A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1) Page 22

by Karen Tomlinson

  A bone deep weariness invaded her body and mind. She stifled a yawn behind her hand, her eyes blurring as she stared at her cream covered dessert.

  “Have you finished?” asked Hugo, so close his warm breath fanned her cheek.

  She gave a start. “Err—yes—thank you,” she said guiltily, blowing air out of her cheeks. Had she really been slouching forwards, almost asleep?

  “Stay awake,” he warned her. “The Queen will consider it insulting if you fall asleep in her presence, and you absolutely cannot leave until she gives you permission.”

  Diamond took a sip of water, leaving her wine glass alone. She nodded, trying to shake off the exhaustion that made it so difficult to concentrate. Her eyelids began to close. Under the table a large hand squeezed her leg hard enough to send a ripple of pain up her thigh and startle her awake.

  “Stay. Awake,” Hugo ground out between gritted teeth. “She will punish you, and me, if you fall asleep.”

  Diamond blinked hard and nodded. “Sorry,” she whispered, not daring to look up at the fae Queen. Despite Hugo’s mood changing like the wind, the last thing she wanted was to get him in trouble. He kept his hand resting on her leg. She should push him away. But the warmth of his touch seeped through the delicate material of her dress into her skin. It was a strangely proprietary move for a Queen’s guard. Intimate and hot, his large hand curled around her thigh. Her senses honed in on that touch. Struggling, Diamond made herself listen to Tom, forcing out answers to his questions.

  Keeping her body upright took such an enormous amount of effort, and it wasn’t long before the muscles in her back began to shake. She swallowed her nausea, a light sheen of sweat breaking out on her brow. Suddenly the weight of Hugo’s hand disappeared.

  The Queen had summoned him. Power evident in every step, Hugo approached the dais. Bowing gracefully on one knee, he lowered his head before his mistress. Minutes ticked by. Shame burned on Diamond’s cheeks for Hugo. The Queen continued to ignore him. Other people in the hall began to glance his way, many sniggering cruelly. Diamond fixed their faces in her mind. Jack was staring at Hugo, his face tight, clearly uncomfortable for his friend. General Edo, looked away, his face as hard as his grey eyes. The Queen, however, did not seem in the least bit bothered about causing Hugo such humiliation and carried on her conversation with the scarred, tough-looking warrior fae who sat to her right.

  At that moment Diamond hated the Queen and this simpering court, so much she wished for control of her magic so she could turn them to dust. Seeing such a proud and fierce warrior be so submissive and treated with such contempt sickened her to her very core. Confused, her attention flicked from Hugo to the Queen—and found the glittering green eyes of a reptile fixed upon her. Diamond’s heart jumped at the satisfied smile that curled the Queen’s rosy lips. Remembering what had happened in her room, Diamond immediately dropped her gaze, her panicked breath catching in her throat.

  The Queen was doing this to Hugo on purpose—for Diamond’s benefit. Diamond stared down at her tightly clasped hands, not daring to look up again. Breathing rapidly, a familiar light-headedness swamped her. It didn’t matter why. The weight of that ancient gaze crushed Diamond’s exhausted body. Not sure how to help Hugo and paralysed by fear, Diamond tried to control her emerging panic. Diamond’s thoughts became muddled, her brain foggy. Voices drifted around her, just snatches of conversation. Tingling numbed her fingers and lips, spreading until even her teeth felt numb. The clatter of cutlery and the chink of glasses made her head spin. It was an effort to remember her father’s calming techniques, his gentle deep voice….


  Gods, she was going to faint or vomit. Or something. An instant later her chair was pulled out from behind, nearly toppling her off. Hugo’s hand slipped under her arm catching her.

  “Say your farewells. You have Her Majesty’s permission to leave now,” he said stonily.

  Diamond didn’t want to look at his face, even her tired, panicked mind could pick up the tightness in his voice. The ire pulsing from him made her skin tingle. She mumbled a goodnight to Tom, who happily carried on chatting to the young soldier at his side. Diamond did not have time to bid farewell to anyone else, including Jack, before Hugo was marching her out of a door at the side of the room. Her guards fell in step behind them.

  Fuzzy headed and clumsy, Diamond tripped over her own feet several times as Hugo paced along the corridors. His jaw was clenched, distorting the jagged lines of his scar. To others he might look emotionless but Diamond knew him now. The fury coming from him was almost too much to bare. Hot tears pricked her eyes. She wanted to turn back time and return to the forest. At least there he had let himself care for her.

  Exhausted, Diamond ignored her better judgment and craved being held by him again, not pushed away. Blinking away her hurt, she focused on keeping up with his long strides. They passed from the well-lit, glass-roofed corridors of the main palace into the ancient stone ones. Hugo kept up the fast pace, marching down a long set of worn stone steps, not waiting to see if she was close behind him. Half way down Diamond got her satin-covered foot caught and tripped over the hem of her beautiful dress.

  The world tilted. Crying out, she missed how quickly Hugo uncoiled his body and snatched her arm.

  “Ouch!” she shrieked. Tiredness and pain overwhelmed her. Hot salty tears tipped from her stinging eyes and dribbled down her cheeks. It had to be her fault he had found himself in such a humiliating situation in the dining hall. It was the only reason he would be so angry with her. She tried to turn away from his dark glare but he was too swift.

  He grabbed her shoulders spinning her back towards him, swearing so quietly that only she could hear.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quietly, her lip trembling. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble. Are you going to put me in the dungeons now?” she hiccoughed.

  He sighed heavily, running a hand over his burnt face, looking nearly as tired as she felt. “No,” he said shortly, glancing at the guards with an unspoken order. They didn’t move. He snarled, taking one threatening step toward them. Reluctantly, they dropped back far enough not to hear him speak. Then his voice softened as he guided her down to the bottom of the steps. “I know what my orders are, Diamond, and I have never defied one. It would be foolish of me to begin now…for many reasons; but I will do my best to keep you from those dungeons and keep you safe as long as I can.”

  Unable to contain her relief, her tears turned into shuddering sobs. Hugo stepped sideways so the Queen’s guards could not see their faces.

  “You really are exhausted—and frightened, aren’t you?” he asked, his voice and sapphire eyes gentle now. “Not even when you fought a mighty dragon, or were starving and at death’s door in that dead forest, did you cry like this.”

  “That’s because you were with me,” she whispered before she could censor her response. His eyes widened slightly, but Diamond was too tired and too emotionally worn by the day’s events to regret her words.

  “This dinner was a really bad idea. I still can’t work out why she ordered you to go,” he said with a hint of concern in his voice. “You should be resting.”

  His free hand moved as if to caress her face but dropped almost immediately, his fingers curling into a fist. Her guards, his men, were still watching, even if they couldn’t hear.

  “Yes, it was a bad idea—but it wasn’t as if either of us had a choice.” She shrugged and attempted a watery smile. “At least I got to see everyone else. Besides, I wouldn’t have gotten to wear such a pretty dress if you hadn’t made me go.”

  His scar twisted, showing his teeth; but rather than being repulsed, Diamond relished it. It meant he was giving her one of his rare smiles. Tipping her head back to look up at him, she smiled in response.

  “Come, let’s get you back to your room. You need to get some sleep and recover. Maybe tomorrow we will discover what the Queen wants from you.”

  Diamond swallowed and nodded, but s
he didn’t really want to know.

  They turned a corner and the long shadowed corridor tilted alarmingly. Exhausted, she swayed unsteadily into Hugo. In an instant she was cradled in his arms, resting her head gratefully on his broad chest and absorbing his warmth.

  The further he walked through the corridors, the less frequently the sconces glowed. Dim stone corridors passed by until Hugo’s footsteps slowed and she realised they were back. His muscles tensed as he readjusted her weight and leaned forward to open the door. A curt order for the guards to stay outside, and the lock clicked shut behind them.

  Silence fell; Diamond faked being asleep. Waking would mean leaving the security of his arms.

  “Diamond?” he murmured, his voice deep and resonating through his chest. “You’re back.”

  She snuggled closer and, for a moment, curled her fingers into the leather covering his upper arms.

  She could hear the amusement in his voice as he said, “I know you’re awake.”

  Sighing she lifted her head as he strode further into her bedroom, his footsteps muffled by the rug.

  “You need to get undressed and into bed,” he informed her as he let her legs drop to the floor.

  Diamond couldn’t support herself. Her knees wobbled from exhaustion and the sheer headiness of his magic’s gentle caress. Of their own volition her feet closed the gap between them and her body swayed up against his, revelling in that solid wall of strength.

  “You can help me undress,” she murmured, resting her forehead against his chest. Unfastening all those laces and small buttons by herself would be impossible, said the voice of reason. “Or I could just stay here,” she breathed, her heart clenching as it hit her how much she wanted the warmth of his powerful body against hers. There was nothing she could do to stop her body melting against his, so close she could feel his heart beating its fast rhythm. Her mouth dried out as she dared to peer up into his face, and placed her hands on his hips.

  Hugo made a deep choking sound that rumbled through his chest, vibrating into her bones.

  “Diamond. No. Don’t. I—gods…. I need to go before I do something we both regret,” he murmured with a husky and raw voice. She felt it, the moment his magic withdrew. Her stomach lurched with resentment.

  “I understand, Hugo. What was it Attion said? Hmm? Oh, that’s right. You can bed a whore but you can only belong to your Queen. How nice for you. But I am not a whore. No matter what your men think.” She pulled away, her eyes burning. “I just need some help to undo this dress. I’m not asking you to bed me,” she whispered, her face aflame. But she still held on to him, unwilling to let him go. “I’m not a whore, Hugo,” she repeated in a whisper. But that did not stop her wanting him.

  “Diamond, I know that. But—you don’t understand—I-I can’t undress you,” Hugo whispered hoarsely, his throat bobbing as he swallowed and he curled his hands over her shoulders as if to push her away. But nothing happened. He just held her. Motionless, his eyes fixed on hers. She couldn’t breathe. Then she felt his magic slide over her in a warm caress.

  “Please, Hugo,” she urged, not really knowing what she was asking for, help with her clothes or something far more dangerous.

  His fingers tightened on her shoulders.

  “Or I’ll have to ruin this lovely dress and sleep in it,” she added, before resting her cheek back against his chest, listening to the solid drum of his heartbeat. There was a long tense pause.

  “Fine,” he muttered eventually. Big hands found the fastenings and laces at the back of her dress and she leaned forward compliantly, absorbing the feel of his body against her. Guilt fought with want. He was a guard—her enemy. Quickly she shoved those thoughts away and slid her arms around his waist as he deftly worked at undoing her dress.

  Warm fingers grazed her skin, tickling her. A delightful shiver rippled through her whole body and she smiled, squeezing her arms around him. Instinctively she pushed herself closer.

  “Diamond….” he groaned. ‘Stop…please.”

  But his actions belied his words as he slid his warm hands into the small of her back and held her to him. Their hips met and her bones turned to water. It didn’t matter that he was her enemy or that he belonged to another woman, she wanted him. This was not the tentative attraction that she had felt for other boys, but the full blown desire of a female fae. Her body flared to life. He had just lit the furnace of her lust and she knew he would sense it. Heat pooled between her thighs, rippling through her core.

  Heart pounding, she pulled back enough to see his face. Raw need burned through those stunning fae eyes, his nostrils flaring as he scented her reaction to his touch. Her eyes widened at the same time his did. She snarled, her finger nails digging deep into his clothes, trying to reach the skin beneath. But before she could yank him closer, he slid his thumbs over the curve of her waist and gripped her, pushing her firmly from him.

  “No. I cannot take you, no matter how much I want to. I am not free to offer any more than my body.”

  Diamond opened her mouth to speak.

  “No,” he interrupted. “You deserve far more than I can give you. And things are complicated enough for us. Now go and get into bed,” he instructed firmly, pulling his hands away.

  At that small movement her dress slid from her shoulders, whispering softly as it landed at her feet. For a moment Hugo seemed too stunned to move, then he swore viciously and swung her up in his arms. The leather of his jerkin was cool and tough against her exposed skin. Refusing to feel guilt for wanting this, for wanting him, Diamond clutched at him, groaning with disappointment and frustration when he laid her gently on the soft bed and pulled away. Before he could straighten up she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, her cheek against his.

  “I know we can’t be together, Hugo. I know you are my enemy, but I don’t care; I still want you.” She kissed his cheek softly. “Thank you—for being so honourable, but right now I wish you weren’t,” she whispered in his ear.

  Swallowing, Hugo swiftly pulled away and threw the soft blankets over her.

  “Diamond?” His eyes glittered in the light of the dying fire.

  “Yes?” she muttered, sleep dragging at her, despite the fading heat of desire.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, tonight or any night, queen or no queen,” he said quietly before he strode away, clicking the door shut behind him.

  “I don’t know who your benefactor is, but they certainly are generous,” declared Kitty wistfully, eyeing the high quality, burgundy satin gown Diamond wore.

  It had arrived yesterday with the pair of low-heeled black leather boots sitting on the floor near her bed. A frown furrowed Diamond’s brow. It wasn’t right to accept so much charity from a stranger, but she couldn’t return these gifts to a phantom. Uneasily she wondered what that unidentified person would want in return. Rose immediately waved off her concerns.

  “I wouldn’t worry. You can’t give it back, and I’m sure whoever it is will make themselves known when they are ready. Until then,” she shrugged, “enjoy it. There’s precious little else to enjoy in this palace at the moment.”

  All three girls knew Rose was right. The Queen was an ever present shadow in Diamond’s life, an unknown who could wipe them all out in a second if she chose to.

  Kitty silently picked up the silver-plated hairbrush and brushed Diamond’s hair until it shone, then fixed it neatly over one shoulder.

  Before long Diamond was looking at herself in amazement. The face looking back at her was still thin but her violet eyes held a soft light, a strange inner glow that made them huge in her pale face. Turning away, Diamond swallowed her fear. Hiding her magic was only going to be possible if she kept her eyes down and avoided looking others in the face.

  It had been three days since the dinner, and Rose had decided Diamond needed some fresh air and exercise. Arguing had done no good; Rose, it seemed, had a stubborn streak to match Diamond’s. Diamond gratefully gave in and l
et Rose begin her plan of slowly building up Diamond’s physical strength.

  Diamond returned to her room an hour later to find Tom waiting for her. Squealing, she threw her arms around his neck, refusing to let go when he complained he couldn’t breathe. Eventually she gave in.

  “You look handsome,” she teased, taking in the tunic that was embroidered with a dragon. It was far too big for him but he still looked good. More man than boy, she decided.

  He grinned. “Do you think so? The general said I need to earn my keep…so, I’ve joined Jack’s guard. I’m to start training tomorrow,” he said quickly.

  Diamond’s face dropped. “But you can’t! You might get hurt—or killed!” She grasped his arm, her anxious fingers digging in his sleeve.

  Tom frowned, his voice turning sharp. “I’m not a child, Diamond. Jack is younger than me and has been fighting a war for years. Gods, he is to be crowned a king soon. And look at Hugo. He’s only twenty, and already a commander. A Queen’s guard commander! It’s not all about age!” he barked and ran shaking hands through his hair. “Damn it, Diamond, I need to do something with my miserable life! Then maybe the next time my family—or—or friends are threatened, I will be able to fight back instead of being a useless piece of shit!” he yelled. He took a shaky breath, and she dropped her hand. Tom never raised his voice.

  “I’m sorry,” she stammered. “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” she said despondently and put her arms around his thin body to give him a tight hug.

  He kissed her hair and held her. “Well, I’m not going anywhere yet. I’ll be down in the barracks training before they’ll let me join the guard. Jack said he will keep an eye on my progress himself. Diamond? Why haven’t you left the palace yet? Is everything alright?” he asked, holding onto her shoulders and staring intently at her.

  Diamond hated lying to him…but—dungeons. “Everything’s fine, Tom. Don’t worry about me.”


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