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Protecting Their Home (To Love And Defend Book 4)

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by Daniella Starre

“Not from Detroit’s pack,” Alexis murmured in Olivia’s ear as if reading her mind.

  Olivia nodded. Good to know. If it came to a fight, she could go ahead and pound them to a bloody pulp.

  “When a lady says no, and the guy asks like he doesn’t understand that simple word, the lady tends to get pissed off. Sometimes, four-letter words come out.” Olivia shrugged. “Sorry.”

  The newcomer clasped his hands to his chest and burst out laughing. “You think you’re hilarious, don’t you?”

  “Not really.”

  “Good. Because you ain’t funny. You can’t go around talkin’ smack about my boy.”

  “Your ‘boy’ was harassing me. Now, I get that you don’t care—”

  “You’re right. I don’t care. If he wants you, he should be able to have you.”

  Olivia smiled. Their arrogance and disturbing behavior disgusted her. She had never been more repulsed in her life.

  “I have a voice and a say, and I say no. If I need to, I’ll use my voice to call the police.”

  “Go ahead.” The newcomer took five steps toward her. Only a car-length separated them. “By the time the police arrive, we all would’ve had a turn with you.”

  “You all can’t last very long then, can you?”

  Olivia prepared to duck if he took a swing at her. Instead, he gripped her shirt and lifted her into the air. She clawed at his hands, trying to kick him. Between her fright and his tight grip, she couldn’t concentrate enough to shift into her wolf.

  “Let’s see how cute you look without your tongue.”

  “Put her down,” Alexis said, her voice loud and clear, thundering.

  Olivia widened her eyes in shock. She had never heard her friend talk like that before.

  She really is an alpha female.

  Maybe the others heard that in her tone. The newcomer released his grip enough that Olivia pried herself free. She stumbled back to Alexis and bared her fangs. Her fingers were already claws. She took a step forward, ready to attack all of them at once, but Alexis grabbed her arm.

  “Come on. Let’s go.”

  The thug who wanted to have his way with Olivia took a step forward as if in protest, but none of them made a move to stop them. Alexis slammed her foot onto the gas, and the tires peeled as they drove out of the parking lot.

  So much for getting dessert. Girls’ night had been a disaster, and Olivia just wanted to collapse in her bed.

  After she locked and deadbolted her door and double checked that all of the windows were closed and locked too.

  Chapter 4

  Alexis insisted on walking Olivia to her apartment, which didn’t surprise her. When Alexis followed her inside, that did shock her.

  “I’m gonna spend the night,” Alexis said. “I already texted Jasper.”


  “No buts.” Alexis grinned and hugged her. “That’s what friends are for. You know you aren’t going to sleep tonight, right?”

  “I know, but you—”

  “I’ll keep you company. I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep either.” Alexis dropped onto the couch.

  Olivia locked and deadbolted the door and plunked down beside her friend. “Whoops. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Why not?” Alexis laughed. “I might not be pregnant yet, remember? And even if I was, I’m not made of glass.”

  “Still, I don’t want to do anything to hurt you.” Olivia pursed her lips.

  “I could go for some ice cream,” Alexis said.

  “Me too.” Olivia jumped up, rushed to the tiny kitchen, grabbed the carton of Neapolitan from the fridge and two spoons, and returned to the couch.

  “You even went grocery shopping already?” Alexis asked. “I’m impressed.”

  “Don’t understand why you’re so shocked,” Olivia muttered.

  Olivia dug in. Strawberry was her favorite, but there was something about chocolate and vanilla together that made her opt to get Neapolitan every time over just a half gallon of strawberry.

  The two of them ate straight from the carton, and for a time, they just talked and laughed and joked around.

  Eventually, though, Olivia couldn’t help bringing up the incident. “I can’t believe what happened. Who the hell did those wolves think they were?”

  “They acted like they owned the place,” Alexis said slowly. “I never saw or smelled one of them before.”

  Olivia waved her hand to dismiss the lot of them. “Why are all of the good werewolves already taken?”

  “Because they’re the good ones.” Alexis tilted her head to the side. “Although at certain times, they can be very, very naughty.”

  “Ugh. Alexis, come on!” Olivia pretended to use her spoon to gag herself.

  “There have to be more good werewolves out there,” Alexis said. “Look at Grayson Earle. He’s the alpha of the Detroit pack. How many other alphas would allow another pack to roam in his territory.”

  “A pack of three or four is hardly a pack,” Olivia said. “No offense but you aren’t a threat.”

  “We aren’t ever going to be a threat to him, but this pack…” Alexis shook her head. “I really hope they’re just passing through.”

  “Maybe they don’t even have a pack,” Olivia mused, but then she shook her head. “I don’t want to think about them. Want to watch a movie? Here.” She tossed Alexis the remote. “Find something good on Netflix. I’ll make us some popcorn.”

  “Olivia, I don’t want to gain twenty pounds my first month!” Alexis wailed as Olivia took the ice cream to put away.

  “Then, we’ll get a gym membership.”

  “Ugh. I’m holding you to that ‘we’!”

  Chapter 5

  The next morning, Olivia woke up. She slept surprisingly well, except when you considered that she had gone to bed at almost five in the morning and it was now nine-thirty.

  What had woken her? All disoriented and groggy, she rubbed her eyes and sat up in the bed. It wasn’t her bed. The apartment had come fully furnished, which was great since she wasn’t planning on being here long-term. Lugging all of her furniture to and from Toledo would’ve been a hassle she didn’t want to deal with.

  Yawning, she climbed out of bed and headed toward the living room when she heard voices and hesitated, listening.

  “I missed you,” Jasper was saying.

  “I missed you more.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes.

  “I’m not used to sleeping by myself anymore,” Jasper said.

  “Aw, did the bed feel empty?” Alexis teased.

  “My arms did.”

  There was a kissing sound.

  “My heart did.”

  More kissing, a squeal, and then a slap.

  “Jasper! Olivia’s trying to sleep.”

  Olivia slipped back to her room to give them some privacy if they did decide to do anything more than steal a few kisses. She loved them both. They were such a cute couple. Their affection, their love they shared for each other and their daughter, it was nothing short of amazing. No one had a tighter-knit family than the Romeros. Even Claire and Dan weren’t quite as close considering that Dan might be going back to work for the Werewolf Military Police again. Well, the Drakes were incredibly close too. Distance didn’t change that. Not really.

  As much as she hated herself for it, Olivia couldn’t help feeling jealous of Alexis, Claire, and Mandy. She wanted to be loved like all of her friends were. She wanted to experience it just once.

  That night, Olivia couldn’t sleep. She was too anxious, too worried. Something wasn’t right. Trouble was brewing ahead. She could feel it in the cold air.

  Despite the assholes from the club, Olivia opted to go for a walk. She headed in a random direction and eventually found an isolated park. It was closed, of course, given the late hour, but she went there. She shifted to her wolf, enjoying the transition, sinking deep into it, allowing every bit of her beast to come free.

  Without thinking, she sat down, tilted h
er head back, and let out a long, frustrated howl. Maybe she would never have the love she desired, and if that was the case, so be it. At the very least, she wanted peace and happiness. That wasn’t too much to ask for, was it?

  Protecting Their Home

  Grayson Earle's beloved wife died a year ago, and the werewolf is still grieving her. When assholes from another pack try to take advantage of Grayson's grief, Grayson's beta suggests that the alpha find himself a bride to try to cement his position of power.

  Enter Olivia Moreno who has moved to Detroit at the suggestion of her best friend Alexis Romero. Olivia's love life has been terrible lately, so why not marry the hot alpha? Even if the marriage will be fake. Even if she's attracted to him. Even if the asshole werewolves threaten her. Maybe Detroit will be her new home, and she and Grayson will do whatever they must to protect it.

  Chapter 1

  A year ago, Grayson Earle’s wife, the light of his life, the reason why the alpha howled, had died.

  Three hundred and sixty-five days ago.

  It had been sudden and unexpected. Werewolves could survive far more than humans could. They did not get sick, although cancer could threaten and claim their lives. Otherwise, werewolves could live well past one hundred and fifty years.

  But Patricia, his Patty, had lived to be thirty-five. Although she had been a year old than him, they had done everything together. They had been inseparable. From the moment he first met her, he knew she would be his wife.

  For a decade, they had been wed, the happiest ten years of his life. This past year, had been terrible. Grayson picked up his glass, downed the rest of the scotch and threw the glass into the fireplace.

  It was summer. He didn’t need the roaring fire. The destructive, flickering flames did little to soothe the beast within.

  For the third time that night, Grayson removed a glass and poured himself a healthy amount of scotch.

  “For you, Patty,” he said, lifting the glass.

  The scotch had burned for his first few sips. Now, the amber liquid went down smoothly. It sloshed in his empty stomach.

  Despite the passage of time, whenever he closed his eyes, Grayson still could see it all. In his ears, he could hear the furious, frightened thudding of his racing heart. The noise had drowned out the sound of the officer who had called him to say his wife was in a car accident.

  He could hardly remember the car ride over to be by her side. Horns had gone off, and he thought more than one person had given him the finger. Most likely, he’d driven like a lunatic, speeding and nearly getting in an accident himself.

  But the sight of her, of the crumbled up car, of the tree that had collapsed onto it, the branch that pierced through her windshield and into her… That he could still see. He could smell the stench of gasoline and burnt rubber. He could smell the sap from the tree. And he could smell her fear and her worry.

  Her eyes had been so full of love the moment she saw him. She was hunched over the steering wheel as much as the branch impaling her allowed. She couldn’t move. Her blood had sullied the white of her blouse, the stain growing with every second as her heart pumped more blood to the wound.

  In his grief and rage, Grayson had yanked off the car door. He remembered screaming and roaring for the men to help her, to cut the branch, to save her.

  But they weren’t able to rescue her.

  She gave him one last smile, and then her eyes closed. A second later, her chest stopped moving.

  The rescue workers did try to save her, but a fire started. The car went up in flames. It had taken ten men to hold Grayson back.

  Once the entire car was burning, Grayson had yanked himself free. He remembered running away. The darkness of the night greeted him like a long-lost brother, but he hadn’t felt comforted. The stars frustrated him, silent witnesses to a night of terror and dismay.

  Eventually, Grayson had stopped running. He hadn’t been sure when he had transformed into his beast, but he had, and he released howl after howl, ranting about his grief, his loss, his sorrow.

  The driver who had caused the accident had been high. He hadn’t worn his seatbelt, and it took the responders until the sun rose to find his body. That was how far he had been flung from his car.

  The man had been killed too, but that did nothing to appease Grayson. He had longed to retreat into himself, to live with his memories of his wife, but he couldn’t.

  He was the alpha of the Detroit pack, and he had a responsibility and a duty to his werewolves.

  For the most part, Grayson did all he could to be their alpha still, to lead them, to help them. Before, this had brought him much joy. He and his wife would host parties at least once a month.

  That stopped after her death. In fact, she had been out to buy last-minute supplies for a party the next day. That party transformed into a forever send off for her.

  The fire from the car had burned so hot that they couldn’t salvage her body. There had been next to nothing for them to bury. There had been no viewing, of course. Closed casket.

  Tonight, Grayson wasn’t an alpha. All he wished was to be able to mourn the tragic death of his wife. When she had died, he had lost a huge part of himself. He was no longer the man she had married. He was downright miserable.

  Each day, he had to force himself out of bed, to shower, to shave. He had to put on a mask to be able to face his pack and address their concerns.

  Inwardly, he was dying a little more and more each day. He was doing his best to provide for everyone else, but he was barely holding on.

  He swallowed the rest of his scotch. Instead of throwing this glass, he poured more. Maybe he should try to forget. Maybe that was the only way he could survive. He could not continue on this way, but without his Patty, he was no longer himself. He wasn’t the man he had been and still wished to be.

  No, he was a shell of himself, a man who lacked empathy, a man who did not deserve to be alpha.

  There was nothing else to it. He would have to do his best to carry on somehow. Despite the pain. Despite his sorrow. Despite his grief.

  Chapter 2

  The sun shone directly on Olivia Moreno, and she groaned. She’d forgotten to close the curtains last night.

  With another groan, she climbed out of bed and stepped over the last box she had to unbox to reach the window. The sight of Detroit outside of her window still gave her pause. She had moved into an apartment a week ago at the suggestion of her best friend Alexis Romero. Olivia desperately needed a fresh start. Life in Toledo had become far too mundane.

  No, it wasn’t that life had become mundane. It was that her love life that had been awful. No more men. No more dates. Nothing. She was here for a month or so to learn who exactly she was.

  Honestly, Olivia hadn’t been single for a long stretch of time in her life. She wasn’t exactly sure who she was. Since she first started to date a boy back in the seventh grade, she had gone from boy to boy to boy. As she grew older, the boys turned into men, but none of them were her man. None of them had claimed her heart, not truly.

  So, she wasn’t here to find love. She was here to find herself.

  But it seemed like the assholes she had dated had spawned because there were more assholes here in Detroit. The first night she had come here, Olivia and Alexis had gone out for a girls’ night, just the two of them. They had a circle of friends, but Mandy Ramsey and her husband Clint lived in Hazel Park. Granted, that wasn’t terribly far away, but the girls’ night had been spur of the moment. As for Claire Drake, she and her husband and two girls lived in Toledo.

  At first, the night club had been a lot of fun. Olivia had danced and enjoyed herself until some jackass decided to try to rub up against her backside. Although she ditched him, and they got drinks at the bar, the friends met up with the jackass in the parking lot. To make matters worse, more of his thug friends had showed up. Later, Olivia learned from Alexis that those werewolves hadn’t belonged to the Detroit pack.

  For the most part, most major ci
ties like Detroit only had one werewolf pack. Alexis and Jasper had actually formed their own separate pack, which was highly unusual. The alpha of the Detroit pack allowed them to live here in peace. Olivia hadn’t understood at first why Alexis had preferred to be in such a small pack. It wasn’t until Alexis explained how she had been raped by the alpha in Hazel Park and about her major trust issues she had that prevented her from fully embracing the Detroit pack that Olivia understood. At least Alexis had never once feared that she couldn’t trust her closest friends.

  Alexis was hoping that the asshole werewolves were just passing through. Olivia tried not to think about them. She hadn’t seen or smelled any of them since that first night, but she also hadn’t been going out to bars or clubs, mostly because Alexis possibly pregnant. Olivia kept hounding her day after day to see if she had found out yet. Yesterday morning, Alexis had promised she’d call as soon as she peed “on the damn stick!”

  “Another day’s in store for me,” Olivia murmured as she shut the window. “What’s gonna happen today?”

  She whirled around, eyed her bed, and collapsed into it. Within seconds, she was asleep.

  Hunger stirred Olivia hours later. She ate, watched some TV, and killed time until she felt so lazy that she had to be productive. As a fashion blogger, Olivia worked from home and made her own hours, but that didn’t mean that she could put off her work forever.

  As she ate a frozen dinner meal, she scourged the internet for ideas for a new blog post. A new clothing store had opened just today. Perfect. By now, the crowds would have died down, and she could see what they had to offer, maybe even talk to the manager some.

  Whistling, feeling much happier now, her earlier depression and misery forgotten, she changed into a sleek black-and-white dress that hugged her curvy frame. She was tall at five foot eight, and she always wore at least two-inch heels. Most guys were shorter than she was.


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