ambition and success of, 17–18, 31, 37
anti-Semitism of, 33–34, 101–2
Dalton and, 91, 97
Dever and, 100
Giancana and, 219
isolationism of, 33–35, 39–40, 42–44, 80, 179
JFK’s presidential campaign and, 143, 183
JFK’s relationship with, 23, 92, 96
JFK’s Senate campaign and, 91, 96–98
and JFK’s tour of Europe and Asia, 87–88
Joe Jr. and, 5, 55–56, 59
Johnson and, 132, 139, 162, 179
Joseph McCarthy and, 102, 103, 109, 110, 119, 127
as Maritime Commission chairman, 30–31
marriage of, 17
move from Boston to Bronxville, 18–19, 21, 38
Nixon and, 166, 167
RFK’s attorney general appointment and, 202
RFK’s relationship with, 5, 6, 21, 22, 24, 46, 48, 59, 67–69, 92–93, 96, 107, 109, 115, 143, 147
Roosevelt and, 28–31, 40–43, 52, 80, 112
Rosemary and, 44–45
as SEC chairman, 30
stroke suffered by, 215
UVA Student Legal Forum and, 80
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, II, 101
Kennedy, Kathleen Hartington, 11, 97, 101, 120, 145, 152, 260
Kennedy, Kathleen “Kick,” 22, 31, 73, 97
death of, 73
Kennedy, Kerry, 327
Kennedy, Patricia, 22, 61, 84, 101, 102, 117, 184
Kennedy, Patrick J., 17, 31
Kennedy, Robert F.:
as altar boy, 24–25, 47, 157
as ambassador’s son, 26, 31–35
anti-Communism of, 74–75, 226, 247, 249, 277, 282
Asian diplomatic trip of, 255–56
assassination of, 5, 12, 340–42
as attorney, 88–89, 96, 97
as attorney general, 13, 198, 201–3, 211–23, 235–36, 278
Bay of Pigs prisoners and, 206, 232–33, 236
Bedford-Stuyvesant and, 280–81
Canadian trip of, 273–74
Catholicism of, 6, 21, 24–25, 38, 74, 141–42, 186, 296–97
character of, 4–7, 10–13, 46–48, 175, 216, 235–36, 266, 278–79, 307
childhood of, 5, 14, 15–25, 26, 36, 37–38
civil rights and, 13, 16–17, 191, 193–94, 207–9, 213–15, 220–23, 238–47, 266, 279, 280, 285–86, 310, 322
Cuba and, 204–6, 219–20, 226–33, 236, 266
decision-making aptitude of, 7, 105, 141
The Enemy Within, 157–58, 197
Eugene McCarthy and, 1–2, 4, 318–20, 327–28, 331–36
Eugene McCarthy’s debate with, 335, 340
football playing of, 64–69, 163, 236
friends of, 65–69
funeral train of, xiv, 8, 12, 340–41
at Harvard, 50, 53–54, 56, 64–69, 74
Hoffa and, 149–50, 152–58, 163, 168, 188, 212
idea of, 8
Irish identity of, 21–22, 47, 54, 100
JFK compared with, 6–7, 13
JFK’s assassination and, 7–8, 16, 250–51, 254–55, 272–73, 276
JFK’s “Black Robert” view of, 7, 61
JFK’s Congressional campaign and, 7, 61–62
and JFK’s election as president, 197, 199, 213
at JFK’s funeral, 252
JFK’s political partnership with, 7, 10–11, 13
JFK’s presidential campaign managed by, 143, 161–73, 175–83, 186–97
JFK’s Senate campaign managed by, 84, 92–93, 94, 96–101, 104–5, 107–8, 145
Joe Jr.’s death and, 56, 57
Johnson and, 1–2, 4, 108, 112–13, 137, 162–63, 171, 175–83, 202–3, 236–37, 255–57, 261, 263, 292, 301, 302, 304, 305, 307, 310–12, 314–15, 318–20, 322
Joseph McCarthy and, 106, 107, 110, 112–17, 119–26, 128–29, 151–52, 157, 236
on Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., 58–59
Joseph Sr.’s relationship with, 5, 6, 21, 22, 24, 46, 48, 59, 67–69, 92–93, 96, 107, 109, 115, 143, 147
King’s assassination and, 316, 324–26
labor corruption investigated by, 146–59
in law school, 74, 75, 79–83, 212
in Lower East Side tenement, 308
marriage of, 70, 78–79
migrant farmworkers and, 283–84
in Mississippi, 288, 295–96, 321
at Mount Kennedy, 273–74
Native Americans and, 270, 271–72
naval training and service of, 53, 56–59, 62, 64
organized crime investigated by, 211–12, 218–20
photographs of, 14, 26, 36, 50, 70, 84, 94, 106, 130, 144, 160, 174, 184, 198, 224, 252, 270, 288, 298, 308, 316, 330, 338
in Poland, 259–60
poverty and, 48–49, 279–81, 284, 295–96, 301, 321
presidential campaign of, 10, 302, 305–7, 309–14, 317–29, 330, 331–37, 338, 341
presidential candidacy announced by, 1–4, 9
Reagan’s debate with, 294–95
Rose’s relationship with, 5–7, 21–24, 38, 46
“ruthless” reputation of, 99, 173, 258, 305
schooling in early life, 37–38, 45–49, 51–53
Senate campaign of, 261–63, 265–69
on Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 110, 112–26, 145, 147, 178, 278
on Senate Rackets Committee, 144, 147–48, 170, 181, 202, 218, 278, 284
as senator, 3, 272, 274–76
in South Africa, 285–87, 289
in South America, 276–77
“Stars” speech at Democratic National Convention, 264–65
steel industry and, 216–18
swimmer saved by, 78
Thirteen Days, 233
on tour of Europe and Asia with JFK, 88
underdog causes and, 4, 8, 48, 88, 213, 276, 279, 310
as vice presidential candidate, 256–57, 261–63
Vietnam War and, 2–4, 88, 249, 282, 289–96, 301, 304–5, 307, 310–11, 313–15, 318, 321–23
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 129
Kennedy, Rose Fitzgerald, 19, 20, 31, 42, 44, 101, 255, 258, 266
JFK’s presidential campaign and, 143, 169
JFK’s relationship with, 23
marriage of, 17
RFK’s relationship with, 5–7, 21–24, 38, 46
World War II and, 51–52
Kennedy, Rose Marie “Rosemary,” 22, 44
lobotomy of, 44–45, 72
Kennedy family, 15–18
campaign tea parties held by, 92
as Irish Catholics, 20–21
as political party, 95, 98, 141–42
Khrushchev, Nikita, 193, 207, 225–28, 231, 233
Kierdorf, Frank, 158
King, Coretta Scott, 191–94
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 191, 208–9, 216, 243, 246–48, 284, 294
assassination of, 316, 324–27, 334
Birmingham and, 238–41, 243, 244
Communists and, 247
FBI and, 247–48
imprisonment of, 191–94, 238, 240
“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” 238
Levison and, 247–48
wiretap on, 248, 335
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 194
Knowles, John, 47
Korean War, 79, 80, 87, 88, 113–15
Kristallnacht, 35
Krock, Arthur, 55, 81
Ku Klux Klan, 207
labor unions:
corruption and, 146–59, 216
and JFK’s choice of Johnson as running mate, 181, 182
King’s imprisonment and, 240
Laos, 305
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 22, 61, 84, 101, 102, 117, 184
Levison, Stanley, 247–48
Lewis, John, 206–7, 209, 324, 334
liberalism, 103, 127, 167, 267, 280, 306
Life, 215–16, 273–74
Lincoln, Abraham, 245
Lindbergh, Charles, 39
br /> Little Rock High School, 221
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 85, 86
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 85–87, 89, 90, 93, 100–102, 104, 105, 157, 185, 248–49
Louis, Joe, 153
Lovett, Robert, 119–20
Lowell, Robert, 303
Lowenstein, Allard, 301–4
Lumumba, Patrice, 286
Macdonald, Torby, 140
Macmillan, Harold, 232
Mailer, Norman, 303
Malone, Vivian, 244–45
Manchester, William, 261
Mankiewicz, Frank, 276–78, 295, 311, 313, 316, 320, 324, 340
Man of the House (O’Neill), 116
Mansfield, Mike, 275
Mao Zedong, 75, 283
March on the Pentagon, 9, 303
Maritime Commission, U.S., 30–31
Marshall, Burke, 239, 245
Martin, Edmund, 217
Martin, Louis, 192, 193
Maryland primary, 172
Matthews, Chris:
at antiwar event, 9, 303–4
background and childhood of, 9–10, 23
Catholicism of, 24
in college and graduate school, 3, 10, 293–94, 299–300, 312, 313
draft and, 293–94, 339
family of, 20, 23, 140, 168, 203, 262, 303–4
McCarthy as hero to, 3
in Peace Corps, 11, 339–40, 341
political career of, 11
McCarthy, Abigail, 317
McCarthy, Eugene, 138, 262, 263, 298, 299, 304–6, 313–14, 317–20, 322–23, 327–28, 331–36
anti-Communism of, 74
Catholicism of, 74
in Congress, 74
as hero, 3
Johnson and, 2, 4, 304–6, 322–23
in New Hampshire primary, 2, 4, 313–14, 317–18, 331–32
RFK and, 1–2, 4, 318–20, 327–28, 331–36
RFK’s debate with, 335, 340
Stevenson and, 179, 305
Vietnam and, 1–4, 304, 332
young volunteers for, 313, 334
McCarthy, Jean, 117, 151
McCarthy, Joseph R., 68, 77, 80, 81, 103–4, 106, 109–11, 117, 131, 137, 147, 148, 151, 152
anti-Communist campaign of, 80, 102–3, 110, 111, 117–23, 128, 283
Army-McCarthy hearings, 123–26
Catholics and, 109–11, 118
censure of, 126, 128, 131, 151, 152, 167, 179
death of, 151–52
funeral for, 152, 236
JFK and, 80, 102–3, 109, 125–27, 166, 167
Joseph Kennedy Sr. and, 102, 103, 109, 110, 119, 127
marriage of, 117
Murrow and, 122–23
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations headed by, 110, 112–26, 131, 278
RFK and, 106, 107, 110, 112–17, 119–26, 128–29, 151–52, 157, 236
Wheeling speech of, 77
McClellan, John, 119, 122, 124, 131, 135–36
McClellan Committee, 135, 212
McCone, John, 250–51, 280
McDonald, David, 240
McFarland, Ernest, 108
McLuhan, Marshall, 304
McMahon, Patrick, 53
McNamara, Robert, 200, 225, 229, 237, 315
Meany, George, 240
Meet the Press, 86–87, 101
Meredith, James, 210, 220–23
migrant farmworkers, 283–84
Milton Academy, 46–49, 51–54, 56, 65, 320
Mindszenty, József, 74–75
Mississippi, 288, 295–96, 321
Mollenhoff, Clark, 145–47, 156
Morgan, J. P., 37
Moss, Annie Lee, 121–22
Moss, Edward, 258
Mount Kennedy, 273–74
Mudd, Roger, 334
Munich Agreement, 34–35, 41, 179, 229, 283
Murrow, Edward R., 122–23
Mussolini, Benito, 34, 41
NAACP, 246
Nagasaki, 58, 75
Nasaw, David, 33–34, 202
National Congress of American Indians, 271
National Geographic Society, 273
National Guard, 190, 209, 216, 244–45, 280
National Lawyers Guild, 124
National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 302–3
National Security Council, 216
Executive Committee of (ExComm), 228–30, 237
report No. 68 (NSC-68), 77–78
National Union of South African Students, 285
Native Americans, 271, 321
RFK and, 270, 271–72
Nazi Germany, 32–35, 39–41, 79
NBC, 188, 196, 265
Nelson, Horatio, 35
Neville, Mike, 63
New Deal, 30, 41, 42, 67, 74, 132
Newfield, Jack, 107, 213, 284, 301, 307, 321, 335, 341
New Hampshire primaries:
of 1960, 165
of 1964, 256–57
of 1968, 2, 4, 306, 313–15, 317–18, 331–32
New Republic (TNR), 102–3
Newsweek, 172, 199, 235, 291
New Yorker, 64, 272
New York Herald Tribune, 236
New York Times, 45, 133, 201, 221, 260, 291
Catholics and, 278
Ngo Dinh Diem, 248–49, 281
Ngo Dinh Nhu, 249
Nixon, Richard M., 68, 109–10, 117, 135, 142–43, 178, 333
anti-Communism of, 76–77, 190
Cuba and, 190
Douglas and, 102
Eisenhower and, 195
in election of 1960, 2, 9, 185–89, 193–97
in election of 1968, 2–3
Hiss and, 76–77
JFK and, 72, 102–3
JFK’s televised debates with, 186–89
Joseph Kennedy Sr. and, 166, 167
RFK’s candidacy announcement and, 2–3
Nobel Peace Prize, 81
Notre Dame University, 30, 323
nuclear weapons:
atomic bombing of Japan, 58, 75
Cuban Missile Crisis, 4, 226–33, 237, 266
Manhattan Project, 80
in Soviet Union, 75, 79–80
Nuremberg Trials, 232
O’Brien, Larry, 244, 250
Ochs, Phil, 303
O’Dell, Jack, 247
O’Donnell, Cleo, 65
O’Donnell, Helen, 11
O’Donnell, Kenneth, 11, 61, 62, 65–68, 89–93, 96–97, 104–5, 108–9, 121, 125, 142, 148, 166, 181, 196, 200, 201, 219, 244, 250, 302, 306, 336
in World War II, 66, 89
Office of Strategic Services, 232
Ohio primary, 165–66
O’Neill, Paul, 215–16
O’Neill, Thomas P. “Tip,” Jr., 63, 89, 95, 98, 102, 116, 133, 139, 178–79
Operation Mongoose, 226
Oregon, 331–33, 336
O’Reilly, John Boyle, 16
organized crime, 211–12, 218–20
Ormsby-Gore, David, 32
Oswald, Lee Harvey, 259–60
Other America, The: Poverty in the United States (Harrington), 279
Owens, Wayne, 11–12
Patterson, John, 190, 208, 209
Patton, Thomas, 218
Peace Corps, 4, 276–77, 321
Matthews in, 11, 339–40, 341
Pearl Harbor, 45
Pearson, Drew, 202
Pentagon, 303
Peress, Irving, 118, 120, 123
Peru, 276–77, 286
Philippines, 255
Phoney War, 40
Pilgrim’s Way (Buchan), 337
Pius XII, Pope, 260
Poitier, Sidney, 310
Poland, 35, 71, 79, 83
RFK in, 259–60
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A (Joyce), 51
Portsmouth Priory, 38, 45–46
poverty, 213
JFK and, 170, 279
RFK and, 48–49, 170, 279–81, 284, 295–96, 301, 321
Powers, Francis Gary, 232
ent’s Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, 213
price fixing, 216–18
Profiles in Courage (Kennedy), 133
Pursuit of Happiness, 134
Quill, Michael, 240
Rackets Committee, 144, 147–48, 170, 181, 202, 218, 237, 278, 284
Raisin in the Sun, A (Hansberry), 241, 243
Ranger, USS, 45
Rauh, Joseph, 172–73
Rayburn, Sam, 138–40, 162, 179, 182
Reader’s Digest, 64
Reagan, Ronald, 294–95
Reardon, Ted, 103
Reedy, George, 112–13
“Reflections on the Guillotine” (Camus), 278
Republicans, 109–10, 131, 227
Catholic, 167–69
Republic Steel, 218
Reuther, Walter, 240
Ribbentrop, Joachim, 33
Riesel, Victor, 158
riots, 280, 322
after King assassination, 326–27, 334
Watts, 279–80, 334
Rochambeau, USS, 52
Rockefeller, Nelson, 258
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 267, 301
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., 170–72
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 67, 86, 89, 267
Catholics and, 30, 41–42, 74, 101, 132
death of, 57
in election of 1940, 41–43
Joseph Kennedy Sr. and, 28–31, 40–43, 52, 80, 112
RFK on, 82–83
Soviet Union and, 71, 74, 76, 101
Roosevelt, James, 31
Roosevelt, Theodore, 85
Rosenberg, Ethel, 112
Rosenberg, Julius, 80, 112
Rusk, Dean, 225
Russell Islands, 52
Russo, Joe, 63
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 43
St. Paul’s School, 37, 38
Salinger, Pierre, 170, 193, 200, 302, 306
Saltonstall, Leverett, 87, 89
Schary, Dore, 134
Schine, G. David, 113–15, 118, 121, 123–26
Schlesinger, Arthur, 65, 126, 136, 154, 170, 200–201, 271, 305–7, 310, 318, 327–28
Seattle Times, 146, 155, 178
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 30
See It Now, 122–23
Seigenthaler, John, 193, 207–9, 211, 214–15, 254, 256
Edward Kennedy in, 272, 274–76
Foreign Relations Committee, 281–82
JFK in, 109
JFK’s campaign for, 84, 85–93, 94, 95–101, 104–5, 107–8, 145
Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 110, 112–26, 131, 145, 147, 178, 278
RFK in, 3, 272, 274–76
RFK’s campaign for, 261–63, 265–69
Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field (Rackets Committee), 144, 147–52, 154–59, 170, 181, 202, 218, 237, 278, 284
Subcommittee on Migratory Labor, 283
Vietnam War hearings of, 281–82
Separate Peace, A (Knowles), 47
Sevareid, Eric, 313
Shakespeare, William, 264, 317
Sheen, Fulton, 111
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 6, 22, 61, 84, 101, 102, 113, 117, 127
Bobby Kennedy Page 35