ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 78

by Charlotte Sloan

  For some time, Evelyn continued to join Monica and her boyfriend in the bedroom. However, soon enough Monica’s boyfriend started to get jealous. He thought that Monica was giving Evelyn too much attention. In the end, the situation blew up. Monica and her boyfriend broke up.

  Monica soon learned that she was lesbian. The two girls tried going out, but they had been friends for so long that it didn’t feel right for them to be in an intimate relationship together. They decided to go their own romantic ways but stayed friends.

  This meant that Evelyn had to find her own threesomes. At first she had been rather successful but now things were turning sour. She always tried to join couples, but she noticed that they always ended up the same. In the end, someone always got jealous and things would always blow up.


  This was exactly what happened to Evelyn this past week. She had a good relationship going with a married couple. They were newly married, around her age, and they had wanted to spice up their love life. They saw Evelyn at a night club and they all went home together.

  It had been a good arrangement for a while, but in the end, like all other threesomes, jealousy destroyed everything. Last week, the wife walked out of the relationship for good, and the man was left without a wife, and Evelyn was left without a relationship to fall back on.

  Now she was sitting at her favorite smoothie shop all alone. She could feel herself falling back into a state of depression as she sipped her strawberry and banana smoothie. She just wanted a nice loving threesome. Was that too much to ask for?

  As she sipped her smoothie she started to think about the perfect threesome. She just wanted two lovers who would be kind and romantic toward her. She wanted people who would treat her as a lover not just as a sex object in the bedroom. She wanted to shower together with these people, have dinner, wake up and have breakfast. Evelyn didn’t think she was asking too much but still she was already twenty-five and she had never experienced one threesome that didn’t fail.

  Evelyn sighed loudly. She didn’t know what she was going to do, but there was a part of her that just wanted to give up. She wanted to curl up on her couch and watch TV all day. She didn’t want people in her life because all they did was hurt her.

  Evelyn would need to see Monica soon. Monica was the only person who could cheer her up in a time like this. Picking up her phone she quickly dialed her best friend’s number. She waited patiently for her to pick up.

  “Hello?” Monica’s chipper voice sounded on the line and Evelyn smiled. Monica was always happy. Evelyn couldn’t remember a time when Monica was depressed. She always had a smile on her face and always managed to cheer up the people around her.

  “Hey, Monica it’s me.”

  “Ev!” Monica squealed through the line. “What’s up? I’ve missed you!” Evelyn smiled. Leave it to Monica to put a smile on Evelyn’s face.

  “I’ve missed you too. Hey, I’ve been feeling kind of down lately, do you think we could meet up soon for coffee or something?” Evelyn said.

  “Aww what’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Monica sounded concerned and Evelyn bit her lip. She hated to make Monica worry, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to get over her current situation without her best friend’s help.

  “Well, yeah. I just kind of broke up with the Hadley’s.” Evelyn said simply.

  “Oh, that newlywed couple you’ve been seeing?”


  “Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. How does coffee on Friday sound? We can go to that little coffee shop that you like so much.” Evelyn smiled. Monica was a good friend.

  Chapter 2

  Evelyn waited patiently at her favorite coffee shop. Monica, like always, was late. Leave it to Monica to be fashionably late. The only thing that got her excused from her lateness was her bubbly smile. That smile was able to get her out of almost anything.

  So Evelyn waited as she sipped her mocha latte. Finally, she heard the coffee shop bell ring and when she looked up she was met with Monica’s beaming face. Monica flashed her a bright smile and rushed over to the table.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late! There was a bunch of traffic! And Lisa and I were… you know… I’m so sorry. Will you ever forgive me?” Monica gave Evelyn a puppy dog look and she continued to rant. Monica had always been a blabber month. Evelyn chuckled at her best friend. Who could stay mad at Monica?

  “Of course I can forgive you silly. You are my best friend. You think I haven’t gotten used to you being fashionably late yet? You would be late for your own funeral!” Monica chuckled at the comment before putting down her bag.

  “I will be right back, there’s a dark roast caramel swirl calling my name! Plus, look at that cute barista!” Evelyn rolled her eyes as she looked over at the barista, a short fairy-like girl with a cute round face. Monica did have a weak spot for the short cute ones. Evelyn couldn’t blame her but at the same time she knew she was more attracted to men than she was to women.

  Evelyn sighed softly as her best friend walked to the counter to order her coffee. She watched as her friend flirted with the barista. Monica left her waiting for another twenty minutes as she flirted with the barista.

  When Monica finally made her way back to the table Evelyn had already finished her latte ten minutes ago. She looked at her friend a little annoyed. “Monica… I really need you right now. I don’t know what to do… can you please sit down and listen to me?” Evelyn pleaded with big eyes.

  Monica instantly felt bad as she looked down at her friend. “Of course, Ev, I’m so sorry if it seems like I have been ignoring you. I didn’t mean to. The barista…”

  “You already told me about the barista.” Evelyn’s temper was coming out now. She didn’t like being ignored. It was the worst feeling in the world. She just wanted to be loved and it seemed like everyone just wanted to ignore her.

  “I’m sorry,” Monica said meekly. It wasn’t like Evelyn to shut her down like that. She looked at her friend and realized that Evelyn was probably in a dark place if she was this moody. She looked at her, vowing to give her friend her utmost attention. “I’m all ears, I swear.” She placed her hands around her coffee, her eyes focused on her friend.

  “Thank you. As I said… I am in a really dark place right now. I just broke up with the Hadleys and I don’t know what to do. I can feel myself falling into depression like I did in senior year when you forced me to go to prom. You pulled me out of depression once and I am hoping that you can do it again.” She looked at her friend with hopeful eyes.

  “Aww, Ev… I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention to you before. Of course, I will try to help you. You’re my best friend. So you broke up with the Hadleys? Any specific reason why?” Monica tilted her head to the side in question.

  Evelyn sighed before answering, “Yeah, she got jealous and ended up leaving. She is filing for a divorce with the husband and I just kind of got kicked to the curb. I think they broke up because of me. I don’t want to be a relationship killer Monica, but I feel like that is all I do. I mean I made you and Brad break up.”

  “Hey… don’t blame yourself for that jerk getting jealous. You deserved all the attention I gave you. I already told you not to think about that. Really it wasn’t your fault.” Evelyn didn’t look convinced. She looked down at her empty coffee cup and sighed.

  She just wanted to be loved. She didn’t want to make people unhappy, instead she wanted to do the opposite. She wanted to make people happy. She had a lot of love to give and it seemed like no one wanted to take advantage of it.

  “Anyway, I’ve noticed that you always have threesomes with straight couples. Is there any reason for that?” Monica asked.

  “Well the relationship I had with you and Brad was the best one I’ve ever had so I guess I keep trying to recreate that with other couples. Is that weird?” Monica shook her head.

  “No, of course, not. It makes perfect sense too, but I think you need to expand your horizons. I think that you need to try dating other
people. Step away from the straight couples and try something new.” Monica suggested.

  Evelyn tilted her head. She didn’t understand what her friend was trying to suggest. If she didn’t join straight couples, who else would she join?

  “I mean that maybe you should try joining a gay couple. I know that you don’t do very well with females in the bedroom so maybe you would benefit from two men in the bedroom with you. I heard it can be a lot of fun.”

  Evelyn thought back to the last time she had a threesome with two men. Monica was right, it had been a lot of fun. But if a couple was gay, why would they want a female in the bedroom?

  “I know what you are thinking. But a lot of gay couples are between bisexual men and they actually love and are turned on by women too. And the best part is that I have the best couple for you!”

  Chapter 3

  Evelyn laid in her bed thinking about her coffee date with Monica. Had she been right? Would she feel better if she expanded her horizons and allowed other people into her life? But Evelyn was skeptical of joining a gay couple in bed. Why would two guys who have the hots for other guys want a girl in the bedroom? She sighed looking up at her ceiling.

  She didn’t know what to do. What would happen if she tried? Would she really have anything to lose? She had her heart broken so many times before that she was unsure if there was still a part of her heart that hadn’t been damaged throughout the years.

  It was worth a shot, right? What was the worst thing that could happen? Still, Evelyn couldn’t commit herself to making the fateful decision. She had no idea about the couple Monica had in mind for her and, of course, her friend refused to tell her. She wanted to set up Evelyn on a blind date with the two men. That was what bothered Evelyn the most. First impressions were so important and she always sucked at them. She sighed.

  But, she could just go on the date and where it went. What if this was what she needed to turn her romantic life around? Picking up her phone, she dialed her best friend’s number.

  “Hello?” Monica picked up quickly, much to Evelyn’s surprise.

  “Hey… so I’ve been thinking and I guess you can set me up with that couple you were talking about…” Evelyn’s voice was soft as she agreed to the blind date. Suddenly Monica squealed through the line.

  “Really!?” Evelyn had to pull the phone away from her ear as Monica yelled in happiness. Monica loved being a matchmaker and she had been trying to set up her best friend for the longest time. She was glad that her friend had finally allowed her to help her out.

  “Well… if you don’t make me deaf in the process… yes, I’ll give them a chance.” Evelyn could almost see Monica smiling as she said the words.

  “Great, I will give them a call and set up the date, just make sure to show up and look cute okay? If you need me I can come and help you get ready!” Monica sounded happy and if nothing else Evelyn was glad that this could make her friend happy.


  Evelyn was nervous as she drove to the Indian restaurant they had agreed on for the date. She kept rubbing her hands on the steering wheel as she made her way through traffic. For some reason, her heart was pounding in her chest.

  Why did she feel this way? Evelyn tried to calm down as she thought about the road in front of her. The last thing she needed was a car accident. Luckily, however, the restaurant wasn’t very far from her house and soon enough she was pulling into the parking lot.

  The restaurant seemed to be full of people and that made her even more nervous. Evelyn didn’t like big crowds and she wondered what people would think of her sitting at a table with two men. But, why did she suddenly care about that? Ever since she was eighteen she had participated in threesome relationships. Why did she suddenly care about what other people thought?

  Evelyn wondered if she was sick. It wasn’t like her to act like this. She needed to get a hold of herself or she would be awkward throughout the whole date and that never ended up well. She sat in her car for a moment taking a deep breath before coming out of her car.

  As Evelyn stepped out of her car, her long lean legs were exposed. She stood up before smoothing down her red peplum skirt. Her black tank top hugged her full chest as she buttoned up the half sweater she was wearing. She checked her makeup and hair in the car window before convincing herself to enter the restaurant.

  Inside, she told the waitress her name who then led her to the table. As she rounded the corner of the restaurant she saw the two men for the first time. It was a mixed relationship. The African American had milk chocolate skin, dark eyes, and from the smile he was flashing her, amazing teeth. He had a running back body and it seemed like he could chase after a football in a moment’s notice.

  His partner, in contrast, had fair skin with an angular face and crooked nose (which was oddly endearing). He wasn’t as muscular, but his arms were very well toned.

  Biting her lip, Evelyn looked at the two men before stepping forward and greeting them for the first time. “Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m Evelyn. I think my friend Monica set us up on a blind date.”

  They looked at her before the man with nice teeth stood up and hugged her gently. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Evelyn, I’m Terrell and this here is Collin.” He gestured to his fair-skinned partner. Collin flashed her a smile before offering her his hand.

  Evelyn looked at the two men. It seemed Terrell was a hugger and Collin wasn’t. Interesting. As she looked at the two men there was a fluttering inside of her chest and she wondered what it was. She hadn’t felt this way in a very long time.

  “Let me just say you look beautiful,” Collin commented as he leaned over, moving closer to Evelyn. She blushed before noticing Terrell’s facial expression shift. Was that jealousy? Evelyn prayed that jealousy wouldn’t ruin her chances with these men so soon.

  “I agree,” Terrell said after a moment. Collin looked at his partner with a look that might be called surprise. Had Terrell just called a woman beautiful?

  Chapter 4

  The dinner date actually went much better than Evelyn would have ever anticipated. The two men were a lot of fun to be around. They were cute and charming and knew exactly how to keep her laughing throughout the dinner.

  She was really enjoying herself as dessert was brought out to the table. “So… are we going to have the honor of bringing you home?” Collin asked as he took a bite of his brownie. Terrell shot him a dirty look.

  “Collin don’t be rude. We just met the lady. You should have some manners!” Terrell gave Evelyn an apologetic look. Evelyn blushed a bit before looking at the men. The fact of the matter was that she had the same question running around her own mind. She wondered if she would have some fun that night or if she would have to wait.

  “Well… I’m just asking because Monica hinted that she would want something a little less innocent if you know what I mean.” Collin said simply. He didn’t seem to find any problem with fucking after the first date.

  Before Terrell could reprimand him further Evelyn spoke up. “Actually…. Monica was telling the truth when she said that. I am looking for a threesome relationship. But that doesn’t mean I only want sex.” Collin nodded his head. Terrell tilted his head at her.

  “What do you mean?” Evelyn looked at him, unsure of how to answer the question. She figured the best thing to do would be to tell the truth.

  “Well… a lot of people have one on one relationships where they devote themselves to one person, well I want the same thing, just with two people. I want to be loved by two people while also loving two people. I feel like that sort of relationship is a lot more loving and I just prefer it to traditional relationships, you know?” Evelyn blushed as she realized that she had been ranting. She hoped the men would understand her.

  “I see…” Terrell commented, his hands on his chin as he seemed to think about what Evelyn was saying. It seemed like he was contemplating something.


  In the end, Evelyn found herself following Collin’s car t
o their home. He had offered to drive her, but she didn’t want to leave her car in the restaurant’s parking lot.

  They ended up pulling into a quaint little home in a suburb. She smiled a little as she saw it. She wondered how long they had been living there. Terrell was a gentleman and walked over to her car just to open up the door for her. Evelyn concluded that Terrell was the gentle lover.

  Eventually, they made their way inside. This was where the real magic happened. Inside they really got to know one another and got comfortable with each other. By the end of the night, the two men knew exactly what Evelyn was looking for and were willing to give it a shot if she was.

  Of course, Evelyn wouldn’t say no to a threesome with the two men and so all three of them made their way to the bedroom. In the bedroom, Collin suddenly grabbed her, wrapping her legs around his waist and pushed her against the wall, kissing her hard.


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