Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 36

by Aimie Jennison

  “She’s not lost to us, she fought the blood lust after scenting me, I saw it,” I say, hoping to comfort him in my own way.

  “You saw her?” Ed asks from beside me, having come around sometime while we were talking.

  “Yes, she looked well, considering. We didn’t talk long, she hugged me and once she caught my scent it was too much for her to stay and talk. Dominick believed she’ll be able to handle it in time. She’s only been dealing with the thirst for a day. We need to give her time.”

  “My baby’s a Wilson. She’s strong, she’ll fight through it,” Mum says, stepping off the bottom step. “Cain?”

  “Hi, Mum,” I say, as I stand and quickly stride across the room. I pull the sobbing woman in my arms and stroke her blonde hair softly. The woman I find myself holding together is far from the woman I’d once known as my mother.




  I’ve been a vampire for almost a fortnight now and I’ve managed to get a good handle on the thirst. I still have some little lapses in judgement, but I haven’t killed anyone and that’s always a plus. Most newbies kill at least half a dozen people in their first month. Dominick says I’m a natural—I was born to be a vampire.

  I was starting to go crazy being locked up in that compound. At least when I was under guard of the werewolves, I was allowed to leave the house. Cas came up with a way I can feel comfortably guarded and somewhat free at the same time, he organised a barista job for me in the small café at the cinema Dominick owns.

  Dominick was grateful for the idea. He had been trying to talk me into getting out for days. So here I am behind the counter, wearing a little green apron over black trousers and a black T-shirt. I’ve been ignoring the scent of blood that’s been tugging at me all shift without an issue.

  I suddenly catch the delicious scent that belongs to a werewolf; alerting me one is nearby. Glancing up from the coffee I’m preparing, my eyes fall on Eddie. My stomach does a somersault that has nothing to do with the thirst and everything to do with the beat my heart just skipped.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes, beautiful,” he mutters, as he stops on the other side of the counter.

  “It’s good to see you too, Eddie,” I say. My taste buds may be watering at his scent, but the need to talk to someone I care about outweighs the need to feed on him.

  “Hearing my name roll off your tongue...” With a shake of his head, he lets his sentence fall short. Another scent fills the room, it’s enticing, but Cas catches my attention.

  “Who’s your delicious friend, newbie?” he asks as he sidles up to Eddie, making a show of breathing in his scent.

  “Someone you don’t want to get any closer to, bloodsucker,” Eddie says menacingly, before glancing up at me sharply; no doubt realising the elephant he just let in the room.

  “Now that’s not very nice,” Cas complains.

  “Cas, leave him alone. You can take over the counter, I’m taking my break.” Ignoring the insult, I lift the counter and walk through, grabbing Eddie’s arm as I pass before dragging him to one of the tables at the back of the café. Cas would still be able to hear our conversation, but I’ve learnt over the years that there isn’t much privacy when it comes to supernatural hearing.

  “How are you?” Eddie quizzes me before our butts even touch the seats.

  “I’m doing good,” I answer honestly. “How’s Theo?” Cain’s been to visit me a couple of times, but I haven’t seen or heard from Theo. Cain says he’s okay, but it’s hard to believe that. If he was okay, wouldn’t he want to visit me? If I accept that he’s okay, I would have to accept that he hates what I’ve become.

  “Theo is fine. Bel’s keeping him busy with the wedding planning.”

  Now that, I believe.

  “Are they looking after you in that compound? You can come and stay with me and Paddy, if they aren’t?” he offers, sounding hopeful.

  Panic runs through me, I wouldn’t trust myself to live with two werewolves. Some nights when I don’t feed just before I’m out for the day, I’ll wake up ravenous, I’d want to drain them. I couldn’t let that happen. Anyway, Paddy is my ex, I may accept that now, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to live with him, no matter how much my life has changed. “I like it there, they have live-in feeders that are willing to feed you any time you need it. That comes in handy when you’re a newbie like I am.” I shrug shyly. It’s strange talking about my feeding habits with him.

  “Okay, but if anything changes, remember I’m always here waiting for you if you need me,” Eddies says, before smiling at someone over my shoulder. “Looks like I’m not the only one that’s missed you.”

  I turn looking for a familiar face in the crowded café, it takes me a second, but I finally spot Bel worming her way around the tables. As she reaches the table, Eddie stands to offer her his seat.

  “I’ll leave you girls to gossip,” he says, with a wink.

  Realising he’s leaving, I quickly stand and give him no option but to catch me in a hug. I breathe in his unique scent; a mix of pine and engine oil.

  “Hey, what’s this for?” he breathes against my ear.

  “To remind you that I always need you,” I whisper back, as I loosen my hold on him. Something inside me shifts, almost like it’s falling into place. Proving to me that just because I’ve become something entirely different, it doesn’t mean my whole life needs to change.

  This man is supposed to be in my life. I have a life I need to get back to, and seeing the smile on Bel’s face as she sits at the table watching our exchange, I can see she agrees with the conclusion I’ve just come to. She isn’t a mind reader, but her empathic abilities ensure she’ll be able to feel my contentment and happiness as I reach the conclusion that I still have people who care for me.

  “I’ll see you again soon,” Eddie says, before he gives me a kiss on the temple. “Make sure that dickhead looks out for you in that compound.”

  I hear Cas chuckle at the comment. I look up to see Eddie glaring in his direction on the other side of the room. “She can take care of herself pretty well these days, don’t worry yourself fur-ball.” He doesn’t bother to raise his voice knowing our ears will pick it up.

  Eddie growls menacingly, catching the attention of some of the surrounding customers. “Casanova is a wind-up merchant, ignore him. It’ll piss him off,” I say, hoping to calm him with that knowledge. With a nod, Eddie heads straight for the exit, without another glance in Cas’ direction.

  “Now I’m wondering. Were you worried for my well-being or his?” Cas asks in my head. All of the vampires tied to Dominick, be it because he sired them or because they have pledged their loyalty to him and in turn each other, can communicate telepathically. It was kind of strange at first, but it can come in handy when you don’t want anyone overhearing your conversation.

  “Fuck off, Cas. I’ll tell Dominick you’re causing tension with the wolves and he won’t like that. He’s the only one allowed to antagonise my brother and his pack,” I threaten playfully; saying it out loud for Bel’s sake, as I take my seat opposite her.

  “Vampirism suits you,” Bel says quietly, before pausing to laugh. “Well, that’s something I never expected to say to anyone.”

  I laugh at her words. “It’s funny you say that. Dominick keeps telling me I was born to be one,” I say, with a roll of my eyes.

  The smile on her face suddenly turns solemn. “I’m so sorry Ruby. If I hadn’t been so wrapped up in myself this would never have happened. I should’ve walked you to the car. I—”

  I cut her off as I reach for her hand. “Bel, it wasn’t your fault. Please don’t blame yourself, because I don’t blame you.” Her guilt is almost palpable in the air, swirling around her. “I was his MO. He’d spotted me and wouldn’t have given up on getting me. He’d have done it some other time if you had walked me to the car that night,” I add and receive a gentle smile and nod of acceptance in return.

sp; “Have you got any special gifts?” she asks, sounding genuinely interested. It’s known by all supernatural beings that vampires can have gifts. All vampires have compulsion; they can make people forget things or even make them feel things differently. That’s how a vampire bite can feel so good.

  Some vampires hand down gifts in their sire line; it’s almost like how blue eyes or red hair gets passed down in a family. I take a quick glance around to ensure no one is watching, before holding my hand out, palm up, between us and concentrate on the trick I’ve been trying to master. A tiny flame forms in my palm before flickering out.

  “I’m still working on it,” I say, embarrassed at a weak performance. “Dominick assures me, I’ll be able to form and throw fireballs eventually.”

  She frowns. “I thought fire was dangerous to vampires. I thought it turned them to ash if it touched them.”

  “It does, well, all except the rare ones that have the fire gift. We seem to be immune to fire. I’m the only one Dominick has known to have this gift since his own sire,” I explain.

  “Well. Theo will be happy to hear his baby sister is safer than most,” Bel says and smiles as she says his name. The love between them is fierce.

  I pick at the grain on the table, absentmindedly. “Ted won’t care, he hates me. He hates what I’ve become.”

  Bel places her hand on mine stopping me from digging a hole in the table with my nail. I forgot my strength for a moment. “He doesn’t hate you, Ruby. He misses you. You’re his little sister, he loves you.” I can sense the truth in her words. But his actions since my turning has shown the opposite.

  “He hasn’t done anything to show that. Hell, he hasn’t even visited me, not even once. Mum and Cain come every other day,” I say, the anger evident in my raised voice.

  “He hates himself, Ruby. When Dominick told him he’d turned you and there was a chance you’d make it, he couldn’t see the hope in that, like everyone else did. He thought you’d be better off dead. And he feels so guilty for feeling like that. He can’t believe he did, he hates himself for it.” The pain of her words rip through me so quickly, I don’t know whether it’s because of how my brother must be feeling or the fact that he wished I was dead. Not knowing how to respond, I don’t. “Please don’t hate him for it, he hates himself enough for the both of you.”

  “He’s my brother, I could never hate him. That doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed, though. Not to mention hurt.” Remembering back to the night I first rose, I didn’t know if Dominick had done the right thing by turning me.

  How can I expect Theo to think any differently?

  “I can work with that.” A satisfied smile graces her face. “Come back to the house with me. He needs to see you, he just doesn’t think he deserves to.”

  Panic runs through me for the second time tonight. “I don’t know if I can handle being in a house full of werewolves. Cas has been shadowing me, to ensure I don’t lose control to bloodlust. Theo won’t welcome him into the pack home,” I explain.

  Giving my hand a gentle squeeze, she reassures me. “We can handle one vampire, we won’t let you hurt anyone. The wedding is next week, you need to be ready for that.”

  Cas appears beside us, no doubt having been listening to the whole conversation. “I think you can handle it. Rosabel here is the most tempting out of them all and you’ve been able to sit opposite her for the last twenty minutes without pouncing on her.” It’s his words that give me the confidence to agree to it.

  “Okay. I’ll meet you there. I can travel just like you now,” I say shyly, referring to her ability to teleport.

  “See you in a minute then,” Bel says, as she walks out the exit. Heading for a quiet place to teleport. It’s not that you need quiet to do it, but can you imagine the chaos it would cause if you just up and disappear in front of a room full of unsuspecting humans.

  “Are you going to be okay here on your own?” I ask Cas, realising I’ll be leaving him to deal with the shift I was meant to be working.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll call a couple of staff in and head home when you’ve left. I’m only here because you are.” We both laugh at his honest admission.

  “You’re terrible,” I announce as I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and dash out the exit, being careful to dash at human speed. Moving at vampire-speed can cause issues for humans watching, too.

  * * *

  I materialise on the front steps, not knowing how welcome I will actually be. Bel made me believe I would be welcome, but I won’t believe it until I can see it on Ted’s face. I reach out and knock on the door, only my knuckles don’t connect as the door bursts open. I’m pulled into a strong set of arms I’d recognise anywhere.

  “What the hell are you knocking for, this is your home, it always will be,” Theo says, as he squeezes me harder than he’s ever squeezed me before.

  “I know I’m made of sturdier stuff now, but it still hurts when you squeeze that hard,” I say, only half joking.

  He releases me slightly before speaking, “I’m so sorry. Fuck, I’m such a dick. Everyone’s told me as much.” Letting me go, he slides his arm around my shoulder and leads me into the house. “Come on. Everyone’s here. We’re just waiting on Wes to finish work.”

  Stepping into the lounge, I was happy to see that he really did mean everyone. It was like they’d thrown a pack barbecue in my honour. Who knows maybe we’ll pull out the cricket set and I’ll be able to whoop their arses with my vampire-speed.




  It’s the wedding tomorrow so the girls have taken over Theo’s house, while the guys are running amok in town on Theo’s stag night. I hadn't been back home since the impromptu barbecue a couple of nights ago, so I’m nervous as I materialise in the hallway by the front door. “Ahhhh.” the scream behind me isn’t a good sign.

  I turn to see the one person that knows nothing about the supernatural beings of the world. Selena.

  Great, just what I need.

  “It’s okay, it’s just me. I didn’t mean to creep in on you.”

  “You didn’t creep in on me. You just appeared out of a magician, but without the smoke effects. How did you do that?” she asks, as she looks at me in wonder.

  How the fuck am I going to get out of this? At least she isn’t terrified.

  “I...I...” I have no idea what to say. I wrack my brain to think of something that she’ll accept, only to come up blank.

  You’re a vampire, you idiot. Use your compulsion and make her forget.

  The thought runs through my mind and I could slap myself for being so stupid, not thinking of it straight away. I move closer to her, making sure to lock eyes with her, like Cas has been teaching me, and I pour out my power as I speak, “You watched as I walked in the front door, gave me a welcoming hug and forget the rest of this conversation.” I watch as her glazed over eyes focus and she comes back from my compulsion.

  “Ruby. It’s so good to see you,” she says, as she throws her arms around me and gives me as good a hug as she could with the massive baby bump she’s carrying around. She’s only at the seven-month mark, I don’t think she has room for another two months if the baby keeps growing at this speed. “Everyone’s in the lounge.” She releases me and points me into the lounge as if I didn’t know where it was.

  The lounge is filled with half a dozen women. Misty and Lucy, who Bel works with, are both sitting on one of the red, L-shaped sofas next to Alyssa. As I pause in the doorway allowing myself to get used to the scent of werewolves, Selena walks past me and sits alongside my mum and Chloe, on the sofa opposite the others. I need to push down the hunger that comes as soon as I scent a werewolf; being in a room full of them takes a gentle approach.

  Pulling a bottle of champagne out of the fridge, Bel shouts across the room, “Delly, grab some glasses, I’m pulling out the good stuff.”

  “Sure thing, Bel.” With a spring in her step
, Delly bounces in from the yard and over to the kitchen away from the group of girls she was talking to by the patio door. I’m surprised not to find any more pack members here. Bel is fairly new to town, she hasn’t really had the chance to make any friends other than pack, so I thought most of the pack would be here. Misty and Lucy are both witches, so Selena is the only one here who’s totally unaware of supernatural beings, as far as she’s concerned monsters only exist in children’s fairytales.

  Bel pours the champagne while Delly carries the glasses around the kitchen bench. Once she reaches the sofas, she places four on the coffee table between them. Misty, Lucy, and Chloe all grab a glass. “I’ll just go and get another couple,” Delly says.

  “There’s no need, I don’t drink,” my mum announces, making me proud that she’s still happily sober. “Being pregnant Alyssa and Selena both won’t be drinking. So we have a spare as it is.”

  “I’ll take the spare,” I say, picking the glass up and taking a sip to calm my nerves. I’m a lethal vampire, you would think nothing could make me nervous. But put me in a room full of people; the majority being werewolves, and I can’t help but think of draining them dry.

  “Ruby, are you okay? You look a little peaky,” Mum asks, as she weighs me up with her eyes, concern plastered all over her face. Last time I was here for the barbecue things got the better of me after a while. I had to leave without a word after my fangs popped out and I needed to feed. When I say leave, I mean I dematerialised on the spot, heading straight for the feeders wing at the compound.


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