Bad Patient: A Bad Boy Romance

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Bad Patient: A Bad Boy Romance Page 9

by Tanner, Natasha

  "What did you tell them?" Joe asked as he lurched forward in the chair. "Did they mention my name? What the fuck did you tell them about me?"

  "I told you, man. I didn't have to tell them anything about you. They already knew who you were and came to the conclusion all on their own that you were involved. I told you, someone saw you leaving the resort at the same time as the incident and they put it all together pretty freaking quick.

  They asked me repeatedly what my involvement was with you and with the DiFazio family, and I just kept telling them the same story over and over. That we met in a bar ... I'd been drinking ... you told me I could make a couple hundred thousand real quick with not much work and no risk. I told them you said your name was Frank Reynolds and that I didn't have any idea who you were or who you were connected with. That's all I told them, I swear," I said.

  I glanced over at Jess and she was still sitting on the arm of the couch. She was looking at me with a sad, terrified look in her eyes like she was finally realizing what an enormous mistake she had made. There was a part of me that felt bad but I had to save my own ass. I had to get out of that hospital. I didn't want to involve her but I knew I didn't have any choice at the time. Besides, I didn't think things were going to get so complicated. I really wished she had just turned around and left me here, but she was here now and I was going to do whatever it took to make sure she got out alive.

  "Well are you sure you didn't say anything to them because my name has been on every news site since that night?"

  "Me too," Sasha said, as she glared over at Joe. He didn't seem to notice at all because as usual he was just concerned with himself. "The news isn't saying I'm kidnapped though. Wouldn't they be saying that if that's what they thought?" Sasha asked.

  "That's just what the cops told me that your dad told them. I have no idea what they know or what they told the freaking media. If you want a different answer than what I've been giving you, you're going to have to ask someone else," I said as I directed my attention back to Joe. He sat back in his chair again looking like he might be satisfied with my answer.

  "Look, man, I didn't even know who the hell you were when I hired you. I gave you a chance cause Sasha said you knew the layout of the resort and could help us out. But now I'm starting to get a bad feeling about all this. Like maybe I was set up or something. Like maybe someone hired you to pull this job off with me."

  "Are you freaking kidding me? I'm the one that got shot! I'm the one that wound up in the hospital and had to escape or I would have wound up in prison. I know I didn't shoot that cop at Shady Palms. My guess is it was you since you were the only other person there, but I didn't tell them that. I kept my goddamned mouth shut. And if I hadn't gotten myself outta there, I would have been the one to go to prison for killing a cop, not you. So don't give me that shit about thinking you're being set up."

  "Alright, let's just drop it for now. We gotta figure out how the hell to keep her from getting out of here though. That room in the middle there has just one window. I'll go see if I can find some wood to board it up. Then I'm tying her up tonight. You can sleep out here on the couch and Sasha and I are in that room there."

  "Dude, you don't have to tie her up ..."

  "Yes I fucking do," Joe said as he stood up and walked over to the couch so I could get a real good look at his ugly face. "And you can stop telling me what to do right now because you're the liability now. Maybe you need her here with you and maybe you don't, but honestly I don't really give a shit.

  All I'm waiting for is for you to tell me how the hell you're going to get us out of this. You were the one that said you had a boat we could use to get the hell out of here. I've been waiting here for a week now and I sure as hell don't need some damn nurse running off in the middle of the night bringing the cops back here. She's getting tied up."

  I wanted to strangle that son of a bitch so bad I could taste it. Before I was done with him he was gonna wish he had never been born. I looked at Jess as he grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the bedroom, and I could see that she was terrified. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be ok, that I was going kill those ass holes as soon as I could, but I couldn't blow it all just to make her feel better. He still hadn't told me what had happened at the resort. But I was pretty sure that if he had grabbed some of the money from the safe he sure as hell wasn't going to tell me about it.

  But watching him throw Jess around like that made my blood boil and I was going to make sure he got what was coming to him.

  I must have fallen asleep at some point because when I woke up I was disoriented. I didn't know where I was for a few moments and I was especially confused because I felt the pressure of two thighs straddling me. I open my eyes hoping to see Jess's beautiful eyes staring down at me but instead it was that goddamned blonde bitch.

  "I was so afraid you were dead, Brody," she said as she pushed her tits together and hovered over my face. I squirmed around underneath her so that she wasn't sitting so close to my stomach and she took that as an invitation to grind herself onto my cock.

  "I waited for you, I didn't wanna leave without you but he made me. And I knew he would kill me if I told him anything. I've been so horny for you, Brody," she said as she kept gyrating on top of me. I had no interest in this chick anymore but my cock didn't seem to want to listen to anything my brain had to say.

  "Hey yeah, I've been horny for you too, babe. I was hoping you would be here and that maybe Joe would've gotten killed. Now it looks like I'm gonna have another job to do. You're still with me right?" I asked as I wrapped my hands around her neck.

  "Of course, baby. I'm with you. You just gotta take care of him in the morning and we'll be good to go. Joe made off with at least two million from the safe. It's in a duffel bag under the bed back there. And as soon as you take care of him and that nurse in there it'll just be you and me. I can take care of you just as good as she can," she said as she nuzzled her face in my hair.

  "So, no one knows you came here, right? You haven't made any calls or seen any other cars, right?" I asked trying to get as much information out of her as I could. I didn't trust her as far as I could throw her but if I was gonna make it out of this alive, I need to keep everything looking good as far as she was concerned.

  "No, nobody's called. I mean my dad has of course. He's left like a hundred messages but I'm sure he doesn't know anything. I think he's embarrassed that one of his own family members turned against him and tried to rob his resort and he doesn't want it in the news. But it serves him right. I don't feel sorry for that controlling asshole one bit. I can't wait to get away from him."

  "I wouldn't underestimate your dad if I were you, Sasha. He's not a stupid man. So, you didn't get rid of your cell phone? It's still here?"

  "Yeah, do you wanna use it?"

  "No, but I'm pretty sure it's being tracked. Why didn't you get rid of it before you got here?" I was suddenly worried that this wasn't going to go as smoothly as I hoped it would.

  "No, my dad doesn't have any of my passwords. There's no way he could track my phone."

  "Okay, babe, well the sooner we get out of here the better. Get Joe's gun when you get back in there. I don't want to have to worry about him sneaking up behind me. I need to use any advantage I can to make sure he gets what's coming to him."

  "Sure, Brody, anything you you say, but I want you to fuck me," she said as she pulled her top off and pushed her tits into my face. I let out a groan and put my hand over my stomach and she backed off a little.

  "Oh honey, did I hurt you? You're still in so much pain, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, my stomach is killing me," I said, hoping to get her off of me. I was still hard as hell but it wasn't her name that was written all over my cock.

  "Oh, ok. Just kiss me, then. I've been dying to taste you, Brody. And I want to run my fingers through that thick, dark hair of yours," she said as she leaned down, being careful not to put any weight on my stomach, and shoved her tongue into my m

  She was definitely a chick I would have fucked in two seconds flat a couple of weeks ago. In fact, I had fucked her two weeks ago, but now all I could think about was Jess. I wanted those big luscious hips sitting on top of me right now and I want to feel her soft lips touching mine. I would have been able to take any amount of pain if I had her sitting on top of me right now instead of this spoiled bitch.

  "Hey, hey. I don't want Joe to come out and see you on top of me like this with your shirt off. Get back in the room with him so he doesn't suspect anything and get his gun away from him. I'll see you in the morning."

  "Ok, baby. I can't wait," she said as she got up and tiptoed through the room then slipped silently into the bedroom where Joe slept.



  I heard the door to the room open and close and I knew it had to be Brody. I had been tied to the bed in the dark room and I couldn't turn to see the door but whoever it was, was standing there quietly and I didn't think that Joe guy had the ability to be quiet for very long. Plus, if it had been him he probably would've already been jerking me around again, almost dislocating my shoulder.

  But the fact that it was Brody didn't put me any more at ease, and it certainly didn't make me happy. I didn't want to look him in the eyes ever again. I was too angry and too ashamed of myself for falling for his lies. I just wanted to die right there in that bed.

  "Are you okay, Jess?" he whispered. I didn't answer him but I could tell that he knew I wasn't asleep. He stood there for a little while longer then I heard soft footsteps cross the floor over to the end of the bed.

  "I just wanted to see how you're doing. I'm sorry I got you mixed up in all this. I can't stand the way that asshole has been throwing you around ..."

  "Was it all just a bunch of lies, Brody? Was a single thing you said to me true?" I asked, immediately feeling ashamed of myself for still wanting to believe anything he had said to me in the hospital. Of course, it was all lies. He never really intended to run away with me. He was just using me to get out of the hospital.

  Of course everything he said to you was a lie, Jess.

  His complete silence gave me all the answers I needed.

  "Never mind, I know you were just doing what you had to in order get out of there. So what's going to happen now? I guess that's another stupid question. I know you have to kill me. You already told me that if I came into this house there was no way I would be getting out of here alive."

  "Jess, I'm not going to kill you. I don't need to kill you. When I disappear I'm disappearing for good. I know how to do it so that not a single person on this planet will be able to find me unless I want them to. So, I'm not worried about what you tell the police or what you say about me afterwards.

  I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry that I got you involved in this. You have to understand ... I had to get out of that hospital. It was a one-way ticket to life in prison and ..."

  "... and you did what you had to do, I get it. You told me what you needed to tell me, and you used everything at your disposal to get what you wanted, right? You should be proud of yourself. You really had me fooled." I said with my back still to him.

  "Jess, you can't possibly understand what I was going through unless you've been in the position I was in. You can't tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing."

  "Well, yes, actually I think I can, Brody. Because I wouldn't have been in that situation to begin with," I said as I twisted my body towards him, the rope around my wrists straining and tightening. I realized that my voice was getting louder and I didn't want that Joe guy to hear us and come in so I turned back towards the wall and lowered my voice.

  "I wouldn't be in that position, Brody, because I can't even imagine being in a situation where I would have to use another person to get what I wanted. I don't know what kind of job you have or what your involvement is with this family business, but manipulating someone's emotions and lying to innocent people in order to get what you want sounds pretty sleazy to me. And that's not something I would ever do. I would never trick someone into falling in love with me no matter what kind of trouble I was in. I have more respect for the people I choose to be around than that."

  "You're right, Jess, what I did was sleazy and selfish. You're much better off without me. I know you'll be fine. You'll make your way back to the police station and tell them what happened and they'll believe that you were kidnapped. You can bring them back to this house and show them where I kept you and they'll believe you. I promise, you'll be fine."

  "But what about the way I feel?" I said with tears starting to burn my eyes. I didn't want to cry in front of him. I didn't want him to know how much he had effected me, but for some reason no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the feelings that were welling up inside me. No matter how many times I told myself that he was a sleazy, lowlife criminal that had used me I still couldn't stop seeing his eyes when he told me he loved me. I couldn't stop wanting to believe that there was a lot more to him than what he was showing me right now. A side to him that I had only been able to get a glimpse of through his eyes.

  I tried to wipe my eyes but my hands were tied over my head to the headboard. Brody came over to the side of the bed that I was laying on and sat down next to me and untied my wrists. He sat there silently for a moment with the moonlight that was shining in through the wooden boards that were nailed over the window shining on him.

  "I'm sorry he did this to you," he said as he unwound the rope from around my wrists. "I'm going to get rid of both of them tomorrow, and as soon as I do you have to leave."

  "But what if I want to stay with you?" I asked still feeling incredibly ashamed but I couldn't keep the words from coming out. Tears were rolling down my cheeks now and I wiped them off as I looked at Brody in the dim light.

  "Didn't you hear me? I'm going to kill them. Why the hell would you want to stay with a killer? You need to leave this place Jess. If I thought I could get you out of here tonight I would, but I have to make sure he doesn't have that gun. There's more going on here than you realize and I don't know if I can protect you. There might be other men coming here soon, they might even be waiting outside right now."

  "Why won't you let me make the decision of whether or not I want to stay with you? I don't understand what you're telling me. Are you saying that you don't want me to stay with you or that you don't think I should stay with you?" That distinction was starting to become very important to me. Was Brody trying to get me to leave because he thought that was best for me? If he really didn't want me with him I had to know, but so far he wasn't saying those exact words. He seemed to be saying anything but that.

  "Jess, you don't want to come with me. I'm on the run now, and not just from the cops. You don't know who I am, Jess." he said as he moved closer to me. "You have no idea what kind of person I am."

  "Then tell me. What kind of person are you? I want you to be honest with me. If you really don't want me to be with you then tell me. If that's the case, then I'll leave and you'll never see me again." I asked looking to into his eyes and trying to understand what it was he was trying to tell me.

  "It's not that, Jess. It's not that at all," he said as he looked down at the floor. I wanted to reach out and touch him but he was right. Why would I want to be with a killer? Up until I met Brody I would have never even considered breaking the law or standing by while I knew someone was about to be killed. Why was I suddenly ok with what this man had planned? And not only that, why did I still want to stay with him after he told me that he was planning on killing two people in the morning?

  "I'm not just going to be running from the cops, Jess. I'm going to be running from the mob, too. I'm going to have people, people that no one would ever want to have looking for them, looking for me for the rest of my life."

  "What do you mean? Are you with the Mafia, Brody? Is that what you're telling me? Is what the cops said about you true?"

  "No. Is not that simple. I wish it was. I'm what's ca
lled an associate, or more accurately in my case, a ghost. I take care of things for people. People that need a job done without any kind of trail left after it's finished ... they find me. Nobody knows who I am or where I live or where I go after the job is done. They just know that they are going to get what they want. That's my reputation. I give them exactly what they want.

  I've spent the last ten years of my life perfecting my career. It's a service I started myself after seeing a big need for it in a lot of operations that I'd been a part of. Years ago, I'd been hired to do little jobs here and there for different organizations. But as the jobs got bigger, I started to see a need that wasn't being filled. A need for someone to do these jobs who was basically invisible, even from the people who hired them.

  So, for the last ten years I've been the guy that just about everybody contacts from any organization ... whatever you want to call it ... family business, the mob, organized crime, whatever ... they come to me. At least they know how to get ahold of me. I've arranged it so that I can receive messages ... arrangements ... payments ... and any information I need to do a job, but nothing can be traced to me directly.

  I get a message, I reply, arrangements are made and I do the job. I don't have an identity to any of these people and they don't care as long as I get the job done. Like I said, that's my reputation. There's only one other person in the world I'm aware of that does anything like what I do, so there always seems to be plenty of work. Plenty of people that need to have a dirty job taken care of. And sometimes those arrangements include someone within an organization hiring me to kill someone in that same organization."

  "Are you're saying that you were hired by someone to kill Joe? Someone he works for? Is that why you're here?"

  "Yes. That's what I'm saying. I was hired to set up the job with him and I was hired to kill him in the process, to make it look like it had taken place during the robbery. However, I made one stupid mistake while we were pulling off the job. I didn't realize that DiFazio had hired additional protection for the night of the poker game. It was something I normally would have made sure of, something so freaking simple it was almost an amateur move. I don't know, maybe I let myself slip up. I had been getting tired for a while of all the killing and the pressure so maybe in some sick way I was really doing myself a favor.


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