I Am A Lesbian

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I Am A Lesbian Page 8

by AnonYMous

  She looked towards the back seat to see how Debbie was doing. The sight there was surprising. Debbie was completely stretched out on the back seat, one leg dangling down. On their knees beside her, like two kneeling worshippers, Ralph and Frank had her skirt up around her waist and were both feeling her up. Their hands played between her legs and moved on right up to her crotch. Charisse was puzzled at Ralph's acceptance of Frank's intimate fondling of Debbie's pussy region. Debbie's eyes were wide open, but they seemed to be concentrating on the feeling the boy's busy hands were arousing, she was panting and low moans were coming from her parted lips. She didn't seem to mind the fact that both boys were caressing her so intimately and apparently so pleasurably. Charisse had only seen group sexual intercourse in the pictures of Debbie's scrapbook and never dreamed that she would soon be seeing it right before her very eyes. She was as if hypnotized by the sight of Debbie being worked over by the two boys.

  Ralph abruptly pulled her sweater over her head, and at the sight of Debbie's brassiere-clad breasts couldn't help beginning to kiss the satiny skin between her cleavage. He slowly began to edge his fingers under her bra cups, and began to play and tweak her big pink nipples. Suddenly, one of his hands undid her bra clasp and her titties practically popped out of the top of the slack bra.

  "That feels so good," Debbie breathed as he began to touch and rub her nipples until they were stiffly erect. Then he began to massage the breasts themselves, kneading them with his strong fingers. Debbie's asscheeks began to wriggle with the sheer sensation he was producing in her body. Ralph kept on massaging her tits and then lifted the bra up completely.

  "You really do have some pair of knockers, Debbie," he panted. "I just love to squeeze them in my hands!"

  Charisse was growing more embarrassed by the second, for Debbie as well as herself. She knew the boys in the front seat were aware of what was happening to Debbie in the back seat and that she was watching, too fascinated to turn away. Jerry and George both smiled knowingly at each other; they knew that Charisse was getting plenty warmed up by watching the back seat sexual play.

  Charisse was actually beginning to feel her cuntjuice begin to flow, a sure sign of arousal in her. The two boys in the back were pictures of obscene lust as one continued to feel Debbie's tits and the other around her pussy. She wondered why Debbie was letting them practically disrobe her and screw her when there were three of her friends right in the front seat.

  Frank's hand was running up and down over her bush-hair as Debbie wriggled her ass every time Ralph squeezed her nipples or her titties. The next time she wriggled her hips, Frank put his hand right under her buttocks. His face burned with lust as he felt her tender, lush asscheeks. He groaned with desire as the feel of her ass began to drive him wild

  "Hold on, you bugger," Ralph said, "don't try to hog everything for yourself."

  They all acted as if they were completely alone, so immersed were the boys and Debbie in their frigging around. Debbie began churning her asscheeks lustfully, and this gave Frank a chance to put his hands right inside her panties, feeling her thick black bush with his fingers. He worked away at her bush and gradually began to move her panties downward until they no longer covered her pussy, but were practically at her knees.

  As her pussy was completely exposed, Frank began to feel for her cunt. His hands touched her pink, wet cuntlips and then he parted them with his fingers. As Debbie felt him touch her cunt, her thighs quivered with ecstasy and she spread her legs apart a little more. Frank's hands now could play with and fondle her pussy without any hindrance.

  Ralph was still playing with her lush tits, which were heaving and bouncing voluptuously with the turning of her ass as Frank fooled around with her twat. Ralph was just as excited by her knockers as Frank was with her cunt. He buried his face between them and slobbered up and down each tit, kissing each nipple in turn. Charisse could see that the pinkly erect nipples were covered with Ralph's glistening saliva.

  Frank's fingers were still playing with her bush and her cuntlips. First his fingers massaged near the apex of her cuntlips, where her clitoris was becoming very erect, then they would slip down a bit to the entrance of her cunt. Suddenly he pushed two of his fingers right into Debbie's cunthole.

  Debbie gasped as the fingers sank in up to his knuckles and her asscheeks wriggled with pleasure.

  "You really have a very sexy cunt, baby!" Frank muttered hoarsely as he slid his fingers in and out of her slippery hole. He had his face so close to Debbie's twat that Charisse expected him to suck her cunt momentarily. Ralph was mouthing her nipples and trying to suck her whole breast into his mouth with such gusto, that it looked like titty was his favorite dish. Frank didn't actually suck Debbie's cunt, he just had his lips on her thighs, kissing and nibbling them as he kept up his rhythmic finger-fucking of her twat.

  Debbie was making small, squealing, pleasurable sounds as the two lust-crazed youths in the back worked her over, Ralph on her tits and Frank on her cunt. How could Debbie do this, Charisse wondered, how could she expose her intimate parts practically to public view? How could she let two men fondle her while she knew Charisse and the other two boys could see everything that was going on?

  Charisse, in the meantime, had her problems. George's strong hand was now squeezing one of her tits, while Jerry's hands were running up and down her inner thighs, and brushing up against her crotch. Each of these guys' hands like an octopus and they all seemed to be feeling an imitate part of her body at the same time.

  "Hey you characters in the back seat!" George suddenly grumbled. "You better cut out all that horny smooching around, or you'll be all outa steam by the time we get to the party!!"

  Charisse thought she heard Debbie whisper, "Tell them to mind their own frigging business . . . " but she wasn't sure she heard right.

  She was having a rough time with these boys feeling her up as if they were about to rape her any minute now. Debbie was actually having a good time, from the way things looked and sounded on the back seat, but Charisse was uncomfortable because of the vulgar way they were feeling her up. And to top it off, she could feel her clitoris hardening with excitement and her cuntjuice dribbling between her cuntlips as she herself was becoming aroused in spite of herself. It was a real weird situation and she hoped the car would reach the party quickly. The way things were going, somebody in the back seat might shoot a hot load of sperm right over into the front seat anytime now . . . she didn't want to receive it down her neck, or full in the face as she watched!

  All of a sudden she saw Frank open his fly as he was kissing Debbie's thighs. He took his huge thick cock in his right hand and cradled it there as his lips worked up to Debbie's cunt. She could see his tongue part Debbie's wet, pink cuntlips and then his whole mouth was cuntlapping Debbie's twat as if it were the best thing he had ever tasted in his life.

  As his tongue reached her clitoris, Debbie squealed, "If you keep that up you're gonna make me come right here in the car . . . aaaaaagh!"

  Frank was jerking off his own cock with his other hand, moving the foreskin rapidly up and down, exposing and then covering the head of his huge dong as he cuntlapped Debbie.

  "The hell with the party," Frank lifted his head and muttered, "I'm gonna put my cock up your twat right now before I go crazy . . . I don't want to waste the load of hot come I been saving just for you on the goddamn seat cushion!

  "Lay off, Romeo," she heard Ralph growl. "You know the rules, I fuck my girl first! You know you're not supposed to even screw another guy's girl unless he's given you permission.

  Frank still was working the foreskin on his cock back and forth, but he made no move to shove it up Debbie's cunt.

  "C'mon, buddy," Ralph continued, "button up that cock of yours so that you arrive at the party looking like a gentleman . . . "

  Frank stopped jerking off as he heard Ralph speak, but his cock was still out in the open. He let out a yell as Ralph grabbed his cock and tried to push the rigid dick back into Frank's

  "Leggo my cock, you bastard!" Frank shouted "Can't you see I got to wait until my hard-on goes down before I can get this dick back in my pants?"

  Debbie's asscheeks were still churning on the seat, she had gotten so hot with Frank's cuntlapping that she had an irresistible urge to come. She had almost hoped that Frank would have shoved his cock in and fucked her then and there. His dick was so thick and virile that she probably would have come with just those plunges of his prick into her cunt. Ralph was still playing with her lush knockers, and that wasn't helping matters any either.

  "You know, babe," he told her, "I can practically see the steam rising from your pussy, you're so damned horny tonight! Just save all that heat till we get to the party and then you can serve us hot pussy a' la carte!"

  "You're mean," Debbie pleaded, "you know damn well I can come ten times to your one–so why don't you at least let Frankie finish me off this once with his mouth . . . there'll still be plenty left to go around at the party!"

  Ralph kept quiet and just kneaded her tits, while Frank kept away from her twat.

  "We're going to get to the party soon, now,"' Jerry said, "so make yourselves look respectable, you shameless people!"

  Charisse tried to smooth her ruffled skirt and adjust her blouse and her hair, all at the same time. She knew she must look like an awful mess. What a way to show up at a party!

  "You don't look half-bad, baby," George said to her, "but your friend in the back looks as if she's just done a strip-tease!"

  And as a matter of fact, Debbie did look practically naked as she fumbled with her bra and tried to pull up her panties again, on the back seat. Ralph very carefully helped her put her tits in the bra cups, giving each one a farewell feel as he closed the snap. Then he just as carefully helped her pull up her panties, giving her bush and cuntlips a good feel in the process.

  "With helping hands like yours, who needs to get laid?" Debbie quipped with a grin on her face as she wriggled her twat away from his questing fingers.

  As Charisse looked out the car window she could see nothing but darkness, night was all around, enveloping the ear. A little uneasy about the desolate appearance of the area, she asked where they were. Upon being told they were in the country, about fifteen miles from town, she felt more relieved. It seemed that the boy's friend, the one who was throwing the party, liked the peace and isolation of the suburbs.

  "I'd like a shot of some of that firewater you braves have been drinking tonight. Just to settle my stomach; I'm a little shaky after all that backseat fooling around . . . " Debby said.

  "But of course, Countess," Ralph said with more gallantry, handing her a silver flask. "Have one on me!"

  Debby tilted the flask and took a few swallows. She lifted the flask from her lips and started coughing and choking.

  "Wow! what did you put in your flask, liquid nitroglycerin? I feel as if the top of my head's just blown off!!" Debbie said in a hoarse whisper.

  "That's some real corn-likker from Carolina!" Ralph said smiling. "It's uncut just as it comes from the still. A friend of mine sends it to me. Down there they call it 'white lightnin'!"

  "Well, I sure feel as if the 'white lightnin' struck me," Debby said. "Want to try some of this, Charisse?"

  Charisse really didn't want any of the potent stuff, but she wanted to be considered a good sport by the group, so she took a generous slug. The moment she had downed the corn liquor, she started to sputter and cough even worse than Debbie had. But just to build up the image of a "good girl" before the boys and Debbie, she gamely took another couple of shots from the flask. She really did feel as if she had been struck by lightning this time, but she didn't cough or sputter as the liquor burned its way down her stomach.

  Now the car was pulling into a long, rustic driveway flanked by a double row of majestic-looking pine trees. Even though her head was reeling, Debbie could see a big, rustic type of house looming up at the end of the driveway.

  The boys stopped in the driveway and parked the car near the cabin. As they piled out, Charisse could see that there were some other cars around and hoped that the people at the party would turn out to be nicer than the boys they were with. As she got out of the car, she felt a little shaky and nauseous, but she put it down less to the drink of "white lightning" than the crude mauling she had been subjected to. As she began to head for the house, she felt much better–perhaps she had been too cramped on the front seat in addition to the bold "petting" she had undergone.

  "Hey, wait for us," Jerry called after her, as she headed for the door, "the owner is a stranger to you and you need us to introduce you."

  "This place looks deserted," Charisse exclaimed as she approached, "are you sure we've come to the right house?"

  "Oh, it's the right place all right," Jerry laughed, "maybe they've turned the lights out to play kissing games!"

  Charisse wondered how Debbie felt about the situation, but apparently Debbie felt confidence in Ralph and his friends because all she said was "Let's get inside already, I'm getting cold standing around in this night air . . . "

  Now Charisse began to doubt the wisdom of having gone on this date altogether. True, she wanted to be accepted by Debbie and her boy friends, but she hadn't counted on two fellows as escorts for the night. This seemed to be what she was getting as she walked towards the door, flanked by George and Jerry. The whole thing was making her feel very nervous, she was completely prepared to have sexual relations with her date; after all, she was no longer a virgin. But she had read newspaper stories of "gang-bangs" and "line-ups" by groups of horny youths and men, and memories of the terrible ordeals of unprotected girls were making her jittery.

  Much to her surprise, the character who welcomed them at the door turned out to be a woman. Sally, as she was introduced, was a woman in her early thirties. Extremely attractive and with a voluptuous figure which the hippie costume of an oversized maroon silk blouse, festooned with beads, and tight slacks scarcely concealed, she said in a low contralto voice, "Peace, children! Welcome to the hash bash–come in and refresh your weary souls with a short trip!"

  Jerry told Sally who the girls were and the exotically dressed woman bowed to them with a somewhat mocking smile on her full lips and motioned them all inside.

  "Where are we supposed to sit?" Charisse whispered to Jerry. "I don't see any chairs!"

  "There aren't any," he answered, "you just sit on some of those pillows and rugs.

  The only furniture in the place seemed to consist of queer wrought-iron floor lamps which had flickering candles instead of electric lights, a couple of low coffee tables, and piles of multi-colored cushions and rugs strewn around haphazardly. A record player was turned on low, but Charisse could see no couples dancing to the rock music. As a matter of fact, the only other people as Charisse's eyes became accustomed to the dim light seemed to be exclusively boys.

  Seeing the strained look on Charisse's and Debbie's face, Sally said, Oh, we expect some more couples later on. Up until you girls came it's been more or less of a stag evening. But do find a comfortable spot and take it easy while I bring you some refreshments."

  "Look, George, are there going to be any more girls at this party tonight?" Charisse asked with a strained look on her face. "This looks like a stag party we dropped in on by mistake! And what kind of 'refreshments' is Sally bringing up? After that 'white lightning' in the car, I don't think I could touch another drop of liquor tonight.

  "Aren't you the worry wart!" Debbie laughed instead of giving her the moral support she was looking for. "Relax and enjoy yourself, the boys and Sally are O.K."

  "You might as well know, Charisse, Ralph chimed in, "that you're in for a great experience–we're all going on a trip via some LSD. That's the refreshment that Sally supplies and it's out of this world, kid!"

  "But I've heard that some people go out of their minds after taking LSD," Charisse quavered as she sat on a pile of cushions next to Jerry and George.

  "Ah, that's just
'square' propaganda, they try to padlock all the real groovy things in life . . . " Jerry said. "There's nothing to be afraid of, we've taken 'trips' at Sally's place. You'll like it once you try it . . . "

  She looked towards Debbie, but her friend was lying against a pile of cushions nearby, and Ralph and Frank were busily feeling her up already.

  "Well, here are our 'tickets' for the trip," George said, as Sally approached them with a tray on which there were tall glasses of Coke with ice cubes tinkling inside. Next to each glass of Coke there was a small china saucer with a cube of white sugar gleaming in the center. George took a Coke and a saucer with the sugar for Jerry, Charisse and himself.

  "The thing I like about Sally's place is that her LSD is always pure, the only time you get a bad trip is when the stuff's been cut or doctored up to save money," Jerry told Charisse.

  "Now just do exactly what I do," George told Charisse. He took the sugar cube, put it between his teeth and began to sip the Coke. "The idea is to dissolve the sugar slowly, and then you just sit back and relax . . . "


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