Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3)

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Playing for Keeps (Indianapolis Eagles #3) Page 10

by Samantha Lind

  “Mmmm…” she moans, shifting so that she can kiss me.

  I wrap an arm around her and then roll us so she’s under me. I deepen the kiss and press against her, so she can feel just how hard my aching cock has gotten. We stay in this position, not really needing to rush onto anything else. That, and we’re in the living room and her dad is in the guest room. If he wasn’t here, I’d have no qualms stripping her right here and having my way with her on the couch, but I’m not going to attempt that with him in the house.

  Madison breaks the kiss, and I drop my lips to her neck. “Let’s go to bed,” she says against my ear.

  I reluctantly push up, pulling Madison with me. As she heads for the bedroom, I let Max out, then lock up the house and turn off all the lights before I make my way to the bedroom.

  I walk in to find her laying on the bed, in nothing but her bra and panties and fuck, does she look perfect. Those luscious breasts spilling over the top of her bra, her soft curves that call to me. I fucking love everything about her body. Her thicker thighs make my mouth water. I’ve never been attracted to skinny women, and while Madison is in no way a large woman, she has real curves and she rocks the hell out of them. Her confidence in her own skin is sexy as hell and I love that she has that in spades.

  I quickly lock the door before I reach behind my head and pull my shirt off one-handed. The smile that covers Madison’s face spurs me on as I stalk toward the bed. I lean over, caging her between my arms, and I lean my head down and lightly kiss along the top of her breasts, just where the top edge of her bra meets the skin, the stubble of my beard tickling lightly along her skin as I move from left to right.

  Madison slides her hands up my arms and over my shoulders. She lightly scratches her nails on my back, sending chills down my spine as I continue to lavish her breasts, sucking her nipples hard through the lace that’s covering them.

  Moans and inaudible noises fall from Madison’s lips as she bows off the bed under my touch. This only spurs me on even more. I love how responsive her body is when I touch, kiss, or lick her. With Madison’s upper body lifted off the bed and pressing toward me, I kiss my way up her chest and slip a hand behind her back to unclasp her bra. With the clasp undone, her bra falls, exposing her hardened nipples to me. Rather than immediately dropping back down to play with them some more, I continue moving my lips up until I can capture hers in a passionate kiss.

  With my hand still behind her back, I lift her body higher onto the bed with my own as we continue to explore each other’s mouths. I’m now lying fully on top of her with one of my legs pressed between hers. I press in, applying pressure against her clit, knowing that she’s probably needing that by now.

  I break our connection, pushing up slightly on one arm so that I can look at her. The rosiness that’s spread across her flawless skin tells me without words just what I do to her. While I’d noticed it before, knowing now how much I really affected her all these years turns me on beyond belief.

  I push a lock of her dark hair from her eyes, tucking it behind her ear before I nip at her lips again. “You ready for me?” I whisper against her lips.

  Nodding her head, she gives me the go-ahead to fuck her. I push fully up and off the bed, quickly losing my pants and briefs. I pull Mads’ panties from her body before I kiss up her left thigh until I reach her hip, then shift direction and kiss my way over to her mound. I circle my tongue around her clit before sucking it into my mouth and slip two fingers into her pussy, feeling the pulse already around them from her body.

  It doesn’t take long, between my fingers and mouth, for her to fall over the edge of her climax. As soon as I feel her body fall over the edge, I push myself up and slip my cock inside her in one powerful thrust.

  “Rick!” she whisper-shouts in my ear as I rock my hips hard against hers. Her moans and shouts egg me on, and I don’t know what it is about hearing Madison always call me by my actual name and not my nickname, but it does something to me. She’s always done it but hearing her call it out when I’m balls deep inside her; fuck, but that does something inside my head and heart.

  “God, you feel so good,” I tell her as I pump harder and faster as we both chase our orgasm.

  Madison pushes against my chest and I stop my thrusts. I drop my lips to hers to steal a kiss as she hooks a leg around my hip and rolls us so she’s on top, straddling me. She slips my cock back inside her as she sinks down onto me and moans fall from both of our lips. I let her set the speed, let her take what she needs from me as she rides me.

  I grab hold of her arms, pinning them behind her back as I take over, thrusting up hard and fast.

  “Yes! Please don’t stop!” Madison cries out, as she pulses around my cock, her orgasm rolling through her body.

  I keep thrusting, the pulsing of her pussy on my cock has my balls drawing up and me coming hard. So hard, I see stars as I slam into her one last time.

  I hold her close to me, chest to chest, and I’ve released my grasp on her arms. We both lay like this, our breaths coming in gasps, as we both attempt to catch our breath, fully sated.

  I can feel myself start to slide out of her and I quickly roll us, so we can clean up before making a mess of the bed.

  After we both clean up and get ready for bed, we slip between the sheets and I pull Madison into my arms, one circling her, my hand resting on her hip.

  “I love you,” I whisper, as I kiss her just under the ear.

  “I love you,” she says on a yawn as she cuddles closer into me, resting her head against my chest and tangles her legs with mine.

  “How are you holding up, and I mean, really holding up?” I ask, breaking the silence we’d fallen into.

  Blowing out a big breath, she takes a few moments before responding to me. “Better than I thought I’d be at this point. I think how optimistic the doctor was this morning really helped me relax some. I was so worried that they were going to find his body so riddled with cancer that he wouldn’t have had a fighting chance, and I just can’t deal with losing both my parents to the disease. I might be 28 this time, but I’m still not ready to be parent-less. I need my dad around to walk me down the aisle, I need him here to hold my first baby, and any after that. I just need him to be okay and live to be a grouchy old man.”

  “Well, if I know your dad, he won’t give up without one hell of a fight. And I’m sure he’s just as worried about those things as you are. But just remember that no matter what happens, no matter how long it takes, I’ll be right here by your side. Let me be your strength through this.”

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve a man like you,” Madison says, shifting so she can kiss me.

  “I’m the lucky one,” I whisper against her lips.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The days that passed while we waited for my dad’s test results were unique. On one hand, we wanted the results, just so we knew the answer to the looming question: does he or doesn’t he have cancer. On the other hand, we were going with the old saying of no news is good news. If he had a higher stage of cancer, I’d assume—and per the power of a Google search—the results can sometime come faster when the cancer is that prevalent. So, the more days that pass, the more my hope strengthens that the results would come back as no cancer or a very low grade. The day after Dad’s biopsy, we took him back home. He no longer needed help with anything and hadn’t needed more than an over-the-counter pain medication since the afternoon he came home. That was four days ago.

  When my phone rang this morning, just a few minutes after eight, I jumped to get it. Seeing my dad’s face fill my screen, I knew this was the call I’d been waiting on all week.

  “Hi, Daddy,” I gently say when I answer his call.

  “Hi, baby girl. Did you sleep well last night?”

  “I did. Did you get the call from the doctors?”

  “I did, and I have an appointment at 11:30 to get the results. Did you still want to come with me?” he asks.

bsp; “Yes, absolutely. Did you want me to come and pick you up?”

  “If you’d like. Otherwise, I can meet you there.”

  “I’ll be there around 10:45 to pick you up,” I state, dropping down onto the bed.

  “Sounds good, Mads, I’ll see you when you get here. And no stressing for the next couple of hours. We can’t change what the results are going to say, and we’ll deal with whatever the doctor throws at us. I’m not going down without a fight, baby girl.”

  The tears that I’ve done so good keeping at bay the last couple of days are back and streaming down my cheeks before I even realize I’m crying.

  “I know, Daddy. I just don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”

  “Madison, sweetheart. If, and I mean if, I have cancer and it fights back, and somehow wins against the fight I’m prepared to put up, you will heal and move on with time. You have an amazing group of friends and Richard in your corner that will keep you going. If I know that young man as well as I think I do, he will be there to support you. He will be there to be your shoulder to cry on and hold you up when you need it the most. But, like I said, I don’t plan on letting whatever it is that might be going on take me down. I’ve got too much to live for.”

  “I love you, Daddy,” I tell him between sobs.

  “I love you, too, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon.”

  I hang up, the tears still dripping down my face when Richard walks into the bedroom, his towel slung low on his hips.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks immediately, his expression changing as he takes in my crying form.

  “Dad’s results are back. His appointment is at 11:30, so I’m going to pick him up around 10:45. I think, just the severity of knowing the results are in, and in just a few short hours, we’ll know his fate, and what the next few months are going to look like. It just hit me again, and I was crying before I even realized it was happening.”

  Richard closes the space between us and wraps his arms around me, picking me up with little effort before sitting down with me on his lap.

  “Everything is going to be okay. We’ll get through this together,” he tells me as he holds me close, pressing a kiss to my temple. “Would you like for me to come with you to the appointment?”

  “No, you have practice to go to. You don’t need to miss it for this,” I tell him.

  “Don’t worry about my practice, I can be with you if you need me. This is important. Practice will be there tomorrow.”

  “But that’s your job, Richard. You can’t start skipping it because I have to be at an appointment or the hospital with my dad.”

  “If you’re sure you don’t want me to go with you, I won’t press the issue. But I want you to call or text me as soon as you’re done with the doctor. I can leave early if you change your mind and need me to come meet you somewhere.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. “I need to go shower and get ready if I’m going to make it to my dad’s on time.”

  “Up you go then,” he says, helping me off his lap, then smacking my ass once I’m fully standing.

  “Hey!” I laugh at him. “What was that for?”

  “Sorry, couldn’t help myself,” he says, winking at me. “And I wanted to hear you laugh. Figured you could use it today.”

  I turn so I’m facing him again, stepping between his legs as his towel slips from his hips, opening up so I can see his naked body. Fuck me, he’s hot. And he’s mine. I wrap my arms around his neck, resting my hands on the back of his head.

  “Thank you, and you looking like this isn’t going to help me move along this morning,” I tell him, looking down at his now hard cock.

  “We both have places to be, so as much as I’d like to lay you out on this bed and feast on you this morning, we don’t have time for that. Just know that tonight, you will be mine,” Richard growls against my chest before he moves my tank out of the way with his chin and places a kiss between my breasts.

  He pushes me back and shoos me toward the bathroom, and I reluctantly go.

  “Mr. O’Neal,” the nurse calls out into the waiting room. My dad and I stand, walking over to her, and she escorts us back to the doctor’s office. “You can take a seat in those chairs there, and Dr. Michaels will be with you shortly.”

  “Thank you,” I say as the nurse turns to leave. Her demeaner didn’t change at all during the few moments we were with her, so I got nothing from her in that short time. For all I know, she doesn’t even know the results of what we’re about to get.

  A minute or so passes before the door opens again, and in walks Dr. Michaels.

  “Hello, Thomas, Madison. Good to see you both today. How have you been feeling since the biopsy, Thomas?”

  “Pretty good. The first day, I was tired and sore, but since then, I’ve been fine.”

  “Good to hear. Well, let’s get right to what we all want to know,” he says, turning to his computer to pull up my dad’s chart.

  “As I told Madison after the biopsy on Monday, the visual appearance of your prostate was a lot better than I’d expected based on the lab tests done prior. The biopsy confirms what I suspected, and that is you do have prostate cancer, but it’s on the cusp of stage one possibly stage two at this point, not four, like we were expecting to find.”

  Hearing the confirmation that my dad has cancer about knocks the breath from my lungs. I can feel the tears start to tingle the backs of my eyes, but I blink rapidly to keep them at bay.

  “So, what’s the treatment plan, then?” my dad asks.

  “I’ll refer you to an oncologist, who will handle the actual treatment from here on out. I’ve already consulted with Dr. Raymond and her office can see you this afternoon at 1:15 to discuss a treatment plan.”

  “Yes, we can make that appointment, thank you for setting that up for me already,” my dad says to Dr. Michaels.

  “If you don’t have any further questions for me, I’ll see you out and will get updates from Dr. Raymond on how you’re doing during treatment.” He reaches out his hand, concluding our meeting.

  “Thank you, Dr. Michaels,” Dad says, accepting his outstretched handshake.

  “Thank you,” I add, as I also shake his hand. My mind is racing with everything that’s going to be thrown at us today, as we make our way out of the office.

  “How about we head to lunch before we have to go to the oncologist’s office?”

  “Sure, do you just want to eat here at the hospital or go somewhere close by?”

  “We can just go to the cafeteria,” my dad replies.

  We wander through all the offerings, both selecting a soup and sandwich plate. We find a place to sit after my dad insisted on paying for everything.

  I’m silent, slowly picking at my food, when my dad clears his throat to get my attention.

  “Madison, you need to try and not stress so much. We’ll know more in a few hours and I will fight this. You heard the doctor, it wasn’t nearly as bad as they thought it would be and is only stage one maybe stage two. That’s very treatable.”

  “I know.” I draw in a deep breath and give my dad a smile. No matter how badly I want to cry on the inside, I have to be strong for him. He needs that from me.

  “Have you messaged Richard yet?”

  “Oh crap, no,” I tell him as I pull my cell out of my purse. I already have a missed text from him, asking if I have any news yet.

  Madison: Hey, good and bad news. He does have cancer, but it’s stage one, possibly stage two. We’re eating lunch now and then have an appointment with the oncologist to discuss the treatment plan at 1:15, so I’ll know more after that.

  I put my cell back in my purse and turn back to my lunch. I manage to finish most of it before we need to head to the tower where the oncologist is located.

  We arrive at the oncologist’s office and dad is handed a clipboard with a stack of papers to fill out. As he works on that, we both take a seat and wait to be called back by the nurse.

fter what feels like a lifetime, we’re finally called back. The nurse takes all the normal vitals: weight, height, temperature, blood pressure, and his pulse. After she charts everything, she leaves, letting us know that Dr. Raymond will be with us shortly.

  A few minutes later, a young woman, probably my age, maybe early thirties, walks into the room. “Hello, I’m Dr. Raymond. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. O’Neal.”

  “Please, call me Thomas,” my dad tells her, accepting her handshake.

  “That I can do, Thomas. Now, tell me who this is that you have with you today?” she says, motioning to me.

  “This is my daughter, Madison. Please know that she’s to have full access to my care.”

  “Nice to meet you, Madison. And I’ll verify we have that release in your chart, should she need to call in for something.”

  “Thank you, nice to meet you,” I reply.

  “Now, let’s get down to business. After reviewing your biopsy and labs with Dr. Michaels, my recommendation is to start you with radiation. We have a newer treatment protocol that only takes five treatments. Due to the biopsy results showing that the cancer wasn’t as bad as we’d thought, I think this is the best route. If, after the five treatments, we still are showing the cancer, we can reevaluate and take a different approach. What I like best about this approach is it doesn’t have the side effects like longer treatments but is showing the same cure rates as the longer treatments. The five treatments would be every other day for ten days. Once we’ve finished the radiation, we’ll wait five days before drawing your labs again, and needing to go in for a new CT. You’ll also need a CT before we can start the radiation, so that we can map your insides to input that into the radiation machine. We want it to target the specific area and need that imaging to do so.”

  “So, no chemotherapy would be needed?” I ask.

  “No, at least not at this point. Chemotherapy isn’t the first treatment we go to with prostate cancer, like we would with other cancers. Radiation tends to be the best start, and especially with cases like your dad’s that are in the early stages.”


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