A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1)

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A Bond of Venom and Magic (The Goddess and the Guardians Book 1) Page 27

by Karen Tomlinson

  Hugo darted into the shadows of a yew tree opposite—and disappeared. Diamond blinked but said nothing. The general was too busy studying the temple to notice. Silently they waited. Nothing moved other than two seagulls that landed on an ancient archway and squawked loudly.

  “Where’s Hugo?” The general frowned after a few minutes. Nothing moved in the shadows. His whole body tensed, his eyes searching frantically.

  “I’m here,” Hugo rumbled, his voice barely more than a vibration directly behind them.

  Diamond felt goose bumps rise on her skin, her magic flaring as he touched her reassuringly with his. How had he moved behind them without being seen or heard? Clearly her childhood guardian was wondering the same thing. Hugo ignored the question in General Edo’s eyes and, with his swords drawn, stepped closer to Diamond.

  “It seems quiet. The others should be here soon. What do you want to do—wait out here or go inside out of sight?” the older warrior asked.

  Hugo looked from the temple to the general just as the iron gate gave a high pitched squeak. Both fae whipped their heads towards it. Immediately they all shrank back. Diamond held her breath, hoping it was only Jack. Her fingers clutched Hugo’s tunic. A moment later she gave a nervous giggle. General Edo swore, then huffed a chuckle too.

  “It’s alright. I don’t think he’s come to get us,” he muttered as a smallish black mongrel dog slunk nervously along the path. It hesitated at the sound of the general’s voice, then bolted.

  “Probably not,” agreed Hugo, but he watched the animal leave through narrowed eyes. “But the Queen has all manner of spies working for her, and not all of them are human or fae,” he muttered.

  “We’d better get out of sight then,” responded the general. “The goddess only knows who might have seen us land. These temples are always unlocked, so we need to make sure no one else has sought shelter here after what’s gone on today.”

  He looked at Hugo and tipped his head towards the door. Hugo nodded, then focused all his attention on Diamond and ignored the general completely. She swallowed and tried to look calm, even though she felt anything but. Smiling a little he tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear.

  “Stay close,” he whispered, pulling something from his weapons belt to hold it out. “Here. I rescued this from the forest.”

  Diamond curled her fingers around the hilt of the dagger and looked at it in wonder. “I thought it was lost,” she breathed, gripping it tightly.

  Hugo cocked his head, a smile curving his lips at her expression. “No. Not completely lost—just astray. Now it’s back where it should be—by your side.” His voice was soft, the silver in his eyes glinting like stars in a midnight sky.

  Her heart thumped. Does he only mean the blade? she wondered. When he gently brushed the back of his fingers down her cheek and kissed the tip of her nose, she had her answer.

  “It’s yours—don’t you want it back?” she asked, stroking the cool metal with careful fingers. It belonged to him. Although it was much more than just a blade to her. It had kept her sane through her fear and loneliness in the forest. Every glance of that Silverbore blade had given her hope that Hugo would come for her, that she could be strong like him and survive.

  “No, Diamond. It belongs to you—completely. By your side is where it should stay—always.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered and blinked away her tears. It was only a stupid knife.

  They crouched down behind the once-alabaster wall. Green mould stained the ancient stone, and fusty damp tickled Diamond’s nose. The dagger shook as she gripped it, ready to fight.

  “You go first,” whispered General Edo to Hugo.

  Hugo adjusted himself to go and then hesitated. “No,” he grated, frowning at the general. “You go. I’ll watch our backs,” he instructed curtly.

  General Edo contemplated Hugo with hard grey eyes then nodded. Diamond released a breath. Now was not the time for a power struggle between these two dominant fae.

  “Fine, commander. But be vigilant. Jack said he would be here, but—as you said—there are many spies in this city.”

  Fleetingly Diamond saw irritation in Hugo’s eyes. Then his sapphire gaze rested on her, and softened in a way that made her legs weak.

  “Stay close to me,” he rumbled as General Edo bolted for the door. “I’m still not sure about this.”

  Sick with nerves, Diamond nodded. General Edo disappeared through the thick, white oak doors. Minutes passed. Diamond nervously flicked her gaze from the door to Hugo, her mouth so dry she could hardly swallow. Hugo vigilantly monitored the grounds around them, his attention flitting to the skies above too. The wind began to gust noisily around the outside of the temple grounds, bizarrely not touching the trees in the grounds. Diamond glanced up at the grey clouds forming overhead.

  Minutes later the general cracked open the door again. He beckoned the two crouching figures urgently, his face tight. Hugo glanced around the temple grounds one last time then uttered, “Run!”

  Diamond didn’t need to be told twice. Head down, dagger clutched in her hand, she sprinted. Wings un-armoured and flat to his back, Hugo followed close on her heels.

  Inside the temple was cold and held a curious atmosphere only an ancient place of worship can transmit. The door swung shut, which plunged them into darkness. Dirty stained glass windows, high in the domed roof, provided the only light.

  Diamond’s heart raced, her breathing loud in her ears. “Hugo?” she whispered fearfully,

  “I’m here,” he answered, his magic touching her, reassuring her.

  General Edo swore and huffed, trying to turn the large door lock. The ancient metal grated, the big iron key protesting. He hissed, the iron burning his un-gloved fingers. Ancient and stiff, the lock did not want to turn.

  “Here,” said Hugo, “I’ll do it.”

  He wrapped his hand in his tunic so the metal would not burn him. General Edo nodded and stood back, blowing on his burned fingers. His boots echoed as he took Hugo’s place by Diamond’s side. The moment Hugo had his back to them and leaned down to grasp the key, the shadows exploded into movement.

  Queen’s guards appeared out of shimmering air, so close Diamond could see their gleaming eyes. The general only had time to grunt before a sword hilt slammed into his temple. Cruel fingers instantly grabbed her wrist, wrenching it so hard her fingers loosened. Diamond shrieked in pain, her dagger clattering to the floor. Hugo did not stand a chance. Three figures materialised next to him, moving like lightening. One looped an iron cord around his neck and yanked it tight.

  “Hugo!” Diamond squealed in terror. The roar in Hugo’s throat was cut off, reduced to a strangled choking noise.

  Two guards dragged Hugo backwards by his arms, kicking at his knees. He tried to fight—but with his magic suppressed by the iron, he could only partially armour his wings. The guards slammed several kicks into his belly. With bunched muscles, Hugo flung one guard away and managed to reach over his back for a sword.

  “Tighten that collar! Now!” bellowed someone.

  Hugo turned purple as he fought the iron cord squeezing around his neck. The nearest guard grunted as Hugo’s blade sunk deep enough through his arm to grind against bone. The collar was yanked, and Hugo had no choice; he collapsed panting and choking to the floor. Diamond screamed in terror and confusion.

  “Enough! Commander Casimir, keep still and you will live. Fight and injure any more of your brothers and I will tighten that iron noose around your neck until it burns clean through,” Lord Commander Ream informed Hugo ruthlessly. “My Queen wants you returning to her side. But know this. I will kill you—slowly—if you so much as twitch in the wrong way.” He stood over Hugo’s kneeling figure, a merciless shadow. “My Queen’s offer. If you return promptly to her side, deliver your prisoner and continue your devoted servitude to her, you will be forgiven for your incompetence—for losing,” he snorted, “the magic wielder. Personally I’d wipe your traitorous hide from this earth, but I mu
st defer to my Queen’s wishes.”

  Diamond knew if they took her back, her life would be forfeit. The Queen would kill her—and maybe even Hugo. Her breathing hitched, her heart banging against her chest. No. I will not go back! She bucked and struggled to be free. The faceless guard clamped his arms around her like a vice, pulling her to his chest. A guttural warning rumbled from Hugo, but he did not fight.

  “Quiet!” ordered the scarred Lord Commander Ream. His granite hewn features came into focus as he strode to within an arm’s length, contemplated her with utter revulsion, then viciously backhanded Diamond’s cheek. The blow sent her reeling, and blood exploded into her mouth. He bent down and retrieved her dagger from the floor, glancing over at Hugo in disgust as he recognised it.

  “Cease your wailing, you mongrel bitch, or I will cut out your tongue,” he barked cruelly. “I doubt the Queen will mind.”

  Terrified, Diamond immediately looked to Hugo. Nothing but scorching hate burned in those silver eyes. He shook his head. This was no empty threat. Diamond stilled, allowing herself to be captured like the meek little mouse she had become, the bitter taste of defeat and fear coating her tongue. Ream prowled closer, contemplating Hugo’s dagger. Shaking uncontrollably, her bladder threatened to void. Ream raised his left hand and Diamond flinched. But all he did was run a finger gently down her cheek.

  “Such a pretty face—for an abomination of our lord. I would like opportunity to get to know what makes you tick, what makes you scream the loudest, but—we don’t have time,” he purred, lust and excitement thick in his voice as he grabbed her throat with one large hand. A frightened squeal bubbled out of her trembling lips. Instantly he withdrew, his eyes cold as ice as he slammed a large fist into her jaw.

  Diamond was half way to unconsciousness before pain blasted across her face.

  “I told you to stay quiet,” Ream snarled as darkness closed in and she sagged against her captor’s embrace.

  Hugo forced the familiar black wall to descend on his emotions, holding back the rampaging fury inside him. He would kill these warriors. Moving his eyes slowly, he marked each face in turn. His magic was powerful enough to ensure they would not see him coming. He would play their games—for now. If he did not, they would kill Diamond before he could get this cord off his neck.

  Not for the first time Hugo felt the weight of his inadequacy and guilt, which only served to fuel his rage further. Heat pounded through his blood, and the beast thrashed wildly against the cage of his body. Through his eyes it registered Diamond’s limp form. Hugo gritted his teeth, his body shaking as he became consumed by its desperate need to protect her, to rip her to safety and release its wrath on these males who would harm her. It was an impossible need that had quickly become an obsession.

  Hanging his head to hide his rage from Lord Commander Ream, he drove that need, along with his magic deep, inside himself until he choked on it. There was nothing he could do—yet.

  He took a few moments to gain control before he raised his eyes. Diamond’s face was already swollen and grossly discoloured. With detachment, he wondered briefly if her cheekbone was broken. The cord around Hugo’s neck burned, but he did not try and remove it—he knew better.

  Attion stared down at him, watching every twitch Hugo made. The point of his sword pushed uncomfortably against Hugo’s leather-covered chest. Hugo met his gaze and snarled. Attion’s mouth twitched, and he twisted his blade. Arrogant bastard.

  “Let him up,” instructed Ream, shoving Diamond’s dagger into his weapons belt before turning to Hugo.

  Attion dropped his blade and stepped back.

  “You will not struggle, commander, but you will do everything I ask without hesitation. If you do not, when that magic-wielding filth wakes I will make her suffer. I will inflict such indignities upon her that when I am done she will not remember her own name, let alone yours—do you understand me?” he growled, shoving his face into Hugo’s.

  Hugo did not recoil but swallowed the nausea and guilt that threatened to burn a hole in his chest. His beast snarled. It recognised Lord Commander Ream as an enemy. Hugo heard its violent thoughts, felt its wrath burn in his blood. Sweating beneath his armour, Hugo kept all that malice off his face.

  “I understand,” he rasped in response, his throat painful and swollen.

  “Good. We return to the palace. You can deliver your prisoner to your Queen and await her forgiveness. Attion!” Ream barked. “Take the mongrel. Commander Casimir need not bother himself with her any longer. Yohan. Nix. Take the general.”

  Hugo watched the two guards hoist up the general’s lax body. He was no lightweight and even the two heavily muscled guards grunted with effort. Hugo wondered how in Chaos Ream had found them. He stifled his frustration and crushing disappointment. His chance to save Diamond, and maybe himself, had just been ripped from his grasp. It had been stupid to hope. He was the Queen’s servant to command, a killer with a shrivelled soul—it was not the will of the mighty guardians or the goddess for him to be anything else.

  Attion strode forward and pulled Diamond from the other guard. Her body was so light he lifted her easily. A groan escaped her and he hesitated, a rare frown furrowing his brow before he settled her against his chest. For one moment Hugo’s protective wall cracked open, and he snarled viciously at the other guard. Attion did not seem to notice. He looked utterly transfixed by Diamond as her head tipped forward, leaving her cheek resting against his shoulder and her hair flowing over his arm and hand. A confused expression flickered across his face and, almost guiltily, he met Hugo’s wrathful glower.

  A second later all expression disappeared from his face. Hugo wondered what had just happened, but then he remembered what Attion had done to Diamond when she had been at her most vulnerable. He fixed an unwavering glare on the other guard, willing it to burn a hole in Attion’s back as he turned away. At night when the darkness became his ally, Hugo would make Attion regret touching what did not belong to him.

  Hugo wondered what was to become of them all as he followed his commander out into the dull evening light. It had started to rain, grey ominous clouds hanging low overhead. The air was finally clear of smoke. It seemed the ships had burned themselves out or had sunk under the fierce waves.

  Hugo tensed, tilting his head and straining his fae ears. The city was unnervingly quiet, almost as if it were waiting to see what was to happen next. The group of warriors armoured their wings and launched skyward, flying in silent formation up towards the palace and the waiting Queen.

  Diamond groaned. Serpents of invisible magic thrashed and nipped at her exposed skin like tiny insects. She tried—and failed—to brush them away. Cold wind whipped at her hair and clothes but she was so warm, held tightly against Hugo’s chest. Waking up would only bring more pain. She turned her head into his chest, inhaling deeply, then gagged as a foreign male scent swamped her.

  This was not Hugo. Her whole body went rigid. Hugo, the general, where are they? It took only a second for her to recognise the sharp pricks on her skin. Hugo wanted her to wake up. He insistently pushed his magic against her, those silver serpents nipping her as they often did when he was angry.

  “Are you awake, half-blood?” grated a cold, familiar voice. Attion.

  Diamond’s heart flipped, feeling each place his hateful body touched hers. Common sense deserted her and escape became her only thought. She wriggled and fought, only to find herself clamped between arms of steely strength.

  “Stop!” bit out Attion, his jaw clenched. He glanced at Lord Commander Ream, who flew in front. “If you struggle I will have to hurt you. Please—stop,” he hissed. His eyes darted to her face.

  Diamond was so surprised by his urgent plea that she instantly stilled and stared up at him, shock making her limp. Seconds later he relaxed his arms.

  A familiar tug. Diamond whipped her head to where Hugo watched. Relief and alarm vied for supremacy in her heart. Hugo must have agreed to something terrible for Lord Commander Ream to re
lease his bonds and allow him to fly free. Whatever it was, Hugo made no move to approach them. Attion glanced at Hugo, then down at Diamond, giving her a small nod of thanks. She scowled, not trusting this astounding change in Attion. His embrace remained gentle, and every now and then he glanced down.

  They landed in neat formation on the manicured grass in front of the Queen’s tower, and Attion dropped her feet to the ground, putting a large hand on her back to steady her. Recoiling from him and realising she was free, Diamond bolted to Hugo.

  “Commander Casimir! Control your prisoner—now!” ordered Lord Commander Ream.

  Before her mind could process that order, Hugo grabbed her wrist. She shrieked as he twisted and flipped her body over. In one swift seamless move, she was face-first into the ground, her back and arm pinned under his knee. Pain exploded up into her shoulder.

  “Keep still,” he warned heartlessly.

  But Diamond didn’t hear him. Panic bloomed through her chest, and she writhed and panted, fear and confusion stealing her sense; even the agony of her arm paled into nothing. Hugo was doing this to her, he had chosen his Queen over her…. Through her haze of anxiety and tears, she heard slow deliberate footsteps approach.

  “Commander Casimir, move.” It was a sharp, resolute order; with an unquestioning belief that Hugo would not disobey.

  Hugo immediately complied. His weight disappeared. Diamond did not understand what was happening. Why is Hugo doing this? A groan of relief slipped by her lips as her shoulder joint moved back into place.

  “Attion. Get her up. Your commander will not dirty his hands with this filth any longer.”

  “Hugo…?” she implored, looking up. Her voice was a pained whisper, a plea from her heart to the one who was tearing it in two. Those beautiful sapphire eyes looked away, and she felt her hope dissipate like mist on the wind. One small step and rough hands grabbed her hair, yanking backwards. Diamond was forced onto her knees, she gave up trying to control her breathing. Wide-eyed, she looked up at the fae warrior in front of her. Attion met her gaze steadily. She saw the words on his face, ‘Don’t struggle—please.’ It took all her self-control to not fight, but Attion’s grip loosened and he pulled her to her feet.


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