Dangerous Relations

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Dangerous Relations Page 5

by Marilyn Levinson

"I'd like to go over and sock him one in the gut."

  Alarmed, she put her hand on his arm. "You won't, will you?"

  Brett snorted. "And screw up my chances to adopt Leonie? Not on your life. Still, I hate the slimy creep. For sneaking around with Suziette. For what he did to you."

  Now that she was assured there'd be no scene, Ardin felt gratified some of his fury was on her behalf. "If you feel this way about Corey, how can you even consider doing business with Frank?"

  Brett shrugged. "Corey's not involved in the deal. Besides, I don't hold Frank responsible for his son's behavior. Especially after he told me how much he regretted Corey's affair with Suziette."

  "So you're heeding the voice of reason."

  "And decided not to buy my next car from Corey's dealership."

  A waiter was reciting the evening's specials to Corey and his wife. "They live half an hour's drive from here," Ardin said. "I wish they'd stay in Pembroke."

  "Maybe they will," Brett mused, "after tonight."

  She sipped her coffee and poked at her chocolate cake. Brett resumed his interrupted story, but she couldn't take in one word. Corey was here in the restaurant. He acted as though he hadn't seen her, but he always knew exactly where she was. Always found her when she'd hidden to get away from him. Even yesterday at the funeral, he'd watched as she helped Aunt Julia into the limo.

  What if he walked over and struck her? Her breathing turned ragged as the horrible possibility filled her mind.

  "I won't be bitter if you won't be frightened."

  Brett's hand on her arm made her jump, but his look of concern brought her back to reality. She was here with Brett. Corey sat with his new wife. She told herself she was safe, and listened to the rest of his story.

  She visited the Ladies' Room while Brett settled the bill. She hummed as she combed her hair, and then stepped into the narrow hallway, eager to return to Brett.

  The sight of Corey approaching froze her where she stood.

  "Hello, Ardin. Always nice to get a warm greeting from your ex-wife."

  The narrow hallway gave their forced proximity an unpleasant intimacy. Run! Run back to the dining room where you're safe.

  Ardin took a deep breath, remembered her two years of therapy, and held her ground.

  "Maybe you don't deserve any greeting. Excuse me." She moved to pass him.

  "But you don't mind eating dinner with a murderer."

  His words were like a lasso. They squeezed tight, wouldn't let her go. She turned to face him. "I wouldn't go around saying that, unless you want to be slapped with a suit for slander."

  Corey stepped closer. "You can't get sued for telling the truth."

  The smell of liquor on his breath made her cringe. Liquor always set him off. But she refused to give in to her fear. She thrust back her shoulders, glared into his face. "Give me a break. We both know lies are more your style."

  She strode away. Shuddered when he chased after her.


  His smirk was gone. "Suziette was scared stiff of her handsome hubby. And that, I swear, is the truth."

  She hadn't realized how high the evening out with Brett had raised her spirits until they came crashing down. Surely Corey was lying.

  Against her will, her suspicions about Brett flared back to life. Suziette's infidelities had set off a raging anger inside him. Still, she told herself, that didn't mean he was a wife beater. It didn't mean he'd killed Suziette.

  "Could be Suziette got upset because Brett made it clear he didn't like her screwing around," she said. "Did you ever think of that?"

  Corey's flush spread from his forehead to his throat. "She showed me the black and blue marks on her arms."

  The dark humor of that brought on a burst of uncontrollable laughter. "She showed you the marks? Now that's really funny."

  "Ardin, listen!" Corey called, but this time Ardin kept right on going.

  * * * *

  Brett hummed as he paid the bill, adding a generous tip for Tim. The food, the service, and especially Ardin's company had been top rate. He considered the evening a success.

  He'd followed his instincts, and this time they'd led him in the right direction--to Ardin. She was intelligent and clear-sighted, and as good as admitted that Leonie would be best off in his care. His next step was to help her overcome her misguided sense of loyalty to her aunt and take action on behalf of Leonie's best interests. Julia would follow her lead. With both Ardin and Julia on his side, the court had to grant him the guardianship.

  "Brett, can we leave now?"

  The tension in her voice grabbed his attention. She stood before him, clearly desperate. Why was her face so wan, all expression shut down?

  "What's wrong?"

  "I ran into Corey outside the bathrooms."

  "Unlucky you." Brett watched Corey take his seat and lean across the table to clasp his wife's hand. But the tilt of his head told him Corey knew damn well they were talking about him.

  He clenched his fists. "Someone needs to teach him a lesson."

  "Brett!" Her voice came out strangled.

  Now he was embarrassing her. "Let's get out of here!" He took her elbow, felt her balk, and then acquiesce. He led her outside.

  The April air was chilly now, as frosty as the ice maiden at his side. He wanted Ardin back, the Ardin whose company he'd so thoroughly enjoyed. He was a man of action, and so--not knowing what else to do--tried to make light of the situation. "I suppose we have to get used to Corey being part of the Thornedale scenery."

  "I don't have to get used to anything," she said. "Friday morning, I'm out of here."

  Her words sent his mood plummeting. "I wish you weren't leaving."

  "Don't worry. I'll cross the Hudson River whenever my mother or aunt needs me."

  "That's not what I mean." They got into the Jeep. He slammed his door harder than he'd intended and headed for her mother's apartment.

  They went the first block without speaking. Brett felt a tweak of annoyance. Why were women so temperamental? So easily upset? What could Corey have said that had the power to drain Ardin of all joy?

  Idiot! His hand flew to his forehead. It didn't much matter what Corey said. He used to beat her, for God's sake.

  He wanted to put his arm around her and draw her close, let her know that he'd never treat her badly. But he knew better than to even take her hand. She was feeling miserable and vulnerable right now.

  Damn Corey for upsetting her this way. For ruining the most enjoyable evening he'd had in months.

  "I'm meeting with my lawyer tomorrow," he said, for something to say.

  "Good." Ardin blinked, and then pursed her lips. He watched her shift gears into attorney mode. "Best to move on it as soon as possible. There are strategies to plan, more forms to be filled out and filed."

  She was blowing him off and slipping away, and he didn't like it one bit. "Why don't you come out with Leonie and me tomorrow?"

  Ardin shook her head. "I don't think so, Brett. I'd be intruding."

  "No you wouldn't." He toned down the urgency in his voice, but he had to convince her to come. "We'll spend some time in the park, then have a bite to eat."

  He watched her nibble at her lips in the most adorable way as she thought it over. "I know Leonie would want you to come."

  "How do you know that?"

  "She likes her Cousin Ardin. She's told me so plenty of times."

  "I bet." She looked pleased.

  Brett pulled into a spot in front of the apartment building and gave her his full attention. "So-o-o-o, Ardin. Is that a yes?"

  A long minute passed before she said, "I suppose it is."

  A blast of joy shot through his body. He reached over to hug her. Then, without planning or thinking, he kissed her.

  Her lips were as soft as velvet. Pliant, yielding. A Roman candle went off inside his body. He used his tongue to explore her mouth.

  Ardin moaned and moved closer into his embrace.

  He combed his fing
ers through her long, silky hair. God, she was luscious, every bit of her sensuous and beautiful.

  She turned her head and the kiss ended. When he tried to revive it, she pressed her hands against his chest--hard. The separation was painful. His breath came in gasps, as though he'd been cut off from his vital source of oxygen.

  "Good night, Brett." Thank God she was smiling.

  "I'll escort you upstairs."

  "Not necessary. Thanks for a great evening."

  Agile as a cat, she slid out of the Jeep and disappeared inside the building.


  Now that was a total no brainer, Ardin scolded herself as she unlocked the door. She grinned, knowing she wasn't in the mood for a lecture. Her heart was still beating wildly from the glorious way the evening had ended. She caught a glimpse of herself in the medicine chest mirror--lipstick smeared, hair mussed--and burst into giggles. Someone would thing she'd been out on the town carousing. Which she had been, in a sense. Drinking and dining and laughing, for God's sake.

  "And kissing," she said aloud, and pressed the back of her hand to her mouth. "We mustn't forget kissing."

  Kissing Brett had been the most delightful experience. It would have to serve as a beautiful memory because she definitely wouldn't allow it to happen again. The emotional baggage she toted around put the kibosh on any future romance. She couldn't help it--when it came to men, her level of trust was subzero.

  Ardin put on her nightgown, and returned to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She winced as she recalled her conversation with Corey. Two minutes of his lies were enough to make her cast Brett as Mr. Hyde. She had no idea why Corey claimed Suziette had been afraid of Brett, nor did it matter. Corey was a liar, and Brett was a man of his word.

  Ah, Brett. The kiss and its magical potency had stunned both of them. Still, she'd better not forget Brett had one thing on his mind--adopting Leonie. He considered Ardin a friend sympathetic to his cause.

  The long day and previous restless night sent her to sleep the minute her head hit the pillow. And then, for the second time in two nights, she was awakened, this time by the incessant ringing of the phone.

  "'Lo," she mumbled into the receiver.

  "Hello, Ms. Wesley? Ardin? This is Detective Rabe."

  Ardin's heart shot up to her throat. "Yes? What's wrong?"

  "I'm afraid your aunt's suffered a massive coronary. She's in the Intensive Care Unit at Halliday Hospital. She'd like you to go to her home to look after her grandchild."

  Ardin sat in frozen disbelief as she absorbed the detective's words.

  "Are you still there?" Rabe said.

  "Yes, yes. I just--" She thought a moment, then she said, "Why are you calling? Does this have something to do with Suziette's murder?"

  After a pause, he said, "We've checked the house inside and out. There's no sign of a break-in, or of injury to your aunt."

  "Thank God for that! Where's Leonie? Don't tell me she's all alone!"

  "Of course not. A policewoman's there, looking after her."

  Ardin jumped out of bed. "I'm on my way."

  Numb from shock, she changed into jeans and a polo. She packed a small bag of her belongings and hurried to her car. A policeman met her as she pulled into Aunt Julia's driveway. He told Ardin the grounds and the house had been thoroughly searched. His partner, a pretty blonde woman in her thirties, opened the front door. She held her finger to her lips.

  "Officer Clarence, Ms. Wesley," she said softly. "Sorry about your aunt. Leonie finally fell asleep."

  "Thanks for looking after her."

  Ardin peered into the living room--at the rumpled sofa cushions and the empty take-out coffee cups scattered about the coffee table. Clearly, several policemen had come and gone, checking things out.

  Officer Clarence left, and Ardin went upstairs to look in on Leonie. She lay flat on her back with one arm around Mr. Bonkers, her blue eyes open wide.

  Ardin forced a smile. "Hi, Leonie. I thought you were asleep."

  "I pretended. They took Grannie to the hospital."

  "I know." Ardin sat beside the child. Leonie remained solemn and still, except for the hand reaching out to her.

  "Is she going to die like Mommy?"

  A chill permeated Ardin's body. "I don't think so. She's a tough old bird."

  "Now I can go home and live with Daddy forever and ever."

  "You'll be with your daddy tomorrow night. But after that, we'll see."

  Leonie squeezed her hand. "Will you be here when I wake up?"

  Ardin had to swallow the lump in her throat before she could speak. "Of course I'll be here. Right in the spare bedroom across the hall."

  Leonie yawned. "Goodie. See you in the morning, Cousin Ardin."

  "Good night, sweetie." Ardin kissed her forehead and left the room, leaving the door ajar.

  She stopped at the threshold to Suziette's room. It was exactly as her cousin had left it when she'd moved out at the age of nineteen. A hand-made multicolored quilt covered the four-poster bed. Posters of movie heartthrobs and rock groups popular seven years ago, their corners curling, splashed across the walls.

  "Look at all the trouble you've caused," Ardin said softly. She shivered, imagining her cousin's silvery laugh mocking her.

  Ardin entered the smallest bedroom and, for the second time that evening, changed into her nightgown. As she drifted off to sleep, it struck her that life suddenly offered possibilities she'd never allowed herself to imagine. The successor guardianship wasn't a legal contingency off in the wild blue yonder, but something plausible and real. She could be Leonie's guardian and watch her grow and change from day to day, keep her safe and sound. Ardin nestled under the covers and fell asleep with a smile on her lips.

  * * * *

  "Get up, Cousin Ardin, or I'll be late for school."

  Tiny hands tugged at her arm. Ardin opened her eyes and for a moment had no idea where she was. She looked into Leonie's animated face and remembered.

  "Are you sure you want to go to school today?"

  Leonie looked exasperated. "Of course I do. Don't I, Mr. Bonkers?"

  Ardin noticed the plush giraffe on her quilt. Leonie scooped him into her arms as Ardin stepped out of bed. "I'll be in the kitchen starting breakfast," Leonie told her. "Hurry!"

  Ardin used the bathroom, and then went downstairs. Leonie was at the kitchen table drinking orange juice. She'd dressed herself, Ardin noticed, except that her sneakers were untied and her long blonde hair needed care.

  "What do you like to eat for breakfast?"

  Leonie wrinkled her nose. "Not that awful cereal Grannie makes me eat."

  Ardin smiled. "Would you rather have toast and jam?"

  Blue eyes lit up. "Right on! Strawberry, please."

  Ardin put up toast and started a pot of coffee for herself.

  "Daddy's taking me to the playground after school," Leonie said.

  "Yes, I know." Ardin suddenly felt shy. "He invited me to come along. Would you like me to?" She held her breath while Leonie thought this over.

  "Sure," she finally said. "We'll have fun. Daddy is the greatest."

  The toast popped up. Ardin spread jam and cut it into pieces for Leonie.

  Leonie took a bite. With her mouth full, she said, "Are you going to visit Grannie today?"

  "Yes. I'll give her your love."

  "And a big kiss."

  After breakfast, Ardin brushed Leonie's hair and promised repeatedly she wouldn't forget to drop off Leonie's backpack filled with necessities for her overnight at Brett's. Hand-in-hand, they waited outside for the school bus to arrive. As the yellow bus came barreling down the street, Leonie threw her arms around Ardin.

  "See you later, Cousin Ardin. Don't let anything happen to you."

  Ardin waved until the bus disappeared from sight. The unaccustomed morning activity after a night of broken sleep left her exhausted. But the pleasure of Leonie's company had her humming as she straightened up the kitchen. What a bundle of ene
rgy! Not yet four-years-old, Leonie was a person in her own right and full of surprises.

  Half an hour later, she hopped in her car and headed for the hospital. She'd called earlier and was told Aunt Julia was resting and wanting to speak to her. She found her aunt in a small private room, hooked up to IVs and monitors. There was no way she could kiss her cheek, so Ardin patted her hand.

  "Thank you for coming, dear." Julia waved to the chair beside the bed. "Please sit down so we can talk."

  Ardin perched on the edge of the chair.

  "First of all, how is Leonie?"

  "Fine. She said to give you a kiss."

  A smile spread across Julia's face. "My little sunshine. She's the only reason I have to go on living."

  "Aunt Julia! Don't talk like that."

  Her aunt gave her a wan smile. "Don't worry, Ardin, I'm not suicidal. But I've a long recovery ahead of me, and I'm in no position to look after Leonie."

  Ardin's heart began to pound. She hadn't let herself think beyond today, but she knew what she was about to say, even as the words formed in her mind.

  "I'll stay and look after Leonie."

  Her aunt's eyes widened in concern. "Are you sure, Ardin?"

  "I'm sure."

  "But your job! I wouldn't want you to lose it. Maybe Brett could take her. Yesterday he told me--"

  "No!" Ardin's voice rang sharply through the small room. "I mean, I'll stay at your house and take care of Leonie until you're better. Then you can decide what you want to do."

  Her aunt sighed deeply. "Well, if you're sure that's what you want. It takes a big load off my shoulders. Then afterwards--"

  Ardin squeezed Julia's hand. "We'll talk about afterwards when you're up to it. Now get some rest. I'll come visit tomorrow."

  * * * *

  Vera was less enchanted with Ardin's decision to remain in Thornedale. Ardin was forced to listen to her mother's objections as she pushed the wheelchair along the path circling the lawn behind the residence's buildings.

  "First of all, you know nothing about children. Second of all, or maybe first of all, you could lose your job."

  Ardin braked the wheelchair beside a bench and sat down. "I might. Tom was furious when I told him I wouldn't be back on Monday."

  "All the more reason to let Brett take Leonie."


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