Your Captivating Love (The Bennett Family Book 2)

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Your Captivating Love (The Bennett Family Book 2) Page 7

by Layla Hagen

  She smiles as if I gave her a compliment of the highest order. “Why are you so interested in her success?”

  “Because she has passion and determination, and she can’t catch a break. If there’s anything I can do to change that, I will.” Also, if her business fails, Nadine wants to move back to North Carolina. No way will I allow that. Damn it, she’s growing on me more than I like to admit, and that is very bad news.

  “Okay, I’m on it,” Pippa says. “I’ll figure out how to ask her, and I’ll make sure not to mention that you put in a good word for her.”

  “Thanks. She’s proud and wants to succeed on her own. We have someone like that in our family, so I’m walking on eggshells.”

  Pippa nods in agreement. “We’ll pull an Alice again, don’t worry.”

  We both grin. When Alice opened her restaurant, she announced she didn’t want to use the Bennett name for any favors. We were already famous by then and had enough money to push her restaurant to stardom, but she made us promise not to get involved. So we promised then immediately broke our word, of course.

  Pippa, Sebastian, and I pulled all the strings we could to convince influential reviewers to check out her restaurant. Now here’s the thing: said reviewers gave her completely objective opinions. The food was great, so really, she did it all on her own. Still, Alice doesn’t need to learn what we did.

  “Well, I’ll leave you,” I say. “What are your plans for the weekend? Do you want to do something together?”

  “I’ll probably watch reruns of my favorite shows Saturday and Sunday, but Friday night...” She inhales deeply. “I have a date.”

  I’m so stunned I can’t even speak for a second. “With a man?”

  Pippa stares at me as if I’m the world’s biggest moron. “No, Logan, with a chimp. Of course with a man.” She points her index finger menacingly at me. “Don’t say anything.”

  “I wasn’t going to.”

  She raises an eyebrow.

  “Okay, I was going to say you’re not ready.” A number of other remarks are on the tip of my tongue, but they wouldn’t earn me any points with Pippa, so I say, “Be careful, and call me if you need anything. Seriously. Anything.”


  Minutes later, I storm directly into Sebastian’s office, even though I have a million things to do. Family comes first, so I’m on Bennett duty today.

  “Did you know Pippa’s going on a date?” I ask him without further ado.

  Sebastian doesn’t look up from his computer screen. “No, but good for her. It’s about time.”

  “What do you mean ‘good for her’? Who is this guy?” I slump in the chair in front of his desk, propping up both feet on his desk. “Do we know anything about him?”

  “Well, Logan, since Pippa’s the one who’ll date him, I don’t think we’re the ones who’re supposed to know him.”

  Sebastian raises his eyebrows at my feet, but I don’t move them one inch.

  “I don’t want anyone to hurt her again,” I say.

  “Neither do I, but she’s a grown woman. You can’t scare off all her dates like you did in high school.”

  “I didn’t scare off all of them, just those who were asses. We can ask around, there’s no harm in that.”

  “Except Pippa will cut off our balls if she finds out. I don’t know about you, but I’m quite fond of my balls.”

  “So, what, we do nothing?”


  “Bloody brilliant,” I say.

  “You’re using British slang now?”

  “Seemed like the most appropriate word.”

  “Logan!” His warning tone annoys me.

  “Yeah, yeah, I get it. I’ll stay put.”

  “To change the topic, what’s this I hear about you dating Nadine?”

  I stare at him. “I told Pippa about it before I walked into your office. When did she have time to tell you?”

  “Ava told me. She was very smug about it too.”

  I snort. “I should’ve seen it coming.” Not wanting to talk about this with Sebastian, I switch topics. “Why don’t we schedule a budget meeting for this afternoon?”

  Sebastian nods. “Excellent. I thought I was the only one working around here today.”

  “Don’t be an ass.”

  “I’m not. If I were, I’d grill you more on Nadine.”

  “There’s no way I’m sharing any details.”

  “You’re in this deep, aren’t you? I’ll enjoy watching you fall, brother.”

  Chapter Eight


  I wake up panting, my chest heaving up and down as I struggle for breath. Fanning myself, I push a strand of hair away from my sweaty forehead. I had a hot dream. Logan Bennett was starring in it and holy hell. This felt so real. It still does. The skin on my entire body simmers, and I ache between my thighs. I blame the hot kiss Logan gave me last night for all of this.

  Damn. This felt too real.

  Grudgingly, I leave my bed and prepare myself for the day. As I decide to skip breakfast, the doorbell rings. I open the door, half expecting to find my landlord in front of it, telling me he’s raising my rent. Instead, there’s a delivery boy.

  “I have a delivery for you, miss.” He hands me a paper takeout bag without waiting for my answer.

  “I didn’t order anything.”

  He shrugs. “I’m just delivering. It’s already been paid for, so you might as well take it.”


  My heart hammering in my chest, I wait until he’s out of sight to close the door then tear open the bag. Inside it, I find two croissants and a note.

  Two croissants, just as mademoiselle ordered.


  A sigh escapes my lips, and my stomach flips. Warmth courses through me as I grab my phone and text Logan.

  Nadine: Thank you for the croissants.

  I hold my breath, waiting for his answer, which arrives in a few seconds.

  Logan: Think about me while you eat them.

  I’ve been thinking about him since he left last night, and this is dangerous. Sighing again, I take a bite of croissant. Oh, they’re delicious. I fiddle with my phone and write back to Logan.

  Nadine: Why did you send them?

  Logan: I’m spoiling you. It’s a mandatory step in “The Bennett Book of Seduction.”

  I laugh with gusto as I enjoy my croissant, and then decide to tease him.

  Nadine: You’re trying to impress me, so I don’t cancel our date on Friday.

  Logan: Nah, I wanted to make you smile.

  Damn, this man is perfect. So perfect, in fact, that I’m scared.

  Nadine: Careful, Logan. You’ll make me fall for you.

  Logan: Maybe that’s what I want.

  Oh. I was fully expecting my last statement to send him running for the hills but, of course, he’d surprise me. I’ve never met a man this determined, and. . . honest. Time to switch the tone to playful.

  Nadine: Our kiss really left a lasting impression on you, didn’t it? Or was it my display of boobs in Ava’s office?

  Logan: Both did. Can’t wait to see you again. By the way, if you cancel our date, I’m not above throwing you over my shoulder and kidnapping you.

  My knees turn to rubber instantly, and I know what’s causing it. The alpha vibes coming through the phone from Logan.

  The following week is crazy. I’m running around non-stop, talking to location owners, securing permits, and a million other things. Logan sends me breakfast each morning, and by the time Friday comes around, I’m bursting with excitement at the thought of seeing him again.

  Unfortunately, something gets in the way.

  “I need to cancel our date,” I say breathlessly into the phone.

  “Why?” Logan doesn’t bother to hide the disappointment in his voice.

  “Because I just received the keys to my very own shop, thank you very much. It’s in dreadful condition, so I need to start working on it right away.”

I’m standing in the shop right now, and it looks every bit as decrepit as it did when I first saw it. But I already bought part of the supplies I need for renovations, so I might as well start.

  “Congratulations. I thought you were going to show me your best options.”

  “I was going to, but the owner of this place called me this morning and told me I had to make my decision today, or he’d give it to someone else.”

  “I’ll come by now.”

  “You’ll try to convince me to go out.”

  “It’s Friday night, so of course I’m going to try to, but I also really want to see your place. Tell me the address.”

  I dictate it with a grin on my face. He called it “your place.” There are a number of people I could’ve called to tell them about this monumental moment in my life, and yet it’s Logan I called first. It wasn’t just because I had to cancel our date, but because I knew he’d understand how important this is for me. Even though I have a million things to do, I’m happy he’s coming over to share this with me.

  I can see past the dilapidated walls and ceiling. Instead of them, I imagine spotlights sprinkled on the ceiling. At least the floor is in great shape; it’ll need some polishing, but nothing more. My dream is finally in my grasp. There are three rooms—two in the back, which I’ll use for storage, and one in the front, where the actual shop will be.

  Logan walks inside the store half an hour later, and I lick my lips at the sight of him. He wears his suit jacket open, and my imagination runs wild thinking about what’s under his white shirt. Logan oozes masculinity, no imagination required. Something about the way he owns any room he walks into makes me feel safe when I’m with him, even though he’s a danger to my senses.

  After a quick inspection of the room, he sets his jaw.

  “I know this looks dreadful,” I say.

  “Dreadful? That’s one word. I would’ve gone with shithole.”

  “Don’t be mean.”

  “I’m worried about you. It’ll be hellish work to get this place up and running, Nadine.”

  It’s been a long time since a man worried about me, instead of the other way around. It feels good. Better than good. Most of all, it feels right—and that scares me.

  “It’s the only one I can afford.”

  “Why do you want to start working on it right away? Surely, no renovation crew will begin working this late on a Friday.”

  I barely keep from laughing as I point at myself with both thumbs and say, “Logan Bennett, meet the renovation crew.”

  “You want to do it yourself?”

  “I have to. No money for a crew. I made a list of everything I need to do.” I hand him the list, and he scans it quickly.

  “I’m impressed. Do you know how to do all this?”

  “Believe it or not, I do. I waitressed for years while in college, and whenever something needed fixing, the owner would make us do it. One summer, he closed for renovations, and I stayed to help. I needed the money, and I gained some extra skills. After I moved home, a friend of mine had a business fixing up houses, and selling them at a profit. I worked for her during weekends, so my skills are top-notch.”

  “You’re unbelievable.”


  “Now, seriously. You’ll need a crew to—”

  “No money for that. I’ll do it myself. It’ll take longer than I’d hoped, but it’ll work.”

  “If you want to do all the things on your list by yourself it’ll take you three months at least.”


  His eyebrows shoot up. “You’ll be paying rent three months without making any revenue.”

  “Logan, stop. I’m aware of all that, but I don’t have another option. I’ll suck it up and work.”

  “I probably already know the answer to this, but would you let me pay the crew? I’d be investing in your talent.”

  I put my hands on my hips. “You want to be an investor? Why?”

  “I saw your designs. They’re brilliant.”

  “Yeah, but that would be a conflict of interest.”

  “How so?”

  “We’re dating. I can’t accept it.” Even though I can see in his eyes that his offer is honest, the term “sugar daddy” rings in my mind. I don’t want to depend on anyone except myself to see this all the way to the end.

  “I thought you might say that. I’ll help you with the renovations then. On weekends.”

  I was expecting a lot of things from Logan, but not this. Ava told me how hard he works, and that he saves his precious spare time for his family. Now he wants to give that up for me. I recognize this for the significant commitment it is. Who is this man, and why didn’t I meet him at a more appropriate moment in my life? Say, one year from now, when I’ll have all my affairs in order?

  “It’s very sweet of you, but you don’t have to do this, Logan.”

  He smiles. “I know. I want to.” He closes the distance between us with a few strides. When he’s close enough to me that I can smell the woodsy scent of his cologne, he adds, “You said ‘we’re dating’ like it’s a regular thing.” He wiggles his eyebrows. “That’s a big statement for you, considering I nearly had to blackmail you to earn a second date.”

  “Well... ” My voice fades as Logan’s eyes turn darker, zeroing in on my lips.

  “I made an impression last time, didn’t I?” His voice is low and breathy. My body immediately responds to it, desire billowing in my center, coiling through my veins.

  “You’re a good kisser,” I say matter-of-factly.

  “Good? I never settle for good, Nadine.”

  “I might consider upgrading that to excellent,” I tease. “Depends on you.”

  “I do love your challenges. Now, back to helping you renovate. I want one thing in return.”

  “What’s that?” I already know I’ll agree to anything he says. It’s the side effect of inhaling his intoxicating scent. It must contain pheromones; I’m sure of it.

  “The promised second date. Tonight.”

  “You’re playing dirty.”

  “I’ve been accused of doing that to get my way.”

  “You always get your way, don’t you?”

  Leaning in to me, he whispers, “Yes.”

  “Okay, but we’ll have to go somewhere that a dress code isn’t required.” I point to my jeans and black cotton T-shirt. I have rags I plan to use for the renovation work in the back, but nothing else. “If we go to my apartment to change, it’ll take forever.”

  “Fine by me.”

  After I grab my purse, we step outside and I lock the door to the shop.

  “I can’t believe I found a space on this street. The location is perfect.”

  I glance around the area with a huge smile. “Perfect” doesn’t begin to cover it. This is a posh shopping area. A designer shoes and bag store is next door, and a high-end restaurant across the street. I’ve researched statistics, and there is plenty of foot traffic here. Parking opportunities aren’t as good as I’d hoped, but they’ll do.

  “The only downside is that it’s a million miles away from my apartment.”

  Logan puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk to his car. The gesture isn’t sexual at all, but it still makes my heart race. No, his caress speaks of safety, caring, and familiarity. Without thinking, I cuddle closer to him. Glancing up, I let out a slight sound of surprise. The sky is clearer than I’ve seen it since I arrived, and it’s the first time I can appreciate the multitude of stars sprinkled above me. They resemble tiny diamonds.

  “Actually,” Logan says, opening the door of his car for me. Once I’m inside, he continues. “The location is the best part. It’s two blocks away from where I live. I foresee endless opportunities to convince you to stay overnight.”

  With that, he closes the door. Wiping my palms on my jeans, I try to calm my heart. It beats even faster than before. What does Logan have in store for us?

  When he climbs in the driver’s seat, I immediately try to
fill the silence. “I don’t know why I’m surprised you live downtown.”

  “Yeah. Sebastian lives in a quieter neighborhood. I’m all for the hustle and bustle.”

  “So, where are we going?”

  “Dancing. Thought you should see my wild dancing skills, since you thought I could only go slow. I can do slow, and I can do wild.” He guns the engine. “It’s mind-blowing either way.”

  “Are we still talking about dancing?”

  “I am.” Glancing sideways at me, he adds with a smirk, “Are you talking about something else?”

  “No, not at all.” Heat creeps into my cheeks, but I’m counting on the darkness to hide it. “I feel guilty for not working tonight, but I’m happy we’re going out. You’re the first person I called.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, Nadine.”


  Midway through the drive, Logan’s phone rings.

  “Pippa,” he mutters, putting it on loudspeaker. “Hi, Pippa,” Logan answers.

  “You told me to call you if I need anything. You seemed to mean anything, but can I still hold you to it?” Pippa speaks in a low voice, and there is commotion in the background.

  Logan’s grip the wheel tighter. “Of course.”

  “Good. Can you pick me up from my date? I’m at Ember. It’s on—”

  “I know the restaurant.”

  “How fast can you be here?”

  “Twenty minutes, tops.”

  The call ends.

  “What was that?” My head spins as I try to make sense of it.

  “My sister wants a rain check from her date.”

  “Wow, you have a code or something?”

  “No, but I told her to call me if she needed anything.”

  Logan sports a killer expression afterward, so I don’t ask for more details. We arrive in front of the restaurant exactly twenty minutes later, and he texts Pippa to let her know we’re here. Ember is similar to the high-end restaurant across the street from my shop, except larger. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, I have a perfect view inside. Elegant black and white furniture fills the interior, the only patches of color coming from the guests’ clothes. Pippa walks out the front door before I finish inspecting the restaurant. Wearing sky-high black stilettos and a fitted red dress showing off her gorgeous curves, Pippa is by far the best-dressed person around. She looks like a woman on a mission. And right now, her mission seems to be fleeing the scene, though I believe she had an entirely different goal in mind when she dressed up for the night.


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