Mount Roxby Box Set

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Mount Roxby Box Set Page 45

by Aimie Jennison

  I smile and relax, lowering my hands to my sides. “That’s okay. I was away with the fairies,” I say, offering an excuse for me jumping. I can’t exactly say I was spying on his wife and Cain.

  “Hey, mate.” Cain offers Jesse his hand, and they pull each other into one of those one-armed slap-on-the-back man hugs. “Have a safe trip back.”

  “Thanks… for everything, Cain.” Jesse looks in the direction of Frankie. “I don’t know…” He looks back at Cain, piercing him with his solid stare. “…what I would have done if you ha—”

  “We’ve had this conversation already.” Cain cuts him off as they release each other’s hands.

  Jesse holds his hand out towards Frankie. Watching through the gap between Cain and Jesse, I see her look at his hand for a second before taking it loosely in hers. He offers her a warm smile before turning his attention back to Cain. “You’ll always be welcome in my territory. And if things don’t work out here, there’s a place for you in my pack.”

  Cain steps back. “Thank you, Jesse. I really appreciate your offer, but I’ve got things I need to do here,” he says, the pitch of his voice tells me he must be surprised at the offer. “In saying that, when you find that bastard, I’ll be more than happy to jump on the next plane to help you out.”

  Frankie tenses and Jesse strokes her arm with his spare hand. “Thanks. Theo gave us the same offer.”

  Cain laughs. “I’m pretty sure the whole pack would be ready to hightail it to Perth.”

  With one last handshake, Jesse turns to leave, his hand on the small of Frankie’s back gently guiding her ahead of him. Frankie suddenly stops, and I think she’s going to give Cain one last hug as she turns, but her arms are suddenly around my neck. “Look after him, Selena.” With those four whispered words, she releases me and is out of sight before I can question what she meant by them.




  Standing at the gate, I watch as Selena knocks on the door. She turns to look at me, and I wonder if she can feel my eyes on her. “I’m okay, you know. You can wait in the car.”

  I sigh. She might be okay, but I can’t bear to let her out of my sight.

  The door opens and I hear Jared’s deep voice. “Selena.” He glances at me, then back at Selena. “What can I do for you?”

  “I was hoping to see Alyssa. To let her know she isn’t alone.”

  Jared lets out a rumble deep in his chest. “She isn’t alone.” The force of his anger prickling against my skin has me stepping up beside Selena.

  Selena’s hand reaches out to stop me stepping in front of her. “Don’t, Cain. He isn’t going to hurt me.” Jared steps back, his jaw slack and eyes wide in what I can only assume to be shock.

  “My b— Wait….” He looks at Selena, an eyebrow raised in question.

  “Oh. Yes, I know. It’s a long story. I’ve known about your secrets for a long time.” She frowns. “Well, not yours, but his.” She points a thumb in my direction.

  Jared glances at me, and I give him a quick nod in agreement. “Well, in that case, I’ll be straight with you both. My beast is close to the surface. It’s the only way I’m managing to keep Alyssa from shifting. Her wolf keeps trying to make her shift in her sleep.” My gaze drifts over him. The stiffness of his body and his golden lion eyes on his face tells me how truthful his words are.

  I grab Selena’s hand in mine. “I think we should go. We can come back another day when things are a little calmer.” Mainly Jared.

  Jared’s head tilts as though he’s listening to something inside the house. “It sounds like she’s waking up. Come in. I’ll go see if she’s up for visitors.” He glances at me sharply. “Are you part of the pack still?”

  “Faintly,” I admit, wondering if Alyssa would be able to feel me through whatever is left of the bonds. I can barely feel them myself.

  He bites at the inside of his cheek whilst he thinks. “Come in. I’ll let her know who’s here.”

  We follow him in, stopping in the small lounge as he walks further into the house. There’s a mustard-coloured sofa facing a large TV, which is hanging on the pristine white wall. The faint smell of paint leaves me wondering whether it’s a recent refurbishment. I’ll have to ask Theo about it. If he’s still doing refurb’s, I could probably help him out and make myself some money at the same time.

  “Sit! Your feet will thank you for it,” I suggest, catching Selena’s longing look at the sofa.

  She opens her mouth speak, but Jared comes back in the room causing her to quickly snap it shut again. “Cain, she doesn’t feel comfortable seeing you, but she said you could go into the bedroom to see her, Selena.” He points in the direction he’d just come back from. “It’s the last door on the right.”

  She looks at him sheepishly through her lashes. “Is there a bathroom I can dash in on the way?” She points to her bulging belly. “This little monster is right on my bladder.”

  “Of course. First door on the left.” Jared walks over to the sofa and takes a seat. Following his lead, I lower myself into the armchair to the side of the sofa, angled to face the side of the coffee table.

  “She’ll be safe? Alyssa won’t shift without you there?” I hear the worry in my voice and cough to try and cover it. Surely Alyssa wouldn’t hurt Selena—a human.

  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “She’s in control for now. I’ll sense it and will be able to send my energy to her before Selena is in any danger.” He opens his eyes, showing me the golden orbs of his lion once again. “I wouldn’t have let you in the house if I thought Selena or the baby would be in any danger.” I nod, taking him at his word. “Alyssa looked panicked at the thought of being close to another wolf. She might not be able to sense you through the pack bonds, but she’d be able to feel your wolf against her skin and she wouldn’t be able to handle that right now.”

  I raise a brow at him. “But she’s okay with your lion?”

  His energy flares and brushes against my skin making my wolf stand to attention. He grins. “He feels nothing like a wolf.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I glance up the hallway once again, wondering how things are going in there. “Theo will appreciate all you’re doing for her. The whole pack will.”

  Jared sighs. “I’m not doing it for Theo or his pack. I’m doing it for Alyssa.” He frowns. “She needs someone, and if I can fill that position, I’ll do it for as long as I’m needed to.”

  I finally relax in his company, realising he’s a bona fide good guy. “I can see why Theo lets you stay around even though you’re Bel’s ex.” I give him a genuine smile. “You’re a good guy.”

  “That he is,” Selena says as she shuffles back into the room. “Alyssa asked for you. She can’t sleep in the empty bed. She thought…” She glances at me and then back to Jared before finishing her sentence. “She thought she might be able to sleep next to your beast.”

  Jared nods. “I was planning on offering to do that anyway.”

  We both stand. “We’ll let ourselves out,” Selena offers, glancing at the door. “We can lock the door behind us.”

  Jared leans in and gives her a gentle hug. “Thank you, Selena. You take care of yourself.” His eyes drop to her belly. “And the little one.”

  Selena laughs. “Little… it’s far from little. But I will. I’m sure Cain and the pack will be keeping an eye on me.” She glances shyly at me, and I give her a wink. Of course I’ll be watching over her. I’m aiming to win her heart this time. Jared nods and heads towards the hallway and Alyssa.

  We walk out the door and Selena pauses just as I’m about to close it. “Do you have Jared’s number?”

  I frown, wondering why she’d want his number. Jealousy raises its ugly head for a second, but I quickly snuff it out as I tell myself to stop being stupid. “No, but Theo or Bel will. Why?” I can’t stop myself from asking. Maybe I haven’t managed to shove the jealousy away completely.

  “Of course they
will.” She starts towards the car and I finally allow the door to shut before following her. “I want to be able to call and check on Alyssa between now and Monday.”

  Pushing the button on my key fob, I unlock the car before she reaches for the handle. “Monday?”

  “I told her I’d come back and see her on Monday, when the buses are running.” She says buses like there’s more than one. Mount Roxby has one bus that drives through the town over and over again. The driver’s name is Simon. He does a good job, driving through most of the streets and not just the main ones on the route. But in saying that, it means the schedule never runs on time due to the detours.

  “I’ll drive you. No buses for you and your precious cargo.” I nod towards her stomach. My hand itches to reach out and touch it, but I know some women hate random people touching their pregnant bellies and I’d rather not make her feel uncomfortable.

  “Cain Wilson! Are you insinuating I’m as big as an aeroplane?” I flick my eyes off the road to see if she’s joking with me. Her slack jaw and wide eyes have me anxious before she laughs. “Don’t look so worried.”

  Fuck it. Biting the bullet, I reach out blindly—my eyes back on the road—and place my outspread palm on her beautiful bump. “This does not resemble an aeroplane in the slightest.” I move my hand in a circular motion. The soft cotton of her summer dress is so thin I can feel the warmth of her skin through it. “I meant it earlier when I said you’re beautiful. No one is as beautiful as you.” I flick my eyes to her and catch her watching me.

  She shakes her head. “I’ve seen plenty of women who are prettier than me. Frankie is for a start.” Taking my hand off her stomach, I grab her hand in mine, entwining our fingers.

  “Nobody holds a candle to you.” Lifting her hand to my lips, I press a gentle kiss to her fingers.

  I can see her observing me out the corner of my eye. “Did you two… date?” Before I get a chance to answer her question, she snatches her hand out of mine and speaks, once again. “Forget I asked. I have no right to ask that.” She groans and rubs her face with her hands, obviously distressed about either her question or having asked it.

  Flicking the indicator on, I pull to the side of the road. After putting the car in park, I unclip my seatbelt and turn my body to face her, as much as the seat and steering wheel allow me to.

  Reaching out, I cup her cheek with one hand, feeling reassured as she leans into my touch. “You have every right to ask me.” I take her hand in mine again and kiss it, needing to taste her. “I’m yours and I always will be, whether you want me or not.”

  She swallows what I can only assume is a lump in her throat. “Cain… I….”

  I place a finger over her lips to stop her talking. “Don’t. You don’t have to say anything. Just know that I’m here for you, even if all you ever want is friendship. Okay?” I don’t remove my finger to allow her to speak, so she nods in agreement.

  Satisfied, I straighten in my seat, put the car in gear, and then pull out onto the empty street. “It was never like that between me and Frankie. I saved her from a living hell and kept her safe until she felt ready to tell me who she was. It took her a long time so we became close, but it was purely platonic.” I push down my rising anger. It’s anger that always rushes to the surface when I think of that hellhole she was in. “In any case, she was already mated. And so am I… technically.” I shrug nonchalantly as I give her a quick smile. I don’t want her to feel pressured into feeling things she may not be ready for.




  Being with Alyssa was hard. She’s always been such a happy person, so seeing her so withdrawn really pulled on my heartstrings. She acknowledged my words with a nod, though whether she actually heard what I was saying is another thing entirely. I will go back though. She needs people, and considering she only wants to be with Jared because he’s not pack, he’s going to need a break every now and then. Having made the decision to go back, I let thoughts about Alyssa and Jared leave my mind as I watch the scenery fly by through the windscreen.

  “I’m yours and I always will be, whether you want me or not.” Cain’s words are on repeat in my head as he drives us through the dark empty streets. Of course I want him. I just don’t know if I can handle the heartbreak if it all goes wrong again. What if he’s wrong about me being his mate and it all falls apart? Would he just turn around and say, “Sorry I was mistaken?” That would kill me now, let alone if I’d fallen for him even more. My stomach is in knots just thinking about it.

  “Hey.” Cain’s hand brushes my knee. “Are you okay? You’re really quiet and seem to have come over a little sad.”

  I look at the scenery out the window, seeing we’re just turning into the large drive. “Yeah. I’m just thinking how cruel the world is. Wes was a nice guy, you know? He didn’t deserve to die.”

  Cain pulls the car into a space beside Billy’s bike and turns off the engine. “Good people never deserve to die, beautiful. Unfortunately, sometimes there’s nothing that can be done to stop it.”

  Knowing he’s right, I nod. “At least Alyssa and the baby have everyone here.” I wave at the house as we walk up to the door. “You’ll all help her through it, just like you did for me.” Turning the handle, I walk into what’s fast become my home once again. The house is still brimming with people. It seems like maybe even more have arrived since we left.

  Wanting to get out of the way, I edge my way towards the corridor leading to my room. Billy stops in front of us, blocking my escape.

  “How is she?” he asks. I frown, wondering how he even knows where we’ve been. “Theo told us you went to see her,” he explains.

  “She’s pretty out of it, but Jared is taking good care of her.” I try to give him a reassuring smile, but I know I fail. I just can’t seem to smile after seeing her so broken.

  He nods. “He’s a good guy.” He weighs me up with his eyes and grins. “Theo told us you know our secret too. Welcome to the pack.” He pulls me into a hug and I come out of it feeling dazed. Part of the pack?

  “I’m not part of the pack,” I say, glancing at Cain. Do people know about what went on between me and Cain all those years ago? Surely Theo won’t have announced that.

  “You’ve always been part of the pack, sweetheart,” Billy informs me, giving me a warm smile. “Ever since Theo brought you home.” He shrugs. “You just know about it now.”

  “Oh.” I let out a nervous giggle as my stomach settles. “Thank you. Although I’m pretty sure most people have hated me for most of that time, and especially since I left.”

  He waves a hand dismissing my words. “Not the important people.” He throws me a wink before looking at Cain over my shoulder. “I also hear you’re staying with us? Welcome back, buddy.” I step aside as they have a manly hug. Making the most of their distraction, I slip off down the corridor and head to bed, wanting to get away from the grief that fills the room before it dredges up old memories.

  Lying in the dark, I listen to the gentle chatter of the people below. Hearing the sound of car doors, I gather people must be finally heading to their own homes.

  A knock on my bedroom door startles me into a sitting position.

  “Mum. What are you doing?” I hear Cain’s voice question Trudy through the door.

  “I wanted to let Selena know she isn’t the only one around here who isn’t a werewolf,” Trudy says, sounding somewhat excited at the prospect.

  “I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear that, but I’m fairly sure she’s asleep. She looked pretty drained when we got back from Alyssa’s. Why don’t you tell her tomorrow?” Cain sounds anxious, and I can’t help but wonder if I did look as drained as I felt. God, I hope not.

  “Good idea.” I hear a shuffling sound and assume they’re walking away. “Wait a minute. Your room’s at the other side of the house. Why were you up here?” Hearing Trudy’s question has my heart pounding in anticipation of Cain’s answer. I hold my breath to
hear better.

  “Like I said, she was drained. I just wanted to check she was okay. I can’t hear her moving and the lights off, so she must be sleeping.”

  I release my breath, filled with disappointment at his explanation. What was I expecting him to say? I shake my head at my own stupidity.

  “Come on. I’ll make you a cuppa. I have a feeling you have a lot to fill me in on.” Trudy’s voice sounds quieter as their footfalls pad away.

  Closing my eyes, it doesn’t take me long to drift off into a dreamland that has Cain walking in and doing wicked things to me.




  As usual I barely slept last night. I thought you lost out on sleep once the baby arrived and needed feeding through the night, not before. Looking at the bed after getting washed and dressed, I feel like I could just fall back into it and sleep for a week, but instead, I lean over and tug the covers straight. I know if I start napping throughout the day, I won’t even get the couple of hours sleep at night that I’m currently getting. Plus, I’d planned on going to see Alyssa again today, even if it’s just to give Jared a moment to catch his breath. There must be a lot of pressure on his shoulders. Yesterday I’d told him I’d return on Monday, but having thought about it overnight, I’m pretty certain he won’t have had the time to go grocery shopping yet, and I want to give him the opportunity to do that because I don’t think the idea has crossed anyone else’s mind either.

  Losing my father and brother would have killed me too if I hadn’t had Cain. Theo may have gotten me through the months following the loss of my family, but Cain, he got me through those important first few hours. Even thinking back on it now, it’s a fuzzy blur. I was so disconnected from everything, but his presence was like a warm blanket when I’d felt numb with cold.


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