Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 29

by Aimie Jennison

  “I thought you loved me, Ruby. I’m pack. You should have saved it for me. Not given it to the intruder,” Eddie says glumly.

  “Ha! You’re too slow, Ed,” Jared teases.

  “She obviously has a new favourite. She’s just teasing you all. She’ll never put out,” Delly insists in a snarky voice, catching everyone’s attention.

  I stand, ready to go on the defensive.

  “Delly!” Theo’s warning tone shows he’s clearly not happy with her. As much as I love my brother, she’ll never respect me if I sit back and hide behind him.

  I take a step in her direction. “You clearly have a problem with me, Delly. What is it?”

  She glances at Theo, as if she’s seeking permission. “I’ve asked you the question. Don’t look at him. I want an answer. I’m not living with this tension between us. I want to know what’s bothering you.”

  With a huff, she lays it all out. “I’ve watched these guys paw all over you every summer and never batted an eyelash, knowing that once those eight weeks are over you’ll be heading home and the females of the pack will get the attention back. These guys,” she says, waving an arm around the room blindly, “they’re the future of the pack. We’ve all been brought up together. Some of us will wait for our true mates, and others will choose a pack member to mate with. Every time you come home and flirt with them, you’re taking the chance of a mate away from one of the females. Now you live here for good, it’s not going to stop unless you date one of them. At least that way the others can focus their attention elsewhere.” She stares at me with daggers in her eyes.

  “Thank you, for being honest. But it’s been known for werewolves to mate with humans, too. Hell, I came from one of those matings. In saying that, I don’t think the guys give me any more attention than they do any other female, but I’ll be more aware for future interaction,” I say, and leave the room.

  I was being honest. I don’t think the guys focus on me when I’m home. Not unless Theo has set them on guard duty. It’s not like we hang out in our free time except for family get-togethers, like today. The boys night out was a one off and after the state I was in, I don’t think that will be happening again anytime soon. Deciding I’ve had enough, I head to my room.

  I turn the door handle when I reach my room just as a hand on my shoulder spins me around.

  I find myself face to face with Paddy. “Don’t let her chase you away, Ruby. Did you mean what you said about mating? Would that be something you’d be interested in, if you met the right wolf, of course?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and nod. “The pack is part of my life. You know how overprotective my brothers are. Would you expect them to be happy if I married a human? I’m pretty sure they would want me protected by a werewolf mate.”

  Paddy nods with a smirk. “Yeah. I think you’re onto something there. They aren’t the only ones that wouldn’t be happy with you marrying a human.”

  I move to turn towards my room. “I’m not letting Delly chase me away. It’s late, so I’m going to call it a night.”

  His hand that’s still resting on my shoulder halts me from turning. “Before you go, do you fancy going out somewhere with me tomorrow?”

  “What, like a date?” I ask, feeling my cheeks blush. Jesus, if I can’t handle him asking me out, how am I meant to handle a freaking date?

  “Yeah, exactly. Like a date,” he says, throwing me a wink.

  “I’d love to,” I answer honestly. I’ve had a thing for Paddy for a while now. He’s a nice guy, not to mention gorgeous. What eighteen-year-old girl wouldn’t have a thing for him? It would be stupid to say no.

  “Great. Can you be ready for ten in the morning? We can make a day of it,” he says, with an uncertain smile on his face, as though he’s worried that I’d say no.

  “I think I can manage that,” I tease, with a wry grin, as I back away from him.

  “See you tomorrow then,” he says, as he turns and heads back downstairs. I stand with my hand on the door handle at my back, watching him make his way down the stairs, so I catch him as he turns to get one last look.

  “Night,” he says, somewhat shyly.

  I can’t wipe the huge grin off my face even as I close myself in my bedroom.




  I head downstairs to warn Theo that Paddy will be picking me up for a date soon. I don’t know if he’ll be pissed that I’m dating a pack member, or if my guess the night before about him wanting me under a wolf’s protection over a human’s, would work in our favour. To be honest, I’m pretty sure he isn’t ready for his little sister to be dating anyone.

  I knock on his office door knowing he’ll be there checking through his emails, with his morning coffee like he is at that time every day.

  “Come on in, Rubes,” he calls from behind the closed door. I know not to stress on how he knew it was me. I’ve been around the wolves long enough to know they have this strange sixth sense when it comes to someone being behind a closed door. Scent, the psychic bond that belongs to the wolves, which Theo insists I am part of, and even the sound of your knock are all tells.

  I open the door and make my way to his side as he peers at the laptop screen before him. I plant a kiss on his cheek and give him a side hug before clearing a space on the edge of his desk and plant my butt on it.

  Lifting his eyes from the screen, he focuses his attention on me as he sits back in his seat. “You went to bed pretty early last night. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’d just had enough and thought an early night was a good idea,” I reply, somewhat honestly. The look in his eye’s telling me he can see there’s more to it and he’s right, but I don’t want to get into it. I break the eye contact by glancing around the room to find anything I can use to distract him.

  “I hope you didn’t take anything Delly said to heart. She was out of order and I’ve spoken to her about it. You’re pack, and she needs to treat you as she would any other female pack member. If she isn’t willing to try and tear a guy’s attention from you, she doesn’t deserve that guy as a mate. It’s as simple as that,” he says, apparently not willing to drop the subject.

  I look up quickly so I can see his face. Did he really mean that? Was he really okay with me being a pack member and dating as one?

  I ask him, “Do you really mean that? You’d be happy with me dating a pack member, maybe eventually mating with one?”

  “Let’s get something straight, I won’t be happy with you dating anyone, ever. But I know I’m going to have to deal with it, eventually, unless you have any interest in joining a convent. Have you ever been interested in becoming a nun? You did love that movie as a kid, you know, the one with the woman who makes dresses out of some ugly arse curtains?” We both laugh before he carries on, “Seriously, though, I’ll hate it but I’ll deal with it. The only consolation I get with it being a pack member is I’ll know if he can protect you or not.”

  I guess now is as good as any to test that theory. “It’s good you feel that way because Paddy will be picking me up in a minute,” I say and watch as a number of emotions play over his face before he speaks.

  “He did mention something about that last night.”

  “He asked for your permission?” The thought actually pisses me off.

  “No, he was telling me not asking. It was after he’d followed you upstairs.” He sounds angry at that thought, which makes me somewhat happy. “Although I’m a little concerned because I thought it was Ed you liked. I’m not complaining, I’m far happier that it’s Paddy you’re interested in. He’s better suited to you,” he adds. Making me lose the happy feeling I just had.

  “You can like more than one person, Theo. I’d never have a chance with Eddie, he’s completely out of my league. Paddy likes me back and has asked me out, so my interest in Paddy has taken over my interest in Eddie,” I try to explain.

  Why the hell am I babbling? I’m sure
he’s had crushes in his time.

  “As long as he treats you right and keeps you happy, I won’t interfere.”

  Jumping off the desk I pounce on my brother, engulfing him in a hug. “Thanks. I love you, Ted.” My pet name for him sneaking out once again.

  Hearing the doorbell ring, he pushes me off him. “Go have fun.”

  “I will,” I say, as I run to the door. I don’t need my mum answering and letting him in, if she finds out what’s happening she’ll give him the fifth degree now and me later.

  “And for God’s sake, behave,” I hear Theo shout, as I run through the house.

  Stopping in front of the door, I quickly straighten my clothes and check that I look presentable in the mirror on the wall, silently thanking my brother for being vain enough to need a mirror in the entry hall. Thinking on it, it was probably something Selena insisted on, back when they were married. Shaking the stupid thoughts out of my head, I pull the door open and greet Paddy with a smile.

  “These are for you,” he says pushing a bunch of sunflowers into my hands.

  “Thanks, I...How did you know they were my favourites?” I ask, flicking a look down at the flowers.

  “I do pay attention, you know. I’ve seen the little sunflower tattoo you have.”

  I swallow nervously, wondering when he’s seen that tattoo. It’s extremely low on my hip. I didn’t know anyone knew about it. I quickly manage to compose myself.

  “Come in a minute, I’ll put these in water and grab my purse.” I turn and go straight to the kitchen. The sound of the door closing and heavy footsteps tells me Paddy is following behind.

  I pause in the doorway, spotting Mum using the coffee machine. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself for the Spanish Inquisition.

  “Morning, sweetheart. Nice to see you again, Paddy,” Mum says. “Let me put them in water,” she adds, clocking the flowers. “You two get going. Have fun.”

  Surprised by her offer, I stay silent.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Wilson,” Paddy says, taking the flowers from my grasp and passing them to Mum.

  “Please, call me, Trudy,” she says, as she digs a vase out of the first cupboard she looks in. How did she know it was there? I’ve lived here for months at a time over the years and had no idea if Theo even owned a vase?

  “Ruby?” Paddy’s voice pulls me out of my head.

  I quickly give Mum an appreciative hug. “Thanks, Mum.” Taking Paddy’s outstretched hand, I drag him towards the door. Snatching my purse and phone off the kitchen bench as we pass.

  Once buckled in the car and moving down the drive, I turn to Paddy. “So, where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise, but Theo assured me you’ll like it,” he says, as he takes his eyes off the road to throw me a wink.

  “You tease! Stop winking and get your eyes back on the road.”

  As we pull onto the freeway, I have a guess at where we are heading. “Are we going to Sydney?”

  “Yes, Miss Marple, we are going to Sydney. Choose some music and stop trying to guess things,” he says, passing me his phone. I flick through his playlists and select the James Bay album I’ve been meaning to buy.

  The album ends just as we enter the city. On driving through, I give up trying to guess where he’s taking me, I sit back and enjoy his company. He tells me about his family who he hasn’t seen for the last six years, not since the day he was attacked by a werewolf. The pack the werewolf belonged to was brutal. They didn’t think they could do anything with a thirteen-year-old, newly changed pup, they’d planned to kill him, but luckily one of the females in the pack had a connection to Theo. She managed to get Paddy to Theo before they executed him. I had no idea where Paddy had come from. I remember one summer I turned up and there was a new wolf.

  Theo spoke to his parents, he told them it wasn’t safe for Paddy to live with them until he had a handle on his wolf. The wolves are secretive. I guess when someone is attacked they can’t just leave the family in the dark, especially when it’s a child that’s been changed.

  Paddy tells me how he was the baby of the family, his sisters being eight and ten years older than him.

  “I miss them. They probably have kids of their own now,” he admits, the sadness in his voice evident.

  “Have you ever thought of going back?” I ask. “You aren’t a danger to them anymore.” I don’t think I’d ever be able to stay away from my family. I can’t imagine being so dangerous you have to be taken away, your life changed forever.

  “I still have moments when my wolf doesn’t listen. You heard about how I almost attacked Bel a few months back?” he questions. He pulls the car into a car park. Taking in my surroundings, I realise we are at the ice rink. Finding a space near the entry, he pulls in and stops the car.

  “Bel’s blood is different, even Theo had a moment, and it was a full moon. You’ve never attacked me and how many times have I bled in front of you over the years?”

  “Yeah, you are pretty clumsy. You have a good point. Anyway, let’s forget about all that. We’re meant to be having fun,” he says, getting out the car.

  Taking my hand, he walks me to the entrance of the ice rink.

  “We’re skating,” I say, stating the obvious. “I haven’t been here in years. Theo used to bring me when he wasn’t busy with pack stuff.”

  “He brought me once or twice when you weren’t home. I’m pretty sure he had a thing for the chick in the café.” he laughs.

  “He was madly in love with Selena,” I remind him.

  “Okay. I think his wolf had a thing for the chick that worked in the café,” he clarifies.

  “Theo is the first to admit that his wolf wasn’t a big fan of Selena’s, but he’d never have cheated on her.” I can’t help but defend my brother, he was an idiot for many things he did in regards to Selena and their relationship—like not telling her he was a wolf. He still hasn’t told her and she’s living with a number of them under his roof. But he isn’t a cheater.

  “I didn’t say he cheated, he just liked to look,” Paddy says, giving my hand a little squeeze. “Come on. Let’s get some skates so we can have a race.”

  “What’s the prize?” I ask, hoping he can see the fun we could have with this.

  He pays the man behind the counter our admission fee. “Winners choice,” he says with a smirk, as he looks at me.

  Pulling my hand out of his, I run for the skate stand. “Be prepared to lose,” I throw over my shoulder.

  “Oh. Those right there are fighting words, Miss Wilson.”




  As I walk Ruby to her front door, I start to worry about whether any of my fellow pack members might be spying on us. The fact that there are no cars parked in the drive eases my concerns but only slightly.

  “Thanks for today, I’ve had the best day,” Ruby says, as she turns from the door to face me.

  “Thank you for taking me up on the offer.” A piece of her hair falls across her face and I can’t stop my hand from reaching out and tucking it behind her ear. She leans into my hand welcoming the contact, making my wolf sit up and take notice. “You still haven’t claimed your prize yet,” I say, remembering her beating me at the rink.

  Bloody hockey skates. How was I supposed to know they helped with speed?

  She grins up at me mischievously as she lifts a hand and runs her fingers along my jaw. My wolf wants me to beg for more of that touch.

  “I think I’ll save it for a rainy day.”

  “You’re a little minx.” I laugh and decide to bite the bullet and lean in for a kiss.

  Our lips touch and she doesn’t push me away. Her lips part slightly offering me access and I take it. I kiss her, showing everything I feel, everything I’ve felt for a while now. Her little moan of appreciation almost does me in. I push my wolf back reminding him we can’t take her, not on our first date. Thankfully he listens, not wanting to scare her away he allows me to end the kiss.<
br />
  Releasing the grip she has on my shirt, Ruby takes a small step back and looks up at me with unfocused eyes. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. An angel. Our angel, my wolf growls appreciatively.

  “I best get going, if I kiss you again, Theo will have my head,” I say, nodding toward the twitching blinds in the window beside us.

  “He wouldn’t dare...” she declares, probably knowing if he was spying he’d be able to hear everything with his wolf’s hearing. The glint in her eyes screams trouble. “Fine,” she says, grabbing my shirt in her fists and pulling me against her again.

  I barely have time to steady myself with my hands on her hips, before she takes my mouth with hers. She releases my shirt and runs her hands up my chest and around the back of my neck, running her fingers through the tips of my hair. I dig my fingers into her hips, reminding myself too late she’s only human and will bruise if I’m not careful.

  The door behind Ruby bursts open and she’s suddenly pulled from my grasp. “That’s enough. She’ll call you tomorrow,” Theo says with finality, before slamming the door in my face. Knowing what he says goes, I head back to my car. Grinning at the protesting I can hear coming from Ruby.

  I’m just pulling into my street as I hear my phone chime, alerting me that I have a text message. I pull into the drive and park behind Ed’s Ford XR8 Ute before digging my phone from my jean’s pocket to check the message.

  Ruby: My brother is a barbarian. D=

  Another message comes through before I have a chance to reply.

  Ruby: I had a fab day, thank U. X

  I quickly type out my reply as I unlock the front door.

  Me: Just remember he could be worse. I had a great day too. So thank U. ;)

  “About fucking time. It’s Game of Thrones night. What kept you out so late?” Ed shouts from the lounge.


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