oh," I groaned. "I forgot about that." I covered my face with my hands. "Einar wouldn't promise her to bring me back, so Gran shot him."

  "Margaret shot someone?"

  "Point blank range."

  "She had your gun?"

  "No, she dug around in her purse and took one out."

  Logan erupted in musical laughter. His voice trilled through the air, and I felt lighter.

  I covered my mouth to try not to laugh, but it was like an infection that I easily caught.

  "What is funny?"

  My laughter died in a sharp intake of breath. Rider's eyes were open and he was looking at Logan.

  Logan moved to Rider's bedside. "Never mind that. It's good to hear your voice."

  My heart had leaped into my throat and caught there. Rider was awake. Awake and talking.

  "The doc is going to want to see you. I'll go get him."

  Rider nodded and closed his eyes. When Logan left, I took his place.

  "He's right," I said. "You had us worried."

  Rider’s eyes flicked open to glance at me and then he closed them again.

  I bit my lip. An uneasy feeling crept in.

  "Is there anything I can get you? Anything I can do?" I asked.

  "Is Vincent alive?" Rider asked.

  "Yes," I rushed to reassure him. "His arm is broken, but Dr. Yelton is taking care of him."

  Rider nodded, but said nothing.

  "And Einar is gone," I said. "After-"

  "Logan will fill me in," Rider said.

  "Um. Yeah." I felt deflated, but tried to sound positive. "It's so good to see you awake."

  "You do not need to stay here," Rider said.

  "I may not need to, but…"

  "You misunderstand," Rider said. "I would like for you to leave." He didn't sound angry. If anything, he sounded sad.

  I swallowed hard and blinked back tears. "You don't want me to stay?"

  "I do not."

  He couldn't see me because his eyes were still closed, but I nodded because I couldn’t trust my voice.

  Confused and sniffing, I started to the door. I tried to run through what had happened. Things hadn't gone well that morning, but that had been a misunderstanding, right?

  But then, Einar had picked me up and Rider, with the others, had followed me, and then Rider had been shot.

  Because of me.

  I sniffed again and turned. "I'm really sorry you got hurt." My voice cracked, but there was no helping that.

  "I know," he said.

  Tentatively, I moved closer.

  "I am sure I will see you again in a few days," Rider said.

  "Right," I said. "A few days."

  Dr. Yelton came in, followed by Logan, who was grinning.

  "A few days," I said, more to myself than to Rider, although I knew he could hear me.

  I left the room without looking back. Trying to keep my mind blank, I kept my head down and took a seat in the hallway.

  Once word got around that Rider was awake, he had a steady flow of visitors. At least until Dr. Yelton kicked everyone out. We were certain at that point that Rider would fully recover.

  The exception to Dr. Yelton’s banishment was Vincent. Once he was back on his feet, he visited Rider. Who was going to tell a cranky Walker high on pain meds that he couldn't visit his partner?

  "Have you slept yet?" Vincent asked.

  It took me a minute to pull out of my self-pitying reverie. "You saw me sleep on the ride here."

  "Sleeping in the helicopter doesn't count. Let's get Logan to give us a ride home."

  "Sure," I said.

  "Do you want to stop by again before we leave? Rider's up."

  "Um, I'm good. He needs his rest."

  Chapter 31

  We found Logan downstairs with Hank, who had the cage shoved under his desk. Seeing that I was too tired to drive, and Vincent was thoroughly drugged up, he agreed to give us a lift.

  Logan made a few attempts at conversation on the drive, but I stared out the window and Vincent was unresponsive. I think the elf was happy to get us out of the car at my house, but he joined us inside.

  "In the kitchen," Gran called when we walked in.

  Hearing her voice made me rush through the room. She met me at the kitchen counter for a long hug.

  "I'm alright, darlin'," Gran said. She patted my back and pointed at the rabbit. “What’s this?”

  “This is a long story, but he needs a home,” I said.

  “Well, he found a good one,” Gran said.

  When I let go, she smiled, looked me over, and brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "You probably haven't had a thing to eat." Gran bustled into the kitchen. "Logan, thank you for taking care of my granddaughter. Susan and I baked some lemon bars, but I'm pretty sure Gerald ate them, so I have some cookies here for you. I also made you some tea."

  "Thank you, Margaret, but I really can't stay tonight," Logan said. "I wanted to stop in all the same."

  "I know you're busy. That's why I have your cookies bagged up and your tea in a travel mug." She gave Logan a wink.

  "Thank you kindly." Logan tipped an imaginary hat and took his leave.

  "Where are you going, young man?" Gran called at Vincent who had turned to follow Logan out.

  Vincent stopped and looked unsure of what to say.

  Gran didn't give him a chance. "Take this,” Gran thrust a plate into his hands, "and go to your room."

  I smothered a chuckle.

  "You too, young lady." Gran passed me another plate. "Upstairs. Both of you get cleaned up, eat, and get some rest."

  "Thanks, Gran." I gave her a peck on the cheek.

  "Take your bunny up. I think he’ll be happier up there until the cat gets used to him.”

  After the day I had, the rabbit no longer scared me, but having it in my room was a bit of a stretch. I wasn't sure what to say, though.r />
  "Go on now, the both of ya,” Gran said.

  I left the room, nudging Vincent on the way.

  He looked up and I could see his drug glazed eyes. "I shouldn't be here."

  It was a blow to hear him say that, but it had been such a rough day that it barely registered.

  Gran tutted. "Eat down here with me. We can have a chat."

  Vincent looked like he was trying to gain control of himself. "Yes. We should talk."

  When I glanced at Gran, she winked and waved me away.

  Vincent didn't stand a chance.

  Looking at the sandwich, my stomach growled, remembering that it had been empty all day. There was no way I was touching food without showering, though.

  I sat the plate on my dresser, settled the cage on my desk, and then I went to scrub myself clean in the hottest water I could stand.

  The room steamed up around me and I didn't want to leave. We'd all been taken off a case the moment we were wrapping it up. The reasoning was sound. Agent Paulson had called me a victim. That grated my nerves, but he wasn't wrong.

  My best friend said he didn't want to be around me. I couldn't blame him for that. Remembering the sound of the shot and Rider falling, I shivered despite the hot water.

  Rider had every right to send me away.

  Then there was Ethan. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Nothing that happened today fit into his world. When we started to see each other, we each made it clear that work was going to get in the way and we had to be okay with that. Maybe that’s what this was, only my entire job and life got in the way. Even worse, I wasn't sure how I felt about him anymore.

  My stomach reminded me that it needed to be fed, so I took a couple of deep breaths and shut off the water. Even though my dinner was waiting, I took my time drying off and made a note of the new bruises that ringed their way around my neck. The memory of Rider and I sitting here, back to back with only the door between us slowed me down.

  The heat and steam felt so good that I wanted to could curl up and go to sleep right there on the floor. Instead, I yawned and retreated to my room.

  Snagging the plate, I went back to the cage and started trying to think of a name. Lettuce was hiding under the bread so I took it off and started shoving it through the gaps of the cage.

  "I still can't believe you're feeding a dead rabbit."


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