Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 16

by Aimie Jennison

  Ruby sits on the counter top in silence with the ice pack pressed to her cheek and the two men hovering in front of her like bodyguards.

  I walk over to Theo and touch the small of his back with my fingers. He must have been somewhere else with his thoughts because the touch catches him by surprise. He spins around on his heels and the anger in his eyes terrifies me so much I take an involuntary step back.

  Never back down too easily from a werewolf.

  They find it fun and will probably tear you apart!

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to surprise you,” I practically whisper.

  He shakes his head like trying to shake a vision from his sight.

  “I’m going to head home. You’re busy and we have sorted our problem. It’s my night off tomorrow but you know what I’m like. I’ll be at the bar anyway just on the other side of it for a change.” I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his soft lips with a gentle brush of mine. He returns my kiss and I pull away smiling. “I know you are going to be busy so I’ll understand if you can’t make it to the bar. Don’t worry.”

  He nods and turns to Wesley. “Wes. Can you give Bel a lift home?”

  “I’ll go ‘teleport’ in the other room,” I remind them both with a grin before Wes can reply.

  I walk into the dining room and close the door behind me. Closing my eyes, I picture my room at Misty’s and open them to find I am there. This teleportation is getting easier with each attempt.

  The room feels empty and lonely without Theo. He’s my mate I should be with him. I’m missing a vital piece of myself when he isn’t around. At least I know where he is. I don’t know how Wes is managing with Alyssa missing.

  I go to the bathroom but decide to skip changing into my pyjamas. I climb into bed in Theo’s shorts and t-shirt so I can fall asleep feeling safe and secure as I breathe in his scent.

  * * *

  A startled cry wakes me up. I instantly dive off the bed into an attacking stance before even opening an eye.

  “I’m sorry. I got ya note. I thought ya’d be at Theo’s? I’ve just done some washing, I was going to put these clean clothes on ya bed. Ya scared the crap outta me,” Misty says, clutching at her chest with an armful of folded clothes.

  I quickly straighten up and sit back on the bed. “I forgot about the note. I only got back just after four, I should have left you a new note.”

  I look at the little alarm clock on the table next to the bed, it’s one o’clock in the afternoon. I can’t believe I slept eight hours straight, I usually get up at least once to use the bathroom through the night.

  “Thanks for the washing,” I add, as she places the pile on the end of the bed.

  “I’ve just made a fresh pot of coffee. Do ya want me to bring you a mug?” she asks, turning to leave the room.

  I stand up and head for the bathroom. “No, thanks. I’ll be out in a second. I’ll just get changed and join you.” I really don’t want to change out of Theo’s clothes. They’re a comfort to my wolf, but I need to act like a normal human being and not be hung up on someone’s scent, mate or not.

  It doesn’t take me long to get washed and changed, and find myself walking into the kitchen.

  Misty greets me with a steaming mug of coffee, and a bacon and egg sandwich.

  “Thanks, Misty. Do you realise you’ll never get rid of me if you keep spoiling me like this?” I joke.

  “That’s my point. I don’t want ya to leave. I love your company. Now tell me everything.” Misty loves gossip.

  Who am I to keep of it from her? I fill her in on everything that happened after I left work last night.

  “Wow. Nothing is boring when you’re around, is it?” We both burst into laughter at how true her statement is. I’ve been here only a short time, yet so much has happened. I’m turning into quite the drama magnet.

  “Do ya think he’ll meet ya at the bar later?”

  “I’m only guessing that Ruby is his sister, but the state she was in when I left, I don’t think he’ll leave her home alone to come and see me,” I reply. If I was in his shoes I wouldn’t leave her.

  “Ya said Chloe was staying at his. She might be happy to keep Ruby company for an hour or two.”

  I laugh at that comment. “Did you hear me when I mentioned that Chloe challenged me because she wants Theo for herself? There is no way she would make my life that easy.”

  Before we know it, it’s time to get ready for work. Even though I’m not working I decide to go in with Misty and help her open up.

  As soon as the customers enter she demands that I get on their side of the bar. I’ll comply for now but if it gets too busy I’ll be jumping over to help out.

  Emmanuel comes in and sits on the stool to my left. As awkward as I feel, it’s a small town and we need to be civilised with each other.

  “Hi. How has the last twenty-four hours treated you?” Emmanuel asks, breaking the silence. Was it really only in twenty-four hours? It feels like days.

  “Hectic. How about you?” I ask.

  “Yeah. It’s been pretty busy for me too.”

  I feel a hand on my right shoulder. “How’s our Little Miss Wolfy doing?” I didn’t need to look to see who the voice belonged to. The scent and accent, along with the pack bond, told me it was Billy.

  Evidently Emmanuel did have to look and he gives Billy such a glare that I think if looks could kill a were, Billy could possibly be dead right now.

  “I’m fine thanks, Billy, but I thought I was Little Miss Unique Wolfy? Am I not unique anymore?” I pout.

  “Don’t be silly.” He chuckles. “You’ll always be unique. It was too much of a tongue twister for me.”

  “So. Are you here to tell me that Theo is standing me up?”

  Panic crosses his face. “No, no. He’s just running late. He’s outside talking with Dominick, trying to persuade him to send some of his men to help us out. He’s not too keen but I don’t blame him. They are the ones that keep getting attacked, we are just the ones that get kidnapped and controlled.” He rolls his eyes.

  Realising I have just made it sound like Theo is my new boyfriend in front of Emmanuel, I turn to make sure I haven’t upset him, only the stool is empty. I look around the bar but he is nowhere in sight.

  Billy looks at the stool too and shrugs before sitting on it himself. “Weird guy!”

  Misty comes to a stop in front of us. “What do you two want to drink?”

  “I’ll just have a bottle of something low-strength, thanks Misty. I’m patrolling and Theo won’t be happy if I do it drunk. What do you want, Wolfy?” He looks at me with such a serious face.

  I burst out laughing. “Little Miss too much for you now?” I shake my head at his laziness, “I’ll have a Cosmopolitan, thanks.”

  “Coming right up.” Misty turns to the mixing area to make my drink.

  “How come you have a night off anyway? You only worked half a night last night?” Billy asks.

  “I know. I’m such an unreliable employee. Misty has a heart of gold. She still thinks I deserve a night off.” Misty places our drinks in front of us.

  “Keep the change,” Billy says, handing Misty some notes.

  Misty gives him a flirtatious smile, which he returns. I think I may have a cupid-style job coming up in the future.

  Billy finishes the bottle in two swigs. “I better get off. It’s time to meet my men.” He gets up and kisses me on my cheek before turning and walking towards the door.

  I suddenly get a bad, gut feeling deep within me. I don’t know what it is that unsettles me but I don’t think tonight is going to be without violence. “Billy?”

  He spins around to look as he pushes the exit door open. “Angel?”

  “Be careful.” I give him a smile, which he returns with a confident one.

  “I will…Shit!” I watch his face change from confident to pure fear.

  “What’s wrong?” I shout. I can feel it deep inside the pack bonds. Something is seriously wrong.

>   “Trouble,” he says, running out the door. He moves so fast I don’t even see him leave, not even a blur. His voice just comes from the empty air.

  I only sit there for a second wondering what to do before deciding to follow. I’m a werewolf and I have a pack now. That pack is in danger and I need to do anything I can to help.

  I don’t make it two steps before Dominick falls in the door. “Rosabel they took Theo and killed Chomp,” is all he manages to spit out before collapsing in a heap on the floor.

  A female vampire rushes in after him shouting. “Someone needs to feed him! He’ll die without the blood.” Not one person in the bar steps forward to offer their blood. They all just stare at Dominick’s lifeless body in silence.

  “Misty, ring Wesley. Tell him they’ve taken Theo and he’ll need to call a pack meeting. We have to find them!” Listen to me being all calm and rational. I’m usually the rambling mess in an emergency.

  Unwilling to let Dominick die, I walk over and put my wrist towards his mouth, only to have his female vampire push it away. “You’re a werewolf. He can’t feed from you. You’re alpha won’t allow it. He’ll retaliate with war.”

  “That alpha is my mate. He’ll understand my decision.”

  “You are the ‘saviour’ he talks about? You taste too good and he won’t be able to stop. He’ll end up draining you. He’ll never forgive himself, or me.”

  “You said he’ll die if he doesn’t get fed. Your compulsion won’t work in here and no one is willing to offer. You won’t be able to drag anyone off the street in through those wards. Their hearts will give up before you get them in. I’m not letting him die so I’ll have to take the risk of him draining me.” I put my wrist to his mouth but he’s so far gone that he doesn’t do anything. He needs to taste the blood before he’ll drink.

  I shove my wrist into the female vampire’s face. “Bite me so he can taste the blood.”

  She looks uncertain for a split second but she leans forward and I feel her fangs pierce my skin. Fuck it hurts!

  She’s looking directly at me but isn’t pulling away. She isn’t drinking either. I look into her eyes. “Dominick will die you need to release my wrist. NOW!” She immediately follows my command.

  I rest my wrist on Dominick’s mouth once again. He’s still not reacting to the blood. Please, don’t let it be too late.

  “Dominick. Come on babe you need to feed.” I can’t suppress my panic. “You’re getting five star here. Feed dammit!”

  My eyes fill with tears as I start to give up, when I suddenly feel his mouth close against my wrist and his fangs pierce the skin again. He starts to pull at the vein and as much as it hurts, it’s the best thing I’ve ever felt because it means he’s going to live. I’m not sure why him living bothers me so much because I don’t really know him. I shouldn’t care, but for some reason I do. He’s only been feeding for a minute or two but I’m starting to feel dizzy!

  Shit! She was right!

  He is going to drain me!

  “Dominick, you’ve had enough, you need to stop now!” I shove at his face with my free arm.


  I have black spots dancing before my eyes, the spots are getting bigger by the second.

  “Dominick, you greedy bastard. You’re KILLING ME!” I scream. Managing to keep my eyes open long enough to see Dominick’s eyes open. I catch a glimpse of recognition cross his face and I feel him release my arm as I fall to the floor.

  “Rosabel, I’m so sorry.” I can hear Dominick repeat it over and over, again his voice is getting more distant. Focusing solely on his voice pays off. It slowly becomes louder.

  “Someone get her some orange juice,” he demands. “She needs fluids and sugar.”

  I don’t hear anyone move but when I open my eyes there is a glass of juice being held in front of my face. I sit up slowly leaning against someone’s leg as the hand holding the glass carefully feeds me.

  When I’ve drained the glass, I look up to see that it’s Dominick’s hand. He passes it back to the female vampire.

  She takes it away and before I can blink she’s back with the glass full once again.

  Taking it in my hand this time I realise too late that I should’ve made him feed off my left wrist, the glass drops to the floor because my hand is drained and sore. As I watch the glass fall, I thank the gods I’m a quick-healing werewolf. I don’t think a human would’ve survived that feed. I was too close to death.

  Dominick catches the glass a second before it smashes on the floor.

  “I am so sorry, Rosabel.” I can see the regret in his eyes, hear it in the tone and feel it in his emotions. With vampires being dead, I would have never thought they would feel emotions like humans. I always thought emotions were for living things, but I guess I’ve just been proved wrong.

  He points his finger at the female vampire. “You should have never let her feed me, Patsy. I nearly killed her and you should have known that was a strong possibility.” He may be chastising her with his words but there’s no conviction behind them. I think he blames himself more then he blames her.

  “I told her not to—”

  I quickly cut her off. “She tried to stop me. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. No one else offered and I wasn’t going to just stand by and watch you die.”

  “What? You were willing to die to save me?” He actually sounds touched.

  “To be honest, not really. I didn’t think you would actually drain me, especially if you knew it was me but you were so out of it, I couldn’t make you see what you were doing. It was a close call.”

  Too damn close.

  “You’re not just a Lone Wolf anymore, you have a pack. You could’ve stood by and done nothing. Thank you for having enough faith in me to risk your life.”

  “I couldn’t live with myself if I allowed someone to die if I could save them, but thanks for not killing me.”

  We are still sitting on the floor, directly in front of the door when Billy runs in and stumbles over us.

  “What the hell? I left you for five minutes and you manage to get yourself in trouble?” he says, as he shakes his head.

  I open my mouth to explain but he cuts me off before I can get a word out.

  “There isn’t time to explain. I’ve come to let you know that after I felt Theo’s pain and left here, I followed his scent for five blocks, but the napper must’ve somehow managed to totally erase it after that point because it just stopped dead in the middle of the path. I couldn’t pick it up again. So, what do you want me to do now?”

  “Why are you asking me?” I ask, frowning.

  “You’re Theo’s mate, which means you, my dear, are in charge until he gets back.”

  “Wesley is his second. Shouldn’t he be in charge? He’ll know better than me what to do,” I retort back.

  “No. Theo is just missing, which leaves you our alpha female and the highest ranking pack member. If he’d died, Wes would automatically become Alpha until someone challenges him for the position,” Billy explains.

  “But the Pack don’t really know me. How can I expect them to take—or even respect—my orders?”

  “They will do it for respect to Theo! What do we do now?” he asks.

  How the hell should I know? I have never even been in a pack before, let alone led one.

  “Misty has already called Wesley. I assume he will be organising a meeting to make a plan of action.”

  “Sounds like a good place to start to me,” Billy praises me.

  “If you could help organise that I’ll get Dominick’s side of the story and meet you there. I assume it’ll be at Theo’s still? If not, I’ll need a lift because I won’t be able to teleport there.”

  “Theo’s place is pack headquarters. We’ll all gather there. I’ll check in with Wes and see what he needs me to do. Tell him to pull the pack together. I’ll spread the news in here on my way out.” He offers me his hand to stand, which I happily take because I’ve realised I’m still on the floor
leaning against Dominick’s leg and start to feel silly for being here.

  “Catch you in a bit,” I say.

  I stand and look around for the first time since Dominick fell in. I suddenly notice everyone is frozen. “Wait a minute. Why is everyone frozen?”

  Dominick, Patsy, and Billy all look around just as shocked as I am.

  “I did it,” says Misty, as she walks out from behind the bar. “I thought it would be better to freeze them, than having the werewolves trying to stop you feeding him,” she adds, when none of us say anything.

  “Good thinking,” Dominick praises her with great sincerity. If she did it early enough no one will have seen him nearly kill me.

  “That’s a cool trick. What else have you got up your sleeve?” I joke, as Misty laughs she clicks her fingers and everyone unfreezes and acts like nothing happened. I hope no one looks at their watch and wonders where the time went.

  “Okay. Now everyone is moving again. I’ll go start organising things. See you in a little while.” Billy doesn’t wait for me to reply, he just walks off. I watch him tap a few people and lip read him saying three words. “Pack meeting now!” Once he’s given the order, they immediately leave and he moves onto another pack member.

  I feel bad for Misty. All her customers are leaving. Where are all the witches when you need them? Oh, that’s right, there is one out there somewhere controlling the werewolves. I have no doubt about it being a witch now. Not one pack member would attack Theo unless they weren’t in control of their own actions.

  Dominick, Patsy, and I find an empty booth near the wall. Patsy gets in one side and Dominick sits next to her, leaving the seat opposite for me. Unfortunately, it leaves my back to most of the room. I shuffle into the corner and sit against the wall. I can see anyone approaching. Just as I get comfy, I spot Misty walking over with a bottle of bourbon in one hand and three glasses in the other.

  “Hey. Thought ya might need this to calm ya nerves. It’s on the house,” she says, placing the bottle and glasses on the table.

  “Well, thank you very much, Misty. Although, I’d rather you let me pay since you are losing your customers to a pack meeting,” Dominick says, taking a couple of notes out of his pocket and tucking them into Misty’s jeans pocket.


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