David Baldacci

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David Baldacci Page 9

by Wish You Well (v5)

  “That a good girl, never held your milk afore. We take care of you,” Eugene said soothingly to Bran. “Okay, that’s right good,” he said to Oz, who stopped pumping and stepped back, waiting. Eugene set the pump aside and motioned for Lou to take his place on the stool. He guided her hands to Bran’s teats and showed her how to grip them properly and also how to rub them to get them supple to help the flow.

  “We done pumped her up, now we got to get her dry. You pull hard, Miss Lou, Old Bran ain’t caring none. Got to get her milk to run. That what be hurting her bad.”

  Lou pulled tentatively at first, and then started to hit her stride. Her hands worked efficiently, and they all heard the air escaping from the udder. It made small, warm clouds in the cold air.

  Oz stepped forward. “Can I try?”

  Lou got up and Eugene moved Oz in, set him up. Soon he was pulling as well as Lou, and finally drips of milk appeared at the ends of the teats.

  “You doing good, Mr. Oz. You done pulled cow teat up there in the city?”

  They all laughed over that one.

  Three hours later, Lou and Oz were no longer laughing. They had milked the other two cows—one heavy with calf, Louisa told them—which had taken half an hour each; carried four large buckets of water into the house; and then lugged four more from the springhouse for the animals. That was followed by two loads of wood and three of coal to fill the house’s wood and coal bins. Now they were slopping the hogs, and their chore list only seemed to be growing.

  Oz struggled with his bucket and Eugene helped him get it over the top rail. Lou dumped hers and then stepped back.

  “I can’t believe we have to feed pigs,” she said.

  “They sure eat a lot,” added Oz, as he watched the creatures attack what appeared to be liquid garbage.

  “They’re disgusting,” said Lou, as she wiped her hands on her overalls.

  “And they give us food when we need it.”

  They both turned and saw Louisa standing there, a full bucket of corn feed for the chickens in hand, her brow already damp with sweat, despite the coolness. Louisa picked up Lou’s empty slop bucket and handed it to her. “Snow come there’s no going down the mountain. Have to store up. And they’re hogs, Lou, not pigs.” Lou and Louisa held a silent stare-down for a half dozen heartbeats, until the sound of the car coming made them look toward the farmhouse.

  It was an Oldsmobile roadster, packing all of forty-seven horsepower and a rumble seat. The car’s black paint was chipped and rusted in numerous places, fenders dented, skinny tires near bald; and it had a convertible top that was open on this cold morning. It was a beautiful wreck of a thing.

  The man stopped the car and got out. He was tall, with a lanky body that both foretold a certain fragility and also promised exceptional strength. When he took off his hat, his hair was revealed as dark and straight, cutting a fine outline around his head. A nicely shaped nose and jawline, pleasant light blue eyes, and a mouth that had an abundance of laugh lines shimmying around it gave him a face that would prompt a smile even on a trying day. He appeared closer to forty than thirty. His suit was a two-piece gray, with a black vest and a gentleman’s watch the size of a silver dollar hanging from a heavy chain riding across the front of the vest. The pants were baggy at the knee, and the man’s shoes had long since given back their shine for good. He started to walk toward them, stopped, went back to his car, and pulled out a fat and battered briefcase.

  Absentminded, Lou thought to herself as she watched him closely. After meeting the likes of Hell No and Diamond, she wondered what odd moniker this stranger might have.

  “Who’s that?” Oz asked.

  Louisa said in a loud voice, “Lou, Oz, this here’s Cotton Longfellow, the finest lawyer round.”

  The man smiled and shook Louisa’s hand. “Well, since I’m also one of the very few lawyers round here, that’s a dubious distinction at best, Louisa.”

  His voice, a mixture of southern drawl and a New England rhythm, was unique to Lou. She could not place him to a particular area, and she was usually quite good at that. Cotton Longfellow! Lord, she had not been disappointed with the name.

  Cotton put down his briefcase and shook their hands solemnly, though there was an easy twinkle in his eye as he did so. “Very honored to meet you both. I feel like I know you from all that Louisa has told me. I’ve always hoped to meet you one day. And I’m right sorry it has to be under these circumstances.” He said the last with a gentleness that not even Lou could fault.

  “Cotton and I got things to talk about. After you slop the hogs, you help Eugene turn the rest of the livestock out and drop hay. Then you can finish gathering the eggs.”

  As Cotton and Louisa walked off, Oz picked up his bucket and happily went for some more slop. But Lou stared after Cotton and Louisa, clearly not thinking of hogs. She was wondering about a man with the strange name of Cotton Longfellow, who spoke sort of oddly and seemed to know so much about them. Finally, she eyed a four-hundred-pound hog that would somehow keep them from all starving come winter, and trudged after her brother. The walls of mountains seemed to close around the girl.


  COTTON AND LOUISA ENTERED THE HOUSE through the back door. As they headed down the hallway to the front room, Cotton stopped, his gaze holding through the partially opened door and into the room where Amanda lay in bed.

  Cotton said, “What do the doctors say?”

  “Men… tal trau… ma.” Louisa formed the strange words slowly. “That what the nurse call it.”

  They went to the kitchen and sat down in stump-legged chairs of hand-planed oak worn so smooth the wood felt like glass. Cotton pulled some papers from his briefcase and slid a pair of wire-rimmed spectacles from his pocket. He slipped them on and studied the papers for a moment, and then settled back, prepared to discuss them. Louisa poured out a cup of chicory coffee for him. He took a swallow and smiled. “If this don’t get you going, then you must be dead.”

  Louisa poured herself a cup and said, “So what’d you find out from them fellers?”

  “Your grandson didn’t have a will, Louisa. Not that it mattered much, because he also didn’t have any money.”

  Louisa looked bewildered. “With all his fine writing?”

  Cotton nodded. “As wonderful as they were, the books didn’t sell all that well. He had to take on other writing assignments to make ends meet. Also, Oz had some health problems when he was born. Lot of expenses. And New York City is not exactly cheap.”

  Louisa looked down. “And that ain’t all,” she said. He looked at her curiously. “Jack sent me money all these years, he did. I wrote him back once, told him it weren’t right for him to be doing it. Got his own family and all. But he say he were a rich man. He told me that! Wanted me to have it, he say, after all I done for him. But I ain’t really done nothing.”

  “Well, it seems Jack was planning to go write for a movie studio in California when the accident happened.”

  “California?” Louisa said the word like it was a malignancy, and then sat back and sighed. “That little boy always run circles round me. But giving me money when he ain’t got it. And curse me for taking it.” She stared off for a bit before speaking again. “I got me a problem, Cotton. Last three years of drought and ain’t no crops come in. Down to five hogs and gotta butcher me one purty soon. Got me three sows and one boar left over. Last litter more runts than anythin’. Three passable milking cows. Had one studded out, but she ain’t dropped her calf yet and I getting right worried. And Bran got the fever. Sheep getting to be more bother than anything. And that old nag ain’t do a lick of work no more, and eats me out of house and home. And yet that old girl done worked herself to death all these years for me.” She paused and drew a breath. “And McKenzie on down at the store, he ain’t giving no more credit to us folk up here.”

  “Hard times, Louisa, no denying that.”

  “I know I can’t complain none, this old mountain give me all it can
over the years.”

  Cotton hunched forward. “Well, the one thing you do have, Louisa, is land. Now, there’s an asset.” “Can’t sell it, Cotton. When time comes, it’ll go to Lou and Oz. Their daddy loved this place as much as me. And Eugene too. He my family. He work hard. He getting some of this land so’s he can have his own place, raise his own family. Only fair.”

  Cotton said, “I think so too.”

  “When them folks wrote to see if ’n I’d take the children, how could I not? Amanda’s people all gone, I’m all they got left. And a sorry savior I am, long past being worth a spit for farming.” Her fingers clustered nervously together, and she stared anxiously out the window. “I been thinking ’bout them all these years, wondering what they was like. Reading Amanda’s letters, seeing them pictures she sent. Just busting with pride over what Jack done. And them beautiful children.” She let out a troubled sigh, the deeply cut wrinkles on her long forehead like tiny furrows in a field.

  Cotton said, “You’ll get by, Louisa. You need me for anything, come up and help with the planting, the children, you just let me know. I’d be beyond proud to help you.”

  “G’on now, Cotton, you a busy lawyer.”

  “Folks up here don’t have much need for the likes of me. And maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Got a problem, go down to Judge Atkins over the courthouse and just talk it out. Lawyers just make things complicated.” He smiled and patted her hand. “It’ll be okay, Louisa. Those children being here with you is the right thing. For everybody.”

  Louisa smiled, and then her expression slowly changed to a frown. “Cotton, Diamond said some men coming round folks’ coal mines. Don’t like that.”

  “Surveyors, mineral experts, so I’ve heard.”

  “Ain’t they cutting the mountains up fast enough? Make me sick ever’ time I see another hole. I never sell out to the coal folk. Rip all that’s beautiful out.”

  “I’ve heard these folks are looking for oil, not coal.”

  “Oil!” she said in disbelief. “This ain’t Texas.”

  “Just what I’ve heard.”

  “Can’t worry about that nonsense.” She stood. “You right, Cotton, it’ll be just fine. Lord’ll give us rain this year. If not, well, I figger something out.”

  As Cotton rose to leave, he looked back down the hallway. “Louisa, do you mind if I stop in and pay my respects to Miss Amanda?”

  Louisa thought about this. “Another voice might do her good. And you got a nice way about you, Cotton. How come you ain’t never married?”

  “I’ve yet to find the good woman who could put up with the sorry likes of me.”

  In Amanda’s room, Cotton put down his briefcase and hat and quietly approached the bed. “Miss Cardinal, I’m Cotton Longfellow. It’s a real pleasure to meet you. I feel like I know you already, for Louisa has read me some of the letters you sent.” Amanda of course moved not one muscle, and Cotton looked over at Louisa.

  “I been talking to her. Oz too. But she ain’t never say nothing back. Don’t never even wiggle a finger.”

  “And Lou?” asked Cotton.

  Louisa shook her head. “That child’s gonna bust one day, all she keep inside.”

  “Louisa, it might be a good idea to have Travis Barnes from Dickens come up and look at Amanda.”

  “Doctors cost money, Cotton.”

  “Travis owes me a favor. He’ll come.”

  Louisa said quietly, “I thank you.”

  He looked around the room and noted a Bible on the dresser. “Can I come back?” he asked. Louisa looked at him curiously. “I thought I might, well, that I might read to her. Mental stimulation. I’ve heard of such. There are no guarantees. But if I can do nothing else well, I can read.”

  Before Louisa could answer, Cotton looked at Amanda. “It’ll be my real privilege to read to you.”


  AS DAWN BROKE,LOUISA,EUGENE,LOU, and Oz stood in one of the fields. Hit, the mule, was harnessed on a singletree to a plow with a turnover blade.

  Lou and Oz had already had their milk and cornbread in gravy for breakfast. The food was good, and filling, but eating by lantern light had already grown old. Oz had gathered chicken eggs while Lou had milked the two healthy cows under Louisa’s watchful eye. Eugene had split wood, and Lou and Oz had hauled it in for the cookstove and then carried buckets of water for the animals. Livestock had been turned out and hay dropped for them. And now, apparently, the real work was about to begin.

  “Got to plow unner this whole field,” said Louisa.

  Lou sniffed the air. “What’s that awful smell?”

  Louisa bent down, picked up some earth, and crumbled it between her fingers. “Manure. Muck the stalls ever fall, drop it here. Makes rich soil even better.”

  “It stinks,” said Lou.

  Louisa let the bits of dirt in her hand swirl away in the morning breeze as she stared pointedly at the girl. “You’ll come to love that smell.”

  Eugene handled the plow while Louisa and the children walked beside him.

  “This here’s a turnover blade,” Louisa said, pointing to the oddly shaped disc of metal. “You run it down one row, turn mule and plow round, kick the blade over, go down the row again. Throws up same furrows of dirt on both sides. It kicks up big clods of earth too. So’s after we plow, we drag the field to break up the clods. Then we harrow, makes the dirt real smooth. Then we use what’s called a laid-off plow. Gives you fine rows. Then we plant.”

  She had Eugene plow one row to show them how, and then Louisa kicked at the plow. “You look purty strong, Lou. You want’a give it a go?”

  “Sure,” she said. “It’ll be easy.”

  Eugene set her up properly, put the guide straps around her waist, handed her the whip, and then stepped back. Hit apparently summed her up as an easy mark, because he took off unexpectedly fast. Strong Lou very quickly got a taste of the rich earth.

  As Louisa pulled her up and wiped her face, she said, “That old mule had the best of you this time. Bet it won’t next go round.”

  “I don’t want to do this anymore,” Lou said, hiding her face with her sleeve, spitting up chunks of things she didn’t want to think about. Her cheeks were red, and tears edged from under her eyelids.

  Louisa knelt in front of her. “First time your daddy tried to plow, he your age. Mule took him on a ride ended in the crick. Took me the better part of a day to get him and that durn animal out. Your daddy said the same thing you did. And I decided to let him be about it.”

  Lou stopped brushing at her face, her eyes drying up. “And what happened?”

  “For two days he wouldn’t go near the fields. Or that mule. And then I come out here to work one morning and there he was.”

  “And he plowed the whole field?” Oz guessed.

  Louisa shook her head. “Mule and your daddy ended up in the hog pen with enough slop on both choke a bear.” Oz and Lou laughed, and then Louisa continued, “Next time, boy and mule reached an unnerstanding. Boy had paid his dues, and mule had had his fun, and them two made the best plow team I ever saw.”

  From across the valley there came the sound of a siren. It was so loud that Lou and Oz had to cover their ears. The mule snorted and jerked against its harness. Louisa frowned.

  “What is that?” Lou shouted.

  “Coal mine horn,” said Louisa.

  “Was there a cave-in?”

  “No, hush now,” Louisa said, her eyes scanning the slopes. Five anxious minutes passed by and the siren finally stopped. And then from all sides they heard the low rumbling sound. It rose around them like an avalanche coming. Lou thought she could see the trees, even the mountain, shaking. She gripped Oz’s hand and was thinking of fleeing, but she didn’t because Louisa hadn’t budged. And then the quiet returned.


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