Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 5

by Aimie Jennison

  I pull the material away from my knee to check if the bleeding has stopped.

  Misty gasps jumping back, just as I hear the growl from behind me. I turn around slowly; not wanting my back to the werewolf I can smell behind me, but also not wanting my movements to provoke an attack. I realise it’s two nights from a full moon. Mix that with the smell of blood and the young were that’s now facing me won’t be able to stop the change.

  He’s on his hands and knees, thankfully still in human form. His growling is not very comfortable in this situation; not to mention that a wolf’s growl looks and sounds wrong coming out of a human’s mouth.

  He’s about a metre away from me, slowly crawling closer. Reaching me in no time, he starts sniffing at my knee, which has healed but is still covered in fresh blood. I glance at the bloody t-shirt in my hand. Deciding it’s already ruined, I offer it to him, but he’s not interested in that at all. Instead of taking the shirt like I hoped, he does something that I really don’t like. He straightens up and nuzzles his face against the bare flesh of my stomach.

  Why did I pick a crop top from reception and not a t-shirt?

  The stomach is the easiest place for a werewolf to rip you apart—no bones to get in the way. I start to panic. If I don’t do something quickly, his teeth will pierce my skin and then it’ll all be over. Before I come up with a plan I hear the scariest growl, almost a roar, that I have ever heard coming from behind me. Whatever creature belongs to that growl is going be a lot harsher killing me than this pup here.

  He stops nuzzling to look around me at the creature. He’s not moved away enough for me to escape, the only thing he moved was his head.

  Misty is between that scary growl and me. She is only a human. She has no chance of fighting back. A number of options for what I can do run through my head when I hear a familiar commanding voice.

  “Leave her alone, Paddy.”

  “She smells so good,” the voice in front of me says, as a rumble comes from his chest. I try to stay as calm as possible, fear will only make him want to rip me up even more.

  Theo’s wolf’s energy runs down my back as he steps up close behind me, making my wolf stand to attention. “Step back from her, Patrick.”

  Patrick takes a small step back and looks up towards Theo, who’s leaning over my left shoulder with his chest pressing against my back. I would probably find it arousing, if we weren’t staring down a hungry wolf. Patrick’s eyes have no humanity in them. They are the wolf’s eyes, not Patricks. He’s so close to the change. It will only take a shudder and I’ll be dead in a second.

  Theo’s hands come down on my shoulders making me jump. I feel a rumble coming from him. His energy is leaving him in a wave and going through me. Once it hits Patrick, his eyes are sea blue and so human it’s unbelievable. He looks mortified as he realises what happened. “Paddy, you should go home now, mate,” Theo orders.

  Paddy looks me up and down until he gets to my stomach that has his bloody face print on it. “I’m so sorry.”

  Theo squeezes my shoulders, silently urging me to accept the apology.

  “It’s okay,” is all I can manage to spit out as the shock kicks in. Hearing my words, Patrick turns and leaves without another word.

  Nobody moves until the doors shut. Theo spins me round and leans back to look at my face, still holding my shoulders. I think if he let go, I’d crumple to the floor.

  “Are you okay, Bel?” I just stare at him blankly visualising all the bad things that could have just happened.

  As he pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me, I can vaguely hear talking. “She’s in shock.” But I can’t seem to pull myself into the here and now. I start to come around a bit and realise it must be Misty who he was talking to.

  God. Is she okay? She wasn’t that far away from me or the almost wolf.

  It’s then that it dawns on me why I’m in such a serious state of shock, my empathy is feeding it. My own shock has made me lose a handle on my protection barrier causing me to channel Misty and Theo’s shock. Great.

  As I focus and put my barrier back up I notice that Theo is still holding me tightly against his chest. Oh my. His bare chest at that, and what a nice chest it is. Smooth and so toned, and wet? As I pull back wondering why his chest is wet, he wipes a tear from my cheeks. Oh god, I’ve been crying. Have I not shown myself up enough in front of this guy, already!

  “How are you feeling now?” Theo murmurs as he rubs my arms with calming motions.

  “Like an idiot. Your chest is soaking.” I laugh nervously, shaking my head in disbelief at how unlucky I seem to be around this guy.

  “Don’t worry about that,” he soothes.

  Misty appears next to us with a tray containing three cups of what smells like very sugary but strong coffee.

  Theo uses his hold on my arms to direct me to sit on one of the weight benches, taking a coffee off the tray and handing it to me. He takes a seat next to me, whilst Misty sits facing us on the next one along.

  Misty passes Theo a cup and takes the other for herself before leaning the tray against the leg of the weight bench. We all drink in silence. The energy zinging between mine and Theo’s touching thighs distracts me from even thinking about making conversation.

  “Sorry, I ran off, but Paddy wasn’t the only one close to his wolf. I didn’t think anyone else was here. If I’d stayed, I might not have been able to control myself because of the pull of the moon. I wouldn’t have been as slow as Paddy, I would have ripped you both apart in no time,” Theo says, as he breaks the almost uncomfortable silence. His tone of voice says he was ashamed to own up to it. Alphas are known for their control. If an alpha can’t control his own wolf, there is no way he can control a pack.

  “How come ya came back, if you were worried ya might change?” Misty asks in her cute British accent.

  “I felt Paddy’s change coming on; it kicked my wolf into gear. The need to protect Bel overpowered the need to feed the bloodlust with Bel,” he says on an embarrassed chuckle, and shakes his head. “Sorry to talk about you like you’re edible."

  “That’s all right, I’m getting used to it. I’ve only been in town six days and I’ve had three people wanting to take a bite out of me,” I joke

  His face suddenly turns deathly serious, “Have you had any more bother from the good King?”

  “No. I haven’t seen him since Friday night.” I try to sound cheery, hoping to ease his mind.

  “Good.” He doesn’t sound very convinced. But he had warned me it was only a matter of time before the King tries to get his taste. Apparently, when Dominick Drake sets his sight on something, he gets it.

  I glance up at the clock and blanch at the time. “Misty, we better get going, it’s nearly five.” She looks half asleep. I’m just hoping she can manage the drive home.

  We all slowly stand. Misty and I stroll back into the changing rooms to get our belongings out of the lockers. Theo goes into the male changing rooms, presumably to get his own belongings.

  When we enter the foyer through the changing rooms, we find a shirtless Theo leaning against the wall waiting to walk us to the car. As we reach Misty’s Beetle, she shoots by and jumps in the car to start it, leaving Theo and I alone in the empty car park.

  “Thanks again for helping with Paddy. I didn’t want a death on my conscience after only being in town for such a short time.”

  “It’s my job as Alpha to keep my wolves in line. Paddy is going to be feeling so low for the next day or two. He was looking forward to meeting ‘the new hottie.’” He rolls his eyes whist making air quotes. “Eddie’s words. And he blew it by losing himself to his wolf’s blood lust.”

  “He’s young. He’ll get over it. I’ll have to remember to thank Eddie for the nice description,” I reply with a laugh.

  Theo reaches across me to open the car door. I slide into my seat and he closes the door for me before leaning into the open window. “Drive safely, Misty.” He shifts his eyes from Misty to m
e. “Take care.”

  We manage to get home in one piece thanks to the chilly night air blowing through the open windows.




  As I walk up to my front door I know I won’t be having the quiet night I had planned. I can hear Eddie ribbing Paddy over his disaster first encounter with Bel.

  “You wolfed out...That’s just…” Eddie can’t even finish his sentence through his fits of laughter.

  “Fuck off. I didn’t turn full wolf.”

  I walk into the lounge to find Eddie rolling around the sofa and an agitated Paddy sitting opposite.

  “Is she okay?” Paddy questions as soon as I walk into the living area.

  I sit down next to Eddie, slapping him across the back of the head with one hand, while swiping a beer off the coffee table with the other. “Bel’s fine. She’s just glad she didn’t have to kill you. She didn’t want a death on her conscience.”

  “It was the blood and the moon calling to me. I can’t believe I lost control like that. If I wasn’t trying to eat her, I would assume it was due to her being unmated and wanting to claim her.”

  “You want to claim her?” I barely contain my growl. She is my mate. No one but me will be claiming her.

  Ours. My wolf is in total agreement with me.

  “It doesn’t matter if I did! I’ve blown it now. I’ve got no chance. Her wolf will think I’m weak, losing control like that,” he says, nervously peeling the label off his stubby.

  The growl I’d been holding starts to rumble out. Eddie throws an arm across my shoulders to hold me in place before I can pounce on Paddy. It’s a suicidal move on Eddie’s behalf because I immediately turn my anger on him. He pays me no attention as he speaks to Paddy. “You had no chance anyway. She’s Theo’s mate. His true mate.” His words calm me. Someone, other than myself and my wolf, was acknowledging that she was mine. I relax back into the sofa and Ed removes his arm from my shoulder and leans forward to grab a fresh stubby, acting as though nothing had happened.

  Paddy glances up from the bottle he’d been playing with and his shocked eyes land on mine. “Why haven’t you claimed her? She’s been in town long enough.” Realising his mistake in questioning his alpha, he quickly apologises, drops his eyes to the floor and submissively bares his neck to me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

  “It’s fine, Paddy. I’ve been asking myself the same question since that first night I left her in Misty’s. She’s been brought up by a were-lion and his human wife. She hasn’t learnt anything about us. I don’t think she even understands what our connection, and the physical reactions we get, means.” I swap my empty stubby for the last full one.

  Ed gets up and grabs another six pack out of the fridge before sitting back down again. “She seems like a bright girl. Surely she would see that it’s only you that causes these feelings and reactions. Her wolf would know even if the human doesn’t.”

  “I’m the first Alpha she’s met. She is probably putting it down to my alpha vibe.”

  “You’re planning on claiming her though, right?” Ed pops the top off a stubby and passes it to Paddy, who takes it gratefully as he downs the last dregs in the one he’d been holding.

  “Of course, I do. I just don’t want to force her into it before she realises what it is. My last relationship was a disaster. You know that. It was nothing but lies and deceit. I want this one to go right.”

  Ed places a comforting hand on my forearm. “Theo. She is your true mate. It won’t go the same way as things did with Selena.”

  “I know, but I thought I loved her. Not only did I lose her, I lost a brother too. It hurt. It still does. Even though I know it wasn’t love, not like that of a mate.”

  “Cain was jealous when you took over the pack. He turned bitter.” Ed wasn’t around when I took over the pack but anyone could see that Cain was bitter and jealous about me being Alpha—even years after the fact.

  “Cain didn’t want the pack, though. He’s the one who killed Dad. He should’ve been Alpha after that, but he handed it to me. That’s why I don’t understand his jealousy.”

  Wes, my Beta, walks into the room and joins the conversation. “That’s not why he was jealous. He was jealous of the pack. The pack took your attention away from him. He was young and he idolised you. He slept with your wife to get back at you for abandoning him. He knew it would piss you off.”

  I hadn’t even heard him enter the house. He must have been working in my office. That revelation floored me, but now that the thought was in my head it made complete sense.

  “Why had I not connected the dots?” I mumble to myself, whilst shaking my head. The revelations would do no good. Cain is AWOL now. No one has seen or heard from him in a year.

  I stand from the couch and start to strip off my clothes. “I need a run.”

  Talking about my ex and brother always gets me worked up. A run is what I need to burn off the extra stress it’s stirred up. I’d rather a run than hold it in and snap at the wrong person. By the time I make it to the back yard and shift into my wolf form, there’s a trail of clothes leading outside and three other wolves standing next to me, waiting to follow my lead.

  I lead. I run through the forest with my pack brothers following me. The day’s stress runs off my fur as my paws pound into the dirt of the forest floor. The only thought that stays with me is that our mate still needs claiming.




  No sooner had I fallen asleep than I was waking up again; time to get ready and go to work. Both Misty and I were so tired when we arrived home after the gym that we agreed to sleep all day, making sure to get up as late as possible, leaving just enough time to get something to eat before work.

  Walking through to the kitchen and finding it empty, I pause to listen for any noise indicating that Misty was in the land of the living. I hear nothing other than the humming of the ducted air-con.

  “Misty, wake your arse up!” I shout through the apartment. The rooms below could probably hear me but I couldn’t care less. I have to listen to the couple in the apartment below my room constantly having sex so they can suck it up!

  I start pulling food out the fridge to make us both a sandwich. I’m just plating up as Misty walks into the room blurry-eyed but dressed.

  “Coffee. I need coffee.”

  I point to the steaming cup I placed next to her sandwich. She grabs the cup, mumbles something unintelligible then swiftly guzzles the full cup; slamming the cup on the side as she glances up at me. “Thanks, Bel.”

  “That was hot. I only just made it.” How have her lips not blistered?

  “Oh. I did a quick cooling enchantment,” she states before tucking into her sandwich.

  It’s going to take a while getting used to living with a witch.

  * * *

  We spot a couple of customers standing outside the doors as we drive by and around the back. Misty pulls the handbrake and dives out the car. She starts chanting something as I follow her and the back door pops open without her even getting her keys out.

  “Cool,” I announce in awe.

  “Oh, that’s nothing, honey!” she replies, running to the bar.

  She opens the front doors via chant again. That is one cool trick!

  Over the next hour or two a steady stream of customers come and goes. A familiar face catches my eye and I make my way over to take his order. He’s with another guy I haven’t met yet. He’s definitely werewolf, I can feel his power, and it’s strong. He has to be high up in the ranks.

  “Evening, Ed. What can I get you?”

  “Hi, beautiful. You haven’t met Wes yet, have you?” he queries pointing to the wolf next to him.

  I shake my head and extend my hand to Wes. “No, I haven’t. It’s nice to meet you, Wes. I’m Bel.”

  He smirks as he takes my hand, “I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
br />   “All good stuff I hope. What can I get you guys to drink?” I let go of his hand and wipe the bar down with the cloth I keep tucked in my apron, trying to get rid of the nervous thought that people are talking about me.

  “Just a Toohey’s, thanks,” Wes orders. “We’re both on patrol, so we best steer clear of the hard stuff.”

  I grab their beers out of the fridge under the bar and pop the tops off before handing them over.




  Waking up, I realise we made it through the night without any bother. The night was a blur of customers. Then again, we were both on autopilot so a tornado could have hit without either of us paying a blind bit of notice.

  I head into the kitchen in need of a coffee fix. I need to function when I get up in the morning. Knowing Misty needs coffee more than I do, I’m not surprised to find her already there with two full cups. What does surprise me is the shit-eating grin she has on her face.

  “Good Morning,” she says over-enthusiastically. She’s definitely up to something.

  “Okay. What is it?” I ask, reaching for the cup she offers me.

  “You’re having tonight off,” she practically sings as she leans against the breakfast bar.

  I take a sip of coffee before reacting. “Should I ask why?”

  “Don’t bite my head off, but I’ve set you up on a blind date. I know you like Theo, but he’s being an idiot by avoiding you. Anyone can see the chemistry between the two of you. Your wolves are dying to jump each other. He still hasn’t shown you where you can run safely.” She has a point. I might like him but he has been avoiding me, apparently before I started working at Misty’s he was in there on a daily basis.


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