ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Completely Obsessed (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 124

by Charlotte Sloan

  “I do what needs to be done.” As he said this he crouch walked over to the door and peeked through the window that was just beside it. He turned back around to look at her and he held up his hand. “Stay here.” He turned to his wolf that was still standing at attention. “You’re with me, pup.” The wolf quickly ran to his side and stood next to him, also crouched. Karla had to admit it was impressive how well trained the dog was.

  He gently pushed the door open and slid hugged the wall of the house so that he was able to get behind his house without any of the Vikings approaching realizing he was headed there.

  Karla felt her pace quicken and was unsure exactly what to do, so she took a deep breath and listened to what was happening around her as she had done when she was in the forest just a day ago.

  She heard her brother’s voice in the distance and listened as he called out a few orders to the others. She also could hear the snarl of the dog out back and the sound of a log falling to the ground which must mean that Rolki is using his wood cutting axe as his weapon of choice. If it can cleave these trees, Karla didn’t want to see what it could do to her brother or the other people that she had grown up with.

  Karla quickly snapped into action and quickly pulled her clothes on, realizing that tearing her shirt may not have been the best option, but she quickly fixed it so that it looked like a mistake, not the result of being in the passionate moment.

  She grabbed her bow off the ground and snagged an arrow out of the quiver. Slamming open the door, she kneeled, pulled the bowstring back to her cheek, and fired in the direction of her brother.

  She heard the sound of her arrow connecting with wood and there was a brief moment of silence. And then, after a beat a voice called out for her.

  “Karla, it’s your brother. We’ve come to rescue you from this madman.” Almost immediately after that she heard Rolki shout back.

  “How am I the madman when you’re the one who shot at your sister?” Karla sat and listened intently for a response but it was only met with the snapping of twigs. “That’s what I thought. Your men didn’t know that did they?”

  Karla was surprised to see that her brother still didn’t respond but when she heard another twig snap she grabbed another arrow and fired it in that direction. It was met by a yelp, but she knew that she hadn’t connected with anyone.

  “I’m happy here and I’m not heading back with you, brother.” She heard a gasp from the distance, but her brother still did not answer. As she waited she felt Rolki’s hand on her shoulder. He had been able to creep up behind her without her even knowing. She looked back in the direction of her brother and shouted again. “Don’t you have anything to say for yourself?”

  “Are you truly happy?” Karla felt the air leave her lungs. That wasn’t the voice of her brother, but rather that of her father. “I know that man is a good man and if you staying allows us to all walk out of here alive then I will consider it a marriage proposal.” Karla looked back at Rolki who shouted into the woods.

  “If I am going to have your blessing Haygar I would want to see you say it, not merely hear it shouted at me from the trees.” As he said this a number of men stepped out from behind trees, Karla’s father being one of them. He walked towards them and Rolki met him first. They clasped hands and hugged for a moment before pulling away. “It has been too long, Haygar.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, Rolki.” Her father knelt down and pet the wolf that was now sitting and wagging its tail. “And it’s been so long since I’ve seen you too, pup.” Karla was shocked to see this unfold, but stepped forward to greet her father. He stood and embraced her. “Oh, Karla. This isn’t how this was supposed to go.”

  “I know, father. I’m sorry.” He laughed as they hugged and shook his head.

  “No, don’t be sorry. This is the best scenario. There will be no need for bloodshed and I know that you are in capable hands.” He leaned in and whispered then, “and now you’ll be even closer to the forest.” He winked and she looked up at him confused.

  Her father stepped back and looked hurt. “You think your mother and I didn’t know you would come to the woods?” He shrugged. “We figured we’d let you have your space and freedom. But we see where that got us.”

  He clapped his hands on the shoulders of both Rolki and Karla and turned around to face the warriors. “Well, if my daughter is getting married then there shall be a celebration.” He took the hand of his daughter and Rolki and began to walk back towards the village. “To the mead hall,” he exclaimed to the rancorous uproar of everyone present.


  Naughty Viking

  Siv sat comfortably in a chair that sat in the main seating area of her parent’s small home. She was dressed in a form fitting dress that she had altered herself. Her mother had initially sewn it for her, but it pulled at her chest and waist in a way that made her feel uncomfortable.

  So, once her mother had given it to her she had altered it so that her large breasts were able to hang a bit more instead of being pressed in towards her throat. And she had also fixed it so that she was able to show off her butt just a bit more.

  Her mother had never really approved of what she chose to wear as a Norse woman. Siv was more comfortable being with the men, drinking and cursing along with them. However, her mother was much more interested in keeping her close to home. Teaching her to cook and clean, to maintain the homestead while the men were away.

  Siv would have done that too if it had meant that there was the potential for action along the way, but all that meant was that for months at a time she would spend time alone, most likely pregnant with the child of one of the warriors.

  Siv wanted to be on that battlefield with the other men as a shieldmaiden. She wanted to stand side by side amongst the shield wall and fend off the attacks on one of the raids of the mainland. She was tired of always being told to sit aside while exciting things happened around her.

  Her mother was content with being on the sideline and it worked well for her father. Siv had heard the stories about her own father and his escapades while on raids. Siv knew that her mother knew and it didn’t bother her, being part of a semi-arranged marriage, but Siv knew that if she found out any man she was with had taken another woman, it would end in bloodshed.

  So, Siv sat in the gathering room of her childhood home, having moved to work the farm and land of the head warrior in charge of the next raid, Bram. Bram’s wife had died in childbirth leaving him without a wife and a child. Others were worried that this would affect his ability to lead, but if nothing else it made him a more decisive and brutal leader which is what Siv wanted to be a part of.

  Siv was waiting for her mother to come in from the kitchen so that she would be able to ask for her approval to act as shieldmaiden to Bram on this next raid. After waiting for a few moments her mother and father both walked into the gathering space and sat down across from her.

  “Would you like some ale, daughter?” Her father lifted a pitcher and reached for the mug that rested on the table in front of Siv, who began to nod before her mother chimed in.

  “She won’t be having any ale, she’ll be drinking wine.” Siv looked at her father who shrugged and poured himself a mug of ale and placed the pitcher back onto the table. Siv’s mother poured her a small amount of wine and then poured herself a small amount as well, which Siv took and proceeded to shoot back as if it was a shot of bitters from the local medicinal seller. “That is no way to drink when you’re a lady,” her mother began, but Siv reached out and poured herself another cup of wine, this time filling it near to the brim.

  “Mother, we can argue about this all day once again if you would prefer, but I have more pressing matters.” She took a long swig from the mug and set it back down on the table in front of herself. Siv sat back in her seat and folded her arms waiting for her parents to also rest back so that she knew they were both listening.

  “I’m going on the next raid with Bram and the others and I’m not here to
ask for your permission, but rather your blessing.” The color from her mother’s face drained to white and she nearly dropped her mug of wine. Siv’s father’s reaction was quite the opposite.

  “Sivy, darling, that’s great news. Of course you have our blessing.” He shot to his feet and nearly knocked over the table on his way to embrace her. His massive arms gripped her and lifted her to her feet and swung her. His long white beard tickled her neck and she laughed with glee while he did this, as if she was back to being a young girl again. However, her mother’s shrill voice cut through the revelry and caused her father to nearly drop her back onto the ground.

  “You do not have our blessing.” Her mother stood defiantly and threw her mug across the room where it shattered against a wall. Siv had never seen her mother do something like this and was almost expecting her mother to immediately walk over to clean up the mess.

  Instead of that though she picked up the small platter of food she had prepared and stormed out of the room and back into the kitchen where both Siv and her father heard a long string of curse words that neither of them had ever heard from her mouth before.

  Quietly Siv sat back down and picked up her glass of wine where she proceeded to chug the contents, hoping that possibly this was something she could drink her way out of. While she had been serious about not asking permission and merely asking for the blessing, she was really hoping that the ultimatum would have sparked something in her mother to just give her the blessing. So, she drank and waited for the next idea to come to her. Her father picked up his own cup of ale and walked towards the shattered cup that covered the floor in the corner of the room.

  “Siv, why don’t you come help me clean this up.” Siv turned and saw that her father, a hulking figure of a man, was crouched in the corner, picking up broken pieces of ceramic cup from the floor. She stood and walked over as well, pulling out her rag that she carried with her. As she began to wipe down the wall where the wine had sprayed, her father continued.

  “Your mother is a difficult woman to read sometimes, but I think that what she fears is your safety.” Siv turned to look at her father. “She’ll want to know that someone is out there protecting you. Talk to Bram and have him come over, see if he can talk some sense into your mother.” Her father stood up then, his knees creaking, and began to walk towards the kitchen. “She and I both would like to know that he can keep an eye on you.”


  “Absolutely not,” Bram said as Siv kneeled in front of him, literally begging. “Siv, I told you that the only reason I would allow you to come on this raid was if you had the full support of your parents.” Bram continued to pace around the room as he spoke. “We both knew that your father would give his support without even considering the consequences, but you knew that you had to win over your mother.”

  He stopped and pointed at her. “I am not going to do the dirty work for you.” Bram then stormed out of the house into the back fields where there were a number of small barnyard animals scurrying about.

  “Bram, I need to do this, I can’t be yet another of these women that just sit, pining for the men to return home, I need adventure.” She chased after him into the back where he was guiding the few goats and sheep back into their enclosure.

  Siv couldn’t help but be taken by Bram yet again as he worked. She had never felt love for Bram, he had been in love with his wife since they were all children, but Siv had watched him grow into one of the most gorgeous men in the village.

  He had the blondest hair of any of the men and he had grown a short scruffy beard before any of the other boys which had matured into a fine, man’s beard. His arms were toned and he had an affinity for never wearing sleeves to show them off. She didn’t know what was ever under that shirt, but she had dreamt about the moment that she would be able to take it off.

  After his marriage though that is what it became, only a dream. Siv had then become friends with he and his wife and had promised his wife that she would be there to help him on the farm, but had never said anything more than that.

  “Bram, please. Listen to me and listen to reason.” Siv ran through the field and spun Bram so that he was facing her. He had a good six inches on her and she knew that he could toss her aside without trying, but he didn’t. This was her chance. “Ever since we were young we looked across that sea and dreamed that there was the chance for riches and adventure.”

  Bram looked out of the sea and saw the few longships they had moored at the docks. “This is my chance to prove myself and live that dream. I promise that if you or any other warrior don’t believe I have what it takes, I will never raid again. I will stay home and tend your animals.” Bram thought for a long moment.

  “I’ll agree to those terms.” Siv’s face lit up immediately and she began to thank him, but he cut her off. “I am willing to have you with us, but I will not talk to your mother.” Siv once again fell to her knees as Bram attempted to pull away. As she fell, her hand grazed his manhood and there was a small spark of movement and excitement from that and not only from one, but both of them.

  Bram stopped trying to pull away and froze for a moment, just as Siv did. Taking a step back so that she was kneeling directly in front of him, Bram looked down at Siv who was staring back up into his green eyes. “I think there is something that can convince me to talk to your mother though, Siv.” A smile crept across both their faces.

  “Is that so?” Siv began to unfasten the lacing on the waistband of Bram’s pants as he looked around along the horizon, attempting to see if there was anyone nearby. “I’ll try to be convincing,” Siv said seductively as Bram guided the sheep so that their wooly bodies blocked the view of Siv on her knees to anyone that could potentially pass by. As he did this, Siv finished untying the laces and slid his pants down far enough for his dick to spring out from between his legs.

  Siv let out a slight gasp when she saw his cock. She had dreamt that it was large, but having seen a few of the other warriors’ cocks she hadn’t held out much hope for the potential of Bram’s. Bram looked down and saw her mouth agape in surprise and he let out a light chuckle. He reached down with one hand and began to stroke it, making it even harder and longer than before. With his other hand he guided Siv’s open mouth towards it.

  Without hesitation she began to lick the tip of his cock and looked up watching as his head rolled back. She couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since he had his dick sucked and how if even just licking it would get this reaction the kind of reaction she would get when she really started to work at it.

  Siv reached up and began to stroke his shaft, allowing Bram’s hand to let go and grab ahold of the fence that he was standing next to. Slowly she inserted the head of his dick into her mouth and began to slurp and allowed her spit to coat the shaft so that the stroking became smoother.

  Bram began to moan slightly under his breath and continued to try to look around to make sure that no one was looking, but Siv could see that he was fighting to keep his head up as he kept on wanting to let it roll back. As he let out a long moan Siv could taste a bit of his cum and began to stroke him harder, focusing on the head of his cock making sure that her tongue was flicking at the base so that he would cum faster.

  He let go of the fence and reached down with both hands, one gripped her throat and jaw, the other grabbed a handful of hair, and together they forced her face and mouth down the length of his long cock.

  He held her there for a moment, his dick throbbing inside her mouth, forced up against the back of her throat and with a shudder he came. His warm cum shot down her throat and filled her mouth causing her to pull away gasping and gagging. Looking up she saw that Bram was looking down at her and he reached down, having let go, and wiped away a bit of spit and cum from her mouth.

  Siv fixed his pants and pulled them up for him and stood up seductively rubbing her tits along his body the entire way up. Bram reached out and grabbed her ass, pulling her in close to his body. Immediately she felt that h
e was hard again and felt his fingers clutching at her butt.

  “It’s your turn,” he whispered into her ear and guided her back towards the house by the small of her back, her hand trailing behind, grabbing at and teasing his package. This only caused Bram to walk towards the house faster and upon reaching the door he swung it open and spun around to pick Siv up.

  Siv had always known Bram to be strong, but she was taken by how easily he literally swept her up off her feet. He slammed the door behind them with his foot and made his way towards the bedroom in the back that Bram had allowed Siv to use while she was staying with him. As he reached the bed he tossed her down onto it and began to pull at her dress, trying to find out the way in.

  As Siv began to work on the few bows that had been tied, Bram got to work and tossed the skirt of the dress over his head as he dropped to his knees next to the bed. Bram began slowly and Siv’s fingers froze on the small strings that held her breasts into her dress.

  He kissed her inner thighs a few times, his lips were moist and she could feel that he was teasing her a bit with the tip of his tongue. The kisses moved inwards towards her pussy and just as she anticipated him to reach it she tensed up. However, his kissing continued on the lips of her pussy and her clit.


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