Circle of Deception

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Circle of Deception Page 16

by Carla Swafford

“You missed seeing where all that chicken you like to eat comes from.” Bubba stopped next to her and looked off in the direction Liam had disappeared.

  “Who says I like chicken?” She noticed he’d torn off the sleeves from a plaid cotton shirt, revealing sinewy arms. Though on the thin side, he was still strong, and the cold way he looked at Brody when he thought no one was paying attention would give anyone a chill.

  “All women love chicken.”

  “I haven’t met a man who didn’t.” She thought of what Liam said and mentally corrected herself.

  “Ha! I guess you just did. My family had a farm when I was a kid, and they’re some of the meanest creatures on earth.”

  So two men.

  “Those little bitty things?” She looked up and down his tall lanky frame. “Aren’t you rather big to be frightened of little birds?”

  “I haven’t always been this big, honey.” His look stroked her as sure as if his hand slid down her body.

  She backed up a couple steps and crossed her arms. She didn’t like that at all. Who was he? One fact for sure was she would need to watch him carefully.

  “Hey, sugar, you’re not scaring the woman, are you? Her old man looks as if he could snap you like a twig.” Kristy wrapped her arm through his and pulled him away.

  “What did he say?” Rex walked up and glared at the redneck’s back.

  “Nothing really. Talking about chickens.” They headed toward the ATVs. “Where to next?” She wanted a shower so bad. The heat, bugs, and dust were about to do her in. When she was younger, all of that wouldn’t have bothered her, but the older she became, the more she enjoyed her creature comforts.

  When a couple of the ATVs cranked up, muting anyone overhearing, Rex leaned over and said, “We’re to go around the edge of the fields and reach the house by sunset. Maybe tonight we’ll hear something that’ll give us a lead. I’m all for taking Brody to Sector and beating the shit out of him until he tells us where it is.” He handed Abby her helmet.

  “I’ve wondered about that. Ryker has been holding back.” Before he started the engine and the noise drowned out their voices, she said, “I spoke to Liam.” His gaze drilled into hers. Knowing time was short, he kept quiet. “He said the northeast area of the farm is off-limits.” Then she quickly added the information about caves and sinkholes.

  “Makes sense.” He straddled the seat and scooted up to make room for her. “We better go before they turn around and check on us.”

  Over an hour later, as they took the last curve on the dirt road, Abby spotted a Sand County sheriff sedan parked near the long, detached garage.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” Abby said after they stopped a few feet away.

  “You’re asking me?” He gave her a look that said He’s your brother, not mine.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

  Rex pulled off his helmet, and what little hair he hadn’t cut off stuck out every which way. She imagined hers looked the same. Before he stood, she slicked his hair down, silky and thick. She wondered what it would take to talk him into growing it long again.

  She quickly turned around before he could see her face. Like lightning in a storm, the reminder of what she kept from him struck. No way would he be around her after the mission. She’d already decided he deserved to know the truth, but not until they stopped the manufacture and sale of Hell’s Purifier. One problem at a time.

  First up was to find out what in the hell her brother was doing at Brody’s.

  “There she is now.” Edward touched the brim of his cap and dipped his head toward Greta and Brody. “Hey, Sis, I need to talk with you.”

  That was it. Next time she saw Jack, he’d get an earful about mixing family and business, especially when the family was in law enforcement and she was in the business of killing people. The two didn’t mix at all.

  “Sure. Let’s go around back. I’ll show you the pool.” She turned toward Brody. “That okay?” Manners had her asking, though she had no doubt he wouldn’t care.

  She shook her head at Rex when he reached for her. The way Edward was frowning, he better stay back.

  “Sure.” Brody turned to Edward. “Come and visit sometime and bring the whole family. We can barbeque and have a good time.”

  Edward nodded again but didn’t say anything as he followed her around the garage and through a fence to the pool. She’d found the path that morning as she’d been given the facial next to the pool.

  “What’s so important for you to interrupt my weekend? And it better not be about Rurik.”

  His face flushed and he looked away.

  Well, crap. She’d never believe her brother could get embarrassed unless she saw it with her own eyes. She could scratch that off her list.

  “Sorry, Abigail—”

  “Abby. You’re only adding fuel to the fire.” Her jaw hurt from gritting her teeth.

  He took a deep breath. “I had your husband investigated some more. Sis, he’s a dangerous man. You need to go home with me and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  She stood there, unable to say anything. Where had this protective brother been when she’d been younger and needed someone looking after her? She wanted to be appreciative, but she’d seen and done too much.

  “I know.”

  His head swung back to look at her. “What do you mean you know?”

  “I know everything about him.”

  “You know that he deals with illegal firearms and ammunition?” He clasped her arm. “Do you understand that means he’s an arms dealer? That he’ll sell arms to someone who’d want to harm you and your country? I have a contact that checked him out. It’s not a cover for any government branch. If you stay with him, you’ll be as guilty as he is.” His green eyes begged her to listen.

  “I think you need to leave and never come back. You may never understand this, but I’ll be okay. You need to stay out of it or you’ll get hurt.” She pulled out the invisible shield she’d used around Theo, the old commander of The Circle. The man had always looked for a reason to hurt a person, and out of self-defense, she’d learned how to shut down her emotions so they wouldn’t show on her face.

  “What does he have on you?” Her brother clasped both arms and shook her.

  Before he had a chance to say another word, she broke his hold and held her knife to his throat.

  “Edward, as I said, you need to stay out of it. Go home and stay there.” Two of her fingers pressed the side of his neck to keep the blade from going in. The edge was so sharp that if he moved a little before she could catch herself, she’d slice his throat.

  He raised his hands.

  “Abby, what’s going on?” Rex came around the corner, the Beretta in one hand pointed at Edward.

  She slowly backed off.

  Edward touched his neck and looked at his fingers. No blood. She’d been careful.

  “Okay. Have it your way. Just be ready to suffer the consequences.” He stepped back and glanced at Rurik and his gun. “You have to understand that as the sheriff, I have an obligation.”

  Then he walked toward the path and back to his car.

  Chapter Nineteen

  * * *

  REX WATCHED ABBY as she smoothed on her makeup. Back against the headboard, ankles crossed, he enjoyed watching her fix herself up. Like any man seeing his woman do those little feminine things to get ready, he wanted to tell her not to worry about makeup. She was pretty enough without it, but he remembered his mom saying that it made a woman feel special. Of course, in his eyes, Abby was special enough.

  He squeezed his eyes shut. Sure his brother claimed that he and Abby had had only a one-night stand while she was grieving losing him, but how did Abby feel about it all? He needed to talk to her about it but not here where Brody could listen in. For two days, he had avoided the issue. So what were a few more days? Mission first, personal business second. He’d continue to enjoy the benefits of pretending to have a relationship with Abby, and when the mission was over, th
ey would talk about the past, get everything out of the way. Though he had feelings for her, he wasn’t sure if he could ever trust her. He knew it didn’t make sense. She’d thought he was dead, but why his brother? Anyone but his brother.

  “Are you ready or asleep?”

  He opened his eyes. Dressed in a simple black dress with a slight flare just an inch or so above her knees, a thin strand of pearls, and matching earrings, and all that glorious neck to run his tongue up to where her hair was pinned in place, Abby took his breath away.

  “Your eyes are open but I don’t think you’re here.” She snapped her fingers in front of his face.

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her on top of him. “I was thinking how I would like to lick every inch of you.” His hand skimmed up the back of her leg until he cupped a bare buttock. “Damn, just thinking of you only wearing a thong under this dress is going to kill my concentration.”

  “Who said I was wearing a thong?” Her crooked grin shot iron through his cock until he ached.

  “You’re an evil woman, Abigail Rodriguez.” How was he going to think tonight?

  “Volkov. Abby Volkov. Remember?”

  Though he knew it was all an act, it bothered him to think she had another man’s name, even a fake one that he used. Logic had nothing to do with how he felt about her. He wanted her to have the Drago name.

  “True. Newlyweds.” He slapped the soft round globe. Her eyes flared. No doubt about it, he needed to investigate how he could get those dark eyes of hers to flare up more. “It’s time for us to meet them in the dining room.”

  She backed off him and the bed, yanking at the hem of her dress. It was conservative even with the slight flair, but he wanted to pull on it, too, bringing it below her knee. He didn’t want anyone seeing more than they should of her.

  “Not the courtyard?”

  “What we know of Brody so far, we’ll probably end up there, spread-eagle and naked.”

  ABBY STEPPED INTO the large living area and stopped. The glass panels had been pushed to the sides, opening the room to the courtyard. A lit dance floor had been erected where they had eaten Roman-style the night before and was surrounded on three sides by the waterfall and a small pool. The dining room table had been moved to the middle of the living room so everyone could get a good view of the courtyard.

  The albinos were already sipping wine and stood next to where their name cards waited for them.

  “Ah, there you are.” Brody handed her and Rex a glass of wine. No choice of red and white. “Tonight, we will toast a successful hunt. So the devil’s wine for all. This is a special blend champagne I think you’ll enjoy.”

  At that moment, Bubba and his wife entered the room behind them.

  “Whoo-ee! That’s some kind of setup.” He grabbed his wife’s hand and pulled her over to the dance floor. “Where’s the music? I’m ready to dance.”

  Disgruntled, Brody squared his shoulders. “We’ll dance after we eat. Come and have some champagne with us. We’re about to toast our successful day.”

  Something was up. Abby wasn’t sure what and hated waiting to see if he would at least give enough hints for them to figure it out themselves.

  Brody held up his glass. “To a successful kill. A nice big fat pig for us to eat tonight.” Two servants came in carried the largest tray she’d ever seen, and in the middle was a complete pig. She had to admit it smelled good, but seeing it all together, ears to curly tail, her stomach bubbled at the thought of eating it. “With one shot, Bubba brought him down. Cheers!”

  She sipped on the wine in the hope her stomach would relax. Whoa! She looked at her glass. Talk about good. She sipped a few more times. She looked around. Everyone was nodding and holding out their glasses for more.

  Rex leaned down. “You have to hand it to the man. He has good taste in wine. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted champagne like this.”

  “I’m glad everyone is enjoying the blend. Drink as much as you want. I brought in several cases, and we have the night to finish them off.” He laughed and everyone chimed in.

  With the help of the servants, the plates were filled with pork and plenty of other side dishes. Abby pushed the meat to the side and ate the vegetables. By the time dessert arrived, she couldn’t eat another bite, even though she was a big fan of apple pie and ice cream. Her wineglass remained full—not because she was avoiding it like she had last night, but because every time she took a sip, a servant refilled it.

  Rex laughed at something Bubba said. Even the albinos were smiling and giggling. Abby jumped when Brody clapped his hands.

  “Tonight’s entertainment as you probably already guessed is dancing, but not any old dancing. Dirty dancing. And to encourage everyone to participate, I have a special surprise.” He nodded to a servant, who handed him a long box. “To the most inventive and sexy couple goes”—he flipped open the lid—“gold and silver plated dueling pistols.”

  She didn’t know much about antique weapons, but they were beautiful. Every inch of the guns was engraved with designs. But to her they weren’t worth dancing like that in front of everyone.

  Brody nodded to a servant and music flowed into the room. Greta squealed and jumped onto the floor, shaking her hips to “Love Is Strange.”

  Bubba followed with Kristy singing along to the music and dancing around him. The albinos joined them but held each other at arm’s length and moved like two robots. No rhythm at all.

  Abby pulled on Rex’s sleeve when he started toward the dance floor. “Tell them I had to go to the bathroom. This would be the perfect time for me to check out the alb . . . uh . . . Ericksons’ and Roberts’ rooms.”

  “I should go.”

  “You’re being watched a lot closer than me. I can plant the bugs too.” Even as they talked a servant off to the side glanced their way. “It won’t take me but a few minutes.” She downed the last of her champagne and moved toward the bedrooms.

  The music pounded all the way to the first bedroom she came to after theirs. It belonged to the albinos. She shook her head. She needed to quit calling them that before she embarrassed herself and said it to their faces.

  The room looked like a storm had hit it with clothes and jewelry strewn everywhere. She stood back and let her gaze decide on the areas that looked out of place. Disorganized people unconsciously organized the things they wanted hidden. Inside an open closet, she noticed a zipped up suitcase. Behind it in the wall was a safe, the type hotels used, where people make up numbers to lock it. Most people used simple codes, which they should never do. She tried one through six. It didn’t open. Then she tried the number one six times. It clicked open.

  Inside was a briefcase filled with documents. She was able to piece together two things: one was that Rex was right—they financially supported Brody’s venture in new age weaponry. The second was even more terrifying: Leif and Spring weren’t husband and wife but brother and sister. She glanced over to the mussed king-sized bed. Sick.

  Nothing else indicated the inventor of Hell’s Purifier.

  She placed everything back, set the safe to the unimaginative code, and placed a bug near the closet. Then she peeked through the curtains to make sure everyone was still dancing. Greta and Brody bumped and ground as the albinos stiffly shimmied against each other’s backs. Yuck. Bubba tossed and twirled Kristy in several well-thought-out moves. Obviously he had a lot of practice. Rex stood to the side, sipping on the champagne.

  Wasting no more time, she raced into the next bedroom. This one looked a lot like hers and Rex’s: neat, with all of the luggage locked. The safe’s door was open. She walked over to the window to check on the others again when the corner of some material sticking out of a bureau caught her eye. She opened the drawer, and inside was a blanket and pillow, stuffed there as if someone had been in a hurry to hide it. She glanced at the bed, checking the covers. None of the servants had been ordered to clean the rooms as they would in a hotel, thus the reason the albinos’ room was so messy.
/>   There were several pillows on the bed but only two on one side were wrinkled. The others were neatly pressed and arranged like they would be before someone slept in the bed. The Roberts weren’t sleeping together.

  The music stopped.

  Crap. She better get back before they came looking for her. Without wasting time, she placed a bug behind the bureau.

  When she returned, everyone was off the dance floor, drinking and snacking on finger food. Dancing was hungry business it appeared.

  Brody stepped in front of her and offered her a small plate filled with slices of various cheeses and wafers and a glass of champagne. “Here, Abby, eat some cheese and crackers. It’ll settle your stomach.”

  So Rex had claimed she had an upset stomach.

  When she reached out, he pulled back. “Unless you’re sick from something else besides food. Are you already expecting, Mrs. Volkov? Maybe you should stay away from the champagne.”

  She paled. Brody’s eyebrows rose. Recovering as quickly as possible, she said, “No. I would love some champagne. I believe the heat and dust got to me a little bit, but I feel so much better now.” To prove it, she downed the glass.

  “Wonderful! More music. Now everyone get up there and show us how it’s done!” Brody hooked an arm around Greta’s waist and swung her around. The woman’s thong was visible as her dress flew up in the back.

  The thumping beat of “Be My Baby” started up.

  She looked up at Rex. “You ready?”

  “I’m not much of a dancer.”

  “From what I can tell, I don’t think it matters.” They glanced over at the dance floor. Brody and Greta ground their hips against each other while the others danced their own version. Abby moved with Rex to the dance floor.

  “Move your hips like this and I’ll dance around you.” Hands on each side of his waist, she hesitated.

  Compared to his height and wide shoulders, his hips were small but solidly padded by muscles. Her gaze dropped a little farther and the visible bulge to one side of his zipper caught her attention. Avoiding the almost irresistible urge to cup him, she rotated his hips and watched the bulge grow bigger and longer. Somehow she remembered to move in the opposite direction in front of him and tried to keep a rhythm of sorts. Every time his groin brushed her body, she gasped as if she’d been burned, and with the small dance floor it became unbearable. Finally Abby and Rex called it quits and sat on the floor to watch the other couples.


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