Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 27

by Aimie Jennison

  “He had to go to work. He’ll probably turn up at Theo’s later, you’ll be able to thank him then,” Paddy says distractedly, as he roots through the fridge. “Aha! I knew we had one in here somewhere. Here…” he says pulling a can of lemonade out and holding it out in front of me.

  I take the can and tap the top before popping it open. “Thank you.”

  “There're some chips in the pantry if you want some. The plain ones never get eaten.”

  Looking in the pantry I see plenty of plain bags. Grabbing the bag that’s closest to me, I shut the pantry and sit at the breakfast bar settling in to try and cure my hangover.

  Jared talks over my munching. “I called Theo last night and spun some shit about not wanting to wake up Trudy and Selena. That’s why we slept here. I don’t think he believed a word of it so be prepared for the papa-wolf lecture.”

  “I’m always prepared for one of those. He gives me one on a daily basis,” I say, with a laugh.

  Jared laughs. “Yeah, I’ve noticed he likes to father you,” Jared admits. He’s been living with us since he arrived in town. He’d have to be blind not to have noticed.

  “I think he’s trying to make up for our father not wanting anything to do with me. He’s just attempting to be the father figure I never had. Unfortunately, he forgets I’m eighteen. I’ve managed so far, I don’t really need a father now.” I stand as I finish my last mouthful of chips.

  Paddy takes my rubbish and throws it across the room and into the bin. “He’s the alpha, he fathers us all,” he says nonchalantly,

  “Let’s go face the music then,” I state, walking out the room, heading for the front door and car; knowing now is as good a time as any.

  * * *

  Paddy reaches past me to open the car door, giving me an eerie déjà vu moment. Oh, shit! Scratch that, it’s a flashback from last night. I kissed one of my crushes hours ago and I’m only just remembering it now.

  Our mouths coming together in a kiss before my hands roamed over his chest and around his neck.

  “We kissed?” I ask stunned.

  He reaches his hand up and rubs at the back of his neck, looking sheepish. “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”

  “The details are a bit fuzzy, but I’m pretty sure I should be apologising. I threw myself at you,” I say.

  Another flashback hits. Eddie enraged and pinning Paddy to the car.

  I groan as I slide in the front seat and Paddy shuts the door, before slipping in the back. “Eddie practically bit your head off. I’m so sorry.”

  On the drive home, I can’t help but dwell on what an idiot I was last night. I drank myself into oblivion, threw myself at Paddy and then finished the night off by throwing up in front of Eddie; all because my drunk of a mother turned up on Theo’s doorstep sober. Maybe if she really is sober and seeing a therapist, she deserves a second chance. I think I owe a few apologies.

  Jared turns off the engine, tearing me away from my inner musings. “Are you okay, Ruby? You were awfully quiet on the drive down here.”

  I turn to find him looking at me, his eyes full of concern. “Yeah, I’m good. I was just deciding who I should apologise to first; the list is endless.”

  “I don’t need one and neither does Jared. So you’re all square in here,” Paddy says, exiting the car. Both Jared and I follow his lead and head for the house.

  The front door bursts open before any of us are even close.

  “Ruby, how are you?” I can hear the worry in my mother’s voice as she runs down the steps. I glance at Jared next to me, searching for a way to dodge her. My thoughts from the car journey come back to me. I need to give her a second chance.

  “I’m fine, Mum,” I reply, trying not to flinch as she pulls me into a hug. I’m not used to her cuddling me. She’s usually throwing punches in a drunken rage.

  “Eddie came by earlier and told us you weren’t feeling too good,” she says, squeezing me so hard I can barely breathe.

  “Mum, let her breathe. It was a hangover, she’ll be fine,” Theo commands, as he tugs her off me.

  Marching to the house on a mission, she shouts over her shoulder, “I know how to deal with a hangover. Chips and lemonade will have you feeling right in no time.”

  “Mum, I’ve alread—”

  Theo grabs my arm interrupting my words. “Let her do it. She wants to make things up to you. We had a long talk last night and she really does mean it. There was no lie behind her words. I took her into town to see her new therapist this morning.”

  I follow her into the house, with a sigh. If she’s really trying, the least I can do is eat another bag of chips.

  Before I can get too far away, Theo’s arm falls over my shoulders. “Not so fast, missy. What the hell were you thinking trying to keep up with the boys last night?” He directs me into the house and through to the lounge.

  “I wasn’t thinking. I was drinking and I’ve been paying for it. What with vomiting and the flashbacks? I don’t think you could give me anything worse as a punishment.”

  He grunts as though he appreciates my self-imposed punishment. “Don’t do it again or I won’t be able to trust you to go out in the future.”

  “I’m an adult, Theo, you can’t treat me like a kid forever,” I admonish, moving out from under his arm.

  “You’ll always be my kid sister. Even when you’re fifty and look twice as old as I do,” he says, planting a kiss on my temple before allowing me to step away. Another reason I wouldn’t mind being a werewolf like my brother. I’m going to grow old as everyone around me stays looking like they’re in their mid-twenties. Damn that werewolf gene and it prolonging their lives.




  Concentrating on the vehicles I’ve been fixing has been hard. I haven’t had any big jobs assigned to me today, just a few tyres and oil changes, both I can do with my eyes shut.

  I’ve done nothing but think about Ruby’s words all day long. “I like you too!”

  My wolf isn’t letting me forget them either. He doesn’t seem to care about all the reasons Ruby and me wouldn’t work. The fact that our alpha would never allow it is just a little obstacle we can easily jump over. He’s clearly delusional.

  My boss’s voice pulls me away from my thoughts of Ruby for the tenth time today. “Ed, there’s some Sheila asking for you at reception. Something about a bike service?”

  “That’ll be Bel,” I say, wiping my hands on a rag and making my way through to the reception.

  Bel pulls me into a hug not caring about the grease and oil I’m covered in, going on her leathers. “Hey Ed,” she says, as I struggle to get away from her.

  “I’m oily, I don’t want to make a mess of your leathers.”

  She releases me and gives me a good once over. “No one seemed to know I was coming. I only saw you this morning, so I know I haven’t got the wrong day. Why are you so distracted?” Her smile suddenly turns to a sad frown. “Oh…Ed, you’re so…” Not bothering to finish her sentence, she pulls me into a hug once again.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You do realise I can feel exactly how fine you are not?” Releasing me, she starts to play with the keys in her hand. My misery is no doubt rubbing off on her. I need to get my head off Ruby and into my work.

  “Let me just pull this car out and you can ride her into my bay,” I say, pointing to the bike parked outside. With a nod, Bel leaves the reception and I make my way back to the car I was working on so I can clear up space for Bel’s bike.

  In a matter of minutes, the car is out in the carpark and Bel’s bike is in its place in my bay. Bel leans against the workbench at the end of the bay as she watches me drain the oil. “So…I guess it’s a woman?”

  Chicks! If it were a guy sitting there, he’d just leave me to my misery. Chicks always have to meddle. She’ll just keep digging if I don’t answer. Fuck! I can’t tell her I’m in love with her mate’s little sister. “A woman I can’t have.
I’ll get over it.”


  I change the filter and start to refill the oil before answering, trying to give myself time to think of how to answer without telling her everything. “People who are important to her don’t think I’m good enough for her.” It’s the truth.

  Jumping down from the bench, Bel stands with her hands on her hips and a fierce look on her face. “You may be a flirt, but there’s no one you aren’t good enough for. Who are they? I’ll tell them.”

  If only she knew she was mated to him.

  “I appreciate the offer, Bel, but I’m not sure he’ll take your word for it.” I laugh.

  “Aha, he? Is he an overprotective father?”

  He sure acts like one.

  “Yeah, although she has a few siblings who would probably feel the same. Honestly, I’ll be okay. She’ll probably hook up with someone and I’ll move on.”

  “Or you’ll want to tear him apart for touching your woman,” she says, with a frown. After the way I pinned Paddy to the car when I saw him kissing Ruby last night, I’m pretty sure she’s onto something there.

  Unable to deny it, I turn back to the bike without replying and carry on with the service. It doesn’t take me long to swap out the spark plugs and have her fired up and growling nicely. I turn back to Bel and wave to the bike. “She’s all yours, beautiful, it’s not too late to ride off into the sunset with me.” I flirt with a grin.

  “I’ve got a couple of hours until sunset, I better go pack a bag,” she says, playing along before throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me, without a care for the oil all over me. “Fine, I’ll drop the subject, but if you don’t get over her, I’m getting involved. Remember you can’t fool me, Ed. I’m your alpha female and I’ll make sure you’re happy,” she says, while squeezing the breath out of me. She’s almost out the doors before she comes shooting back in. “I almost forgot, Theo needs you to pop in tonight, he’s got a job for you tomorrow.”

  I nod in acknowledgement and she drives off, probably heading home to her mate.




  I walk into the kitchen expecting to find Selena and Chloe waiting for me, for our weekly visit to the day spa. I’m surprised to find Theo and Eddie chatting over coffee instead.

  “Morning Rubes, you’re head feeling any better today?” Eddie greets me, as he takes a mouthful of his coffee.

  I groan, embarrassed by the reminder of my idiocy from the night out. “Ed, did you have to remind me? I’d happily forgotten about my stupidity.”

  “You’re not one of us until you’ve had a good ribbing about a bad night out.” he laughs.

  Knowing that no matter what he says, I’ll never be one of them, I glance at my watch and quickly change the subject. “Where’s Selena and Chloe?” I ask, looking at Theo for an answer. If they aren’t here, he’ll know exactly where they are. He knows where everyone is.

  Theo walks over to the sink and rinses out his cup. “Selena has an ultrasound appointment, Mum and Chloe went with her. Ed can go with you to your appointment at the spa,” he announces nonchalantly, bending to place his cup in the dishwasher.

  As annoyed as I am at the fact that Selena didn’t even think to invite me along to her ultrasound, I can’t hold back the laugh at how out of place Ed will look at the day spa.

  “I’m not participating, I’m on bodyguard duty.” Ed’s voice is full of authority, making the words I was about to say die on my tongue.

  I’d love to talk him into getting a pedicure or even better, a wax. That will be my mission for the day. I’m not leaving the spa until I’ve put Ed through something uncomfortable. It can be payback for the ribbing he mentioned earlier.

  * * *

  We drive in comfortable silence until we pull into the day spa’s carpark.

  “How are things with your mum? Have you had a chance to chat some more?” Ed asks.

  “I’m trying to give her a chance. She’s seeing a therapist, and Theo says she isn’t lying about her intentions. So I need to give her an opportunity, at least, to prove herself,” I reply, feeling somewhat guilty because I just can’t look past her previous indiscretions and give her the future she obviously wants.

  He pulls into a parking space, removes the keys from the ignition and turns to look me in the eyes. “That’s good. Trying is all you can do. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. Sometimes your past can’t be overlooked. You might come to forgive her in time, but unfortunately it’s harder to forget.”

  Relief floods me, knowing that someone not only understands my side of things, but he doesn’t expect me to forgive and forget. “Thanks Ed. You’re the first person that hasn’t expected me and Mum to be besties in a couple of months’ time. You’re pretty wise for a player.”

  A smile spreads across his face before he tries to wipe it off, and replace it with a look of horror. “Don’t tell anyone. It will ruin my player reputation.”

  Reaching across the car and slapping his arm, I laugh. “As if anything could ruin that reputation of yours.” I start to sing the Britney Spears song ‘Womanizer,’ as I exit the car and close the door behind me.

  I don’t get far before Eddie grabs me and starts to tickle my sides. I squeal and try to squirm away with no luck.

  “Are you going to stop teasing me with that song? Or should I keep on tickling?” he asks, while still prodding away at my ribs.

  I can’t take any more. “Yes,” I shout, between fits of laughter. “I’ll...stop,” I add.

  His hands ease up on the tickles, but still grip my sides to hold me steady as I take a moment to catch my breath.

  “Okay?” he queries, slowly releasing me. It’s at that moment, I notice how close we actually are. I shiver at the loss of his body heat, even though it’s a beautiful summer’s day at thirty degrees Celsius.

  “Yes,” I say distractedly, as I head for the entrance humming the tune to ‘Womanizer.’

  “Ruby,” Eddie growls low in his throat; a sexy sound that’s sending butterflies through my stomach. But it’s too late for him to punish me, now that I’m already pulling the door open. To tease him more and to show him I know I’ve gotten away with it, I poke my tongue out at him over my shoulder as I make my way to the receptionist.

  “Later, Rubes. Just you wait,” he threatens playfully.

  “Hi. Ruby Wilson. I have a waxing appointment with Gloria,” I say to the woman behind the counter.

  “Go straight through, Ms. Wilson. Your friend can take a seat out here,” she informs us, with a pointed look at Eddie over my shoulder.

  I nod, accepting her instructions until I feel Ed bristle behind me. “I’m going in with her,” he says emphatically, leaving no room for argument.

  It doesn’t stop her. “I’m sorry, sir, but only paying customers can go back there, for health and safety reasons. If you would like to get a wax, you’re more than welcome to join her,” the woman announces smugly; confident he won’t take her up on the offer.

  “Are you good with your hands?” he asks. The big flirt. Having seen her blush, he quickly adds, “How about a massage?” in a suggestive tone.

  I watch as she gulps, opens her mouth to speak, and closes it again without saying another word. With one sentence, he’s rendered her speechless.

  I quietly hum the tune to ‘Womanizer’ again, as I turn my back to them both so I can hide the grin on my face. I feel his eyes trying to burn a hole in my back, but I don’t stop humming.

  “I’d be happy to offer you a…” She gulps once again. “A massage, but that’s a waxing suite, so you’d need to book a wax,” she informs him; making it clear that she’d happily give him more than a massage.

  “Ed, looks like you’ll have to man up and take one for the team,” I tease.

  “Fine. Book me in,” he grumbles.

  The woman behind the counter looks at Ed nervously. It’s like she wants to say something but daren’t. Finally plucking up th
e courage, she asks her question, “What kind of wax would you like? Back, chest, or crack and sack?”

  The look on Ed’s face, a picture, as he mouths the words ‘crack and sack’ in disbelief.

  Remembering the sprinkling of chest hair I’d seen when he was only wearing a towel the other day, I decide to save him from any more trauma. “He’ll take the chest wax,” I say with finality, as I pull him into the waxing suite.

  Closing the door behind us and knowing how these things work, I prepare myself for Gloria’s entrance by promptly dropping my jeans to the floor and jumping up on the table.

  Ed clears his throat. “Rubes, you can’t just drop your jeans in front of me,” he says, sounding somewhat put out.

  “Just be thankful I’m only getting my legs waxed. You’d be seeing a hell of a lot more, if it was time for my Brazilian,” I say, only half-joking because I’m booked in for that in a fortnight.

  Saving me from any smart remark he was thinking of embarrassing me with, Gloria, my beauty therapist, walks in silencing us both with her greeting. “Hello. I hear we have a new client today. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” The flirty tone coming from the grandmotherly-looking woman before me stuns me for a minute before I realise Ed has been surprisingly quiet since my Brazilian remark.

  With a glance over at Ed, I see the hungry look on his face as he’s watching me intently. So much so, I don’t know if he’s even noticed Gloria’s entrance or greeting.

  “Morning, Gloria. Eddie here is a little nervous.” My words seem to snap Eddie out of his trance, but he doesn’t get to speak before Gloria jumps straight into business. “Since you’re ready and in the hot seat, I guess you’ve decided to go first.”

  I hadn’t really thought about going first, I was just in routine mode. I usually come in alone; not that I’ll be admitting that to anyone. Theo would not be happy with Chloe for dropping her duty so she could have a massage. Playing along with Gloria’s suggestion, I quickly agree. “Yes, I figured this way Eddie can see that there’s nothing to it.”


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