Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 14

by Aimie Jennison

  Discussing the kidnapper and the pack reminds me that they all remain downstairs. “Do you want to go and deal with your pack? We’ve kept them waiting a while.” I giggle, picking my words carefully so as not to sound like an order. No one gives orders to the alpha.

  “Our Pack. We are true mates. You are the Alpha female. And you’re right, they have waited long enough. We should go put them out of their misery,” he says, patting me on the butt.

  I shift, allowing him to get out of the bed.

  He pulls on the sweatpants he removed earlier and grabs a t-shirt out of a drawer. He throws another at me along with a pair of shorts. They hit me in the face and I hear Theo laugh as I breathe in the scent on his shirt.

  We both pad down the stairs barefoot, hands entwined. The bond from our mating is like nothing I could ever have imagined. I can feel him deep within me, like a comfortable blanket wrapped around my soul. I’m aware of his feelings, his contentment somewhat like my own, but it’s nothing like my empathy; it’s more internal than that. The pack are there, too. I can’t pick out any specific members but I can feel them as a whole.

  We walk through the lounge with the L-shaped sofas and I glance at them longingly. Theo must notice because he stops, questioning me by just the look on his face.

  “Maybe I could just stay here while you talk to the pack?”

  He shakes his head and smiles. “No. You are Pack remember. You have to face them eventually.”

  “Oh, fine,” I concede.

  I tug his hand for him to lead me into the dining room where the pack await us. Before opening the door, he pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead, giving me time to take a calming breath. The deep breath I take is filled with his scent; calming me even more. I love how he can read me now and know exactly what I need.

  “Thank you,” I say, pecking him on the lips. I reach around him and open the door.

  In our absence, the pack has gathered in groups to chat. Some sit, some stand, and some lean against the furniture that is in the middle of the room. Theo stops and stands in the doorway.

  Everyone turns to look in his direction, curiosity written all over their faces. We had been gone for at least an hour. I can understand their curiosity.

  “Thank you for coming tonight. I apologise for the late notice and the delay,” he says, addressing the pack. “The reason I called you here no longer remains. As you all can see, my beautiful mate is no longer missing.”

  The pack immediately starts clapping, startling me into taking a step back and banging my back against the door frame.

  Wesley steps forward. “I’d like to say, on behalf of the pack, congratulations. It’s an honour to have true mates as our alpha pair.” He kneels before the pair of us and bows his head. “Loyalty to my pack, loyalty to my alpha pair, for as long as I may live.”

  Theo steps forward bringing me with him and places my hand on Wes’ shoulder and places his on the other. “Loyalty to my true mate. Loyalty to our pack for as long as I may live,” he says, giving me a nod as he glances in my direction.

  I stare at him blankly. I know I should say something but I’m not really sure what. My wolf pushes to the forefront of my mind, and with her she brings the knowledge and natural instinct. The words just flow out.

  “Loyalty to my true mate and our pack for as long as I may live.”

  With that, the whole room drops to their knees. “Loyalty to my pack, loyalty to my alpha pair for as long as I may live.”

  The feel of the pack inside me starts to pulse, and with a snap I feel it solidify. I can feel every member. I can distinguish every member even the ones I have never been introduced to. I know who is mated and who isn’t.

  I am pack; there is no doubt about that now.

  “Rise,” Theo commands. Once every member has risen he proceeds, “Now that we have dealt with the formalities it’s time to get our pack members back.”

  The room erupts with a chorus of agreement.

  “As most of you know, Paddy and Alyssa attacked Dominick Drake earlier tonight. If Rosabel hadn’t discovered the attack in time Dominick would have been killed; which would have resulted in an instant war. Rosabel brought up a valid point just a short while ago. She brought it to my attention that we may be looking at too narrow a suspect pool—that a druid or witch may be kidnapping and stripping them of their free will. The fact that neither of them would attack Dominick of their own accord makes me believe that Bel just may be right.

  I think the best way to find this person is to start patrols. Alyssa went missing at Misty’s and this most recent attack was there too, making me believe the suspect may be connected to that area. I suggest we start there and work our way out. Since he has two wolves, I want you in groups of three. Billy, I’d like you to take the first patrol tomorrow night. Who would you like to take with you?”

  Billy, the biker, steps forward in his leather trousers, a black muscle tank and heavy boots. No jacket.

  Shit his jacket is still on the sofa at home.

  “I’ll take Phil and Darren if that is okay with you, boss?”

  “Yeah. I’m happy with your choice. Phil. That okay with you?” He nods to a guy in front of us who wouldn’t be my first choice.

  He’s tall and so thin that if a gust of wind hit him he’d snap in half. He has a dark crew cut but it’s his fashion sense that makes him stand out the most. His red and blue check shirt matched with beige trousers look great, until you look at his Jesus sandals with socks.

  “That’s cool.”

  “Darren. How about you?”

  “I’m all yours,” says a gruff voice. Now this guy I would choose. He’s freaking huge in all directions. Honestly, he must have come through the front door sideways. It looks like it is all muscle, too. His shaved head has a nice shine to it. He’s wearing a navy wife-beater with white-washed jeans and what look like steel-toe capped safety boots.

  “Good. I suggest all three of you meet around the back of Misty’s at half past five. I’m going to speak to Dominick and see if he will send some of his guys on patrols, too. Every man helps. I’ll meet the three of you when Misty’s shuts. If you see anything unusual before then call it in.” All three guys nod and Theo looks around taking in the rest of the pack.

  “You may all leave now, but be sure to stay safe and stick in groups. Thanks again.”

  I step away from the door as everyone moves to file out, many stopping to say a few words to Theo on their way. A few of them even greet me with a smile and welcome me to the pack.

  Theo is so attentive to his members. I smile as I watch him deal with them all. This wonderful and gorgeous guy is my mate. When I left Quilpie to find a Pack never, in my wildest dreams did I imagine finding my true mate. A guy I can actually love. It hits me like a sledge hammer as I watch him follow Wesley and Billy out of the room whilst chatting. I have only known him a short time but I do…I love him.

  I am just about to follow him when I sense someone behind me. I quickly spin around uncomfortable with a stranger at my back. I find Chloe in skinny white jeans and a fitted fuchsia pink singlet with her long blonde hair straightened to perfection, to match the perfect heavy make-up. I try not to think about what I must look like after my hair had been left to dry wild and that all my make-up washed off from my shower. I don’t think any woman could help but feel slightly inferior when standing next to the beautiful Chloe.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me now, Rosabel. They could be a while in there chatting pack business. Maybe we should take the time to get to know each other a little?”

  I know, without a doubt, I am allowed in there with Theo and the others, and as much as I feel bad to think about leaving Chloe to her own devices, I haven’t forgotten how she feels about Theo and I mating. She made it perfectly clear with the outburst at the last Pack meeting—not to mention the way she greeted Theo earlier this evening.

  “There you are?” Theo says, popping his head around the doorway. “I was starting to
worry you might have vanished again,” he adds, jokingly.

  “I’m coming,” I say, as I turn towards the door.

  A wave of jealousy from Chloe almost bowls me over. It’s so strong I actually stumble. I was right to remember where she stands in regards to me and Theo. There is no way she is going to just move aside and accept this.

  Glancing back at her I decide I need to keep my enemy close. “Sorry Chloe. Maybe we can get to know each other another time. Grab a coffee and have a manicure or something?”

  She looks at me, the shock is written all over her face. “S-sure that sounds good,” she stutters, as I leave the room.

  I find Theo and Wesley in the lounge, sitting in the same place they had been last time. It’s the first time I have really looked at Wesley tonight. He looks miserable. His sadness pouring off him and filling the room.

  As I sit next to him, he looks at me with a puzzled look, probably wondering why I’m sitting next to him and not Theo. I ignore his look and put my arm through his, stroking his forearm in a comforting gesture.

  “We’ll bring Alyssa home. She looked well tonight. She didn’t have any injuries. I promise we’ll get her back.” I give him a reassuring smile, which he surprisingly returns.

  “I know we will. Thanks, Rosabel. You really are going to be a great addition to the pack.”

  I stand up and kiss him on the top of his head.

  Shit! Maybe I shouldn’t have done that in front of Theo.

  I glance up at Theo, dreading seeing the look on his face, but he’s giving me a heart-warming smile.

  As I sit next to him he leans into my hair and whispers in my ear, “Thank you. That’s the first smile I’ve seen on his face since Alyssa went missing.”

  Billy suddenly appears with five mugs on a tray. He hands us all a coffee and places a tea on the table for himself. We all give the fifth mug a curious glance,

  “I thought Chloe might be joining us. What with her staying here and all. Shall I take it up to her or just leave it here, boss?”

  Theo grabs the phone out of its cradle on the coffee table and dials a number.

  “Hello,” Chloe answers.

  “Hey, there’s a coffee here for you if you want to join us?” He hangs up without giving Chloe a chance to reply.

  Chloe arrives in the room so quickly she must have been in the other room still. She sits on the floor leaning next to Theo’s legs.

  “Thank you,” she says, taking a mouthful of her drink. She really is grateful for us letting her join us. Her emotions are so strong.

  We all enjoy our coffees in silence.

  Looking at Billy reminds me that I still have his jacket. “Billy. I forgot your jacket. It’s still on the sofa at Misty’s apartment.”

  “No worries, Rosabel. It’s not like I really feel the cold anyway. Just leave it at the bar tomorrow and I’ll pick it up.”

  I could try my newfound trick. I suppose now is as good a time as any. “It’s okay; I’ll get it for you now.”

  As Theo and Billy both go to protest I put my hand up to silence them. I shuffle my bum in the seat to get more comfortable making all four of them look at me with puzzled expressions.

  This will be so much more fun if I don’t tell them what I’m going to do.

  I close my eyes, take a deep breath and concentrate on breathing in and out. When I feel totally relaxed, I picture Misty’s huge lounge, the cream leather sofa in the middle of the room with Billy’s jacket on the back, the wooden sideboard with the telephone and answering machine on top, the three tall floor lamps; the one next to the sofa, the one next to the sideboard and the one in the far corner by the brown suede beanbag. I feel the thick, luxurious cream carpet under my feet and smell the lavender scented candle that Misty always burns before bed.

  I open my eyes and see all that I just pictured behind my eyelids. I can’t believe it worked first time. I grab Billy’s jacket, pulling it on. I quickly pull a pen and paper out of the sideboard drawer to write Misty a note, too.


  I’ll be staying at Theo’s tonight. I promise I will fill you in on everything tomorrow.


  Leaving the note on the sideboard for her to see, I place the pen back in the drawer and step into the middle of the room. Again, I take a few deep breaths as I close my eyes. I picture Theo’s two red suede L-shape sofas; one opposite the other with the solid oak coffee table between them. I feel the cold slate floor under my feet. I smell Theo’s lovely scent—Billy’s, Wesley’s, and Chloe’s, too. I open my eyes to find myself standing behind the sofa.

  Billy and Wesley are both staring at me stunned.

  I walk around the sofa to Billy, while sliding the jacket off and pass it to him.

  “There you go, one jacket. Thanks for the loan!” I turn and sit down next to Theo. Both he and Chloe are equally stunned.

  “Wow. That really was something—minus the fear,” Theo says proudly, sliding his arm around me and pulling me against his side.

  “I figured I might as well try my new trick out,” I say, with a shrug.

  Billy finally remembers how to speak. “How the hell did you do that?”

  Wesley and Chloe still seem to be struggling to pick their jaws off the floor.

  I suddenly realise the consequences of my actions. I’m going to have to tell them about the druid in me. I hope this doesn’t change how Billy and Wesley feel about me. They seem to have accepted me. It can’t really change the way Chloe feels. She already hates me. I look at Theo and he seems to understand the inner debate I’m having. His reassuring smile gives me the courage to bite the bullet.

  “When I disappeared earlier, Dominick called me to him. I thought he was able to do it due to our tie. He informed me that I actually have druid blood in me, giving me the ability to teleport just now and earlier when Theo called the meeting, although it was Dominick controlling my dematerialising earlier, not me.”

  No one speaks; they just stare at me like I have two heads. I am squirming. Theo can probably tell I want to bolt.

  He stares at me intently. “Don’t even think about leaving!”

  It’s an order. I stare into his beautiful eyes. My vision blurs as my eyes fill with tears.

  He gently strokes my cheek with the back of his knuckles. “Okay. Now that you’re staying put, you’re going to listen to me.”

  I can only manage to nod, being too choked up with tears to speak.

  “First things first. The pack has no decision in the matter of who I choose as a mate, they will respect you whether they like you or not. Secondly I love you, druid or not.” He leans forward and kisses me on the forehead, pulling me in to hug him.

  Once I get my tears under control I make a move to pull away, only to feel Wes and Billy both join in on a group hug. “You are our alpha’s true mate, making you our alpha female. We all stated our loyalty earlier. We have accepted you just like Theo said, druid or not,” Wesley says, making his feelings clear as we all take our seats once again.

  “What is wrong with you three? Are you insane? She’s a druid werewolf? She can materialise wherever she wants! What else can she do? She’s playing you all. Druids are dark and evil. Well, I’m not falling for whatever spell she’s put you all under. I do not trust her,” Chloe hollers, as she stands.

  The sofa vibrates with the growl coming from deep in Theo’s chest. I grab for Theo’s hand to try and calm him, but before I can get a hold on it he snatches it away.

  Billy speaks first—probably trying to give Theo time to calm down before he bites Chloe’s head off—and I mean literally bites it off. His eyes have already gone the deep black of his wolf’s. The anger filling the room is stinging against my skin.

  “Chloe, not all druids are bad. There are some that focus on the dark magic but not all. Some are healers. Before you ask, no we don’t know which Rosabel is but I can sense and so can you that there is nothing evil about her. You’re just jealous that Theo doesn’t want you as a mate. If yo
u accept that, you might notice there are plenty of others in this pack that actually would take you as a mate and be worthy of it, too. But you are too blind to see that.”

  “But—” she starts to argue before Theo cuts her off.

  “No buts, Chloe. You need to apologise to Rosabel and you will respect and accept her. Do you understand?” His eyes are back to his human emerald green but if she doesn’t agree they won’t stay like that for long. His anger is still stinging against my skin. It hasn’t even gone down a notch.

  “Yes, I understand. I’m sorry, Rosabel,” she says, bowing her head in submission. Her tone makes it blatantly obvious that she is anything but sorry.

  “Get out of my sight. I don’t want to see you again until you apologise and mean it,” Theo demands.

  Chloe turns on her heel and short of stomping her foot like a child, storms off.

  “I’m sorry.” The disappointment is clear in his voice.

  “You don’t need to be sorry. Like Billy said, Chloe wants you and no matter what or who I am, I don’t think she will ever like me.”

  “Theo, I’m going to head off, if that’s okay?” Wesley stands, looking at his feet.

  “Goodnight,” Theo snaps. I think someone is still grouchy.

  Wesley walks out of the room and we hear the front door open and close.

  I quickly jump up, realising that if I was in his shoes, there is no way I would want to go to an empty home with Alyssa missing.

  Just as I rush past Theo I sense his concern. “I’ll be back in a minute,” I shout, running out the front door, hopeful of putting his mind at rest.

  “Wesley. Where are you planning on going?” I ask, just as Wesley is unlocking his car door.

  “I don’t know. Our house is going to be so quiet and empty without Alyssa.” He stares off into the distance with glazed-over eyes.

  He isn’t going anywhere.

  “Lock your car! You’re staying in one of Theo’s spare rooms. If he can let Chloe stay, even after he got so mad at her, I’m sure he won’t mind you staying! Come on. Let’s go find you a room.”


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