Dating the Guy Upstairs

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Dating the Guy Upstairs Page 14

by Amanda Ashby

  “I really don’t mind,” he assured her. He leaned forward, his mouth finding hers. “What matters is that you understand me and what I want to do in a way that no one else ever has.”

  “And you understand me,” she said, her whole body tingling with connection. “This just feels so right.”

  “I agree,” he said before he released one of his dimples and caught her eyes in his. “Of course, it could feel even better if you put this sexy pink bra on for your handsome upstairs neighbor.”

  “You want to see that?”

  “You better believe it,” he said as he held the bra up, his eyes wide with longing. Riley let out a soft sigh, all thoughts of her boss forgotten.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Stella, I know you think that you love O’Neill, but can’t you see that everything you have together is based on a lie? He’s not from your world. But I am, Stella. I’m standing here, flesh and blood yet you won’t even look at me.”

  “Dominic, please, no more. You know I love you as a friend but the heart wants what it wants! And you don’t even know O’Neill. You don’t know what kind of man he is.”

  “He’s not a man at all. He’s a beast. A monster. And I know you think that he’d never hurt you, but if you’d seen what he did to that girl he attacked, you wouldn’t be so certain.”

  “W-what girl?” Stella felt some of her bravado slip.

  Will frowned at the book in his hand.

  What was Stella thinking? Couldn’t she see that Dominic was just trying to cause trouble between her and O’Neill? Hadn’t O’Neill proved himself to her again and again with his actions? But before he could consider it further, his cell phone buzzed and his brother’s name flashed up on the screen.

  “Buddy, what are you doing?”

  Getting annoyed at a fictional character who couldn’t see the wood through the trees.

  “Not much,” he said instead as he stood up. “What about you? Honeymoon so boring that you’ve been reduced to calling your younger but much better-looking brother?”

  “Yeah. It’s such a drag spending twenty-four hours a day with the hottest woman on the planet,” Tucker retorted. “I’m really suffering.”

  “Poor bastard. So, what can I do for you?”

  “I’m just calling to say hi while Danni’s off getting a mani-pedi.”

  “I’m surprised you’re not joining her, knowing your fondness for male grooming,” Will said and was rewarded by a bark of laughter.

  “Funny one. Now, tell me if you’ve had any news yet from Geoff Tait?”

  “Not yet, and before you say anything, please don’t remind me about the old man’s offer. I’d happily wait a lifetime rather than take him up on that.”

  “Look, I’m sorry that he came at you like that at the wedding. I had no idea that’s what he was planning to do. But even if I know you’d never have accepted it, at least take it as a compliment. The old man might be many things, but dumb isn’t one of them, and he doesn’t do nepotism. If he offered you investment it was because he thinks that it’s a great idea.”

  “Let’s just agree to disagree on the matter,” Will said in a tight voice. He was still annoyed that his argument with his father had caused him to behave so badly toward Riley. It was a side of himself that he hadn’t liked seeing, and the only consolation was that she’d forgiven him, and had been sharing his bed for the last seven nights.

  His mood improved with the thought of just how much their relationship had altered in one week. And just how different it was to any other relationship he’d ever had. In the past he’d always been attracted physically to the woman he was with, but he’d never been able to talk to her properly. Not even really with Lisa. But with Riley it was different. Hell, he’d even talked to her about his mother, and that was something that not even he and Tucker discussed.

  “So, what’s next?” Tucker asked, dragging Will away from his thoughts. “Are you still heading back to Indonesia next week?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Um, because you’re dating Riley? I figured that you might find it easier to actually live in the same country.”

  Will frowned. He wasn’t willing to admit that he’d never even thought about it, mainly because for the last seven days it had felt like he was living in a bubble. Plus, in the past, no matter how much fun he’d had hanging out with her, he’d always left. Then again, they’d never had this much fun together before.

  He licked his lips and began to pace the apartment. What were they going to do? He’d meant what he said to her the other night that he didn’t expect her to change for him. And the same went for him. His life was working with people who needed his help. He didn’t know who he’d be if he wasn’t doing that.

  Besides, it wasn’t like he never came home. And there was always the Internet. They’d kept up a long-distance friendship before; would this be any different?

  “I take it by your deafening silence that your plans haven’t changed. Have you even discussed it with her?”

  “It hasn’t come up.” Was this something that they should discuss? But what would be the point? Riley knew who he was and what he did. The fact that they hadn’t discussed him leaving this time was because making each other change wasn’t the way they did things.

  Neither was sleeping together, a silent voice reminded him.

  “Don’t you think you should at least talk about it?” Tucker said before letting out a soft groan. “Okay, I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”

  “Being a pain in my butt?” Will quipped. It was a good way of masking how he was still annoyed that Tucker seemed to think that there was something wrong with what he and Riley had going on.

  “If anyone is being a pain, it’s you,” Tucker retorted. “But Danni has explained to me on more than one occasion that I have to let other people live their lives. So, sorry for getting all judgmental on you.”

  “Thank you,” Will said in a gruff voice. “And thank your wife. She’s obviously a lot smarter than you.”

  “I’m the first to admit that I married up,” Tucker laughed. “Anyway, buddy, I’ve got to go, but call me when you hear from Geoff. And if you crash my car, you’re a dead man.”

  “Don’t worry, your pride and joy is still safe.” Will finished the call just as Riley poked her head around the door. When he’d seen her that morning her hair had been hanging down around her face but it was now scraped back in a ponytail, and she had a smudge of ink on her nose, which suggested it had been a long day at work. She’d never looked cuter.

  “Hey,’ she said, a shy smile on her face. Will immediately made his way over to her. Lust stirred as he dragged her forward, his lips finding hers. Would he ever get enough of the way Riley seemed to fit perfectly into his body? “Have I mentioned that I like the way you say hello?”

  “Not as much as I like the way you say hello.” He followed her back into the apartment and watched as she automatically filled up a jug and went to water the potted plants she’d given him. Lucky plants.

  “Let’s just say you inspire me.” She looked up with a naughty grin. Will’s whole body tingled in response, and he was just about to drag her back toward him when she caught sight of the upended book. Her eyes widened. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “No,” he started to protest, but before he could finish she had reached out and picked it up. “Okay, yes. But in my defense I promised your book club that I’d read it, so really I’m doing it for the kids.”

  “I see.” A smile tugged at her mouth as she scanned the page he’d been reading. Judging by the gleam in her eyes, she knew that it was just after a love scene.

  “Fine. So I like it. That stupid vampire and his vampirey ways is very engrossing,” Will confessed.

  Riley broke out into a peal of laughter. “Relax. I love that you’re reading it.”

��Good. Though right now I’m more interested in discovering where you wanted to go for date night,” Will said, putting the book away. It had become their habit of calling everything they did together date night, in tribute to Tucker’s advice. And while having a date night at the local park with a bagel and bottled water probably wasn’t what his brother had in mind, Will had to admit it somehow made it feel special.

  “That’s all taken care of.” Riley rummaged around in her oversized purse, finally producing a brochure for the small boutique cinema that had opened up during Will’s last stint overseas. “They’re showing The Godfather tonight, and since I know it’s your favorite movie I went ahead and bought our tickets. I hope that’s okay?”

  “Okay? Are you kidding me? The only thing that would make it better would be if it doesn’t start for another hour so that I have time to ravish you.”

  A small smile slid across her face, letting Will know that he was in luck. He jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around her waist, his mouth searching for hers. To think that the perfect woman had been living just downstairs all this time.


  The next morning Will yawned as he padded across Riley’s apartment in search of his shirt, which had been torn off somewhere along the way to the bedroom. Eventually, he located it hanging over a pile of books. He shrugged it on and headed to the kitchen to make coffee, still smiling about the night before. The movie had been great, as had the restaurant they’d gone to afterward. He hummed as he turned on the machine. Then he caught sight of the silly stuffed guinea pig that he’d won for her at the arcade next to the cinema sitting on the counter. It was blue and green and looked nothing like Bingley, but Riley had fallen in love with it, and had tried desperately to win it. She’d failed, so Will had spent ten bucks and his sanity, determined to get it for her.

  His excuse was that it would replace the real Bingley, but underneath he had the sneaking suspicion that he wanted Riley to have it to remind her of him after he’d flown back out.

  “So you’d better have my back, buddy,” he told the stuffed animal. It didn’t reply. Will was just about to rearrange it so that it looked like it was reading a book, when his cell phone rang and Geoff Tait’s name flashed up on the screen.

  All thoughts of the stuffed guinea pig were immediately forgotten as he answered the call.

  “Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you, Will,” Geoff said without preamble. “But I wanted to have a think about this one. Anyway, I’m in. I like this startup and I like that cell phone you gave me, though it weighs a freaking ton.”

  “Geoff, that’s exactly the answer I was hoping to hear.” Will only just resisted the urge to fist pump the air, but it was impossible to stop himself from smiling. “Josh and I are both very excited about working with you and your team to make this business do amazing things.”

  “I’m counting on it,” Geoff laughed. “I’m sending you all of the paperwork now so we can liaise tomorrow. Though please don’t tell anyone how this all came about. You stalking my favorite diner was ballsy. If anyone else does it would just start to piss me off. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal,” Will assured him. It was only now sinking in just what a fine line it was he’d run. Still, at least he got the result he wanted. The conversation lasted for several more minutes, and he had just finished the call as Riley wandered out of the bedroom, looking adorable with her red hair tousled around her face, her body covered in Will’s old T-shirt.

  “Good news?” She pushed her glasses onto her nose and studied his face. “Because you’re smiling like you’ve just won the lottery. Oh God, did you just win the lottery?”

  “Better. That was Geoff Tait. He’s in, which means this business is going to happen.”

  “Will,” Riley squeaked, the way she did when she was trying to process something that excited her. He watched as her face transformed from shock to happiness. “I’m so proud of you. Truly, this is amazing. You must be so buzzed.”

  “Pretty much.” A slow warmth spread through him as he wove his fingers through hers. “Which is why I think we should go out and celebrate tonight.”

  “Oh.” Her eyes suddenly dropped so that she could study her fingers. She only did that when she was nervous.

  “Is there a problem? I mean we don’t have to go if you don’t want. I just thought it was something you’d like, but we could just stay in and watch Pride and Prejudice instead,” he said, giving her his most persuasive smile. It didn’t work. “Riley, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing.” She shook her head, then sighed. “Okay, fine. It’s Gloria’s nephew. That thing I told you about is tonight.”

  “The date?” A stab of annoyance ran through him. He knew it was unreasonable, but that didn’t seem to make a difference. And now he was annoyed and unreasonable, which didn’t improve his mood. Why should Gloria’s lame nephew get to go on a date with Riley?

  He should just go and find his own date, back in his own town, and stay away from Will’s girl.

  “Something like that,” Riley said, her voice sounding miserable. “Are you mad?”

  “Of course I’m mad that some guy who can only get a date with a hot girl by asking his aunt to set him up gets to spend time with you,” Will said, before relenting with a smile. “But I’m not mad at you.”

  “Thank you.” She looked up at him again, her brown eyes wide.

  “You don’t have to thank me for being a decent human being. It’s all part of the package,” he said, swallowing hard to keep down all the feelings that were clawing at his throat.

  Feelings that hadn’t been there for a long time—not since Lisa had broken that part of him.

  He thought of his conversation with Tucker yesterday and frowned, too late forgetting that Riley seemed to be able to decipher all of his expressions. Now it was her turn to look confused.

  “What’s wrong? Were you lying about being okay about tonight?”

  “No, I wasn’t lying. It’s nothing.” He shook his head, but Riley lifted her eyebrow, which let him know that she wasn’t buying his answer. “Okay, so Tucker thinks it’s strange that my plans for going back to Indonesia haven’t changed. He thinks it was even stranger that we haven’t discussed it.”

  “Oh.” She opened her mouth and then shut it again. Will flinched. It seemed like Tucker might have been right.

  “Are you saying that it’s something we should’ve discussed?” Will said.

  “Of course not. You told me the other night that you didn’t expect me to change for you, so it would be unfair of me to expect you to change,” she said, but it was impossible to miss the two spots of color rising up her cheeks.

  “But you wish that I was staying longer?” he probed, not sure he really wanted the answer.

  “I wish that you weren’t going somewhere that was so far away,” she said diplomatically. “I like what we have. That you know me. I like how you make me feel about myself. It’s like you can see me.”

  For a second, he let himself think about staying here. He braced himself for the inevitable anxiety that normally pounded on his chest when he thought of living in Seattle. When he thought of committing to someone.

  Especially after everything that had happened with Lisa.

  But there was no anxiety. And Riley wasn’t Lisa. Far from it. She was the girl that he’d spent the last two years hanging out with when he was at home and Skyping with when he was away. She was always the one he wanted to talk to when he had news, and now she was always the one he wanted to make love to. And, for the first time in three years, he wished that he wasn’t going somewhere that was so far away either.

  His breath caught in his throat. Was this something he could do? Was it something he wanted?

  “I like what we have too,” he finally spoke. “I really like it and I’m not sure what we should do next.”

  “What can we
do?” her voice was raspy, like she was scared. That made two of them. But strangely enough, seeing her nerves made him feel braver.

  “We could figure something out. Where there’s a Will, there’s a way. Now that I have the funding, perhaps I could be based here for part of the year? I mean, Josh is the real brains behind it all, so it’s not like he would always need me onsite. What do you think?”

  “I-I’m not sure.” Her eyes were wide, but it was hard to tell if she was pleased or disappointed by his proposal. Actually, scrap that thought. If she was happy he’d know about it, which meant that she thought it was a bad idea. His stomach contracted like he’d been punched, but before he could say anything, she spoke. “Since Lisa, you’ve never wanted a girlfriend before. I’d hate for you to feel trapped.”

  “You’ve never wanted a boyfriend before,” he pointed out. “If I spend more time here, you could be wishing me in Jericho so that you and whats-his-name can keep dating.”

  “That’s not what I want.” Her voice was little above a whisper as she once again dropped her gaze.

  “It’s not what I want either.” He wrapped his arms possessively around her waist. The idea of committing to anyone had terrified him for so long, but now he realized that the fear was only because it had never been Riley who he was committing to. It looked like they were really going to do this. And Will couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “He did not,” Italy said.

  “He did,” Riley assured her as they shut the library doors. It had been a hectic day, which explained why Riley had only just found the time to give Italy the latest update. “He said he wanted to spend more time here, because of me.”

  “Of course I believe he wants to spend more time here. It’s obvious to anyone who has eyes that you two are crazy about each other.” Italy gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “The part I’m having problems with is that he’s letting you go on this stupid date tonight.”


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