ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 72

by Charlotte Sloan

  Camden sat Isla in her high chair and sprinkled a handful of cheerios on the tray to keep her entertained while Camden cooked. Turning to the fridge, Camden began preparing a quick supper for Isla. As Camden cooked she heard Vaughn approach from behind. He pulled a chair out from the table and sat, watching Camden at the stove, Isla happily crunching cereal.

  Camden finished cooking the pasta and vegetables and set the dish in front of Isla, who in turn started picking up fistfuls of pasta. She sat across from Vaughn, leaned back in her chair and looked at him. He was still looking at Isla. Studying her with his shrewd assessing eye.

  He reluctantly turned his eyes from his child to Camden. She returned his stare. Camden tried to read Vaughn’s face, unsure of what to expect, but he hid behind the same guarded look of concentration that he used when discussing work. Finally she wasn’t able to hold back her curiosity.


  “I guess that explains where you’ve been.”

  Camden smiled, relieved he wasn’t angry anymore, though there was a certain touch of sadness in his voice now. “Yes. I moved not too long after I found out.” He nodded, pensive, quiet. “It’s wasn’t much, but it’s all I could afford. And it served us well.”

  “So your folks were mad you got pregnant?”

  “No, they were pretty supportive when I told them. What made me fall from their good graces was when I wouldn’t tell them who got me pregnant.”

  “You never told them?”

  “No, and my father was already mad enough. That was just the icing, I guess.” Camden shrugged.

  “That’s a shitty way to treat your kid. And grandkid.”

  “They were clear on their expectations. It was my decision to not tell them, so I accepted the consequences.”

  “And last night?”

  “Was my mom’s attempt at reconciliation.”

  “So they’ve never met Isla?”


  Vaughn was quiet again. Whatever he was thinking he preferred to keep to himself. Camden could only guess what was going through his mind. Vaughn sat leaning forward with his forearms on his legs, watching as Isla smeared red sauce across her face. He smiled.

  “She’s sweet.”

  Camden watched as the bowl of pasta got tipped upside down and Isla’s tiny hands began mashing the sloppy mess with her hands. Camden shook her head and sighed. “She is.”

  “How old is she?”

  “18 months.” She watched Vaughn’s mind calculate.

  “So you knew you were pregnant when you left?”

  “It’s the reason I left.”

  He sat back and turned to Camden. “You really don’t like me that much?”

  “It wasn’t that. I just didn’t see us having any kind of future together, and if I would have revealed that you were the father my parents would have pushed for us to get married. I didn’t want to be trapped in a marriage with someone who didn’t have the faintest desire to get married to anyone, let alone me.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. You know as well as I that you vigorously fend off any marriage-material woman your mom sends your way. Oh, and what would your mom have thought? She already disliked me. She would have thought this was a ploy to trap you. She would have blamed me for tarnishing your reputation.”

  “Who cares about my mother? And that’s not what I was talking about. The part about me not wanting to marry you.”

  “With all those debutants chasing after you I was so far from right for you. I can see if maybe we were in the same circles and I got pregnant, then maybe I could see us making it work. But the only thing we had in common was our weekends at the club. Infatuation. A Kincaid doesn’t end up with a girl like me.”

  Isla fussed in her chair, calling for Camden. Camden reached for a wet cloth and tried to wipe off some of the wreckage, then picked her up. Isla giggled and fisted a hand full of hair, smearing a hidden handful of pasta sauce as she did. While Camden tried to tug her hair from Isla’s tiny grasp, Vaughn stood and walked over to stand in front of the two. Isla turned her big dark eyes up to his, then buried her head in Camden’s shoulder.

  “She must be able to sense that I know nothing about kids.”

  “Well, she’s really smart, so probably.”

  Vaughn’s eyes darted to hers, but then caught her smile. He returned it.

  “Can I hold her?” He asked, tentatively.

  Camden passed the squirmy girl over to Vaughn. With an awkward grasp, Vaughn tried to hold her in front of him. Isla studied him with wide eyes, gauging him. When she was done assessing whether or not to scream at him, Isla reached out a tiny hand and with a veracious grip, pulled Vaughn’s nose.

  He yelped and pulled her off of him. Camden laughed as Vaughn fended off Isla’s tiny attack, made all the more funny by Isla’s giggles. Soon tiring from the game, Isla squirmed in his arms, thrashing her little body. Vaughn looked at Camden, alarm in his eyes.

  “You can set her down. She’s done with you for now.”

  Vaughn set her down and watched as she toddled away, giggling.

  “Well, I see she has your sense of humor.” He said, rubbing at his red nose.

  “And your inability to take no for an answer.” Camden joked.

  “So what do we do now?”

  “That’s up to you. You’re under no obligation to stay.”

  “And if I wanted to stay?”

  “That’s fine too.”

  Vaugh tagged along behind Camden and Isla as they started on their bedtime routine. By the time they all finally settled on the couch to read a story Vaughn’s clothes were speckled with pasta sauce, bath water, and smears of diaper cream. Camden had been impressed at his willingness to participate in the chaos. Camden couldn’t read the look on his solemn face, but his eyes were soft and he hadn’t left yet. Perhaps there was hope that he would want to continue seeing his daughter.

  When the story was finished, Camden picked their baby up and carried her past Vaughn to her room. Over Camden’s shoulder, Isla waved a tiny weary hand at Vaughn and he returned it.

  A few minutes later, when Camden returned from putting Isla to bed, she found Vaughn looking at the few pictures that hung on the wall, memories of her and Isla. Camden came to stand beside him. Vaughn touched a picture of Isla on her first birthday, all smiles and icing covered hands.

  “She looks like you here.”

  “You think so? I always thought she looked more like you.”

  “Oh no. Look at her eyes, full of mischief. She definitely looks like you there.” He flashed a smile down at Camden. “So, she’s really ours?

  “Without a doubt. Are you upset?”

  He blew out a breath, turning back to look at the picture. “No. I’m not upset that you got pregnant and had our baby. It’s just,” Vaughn stopped, struggling with the words to say. He stabbed a finger at the picture of Camden and Isla, taken in the hospital the day she was born. “Who was with you when this picture was taken?” He asked, frustration ringing through in his voice.

  “My neighbor, a friend, drove me to the hospital and sat with me.”

  “So you chose that over me?” His eyes bore into hers.

  “There was a lot that went into that decision, don’t say it so flippantly. It’s easy to look back now and say that you wanted to be a part of it, but you can’t be certain.”

  “Cam, not only did you take away all the firsts I’ll never be able to get back with Isla, you took away the experience of being with you when she was born, when you were feeling shitty and needed someone to take care of you. You deprived us both of that experience. And you deprived me of being with you. I was serious when I told you that I missed you. And I’m kicking myself for not realizing how much you meant to me before it was too late. And for making you feel like you like you meant nothing more to me than a booty call.”

  “I thought I was doing right by you. I couldn’t see it turning out
any other way, I just saved us the pain of getting there.” As Camden looked into Vaughn’s tormented eyes she felt the seed of doubt that she carried with her grow.

  “You deny our relationship because you think there’s some invisible barrier preventing you from being in my life, but I need you there. My world is full of ass kissers and leeches, not a single shred of personality between them. I find myself going to the country club hoping you would show up again, only to be faced with more of the same insipid people. Until yesterday.”

  “Don’t confuse obsession with something meaningful. If you want me because I cure your boredom, then you may as well give up now. I’ve learned what I’m capable of and I don’t think I have it in me to be pliant to anyone, regardless of how much money you have. I worked too hard to make a life here for you to come and tell me you can do better.”

  “Cam, that’s not what I’m saying.” Vaughn’s hands cupped her cheeks. “I’m trying to tell you that I want to be a part of what you have here. That in the time you’ve been gone I’ve realized that I’m not happy without you. You are all that I want, and had I found you sooner I’d be telling you the same thing. Had I known about Isla I would be telling you the same thing.”

  Camden studied his face, close to her own, reading what she saw there. His eyes were pleading, tender, and she saw in them an honesty she couldn’t deny. Even so, there was something in her that still wouldn’t break.

  “I have a child to think of. I can’t bring people in and out of her life. If you want to be a part of our lives then you have to be serious.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Vaughn said as his hand moved to the back of her neck, his mouth easing closer to hers. “I don’t think I’ve ever been jealous before today when I thought you were with someone else. I can’t risk that happening again. I lost you once and I’ll be damned sure not to let that happen again.”

  Camden softened under his hands. Vaughn’s lips tasted her, warm and crushing. The scent of him surrounded her, spicy and virile and the familiar feel of his body pressed against hers was welcome after being apart for so long. She molded into him, and when his tongue lapped at her mouth, coaxing her, she readily met his with her own. His fingers climbed up her neck into her hair. The bite of his fingers fisting into her hair spurred her on, their kisses devouring.

  Vaughn’s other hand explored down her body, strong fingers kneading her shoulders, her back, her hips. Camden arched her hips into him, feeling the heat of his growing erection rub into her. The pulsing heat between her legs grew and Camden could feel the wetness gathering there. Her nipples rubbed against the fabric covering them and her hand curled into the front of his shirt. The taste she had of him last night didn’t even come close to curbing the craving she had for him now.

  Her nimble fingers found the bottom of his shirt. She pulled it up his body, and Vaughn broke their kiss to allow her to pull it up. Her hands exposed his olive skin, toned muscles, and she abandoned his shirt in favor of rubbing her hands over his chest, plucking at a nipple as she ran her fingers over them. Vaughn hissed in a breath and finished pulling his shirt up over his head.

  Camden’s fingers trailed down his stomach to the dark hair that trickled down beyond his pants. She cupped his cock through his pants, kneading it. Vaughn watched her with heat in his eyes, his hand remaining tangled in her hair as she knelt down before him and unfastened his jeans. She delved her hand into his pants, revealing his thick erection. She flicked her eyes up to his.

  “I’ve thought about this for two years. I can’t wait to taste you again.”

  Vaughn’s head fell back as she enveloped him, her lips coating him until she had taken him all in. Vaughn moved his hips into her, dipping the crown into her mouth as she sucked him. Camden watched his muscles contracting as he moved in time with her lips. Her hand gripped his stalk, her lips bumping against it with frenzied vigor until he was pulling her back.

  Vaughn tugged her up, the need in his eyes apparent.

  “I want to bury myself in you, Cam. When I’m done with you there’ll be no question in your mind that you belong to me. And me to you.” Camden melted at the need in his voice, the jealousy.

  Deftly unbuttoning her pants, Vaughn burrowed a hand between her legs, cupping her sex and pressing the heel of his hand to her clit. Camden bucked into him, the wetness he found there surging. She laced her hands around his neck and rocked into him. Vaughn slid two fingers into her warm wet cleft, and she let out a moan.

  The need in his eyes intensified. Vaughn wrapped a strong arm around her waist and picked her up, his other hand maintaining its barrage. She held tight to his neck and wrapped her legs around him as he supported her with his free hand. Vaughn moved them through the house, Camden’s fingers biting into his neck, a silent urge for him to staunch the ache building in her sex. Entering the bedroom, Camden’s hands left his neck, frantic to pull her shirt off. She managed to pull it over her head and let it drop to the floor.

  Hovering over the bed, Vaughn’s hand snaked out of her pants and, with both hands, gripped her ass and pulled her into the heat of his cock. The pressure it placed on her needy clit sent tremors racing through her. Camden’s hips rode his erection, unable to stop the need to intensify the pleasure. Vaughn groaned, the sound was gratifying, powerful.

  He let her slide down his body and drop onto the bed. Camden kicked off her pants and Vaughn did the same. He came down onto the bed on top of her. Vaughn gripped his fist over her bra and pulled it down with enough force that she heard the lace tear. His hands were immediately upon her bared breasts, and Camden quivered against his touch. Her hands extended over her head, giving herself over to him. Skin to skin and laying against her, Vaughn rubbed his cock against her, his fingers stimulating her aching nipples.

  “I missed how your body felt against mine, Cam.” His voice was rough and warm against her.

  Bending his head, Vaughn licked the tight points of her nipples. His teeth grazed lightly over it and a throb of desire flooded through Camden. He bathed the tip, swathing it with his tongue. Then moved to the other one, sucking it into his mouth, driving her wild. The tension was building in her body, his cock teasing her, his mouth on her chest.

  “Vaughn, please.” She whimpered.

  Vaughn straightened and smiled, watching her with burning eyes. He drew his hips back and Camden felt the head of his cock against her. He slowly plunged his hips forward, her body sheathing him in her heat. He groaned as he immersed himself in her. Vaughn started a slow rhythm, easing out of her, into her. The slow scrape of flesh over her burning skin only intensified the fervor. Camden thrust her hips up to meet his, her hands reaching back to grab his ass, urging him in deeper, faster.

  Vaughn yielded, his thrusts meeting hers with a frantic desire. Each drive of his cock into her had her writhing, pressure mounting towards ecstasy. Her body stiffened while her sex shuddered around him. Her body contracted, jolting into his. Vaugh wrapped his arms around her body, his body shuddering in release.

  Camden lay back on the bed, limp in his arms. Vaughn rolled off of her body, arms still wrapping her, and settled in beside her. With her head pressed against his chest, Camden listened to the beating of his heart finally begin to slow. Vaughn’s hand began a slow path up and down her back as they both recovered.

  Camden smiled against his chest. “I can’t remember many times we slept together in a bed. If ever.”

  “We have. That time you came up to see me while I was in University.”

  “That was, what, 6 years ago? How do you remember that?”

  “You’d be surprised how much I remember about you. You came up and I took you to that frat party.” He said, still stroking her hair.

  “Oh right. And I got so drunk. I don’t remember having sex, though. Just waking up feeling like shit.” Camden groaned at the memory.

  “We didn’t have sex, but we did sleep together. In a bed no less.”

  “Why is it that you remember that night?” Camden
propped herself up on her elbows, looking up at Vaughn.

  “It’s actually a really vivid memory I have of you. It was one of the first times we met outside of the club and I had looked forward to you coming for weeks. I irritated the shit out of my roommate talking about your visit.”

  “And then I ruined it by drinking too much.” She said, wrinkling her nose.

  “No, not at all. You were pretty wasted, but you let me wrap my arm around you while we walked back to my place, and you let me hold you all night long. Those were things we were never allowed to do any other time we met in secret. And, best of all, you answered every question I asked you as if you were given a truth serum. And I really took advantage of that.” He said, wiggling his eyebrows and grinning.

  “What? You never told me that before. What did I tell you?”


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