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Worlds Without End: The Prophecy (Book 3)

Page 39

by Shaun Messick

  It was dark outside and all she could see were bright stars. As she continued to stare at the bright stars above, she wondered about the fate of her husband and if Calum would ever know of his true parents.


  Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

  Isaiah 13:13, The Holy Bible: King James Version

  The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.

  Isaiah 24:20, The Holy Bible: King James Version

  Planet within the Orion Nebula. Six months earlier . . .

  The scout stood watching over his post amid the bright stars in the Orion Nebula. He stood under a golden archway, which gave him a view of God’s eternal realms. Behind him rested the glorious, golden city that covered the entire planet of his people. The city at one time had been part of another realm, taken up by the Lord of Hosts because of the righteousness of his ancestors.

  He loved the calling that had been bestowed upon him. From this vantage point under the golden archway, he could see all of God’s glorious creations, witnessing what God’s children were doing. Never did he grow bored of his duties, but there were times when he wished for what he was waiting to happen would actually happen.

  As he stared into the other worlds, a flash of light caught his eyes. He stared in wonder as a beautiful and brilliant light show opened up before him in space just above the city. He continued to stare at the blue flashing light when the realization of what was opening before him hit him.

  Excited, he turned and walked a short distance down the golden path and pulled out a flat, smooth stone from the pocket of his white robe. The stone was special, containing the same properties as the distortion that was opening in space above him. The stone was connected to him, and all he needed to do was think about his next destination. As he did so, a mix of blue and white energy exploded from the small stone out in front of him. The energy formed a man-size portal with a rippling blue horizon. He stepped through the horizon and was instantaneously transported to his next destination.

  He walked out of the portal into a beautiful room, decorated in fine gold and silver. As soon as he exited, the portal closed in upon itself and his stone fell back into his hand. He looked around as he placed the stone back into his pocket. Soft sofas made of the finest linen lined the edges of the room. In the center was a magnificent fountain in the middle of a beautiful pool. Several men and women stood and sat in the room conversing with one another. It was the waiting room to the entrance to the temple and its many rooms.

  The scout walked toward double doors made entirely of gold. He knew the leader of the city would be inside this room. He pulled on the handle and opened the doors. After walking down a narrow hallway made of gold and silver and inlaid with unmatched craftsmanship, he arrived into another room. The room was small but beautiful. The walls were painted a brilliant white. Chairs made of the finest wood, gold, and silver lined the walls. Two gigantic mirrors rested on the walls opposite from one another, which gave the individual looking into them the vantage point of a never-ending eternity. In the center of the room rested a golden altar, covered with a maroon cushion.

  There was a man with long white hair and a long white beard kneeling at the altar in meditative prayer. He was dressed just as the other citizens of his great city were - in a simple white tunic, and his feet were bare.

  “Enoch?” the scout questioned.

  Enoch raised his head and stood up slowly. He turned around, his brown eyes meeting the scout’s. “What is it, Julian?”

  “Please forgive my intrusion, my Lord. But my orders were to notify you when the sign arrived.”

  Enoch smiled slightly and nodded his head as he pulled out his own stone from his pocket. His portal opened next to him and he looked at Julian with eagerness. “Come, Julian. You will want to see this.”

  Julian, now curious, followed Enoch into the portal. The two men were immediately transported into another room, a room where Julian had never been before. The room was large and spacious. The floor was solid gold and the walls as well. Inscriptions of ancient languages that Julian recognized from various worlds lined the walls. The ceiling of the room was made of silver and shaped like a dome. There was no furniture in the room. The room was dimly lit. The source of light came from the only object in the center of the room, a podium extending about four feet from the floor dowsed in a column of white light that resonated from the floor as well. A solid gold plate hovered in the air about four inches from the surface of the podium’s stand, spinning around slowly.

  Enoch looked knowingly at Julian and smiled. “I’m sure you have questions,” he said as he began to make his way to the podium and floating plate.

  Julian was speechless. He knew his calling to watch for signs from the other worlds was vital to God’s plan, but he had no idea about this hidden room, nor of its contents. Moreover, he had no idea what purpose the floating gold plate had.

  Enoch reached the podium, turned, and waved for Julian to stand beside him. “Come, Julian.”

  Julian slowly made his way to the podium, marveling at the gold plate. When he reached the podium, he was stunned to see the inscriptions upon the floating plate’s surface. “I-Is that the language of God?”

  “It is,” Enoch replied.

  “Can you read it?”

  Enoch nodded. “I can. But only a select few of God’s children have been blessed with the power to interpret the words.”

  Julian stared in awe at the wonder before him.

  “This plate,” Enoch continued, “is the gold plate of Earth. Every single one of God’s planets that he creates has a coinciding plate with it. Each plate holds the destiny of each planet within its words etched onto the gold by the finger of God Himself. Each plate holds the power to destroy or uplift its world to a new paradisiacal glory. In the hands of evil men, however, the plate has the potential to not only destroy its corresponding world but to enslave every soul residing upon that world.”

  “Do we have other plates from other worlds here as well?” Julian asked.

  “No. We only hold Earth’s plate here. Because of Earth’s great wickedness, the Lord did not want the plate falling into the hands of evil men or women. Therefore, he commanded me when he took our great city from the planet to bring the gold plate of Earth with me for safekeeping.”

  Julian knew that each planet had a gold plate, but he never realized the potential each plate had until now. His awe turned to concern, once he remembered what he witnessed as he watched other worlds during his duty as archangel. “But, my Lord, a plate has fallen into the hands of evil beings.” He paused as he tried to remember. Before he could retrieve the information, Enoch responded.

  “You speak of the gold plate of Terrest and the planet of Terrest.”


  “Do not worry, Julian. God has a plan for everything. As we speak, a servant of the Lord is being raised up in the house of Chast. If he chooses to follow righteousness, the evil that has gripped Terrest will be swept away. And he will unite two worlds and two peoples.”

  Julian nodded apprehensively. He had witnessed the two beings that had the Terrestrian plate and the untold evil they possessed. Although he had witnessed God’s miracles on countless occasions, a small part of him doubted that the child would be able to overcome the evil influence of Koroan Chast and Macaria. He looked back at the plate, not sure what to say next.

  The two men stared at the plate for a few minutes in awe. Finally, Julian broke the silence. “What does it say, Enoch?”

  Enoch looked at Julian as if he had hoped he would ask the question. Smiling, he looked back at the plate and waved his hand over the top of it. The plate stopped spinning but stayed afloat above the podium stand. A holographic star map appeared above the plate with a brigh
t dot in its center. Julian immediately recognized the star constellation around the dot. “Earth,” he muttered.

  “I have been waiting for this moment for over 4,000 years,” Enoch said with a trembling voice. “The prophecy of our return is at hand.”

  Enoch then touched the bright dot in the center of the hologram and began to read the symbols on the plate. As he did so, light energy began to gather under their feet, coalescing under the podium. The silver dome above them began to roll away, revealing the bright nebula above their small world. The sign that Julian also saw forming in orbit appeared as well, as Enoch read from the plate.

  “Behold, I the Lord have created countless worlds, Worlds without End. By mine own hand have I created them. Each world is given life to fulfill the measure of its creation. Earth’s mortal sojourn is complete. Now is the time of the Lord. The Prince of Peace shall rule and reign in peace for a thousand years, never to be thwarted by evil again. . . . By the authority of the Almighty God, I command thee . . . Remove the Earth from her place.”

  As soon as the final phrase passed his lips, the hologram disappeared, and the plate turned from its upright vertical position to a horizontal position so that the symbols faced up toward the heavens. Suddenly, the light energy coalescing beneath them formed into a single beam of light, shooting upward. The light was brilliantly white and spectacular, but it didn’t burn them or hurt their eyes as they stood in its midst. It was, in fact, pure energy and comforted them to their very souls.

  As the light passed through the plate and its symbols, the writings formed in light above them within the beam. The beam carried the writings into the wormhole forming above them. God’s very own words were being transported through the vastness of space, calling Earth home.


  Book 4

  Coming Soon!

  The epic conclusion to the Worlds Without End series!

  Calum Palmer has come of age. The chosen one, now known as Cain Chast, is 33-years-old. Under the guardianship and tutelage of Macaria and Koroan Chast, he now begins what he was destined to become – to rule the galaxy. With his unique ability to translate the Terrestrian plate, he will bring worlds without end to the subjugation and tyranny of Gnol rule. As Calum’s power grows, however, something doesn’t sit right with him, leading him on a journey for the truth about his true mother and father. A journey that could lead him to redeem the Gnols and Terrestrian people or one that could cause him to rule the Milky Way Galaxy with an iron fist

  Meanwhile, on Terrest, the Gnol Empire is flourishing. With the conquest of other worlds, thanks to Cain Chast, the Gnols are now the most formidable force in the galaxy with a military might unrivaled by any other world. But that authority is questioned with the mysterious liberation of slave camps throughout Terrest by an unknown entity.

  The news of Terrestrian slaves being freed reaches Celeste Chast as she continues to be held prisoner in her frozen prison, leading her on a quest to escape so that she can reach her son before it is too late. But in her efforts, she discovers a truth about her very own father that will shake her to the very core.

  The epic conclusion to the Worlds Without End series pits the forces of good and evil against one another on a quest for dominion over the galaxy in a story of despair, hope, and redemption. Will Calum Palmer become who he was meant to be – the Chosen One – or will he bow down to the will of Macaria and Koroan and become something else – something more terrifying than even the evil itself?

  For more information about Worlds Without End: Redemption and upcoming books visit


  Shaun Messick is an established writer and teacher. His works include fiction, personal development books and articles, and freelance blogging. He writes for several blogging websites, including and his own blog – His first novel, Worlds Without End: The Mission, has been successful with over 50,000 downloads and purchases on the Kindle alone. The next book in the series, Worlds Without End: Aftermath, has continued that trend with seventy-five percent of the reviews having 4 and 5 stars.

  Shaun currently resides in Shelley, Idaho with his beautiful wife and his four wonderful children. In addition to writing, Shaun works full-time as a teacher. He enjoys teaching and working with youth. Furthermore, he coaches high school boys basketball. His passions include spending time with his family, sports, reading, watching movies, playing Madden NFL Football, and – of course –writing.


  Worlds Without End Series

  Worlds Without End: The Mission (Book 1)

  Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

  Worlds Without End: The Prophecy (Book 3)

  Worlds Without End: Redemption (Book 4) – Coming Soon!

  Pronunciation Guide

  The following are difficult to pronounce words and names that I created as I wrote Worlds Without End: The Prophecy. The pronunciation guide is based upon standard English and taken from Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.

  Pronunciation Symbols

  Word and Name Pronunciation Guide

  (The words are in alphabetical order as they are spelled within the book.)

  Abadani - ə-bad- ən-ī

  Adonis Hanjuan - ə-don-is han-jü-än

  Ameria Vealent - ə-mer-ē-ə vel-ent

  Aralt Thourad - ār-ȯlt thōr-ad

  Ariauna Tomwon - ār-ē-ȯn-ə

  Auteria - ä-tār-ē-ə

  Bantyr - ban-tēr

  Chaldreen - kal-drēn

  Ciminae - sim-in-ā

  Coen Chast - Kō- ən chast

  Dorange Gar - dōr-ȯnj gȯr

  Gnolom - nōl-əm

  Jeriel - jār-ē-el

  Jokina - jō-kē-nə

  Julian Washantu - jül-ē-ən wäsh-än-tü

  Kamferal Ochalt - kam-fər-əl ō-chȯlt

  Keileni - kel-en-ē

  Kokal - kōk-əl

  Koroan Chast - kōr-ōn chast

  Laefwair - lȯ-fwār

  Manaseta - man-ə-sē-tə

  Mela - mel-ə

  Middoni - mid-dōn-ī

  Nichelle Vlamer - nish-el vlȯ-mēr

  Omutx - ä-müt

  Oradune - ōr-ə-dün

  Raqel - rə-kāl

  Raul Sapharius - rä-ül sä-fār-ē-əs

  Resumpsi - rē-sump-sī

  Rurik Ozur - rü-rik ōz-yu̇r

  Sage Merrok - sāj mer-rȯk

  Shado - shā-dō

  Sierrone - sē-ār-ōn

  Taosheoa - tā-ō-shē-ō-ə

  Terrest - ter-rest

  Terresta Ok Ni - ter-rest-ə ȯk nī

  Terrestrian - ter-rest-rē- ən

  Tleallusk - tēl-lusk

  Tuala - tü- ä-lə

  Vailar - vāl-är

  Wielf - welf

  Yeatlee - yet-lē

  Zikf - zēk-f




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