Gift of Honor

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Gift of Honor Page 24

by Alexa Aston

“How?” Hal asked.

  “Three weeks ago, the Scots won a resounding victory at Otterburn. The Earl of Douglas led a raid that crossed the border into England, trying to take advantage of the division between Neville and Northumberland, who’d just taken over defending the border. Though we outnumbered them three to one, the Scots took the day—and both of Northumberland’s sons.”

  “Has Douglas continued to press deeper into England?” Hal asked.

  “Douglas is dead,” Derby said, his voice flat. “But that hasn’t stopped the Scots. The Lords Appellant are being blamed for the entire debacle. The north is frightened. The rumbling has begun. By this time next year, I guarantee you that my cousin will be back on his throne and in full control.”

  “And where will you be, my lord?” Hal challenged.

  “If Richard will have me, back in his service and good graces,” responded Derby smoothly. “Nottingham, more than likely, will join me in this defection. If anything, the king still has a fondness for me. I’m sure Nottingham and I will be rewarded and the three remaining Lords Appellant removed from office.”

  “So why are you at Kinwick?” Hal asked, puzzled.

  Derby rose and walked to the corner. He retrieved a sword propped there and brought it to Hal.

  “To return this to you.”

  The earl extended the weapon to Hal, who took it in disbelief.

  “I thought I would never see this again.”

  “’Tis yours. It was always yours. I determined to return your sword to you the moment you handed it over to me. I know it was a hard thing to do, Hal. You were a brave man that day, in front of all those soldiers. You hold my admiration and my respect.”

  Derby offered his hand and Hal clasped it.

  “Mayhap, we will cross paths again in London,” the earl said. “Until then.” He bowed to Geoffrey and left the room.

  Hal turned to his father. “If the border wars are heating up, then you will be required to send men.” A sick feeling washed over him. He knew he would have to go to war again—and most likely miss the birth of his first child.

  Geoffrey nodded. “I will. Derby and I spoke of it. The call will go out soon. The Lords Appellant cannot leave unanswered what the Scots have begun.” He rose and placed a hand on Hal’s shoulder. “But you will not be part of the soldiers I send.”

  Anger flickered inside him. “You cannot show favoritism toward me, Father. I am one of your best knights. I must go and lead the Kinwick men.”

  “Nay. My captain of the guard never leaves Kinwick. He stays behind to ensure the protection of my castle and lands.”

  It took a moment for Hal to understand the meaning behind his father’s words. “I . . . am to be your captain?” Astonishment filled him. “What about Gilbert?”

  “Gilbert and I agree the time has come for you to take his place, Hal.”

  Elation poured through him. “I am most honored, Father. I never expected such recognition.”

  Geoffrey smiled. “I always expected this day would come. I planned for years for you to become Kinwick’s captain. The time is now right.”

  “I hope Gilbert will choose to assist me in the yard.”

  “Nay. He specifically requested not to do so. He doesn’t want the men’s attention or loyalty divided between the two of you.” Geoffrey chuckled. “Gilbert is retiring to a cottage I have given him. With Tilda.”

  “Tilda? Our Tilda?”

  “Aye. It seems they have carried on with one another for years and none of us suspected a thing. Tilda will leave our service to care for her husband. Of course, that means another wedding.”

  “How is Mother taking this? Tilda has been by her side for many years.”

  “Merryn will be fine. She will depend more on Elinor to help her run Kinwick, though, whenever she is not working with Joseph and the raptors.”

  “Elinor would be delighted to have a larger role,” Hal confirmed. “I will find her now and tell her.” He grinned. “And let her know she is now bedding the captain of the guard.”

  He hugged Geoffrey tightly. “Thank you for having confidence in me, Father.”

  Hal left the solar, feeling as if he walked on air as he held his sword in his hand. He saw Elinor down the corridor from their chamber. Before he could call out to her, she paused and brought both hands to her belly. Cold fear gripped him. Margery had lost a babe several months after she conceived. Ancel told Hal he still felt sorrow from the loss of their little one.

  Racing down the hall, he reached his wife. His sword clanged to the ground. Elinor looked up and gave him a brilliant smile.

  She grabbed his hand and rested it against her belly, both her hands atop his one. “Wait,” she commanded.

  Hal looked in her eyes, confused. Then something bumped his hand. Once. Twice. He beamed from ear to ear.

  “’Tis the babe?” he asked.

  Elinor nodded. “I have felt small twinges until just now. This was a kick. I’m certain of it. Oh, Hal, I am so glad you are here to share this moment with me.”

  He stared in wonder at her rounded belly. Another nudge pushed at his hand. Hal bent and cradled her belly with his hands. “Greetings, little one. We cannot wait for your arrival.”

  Rising, he captured her hand and brought it palm up to his lips and pressed a fervent kiss to the center. Elinor’s gaze met his, full of desire.

  “Shall we celebrate feeling the babe move?” she asked, her lips twitching in amusement.

  He retrieved the sword to show her. “We have many things to rejoice in. Our babe. The Earl of Derby returning my sword.” Hal paused as her eyes grew wide. “And I have just learned that my father has appointed me his new captain of the guard.”

  Elinor squealed in excitement and threw her arms about his neck, pulling him down for a slow kiss.

  She finally broke the kiss and said seductively, “I believe I mentioned a celebration, Husband?”

  Hal swept her off her feet and stepped through their chamber door. He kicked it shut with his foot and took her to their bed.

  “I like the way you think, Wife.” He placed her on the bed and began removing her shoes. “I plan to work my way from the crown of your head to your tiniest toe. By the time I finish, hours from now, you will be loved completely.”



  “Thoroughly?” she echoed.

  Hal nodded.

  “Then you better get started,” Elinor told him.

  So he did.

  Knights of Honor Series by Alexa Aston

  Word of Honor

  Marked by Honor

  Code of Honor

  Journey to Honor

  Heart of Honor

  Bold in Honor

  Love and Honor

  Gift of Honor

  About the Author

  As a child, Alexa Aston gathered her neighborhood friends together and made up stories for them to act out, her first venture into creating memorable characters. Following her passion for history and love of learning, she became a teacher who began writing on the side to maintain her sanity in a sea of teenage hormones.

  Alexa’s historical romances use history as a backdrop to place her characters in extraordinary circumstances, where their intense desire for one another grows into the treasured gift of love.

  She is the author of The Knights of Honor, a medieval romance series that takes place in 14th century England during the reign of Edward III and centers on the de Montfort family. Each romance focuses on the code of chivalry that bound knights of this era.

  A native Texan, Alexa lives with her husband in a Dallas suburb, where she eats her fair share of dark chocolate and plots out stories while she walks every morning. She enjoys reading, watching movies and sports, and can’t get enough of Fixer Upper or Game of Thrones. Alexa also writes romantic suspense, western historicals, and standalone medieval novels as Lauren Linwood.

  Alexa loves to hear from her readers. You can connect with her through FB, Tw
itter, and her website:



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