Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 38

by Aimie Jennison

  “You’re not in the way,” Paddy says, causing me to drop the plate.

  “Shit!” Even with my vampire reflexes, I don’t manage to save it from connecting with the floor.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I thought you knew I was here.” He grabs the dustpan and brush from under the kitchen sink and crouches down to help me clear the mess I’ve made.

  I pick out the big pieces as he sweeps up the smaller shards. “I haven’t quite figured out how to recognise each of your individual wolf energies and scents, yet,” I explain, before taking a quick breath and carrying on, “I thought you were Ben. I came in here to help and I’ve done nothing but get in the way. I should’ve just left.”

  “It’s your brother’s wedding, you can’t leave. They haven’t even had the first dance yet,” he argues.

  I give him a grateful smile as I stand and lean back against the bench top. “Thanks. Anyway, what was it you’re looking for? If it’s more food, you’ll have to speak to Ben about that.”

  He places the dustpan and brush back where it belongs with a shake of his head. “More food is always good, but no, I was looking for you,” he says, leaning on the bench opposite me. “We haven’t really spoken since…” he breaks off, not finishing.

  “Since I became a vampire,” I finish for him.

  “No. I meant since…you know, me and you.” He’s referring to our night of lovemaking before dumping me the next day.

  “Oh,” I say sheepishly. “So much has happened since then, I didn’t realise we haven’t spoken in all that time…” I pause not sure what else to say. What else is there to say?

  He steps forward and takes my hand in his. “I need to explain what happened. I—”

  I cut him off. “You already explained Paddy, you’re waiting for your true mate and I’m not her,” I admit sadly. “I was devastated at first, but I understand now. I’d be a bitch to deny you what Bel and Theo have. We just weren’t meant to be.” I give his hand a squeeze before leaving him there and heading back into the yard.

  It wouldn’t do either of us any good to bring it all up again. What I said was the truth. I understand and I’m over it. We weren’t meant to be and that’s okay. He was my first love, but he’s not my for life love—he’s still out there somewhere and I have an eternity to find him.




  The first dance song, ‘I’ll Be’ by Edwin McCain, plays over the speakers that have been set up around the yard. Theo stands and offers his hand out to Bel. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Wilson?”

  Bel makes a show of considering it. “I suppose it won’t hurt,” she says with a playful grin, before taking his hand and allowing him to lead her to the space that had been cleared for the dance floor.

  He says something I can’t hear over the music, as he pulls her into his arms causing her to swat at him with a laugh. He laughs back and elegantly sweeps her around the dance floor.

  The song changes and out of the corner of my eye I see Wes offer Misty his hand, as Eddie offers me his. “Shall we?” Eddie asks.

  I stand and take his hand, giving him permission to lead me to join the others, which I notice includes Jared, who’s twirling Alyssa around the dance floor. “We shall.”

  Our eyes connect as he holds me against his body, swaying to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Thinking Out Loud.’ I stumble, if not for his gentle grip, I’d be on the floor. I can’t believe what I see in his eyes.


  A look of love that strong can’t be something new. How have I not seen that before?

  Quickly sending me out in a twirl, we lose our eye contact. The connection between us doesn’t fade though, if anything, it feels stronger. I can feel it through the way he’s pulling me back against his chest. I can hear it in the beat of his heart and the sigh that escapes his lips as I place my hand over his heart.

  Sliding my hand up to his neck, I pause to feel his pulse behind my hand. I think about how he might taste for a split second before quickly moving my hand around the back of his neck and gliding my fingers into his short hair at the base of his skull. I pull his head down to me so I can taste his lips.

  His hand holding my hip glides around my back, his fingers digging into my bare skin as he pulls me closer, it’s almost as if he’s trying to mold me into him. If I was still a human he’d be leaving bruises, but with my new vampire strength it does nothing but turn me on.

  In our frenzied passion, the taste of blood breaks through my consciousness. It’s the most delicious blood I’ve tasted, yet.

  I freeze on the spot, but I can’t make myself pull away from the magnificent taste.

  Having no doubt he felt me stiffen, Ed pulls back breaking our kiss, taking the blood away from me.

  “It was just a nick, it’ll heal in a second,” he says, probably in reaction to the horror that I feel, which is obviously written all over my face.

  I make a move to leave his arms. “I’m sorry. I…” I can’t believe I’ve ruined such a romantic moment.

  His hold tightens, almost painfully. Not even giving me an inch to move away. “It was an accident. I got carried away and caught my tongue on one of your fangs.”

  I duck my head, so I don’t have to face him. I don’t want him to see the hunger in my eyes. With the taste of his blood fresh in my mouth, my struggle with not feeding on the werewolves has come back, double fold.

  He kisses the top of my head. “Come on, beautiful. Let’s get out of here. We need to find you something to tide you over.”

  I look up to see how serious he is. “We can’t just leave. It’s my brother’s wedding reception,” I argue.

  “Sure we can. After that kiss people will just think we’re going somewhere a little more private.” He releases me and takes my hand in his, tugging me in the direction of the exit. “If you’re worried about what Theo will say, he won’t care. He snuck Bel out of here the minute everyone’s attention was on the groomsmen and bridesmaids.”

  On the way out I give the yard a quick sweep with my eyes, I can see he’s right, Theo and Bel are nowhere to be seen. Alyssa throws me a wink and nods her head in the direction of the exit, giving me permission to leave; the look on her face tells me she thinks ‘I’m getting lucky,’ exactly like Eddie said they would.

  Eddie quietly drives me into town and parks outside Misty’s. “I don’t know where you get your feeders from. Is there somewhere you need to go? Or do you just grab people off the street?”

  There’s no judgement in his voice, which surprises me. I know Theo hates that Vampires feed off people, with him being Eddie’s alpha, I assumed Eddie would feel the same.

  I turn slightly in my seat so I’m facing him. “I feed off the volunteer feeders at the compound. I’ve never fed from someone off the street.”

  Eddie starts the Ute and pulls away from the curb. “The compound it is then.”

  It’s only a minute later that he’s parking in the alley behind the compound. I sit here in the car staring at the compound door, not sure what to do next. Do I invite him in? Is he even allowed in? Maybe I should call Dominick?

  Eddie breaks the silence. “I can sit here while you go in.”

  I nervously bite my lip, thinking of the kiss we shared not long ago. I want more of that. I can’t have more if I make him sit out in the car.

  “No. I want you to come in. I want you to see where I live. How I live.” I quickly shut my mouth, realising I sound pushy and expectant. He might have only been lost in the moment when he kissed me. He might not want more. I open the Ute’s door in a rush hoping to hide my embarrassment. By the time I’m out and closing the door, Eddie comes up behind me.

  “I’d like to see it,” he says, as he turns and sandwiches me between him and the Ute. Lifting his right hand off my arm, he runs it up my neck and into my hair, pulling it slightly to tilt my head enough to look at him. “That kiss back there, wasn’t just some in the moment shit. I’ve wa
nted to do that for as long as I can remember. I want to do it every time I’m within arm’s reach of you.”

  I don’t need to hear anymore, I lean forward and take his mouth with mine, careful not to catch him with my fangs. I grab at his shirt pulling him closer to me, the sound of fabric tearing causes me to pull back. Shifting my eyes to the grip I have on his shirt, I see the fabric under my fingers is torn. I quickly release my grip. “Shit. I’m sorry. I...”

  He laughs a big belly laugh. “It’s a shirt, Rubes, don’t worry about it. Anyway, the fact that you want to rip my clothes off me is hot!” He throws me a wink before laughing again.

  “Oh, shut up,” I say playfully. “It wasn’t intentional. I just forgot my strength for a minute.”

  Putting his arm around my shoulder he tugs me toward the door. “I don’t believe that for a second.” He’s such a big head, but he’s right. I wouldn’t mind ripping his clothes off. “Come on then, let’s get you topped up.”

  “You make me sound like a phone that needs topping up with credit.” I laugh, at how ridiculous it is that I need ‘topping up.’ “I don’t even know if they’ll let you in,” I say, suddenly sobering.

  “Only one way to find out,” he says, stepping up to the door and giving it a knock.

  Casanova opens the door. “You live here, newbie, there’s no need to knock.” He catches sight of Eddie and his whole happy demeanour changes. “You, on the other hand, can take a run and jump. What’s happening Ruby?”

  I sigh, disappointed that my plans of showing Eddie all of me will be ruined. “I need to feed and I wanted to show Eddie where I live.”

  No doubt hearing the disappointment in my voice, Eddie kisses me on the temple and pushes me through the open door, as he takes a step away from the entrance. “Go. I’ll be right here when you’re done.”

  Taking him at his word, I enter the compound and head straight for the feeders quarters, just the anticipation of where I’m going makes my fangs ache.

  * * *

  I find Eddie, exactly where he said he’d be, waiting for me, leaning against the wall next to the compound’s entrance. “All satisfied now?” he asks.

  “Not completely. I still have a certain urge to satisfy,” I say flirtatiously, as I run my hand down his chest. Feeding enhances your arousal and knowing that Eddie was waiting for me out here after things had been hot and heavy more than once tonight, has made me more sensitive than usual. I jump in the Ute and buckle my belt as Eddie gets in his side. He starts the engine and drives out of the alley, without a word. What I’d give to hear his thoughts right now.

  He pulls to a stop in his drive but doesn’t make a move to get out of the Ute. “If I take you in there tonight, I won’t be able to help but take you as my mate. I’ve wanted you for too long, there’ll be no holding my wolf back,” he says, his eyes flash to wolf showing me exactly how close his wolf is to the surface.


  I scramble to get out of the Ute and take a few long strides up the drive. “You can’t take me as a mate,” I say, as I pace back down the drive.

  “You don’t want me as a mate?” he asks over the top of the Ute. The hurt in his voice evident. It makes me stop pacing and turn to face him.

  “Of course I do. I love you.” It’s only as the words fall out of my mouth that everything falls into place.

  I love him.

  He’s been there for me for as long as I can remember. He stood by and watched me date Paddy. He was a friend when that’s what I needed after Paddy. He’s given me space when I needed it as I got used to being a vampire. If what he’s saying is true, none of that could have been easy.

  He must have fought his wolf for a long time. But that doesn’t mean I could let him choose me as a mate. He’d be sacrificing too much.

  “There is nothing I’d want more than to be your mate. It’s can’t choose me. I can’t have children. I can’t give you children, Eddie. I won’t let you sacrifice that legacy, for me. Never have the chance to have pups of your own. I just can’t...” I say, not able to mask the devastation in my voice.

  Eddie is in front of me in a flash. “Plenty of people can’t have kids, it doesn’t mean they don’t have kids,” he say’s logically. No doubt taking my silence as misunderstanding he clarifies. “There’s surrogacy or adoption, or even fostering older kids that need a loving home for a while. There are plenty of options.”

  I fist my hands by my sides, angry at the world. “I’m as good as dead throughout the daylight hours. How can I ever be a mother, like that?”

  He wipes a tear I didn’t realise had fallen from under my eye and takes my hand before leading me into the house. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”

  Closing the door on the world outside, he takes my lips with his in a gentle kiss. All the lust from earlier gone, only love and adoration in its place.




  My heart’s first beat of the day startles me up and out of bed. It does it every day. I’m still not used to it. Maybe I will be eventually, but it is like being born, every morning. It’s an incredible feeling.

  Looking around the room I recognise it as Eddie’s room; memories of last night flash through my mind. My hands fumbling, pulling Eddie’s shirt over his head. Our mouths breaking apart just long enough to strip each other naked.

  After we’d spent the night thoroughly mapping each other’s bodies, Eddie ran around looking for a way to block out the windows before the sun rose. I told him I’d just teleport back to the compound, but he wasn’t having any of it.

  He didn’t want us to be apart, not since we’d mated. He was right about not being able to hold his wolf back. I didn’t even think a wolf would be able to mate with a vampire, but it happened. I mentally reach inside myself and feel for the strand—the bond—tethering us together. I smile when I find it, but that smile soon drops off my face. I can feel Eddie, he’s anxious about something.

  I quickly search for my phone, remembering too late that I didn’t have it with me yesterday. I rummage through his chest of drawers and pull on a T-shirt and shorts, rolling them up at the waist so they don’t bury me.

  Just as I’m about to teleport, I spot a note on his pillow.

  Sleeping beauty,

  Theo rang while you slept. There’s a lead on the rogue vamp. By the time you wake up, we’ll have a plan. Come straight to Theo’s.

  Tonight we hunt. X

  After a short detour to the compound to get changed, I materialise outside of Theo’s house; not wanting to surprise Selena again. I don’t know if compulsion would have any long-term effect on the baby. I open the door and follow the voices to the lounge.

  “She’s human, we can’t use her as bait,” Bel shouts.

  “Bel, she’s our only option. You want to catch him, don’t you?” Theo argues back.

  Jared, Jack, Wes, Ed, Misty, and Alyssa are all standing in the lounge looking at one another; probably hoping someone is brave enough to stop the alpha couple fighting.

  “Looks like the honeymoon’s over,” I joke, hoping to ease the tension. Everyone turns to look at me in surprise; obviously not noticing me enter.

  “The honeymoon hasn’t even started yet,” Bel grumbles.

  Theo steps up to Bel and kisses her gently on the forehead. “The sooner we catch this bastard, the sooner we can go on our honeymoon.”

  Bel sighs. “She’s my best friend. I don’t want her to get hurt.” She glances over his shoulder at Misty. “She isn’t even blonde. How can she be bait when she doesn’t fit his MO?”

  “I can fix that,” Misty says. She waves her hand over her head and mutters what must be an incantation, in seconds she’s green eyed and blonde. She could almost pass as my twin. A collective “wow,” goes around the room.

  “I’m not completely helpless, I have a few tricks up my sleeve and I’ll be surrounded by all of you guys. Please, let me do this, Bel. Let me help stop
this guy,” Misty pleads.

  Bel turns her attention to Theo. He wraps his arms around her. “Promise me you’ll do everything you can to keep her safe.”

  He looks her straight in the eyes, unblinking. “I’ll do everything I can.”

  “Okay,” Bel says, as she steps out of Theo’s arms and walks straight to Misty, stopping just in front of her. She tugs on a ringlet. “This is cute. If I’d known you could do that, I wouldn’t have let Aunt Lil’ torture me for hours yesterday,” she says, referring to the time she spent getting her hair done for the wedding.

  “It’s not something I’ve practiced, and it’s easier to do it on myself,” Misty says, and shrugs.

  “Just be careful tonight,” Bel pleads. “It makes me nervous knowing we have to keep our numbers down, so as not to give him a heads up we’re onto him. It means fewer people to protect you.”

  Misty gives Bel a friendly hug. “I will,” she promises.

  * * *

  Following the lead that came from Dominick, we all gather in the alley he’d scented the rogue in last night. It was almost sunrise when Dominick caught the familiar scent, so we know he won’t be far from here since the sun hasn’t been down long. Misty walks down the alley purposefully, while we all sit back in the shadows hoping he takes the bait.

  She passes a dark doorway and disappears with a blood-curdling scream. Forced into action, Dominick calls out to the vampire. “JD, you’ve been busy.”

  “I used to love hearing you call my name,” JD says on a sigh. He steps out of the darkness with Misty in front of his body like a shield. He ducks his head and makes a show of licking at the blood trailing down her neck from the fresh puncture marks.


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