Survivor Planet Series 2-Book Box Set

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Survivor Planet Series 2-Book Box Set Page 19

by Juliet Cardin

"Yeah. I had no idea they could speak. I guess the ones who are half human can."

  Though I was happy with the outcome, my arms suddenly felt very light. "I'm gonna miss her."

  "It's for the best," Aris said, looking everywhere else but at me. "Let's go." He snatched his shirt and stalked off toward the faint trail again. I trailed after him once I composed myself. For a moment I feared I might actually cry.

  There was definitely something the matter with me.

  Catching up to my companion, and seeing the slump of his shoulders and the dejected look on his face, I feared I wasn't the only one.

  Chapter 16

  We covered a lot of ground not having to make so many stops. It being just after midday, we discovered a narrow spring and sat at the water's edge to eat some fruit we'd found. Taleon offered a wide variety of tree fruit, along with various berries. I would vow we'd tasted every kind. Aris assured me we had several weeks before the season changed completely. Our plan was to find somewhere safe to call home before the weather turned bad. Hopefully then we could pick and preserve as much food as possible to see us through until the calm season returned.

  Flying around on his spaceship when we'd first arrived, I'd been amazed how quickly we traversed various regions. We saw everything from warm, dry desert climates, to jungles, snowy mountains, and forests. Apparently these regions could all be covered on foot in one week, or one hundred Earth miles—the distance of the game. The game's track was chosen as such due to its vastly different regions. Aris said that as far as he knew, other areas of Taleon were not so diverse. Judging from what we'd seen, I'd have to agree. Since our journey began, all we'd traveled through was mainly forest. I was hoping that since Aris' views of Taleon had been mostly limited to the game zone, that major weather swings might be less of a trial in other areas of the planet. I guess we'd soon find out.

  "How're you doing?" I asked. Aris had yet to say much since handing over his Little Princess.

  "Fine." The dour look on his face suggested otherwise.

  "What was it like for you when you were little? Being handed over to the Academy?"

  He stared at me. "What's that got to do with anything?"

  Could he not see the correlation between the two scenarios? Handing over someone you care about to an unknown fate, never to know if you would see them again. Hadn't it happened to him? And hadn't it just happened to us with the child? "I'm just wondering if it was difficult for you. I mean, were your parents good to you? Was it hard for them to say goodbye?"

  "I'm not sure what that has to do..."

  "Don't get defensive. I just want to know what it was like for you, and for them. I mean, if I had a baby, I couldn't imagine being forced to hand him or her over at five years of age. Like, did they visit? Were you allowed to go home on holidays?"

  He seemed pensive and agitated by my questions. "Yes, my parents were good to me. They remained together after I went to the Academy." He held up a hand when I tried to interrupt. "Yes, they did visit. And we could return home on certain occasions. I also saw them when they delivered my little brother to the Academy three years later. After I graduated, I continued to see them on occasion."

  "What about your little brother? Did you see him around the Academy?"

  "Yes, now and then. He was in a different age group than me, but we were allowed to spend time together and of course, there were the family times."

  "What about later? When you were older and graduated?" I persisted.

  "We see each other mostly when we are together as a family. Our work schedules keep us busy. His skills were more geared toward medicine, leading him to pursue different avenues than me. My strengths and interests leaned more toward planetary forces, which led me to apply to work in the fleet."

  "And to working for Baynar," I summarized.

  He turned his gaze to the water. "Does that answer all your questions?"

  "I suppose." I decided to breach another subject. "So after being on Earth, has your view of Calixtus changed any?"

  "In what way?"

  "In the way they treat humans, for one. Don't you think it's pretty barbaric using us the way your planet has?"

  He let out a deep breath and reached down to rinse his hands in the water. Mine were sticky from the fruit as well so I copied his action. "Things have been the way they are on Calixtus for thousands of years."

  "Well, then, don't you think it's time they change? You can say a lot of things about humans, but one thing we do besides breed like rabbits is, we evolve. Things change all the time. Thinking changes as well—mostly for the better. Don't you think it's strange that your highly superior planet is still doing what it's done for thousands of years?"

  He wiped his hands on his pants and got to his feet. Then he looked down on me. "The way I think about Calixtus doesn't matter. One person is not about to change the way things are done."

  I got to my feet as well. "You can't be the only person to think about change."

  He stared at me angrily. "How do you know what I think? The way things are on Calixtus may seem archaic and backward to you, but it works. We're so far advanced in many ways that humans cannot even begin to comprehend. Why should we change?"

  I stared at him incredulously. "Because you're stealing people away from their lives and their planet. Taking them when you have no right."

  The cold smirk he flashed gave me chills. "Really? And tell me, Danni. Tell me how different and better you are?"

  I knew he wasn't just talking about terrible things that humans did to each other. He was talking about terrible things that I had done. I swallowed hard. Remember the lie. "It was only one time," I said quietly.

  "Was it?" For some reason I got the feeling that he saw right through me.

  Defiantly, I faced him with a steady gaze until he spun on his heel and stalked away. I took several deep breaths, waiting for my heart to beat regularly and my sweaty palms to cool before I went to join him. Pull it together! He waited for me at the top of the slight incline we'd earlier descended to reach the spring. I put away my self-depraved thoughts and pasted on a false façade of nonchalance. But when I reached his side I had the distinct impression that whatever had just gone on between us was no longer important.

  Not compared to the threat we now faced.

  There, standing barely ten yards away was a huge Roamyn warrior holding a deadly looking steel rod with a glittering, sharp axe blade on one end.

  The man smiled. "Ho, there, Ariston. I've come to collect your head, and gain my freedom."

  "Drakon," Aris said, staring at the other man in disbelief.

  "You...know him?" I asked.

  Aris nodded once. I could see his fists were clenched at his sides, probably itching for a weapon of their own.

  Drakon swung the rod in a deadly arc, grinning sadistically. "Have you not been informed?" he asked.

  Aris' demeanor portrayed a calm I knew he didn't feel. "Informed of what?"

  "Word is you're a our most exalted leader. You stranded him and the others here. And when you returned to make sure they were dead, Baynar overpowered you and took your ship, stranding you here in his stead." He laughed. "Now, isn't that an incredible turn of events?"

  Aris refused to answer.

  "There's a price on your head."

  "What price?" Aris demanded.

  "Freedom. He who kills you will be welcomed home."

  Chapter 17

  "It's a lie." I could bite my tongue no longer.

  Drakon sneered at me. "I was told you'd have a little whore with you."

  "What'd you call me?" I demanded.

  Aris grabbed hold of my arm and pushed me behind him. "Quiet," he snapped, then turned his attention back to his foe. "Think about it, Drakon. You knew my mission. It began just as you entered the tournament. I've been mainly on Earth the better part of two years. When would I get the chance to fly back and strand Baynar on Taleon? Why would I want to?"

  Drakon shrugged. "Don't know, do
n't care. I heard it from the man himself. He appeared to me, and probably others as well. Told us what you did, what he wanted, and what he offered in exchange."

  "He stranded me here because the lightwing couldn't bear the weight of us all. He was in such a hurry to flee that he and the others tossed my companion and me overboard. Now he's covering his own ass—and no doubt distracting Calixtus from the truth—by having me hunted down."

  Drakon shrugged. "No matter. It's a chance to go home. Two eundn I've lived here on the edge, but no more." He spread his legs wide and held up his weapon, preparing for battle. "Make ready."

  "Hold," Aris said. He pulled me forward so he could look me in the eye. "Danni, I need you to take cover..."

  "Baynar appeared to him, and the others?" I interrupted.

  Aris seemed to search for the right words to explain. "In what you would call a hologram."

  "Oh." Of course he'd been too much of a coward to come here in person. Before Aris could stop me I faced Drakon with a nasty stare. "What a tough guy you are, taking on an unarmed man! That's a pretty big weapon you have there. I think you're overcompensating," I taunted.

  "Overcompensating?" Drakon demanded.

  He was dressed in a leather outfit that'd seen better days. I raked my gaze across his lower regions, then looked him in the eye and smirked. Judging by the snarling look on his face he got my meaning. Aris' grip on my arm tightened.

  "What're you doing? Trying to antagonize him?"

  "Don't worry," I said loudly. "He's no match for you, Aris. That's why he needs a weapon. You're a real man. He's a coward."

  Drakon's eyes flashed. "You little bitch!"

  "Chicken shit!"

  "Stop it!" Aris demanded of us both.

  But my ploy had worked. Even as Aris had yelled, Drakon had tossed aside his giant steel battle-axe. At least now it'd be a fair fight. Aris stared in amazement at Drakon then turned his gaze to me. I winked. Then I put my hands on his shoulders, got up on my tippy toes and kissed him hard on the lips.

  "Win," I told him, and backed away.

  With a hair-curling battle cry, Drakon charged forward. Aris stood his ground. He bent slightly forward, widened his legs, and braced himself. As soon as he and Drakon were about to collide, Aris sidestepped to the left. Drakon pulled up and turned, then charged again, only to have Aris spin around and kick him right in the face.

  Drakon was a big guy. Though the blow would have knocked me into a month long coma, Drakon didn't even fall to the ground. Shaking his head, he grinned with a bloody mouth. My stomach gripped in a knot. He's insane. Though I guess spending two years on this planet, from the looks of it alone, always on edge, fearful for your life, could do that to a person.

  "Same ole Aris," Drakon laughed.

  In quick succession, Aris leveled several stunning blows to Drakon's stomach and head, each one making him retreat farther and farther. Aris paused in his assault, and Drakon put his hands to his face only to reach out blindly, waving his arms around. I gasped when he grabbed hold of Aris' shirt with his meaty hooks. Aris' jacket lay on the ground where he'd dropped it upon first seeing Drakon. He'd rolled up his sleeves and unbuttoned his shirt as the day grew warmer. As Drakon grabbed him, I saw a couple of Aris' shirt buttons pop off and land on the ground.

  I longed to call out, telling Aris to kick his ass, or voice some kind of encouragement, but I also didn't want to distract him. Aris was in great condition, despite spending over a week living off the land. Drakon, on the other hand, despite his bulk, appeared weakened and desperate. Now that Drakon was unarmed, I wasn't as concerned for Aris' safety as I'd been.

  Raising his arms, Aris broke Drakon's hold. Then he punched him hard in the stomach, making him double over. "Yield," Aris demanded.

  Drakon raised a bloody face. "Never."

  Aris punched him again. "Yield."

  Drakon dropped to his knees. Wearily he lifted his face. "It may not be me, but there will come another, and another." He began to laugh. Then his face grew serious and he lunged. Reacting by instinct, Aris grabbed him in a headlock and snapped his neck.

  Like a stone, Drakon dropped to the ground and moved no more.

  Aris stood over him, breathing heavily. He held his hands up, staring at them as though they belonged to a stranger. "I...didn't mean to..."

  "Aris," I said, seeing his distress.

  Like a person awakening from a dream, he shook his head and turned to stare at me. Seeing I had his attention, I pointed at a Seer hovering just mere steps from where Drakon lay. "Calixtus is watching," I said. "Now's your chance."

  I saw his eyes narrow in fury. He faced the Seer, and instead of pleading innocent of the crimes he was accused of, he instead issued a challenge. "Now you've seen what will happen to any and all who come for me. You will die." His deadly stare and cold tone gave me chills. But he wasn't finished yet.

  "Baynar," he spat. "You know the truth. Once I'm through killing whoever gets in my way, I will come for you. Count on it." Then he turned away. Striding towards me, he paused to pick up his jacket and then grabbed the steel battle-axe. Somehow the weapon appeared much deadlier in his hands than it had in Drakon's. I thought it a shame that the left-behind players on Taleon couldn't hear Aris' threat. But I knew the warning would carry forward to future players if we had to spend the rest of our lives here.

  Watching him now, and seeing the stone cold detachment he'd adopted, made me wonder if I knew him at all. Here was no gentle, noble, predictable cop from Earth that I'd spent more than a week with. Here was the deadly warrior from Calixtus. He strode off and I hurried to follow him.

  We didn't stop walking for what I predicted to be several miles. Aris maintained the lead, and though I practically trotted along behind him, I'd yet to reach his side. I got the impression that something big had happened back there. And not just to Drakon.

  Aris had reverted to warrior-mode, and he wore the image like an imposing suit of armor. I supposed since he'd issued a challenge—in front of his entire planet no less—he had to become the killer he'd boasted he'd be for any and all past and future contenders who challenged him. Looking at him, I knew I'd think twice about confronting him, even if I were a nearly seven foot high giant bred to fight.

  Finally, Aris stopped when we came up beside a little pond just off to our left. We followed no trail, it had long disappeared, yet, we still kept the largest star in sight as our beacon.

  Aris leaned the weapon he held against the trunk of a thick tree. Then he began to strip off all of his clothes. Right down to nothing.

  "What're you doing?" I laughed a little, suddenly feeling nervous. I could see he had a raging hard-on.

  He walked toward me, slowly and deliberately, with a heated look of intent.

  I got the feeling I was about to find out how it felt to be taken by a warrior.

  Chapter 18

  There were no words.

  One minute Aris was coming at me primed with sexy intent, the next minute I was stealthily divested of all my clothing. I stared around the ground at my far-flung silky bra and panties and prayed I wouldn't spot a Seer.

  Aris pushed me back up against the same trunk that the battle-axe rested against. Lifting me in his arms he moved his body flush to mine. Ignoring the rough bark of the tree against my bare skin, I threw my arms around his neck and lifted my legs round his waist. He took a step back and lowered me, impaling me on his shaft. My breath came out in a gasp—his, in a growl.

  With his hands gripping my ass, he slid me up and down on him, each stroke causing me to cry out with delight. I arched my back and tossed my head in abandon. This was the animal I'd been craving. Deep down I'd sensed he'd held back when making love to me, but no more. The impossible fullness of his enormous cock plunging into my tight, barely ready pussy made me grit my teeth. He'd spent no time preparing me for his size, and yet, the intensity of my arousal more than compensated. After several deep strokes, becoming faster and faster, I craved his intimate assault.

  Before either of us could spend our lust, he suddenly lowered to his knees. Then, using the forest floor as a mattress, he laid me down. All the while his cock remained deep in place. His weight bore down on me, but then he lifted up and, pulling free, knelt between my open legs. I sighed over the loss, but soon grew excited when he bent to suckle my nipple and then kiss a trail down to my belly. Lower still, his hot breath blew against my pussy. I felt a finger plunge within, soon followed by another. His tongue flicked out to lick my clit, while another finger joined the pair.

  My head writhed side to side. My fingers caught hold of his head, rubbing the bristle of his shorn hair. He'd grown stubble on his face during our forced excursion, and now I felt the roughness against my thighs.

  His tongue was wild on me, while his fingers plunged deep, withdrew, and plunged again. Then his hot mouth came down, suckling my clit as it had my nipple. Just as I reached the brink of release, he pulled free and kissed a trail back up my body, settling his cock before my entrance. Swiftly he plunged, ravishing me with exquisite torture. His strokes were merciless, bold, and demanding. He would take, just as he would give. I felt tears slip down my face, my tormented body becoming a mass of unbearable need. Though I longed to cry out, I held on until I could bear no more. Aris sunk deep within me and stilled.

  "See me," he demanded.

  I nodded once, unable to speak.

  Still he did not move. Until...his hand came up the side of my face, cupping my cheek tenderly, only to reach round my head and grasp my hair. Our eyes met and held, an unspoken bond forging between us.

  "Mine," he said.

  "And mine," I dared to reply.

  He grinned.

  Now he began to move once more, faster and faster until we both cried our release for any and all to hear.

  We gathered our clothes in silence. My limbs felt shaken, my body spent. I watched him for a moment as I dressed and wondered, was this it? Did I have him now? Had I passed some test? And would it remain this way between us, or was what just happened nothing more than bloodlust? Perhaps. Yet, why did I feel I needed more?


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