Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4)

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Into the Blackness (Blackness Series Book 4) Page 26

by Norma Jeanne Karlsson

  “Can we call you Aunt Shanny?” Sawyer whispers.

  “I’d love that. And you’re gonna make me cry and I don’t cry, so knock it off,” she finishes in a huff, steeling herself against the tears pricking her eyes.

  “I wish I could do that,” Kat scoffs wiping her tear stained cheeks.

  “No, you don’t,” Shanny says grimly. That’s part of the machine.

  Kat squeezes her friend’s hand in understanding.

  We go about setting up plans to get the boys and their stuff to Kansas City. It won’t take much work so it’s a short conversation. Which is good, because Kat’s doctor comes in and starts poking and prodding my wife as soon as we finish talking. I growl and scowl at the man as he does his job. Kellerman offers me empathetic gazes and a few smiles. I think he may be a new friend for me. I’d like that. I think moving to Kansas City is looking more and more like the best option for my family after the op is wrapped. The look on Kat’s face as she watches her boys banter and jack around says we’re thinking the same thing. Normal life here we come.


  “Cooper,” I bark into the burner phone.

  “Nick, we’ve got the DNA results for Cara,” Shane informs me.


  “She’s Shannon’s sister and your cousin.”

  “I need you to put Cara on a plane here. Shanny’s taking the boys back to Kansas City, Jake included. Shanny’s here at the hospital. Thanks for callin’ her by the way.”

  I’m speaking in short clipped sentences because my brain is beyond tired and overwhelmed at this point. I don’t have much to offer.

  “I’m not sure Cara’s ready to make a move like that.”

  “Shane, I need your help here. I don’t wanna cause Cara any more trauma, but if you don’t send her here, Shanny’s comin’ to her. You don’t know Shannon Kelly, but you don’t wanna have to deal with her on your own.”

  “I did some digging on your friend. You’ve been keeping some talent hidden.”

  “Yeah and she’ll stay that way. I wouldn’t advise you trying to do anything about that. If she doesn’t kill you, one of her family members or I, will. In case you’re wondering, that’s three fathers, two mothers, nine brothers, a crime boss cousin, and a few others that I can’t even begin to explain. Stay the fuck away from Shanny,” I growl.

  “Nick,” he huffs, “I wasn’t givin’ you shit. I was just pointing out the obvious. You’re clearly not in the head space for it.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m gettin’ ready to tell my best friend some shit that’ll hurt her. I’ve gotta put my boys on a plane to move half way across the country. I’ve got a pregnant wife in the hospital. I’ve got an op to wrap. I’m not in the mood for your shit.”

  “Right. Sorry. I understand you movin’ the boys out. It’s a good plan. I’m not sure about Jake goin’. He’s an asset to the op.”

  “He’s goin’. Kat’s made it clear that he’s goin’. You can speak to him on your own, but I want him off the op. Shanny’s takin’ the boys and she’ll take Cara too. Jake can help Cara. They had a connection the night we found her. It works for the good of everybody.”

  “Good point. All right, I’ll speak with the psych team and see what they think. I can’t move her if it’s gonna be a setback for her. She’s fragile, Nick.”

  “I get that. But living in a safe house isn’t what’s best for her. She needs support. Shanny will ensure Cara gets whatever she needs and then some. Get her on a plane.”

  “I’ll call you with the details. How’s Kat?”

  “She’s conscious and pissed. I think the finesse of this op is gone. We’re gonna have to reassess how we’re approaching this.”

  “I agree. Get her home and then we’ll run through our options. Let me get to work on this stuff with Cara. Give Kat our love.”

  “Will do.”

  I hang up and move back toward the hospital room. I lock my gaze with Shanny’s bright green eyes filled with understanding…she knows. I don’t have to say the words or explain anything. She knows.

  “Where is she?” Shanny demands, meeting me in the corridor.

  “She’s in a safe house. I’ve asked the DCA to send her here,” I respond wrapping her in my arms. She nods into my chest clutching at my back.

  “How bad is she?” she murmurs.


  “Fuck,” she huffs pulling away from me.

  We move back to the hospital room and Kellerman who’s holding Johnny. I reach for the baby so he can tend to Shanny. I’m shocked at the weight of the six month old in my arms. He’s definitely his father’s son. Johnny grabs a hold of my bottom lip and giggles as I mouth it like I’m eating his fingers.

  “You’re gonna be a big brother soon,” I inform him while I retake my seat as Kellerman holds Shanny in his lap speaking words of love and comfort. They speak quietly, shielding the boys from their conversation since we haven’t told them about this clusterfuck.

  “You look pretty good holding a baby,” Kat compliments from her bed.

  “I look good all the time, Sunshine,” I respond with a cocky grin.

  “True,” she whispers as her eyes flutter shut and she falls back to sleep.

  “He’s a big baby,” Jake says from the couch, watching Johnny intently.

  “Have you seen his dad?” Cole asks in a duh voice.

  “Do you know what the twins are?” Sawyer asks as Shanny shifts in Kellerman’s lap to face the group.

  “More boys. I have the market cornered,” Shanny says with a grin.

  “That’s good because we already have a system for girls and if you had one or two comin’ we’d have to change the rules,” Dane explains.

  “How’s that?” Kellerman asks curiously.

  “We all have dibs on the babies comin’. This one’s Jake’s. Mom and Dad said they’re gonna have three more so that gives each of us one to watch out for. If they’re girls then we only have one we have to protect all the time from guys like us,” Cole explains. “We didn’t know we’d have cousins too. Jake you gonna take Johnny as your cousin to watch out for?”


  “I get the first twin,” Sawyer jumps in.

  “Second,” Cole pipes up.

  “Uh…I’m not good at this game,” Dane says dejectedly.

  “You can have the next one,” Shanny says sweetly.

  “You’re gonna have more?” Dane asks stunned.

  “I don’t know if we’ll have another one or adopt, but we’ll have more kids,” Shanny explains.

  “That’s cool.”

  “You’ve got good kids, Cooper,” Kellerman says, offering me respect in his gaze.

  “I know.”

  “They must get it from their mother,” he jokes.

  “No doubt about that,” I confirm with a chuckle.

  Johnny has taken to eating my finger with a large amount of drool. It’s gross and cute. I may turn into a pussy after all. Kat’s been asleep most of the day. She wakes up here and there, but more than anything she’s sleeping. She looks exhausted and they can’t give her anything other than pain relievers since she’s pregnant. So we’re all letting her rest as much as we can.

  “Cooper, why don’t we take the boys home? Let you and Kat have some time alone,” Kellerman suggests.

  “Thanks, man. Boys, you set them up in the guest room for me. I’ll stay here again tonight.”

  “Okay,” they respond begrudgingly. They don’t want to leave Kat any more than I do.

  “I’d offer to stay at a hotel but that would just be bullshit,” Shanny admits with a smile.

  “Come on try. I wanna see what fake Shannon Kelly looks like,” I goad.

  “Want me to kick your ass in front of your kids?”

  “Maybe some other time.”

  “Just let me know when.”

  “Can she really kick your ass?” Sawyer asks with big brown eyes bugging out at our snarky conversation.

  “Yes,” Shanny
answers plainly.


  “She has more training. I have more experience. It’d be a good fight,” I offer the boys that are beyond curious about the anomaly that is my best friend.

  “No, it wouldn’t. You’d be on the ground crying like a little girl,” Shanny teases.

  “I’ll take you up on that.”

  “Would you let them fight?” Dane asks Kellerman who’s packing the baby up.

  “Nothing sexier than watchin’ her kick someone’s ass.”

  “But he’s a guy.” Sawyer tries to understand what’s going on.

  “And?” Shanny asks offended. Only she would get offended by that question.

  “He’s a lot bigger than you, stronger than you. You can’t actually beat him.”

  “What the fuck are you teaching these kids?” Shanny offers me a glare.

  “That boys shouldn’t hit girls.”

  “Well that’s true, but I’m not a girl so we’re good.”

  “You look like a girl to me,” Cole says with a small smirk on his lips.

  “I have lady parts, but that’s where most of the girl in me stops. I don’t think like a girl or act like one most of the time. I haven’t spent any time around women in my life until recently. Being raised by men and then only having male friends made me different. And I definitely don’t fight like a girl,” she explains honestly. I know Shanny can lie, but she’s truthful at all times. It’s refreshing to see after what Kat and I have lived the last ten years.

  “Can we not talk about lady bits? What’s with that lately?” Cole releases a gag just like he did a few days ago.

  “Do you prefer to talk about manly parts? I’ll talk about that all day long if you’re more comfortable.”

  “Jesus, you’re nuts. I don’t wanna talk about any parts.”

  Shanny lets out a loud raspy belly laugh as she swings an arm around his shoulders.

  “Sweetheart, you’re gonna be very uncomfortable in my house.”

  “Dad where are you sending me?” Cole asks with a bit of terror dancing in his blue eyes.

  “Shanny’ll explain this to you, but she lives with a lot of guys and they’re pretty disgusting from what I remember. It’ll be a learning experience.”

  “You live with a bunch of guys? What about? What?” Dane fumbles trying to grasp that information.

  “I’ve lived with the same guys from my story earlier since I was seventeen. We’ll always live together. It works for us.”

  “Your fiancée lives with a bunch of dudes?” Dane switches his honey eyes to Kellerman.

  “Yup,” he pops his p in response. “She was a package deal when I met her. I got my future wife and new best friends. It worked out well for all of us.”

  “I don’t think I could deal with that,” Dane grumbles.

  “You deal with a lot in life for love, bud.”

  “No shit.”

  “All right, boys, let’s get you home,” Shanny directs.

  All the boys kiss Kat tenderly, trying not to disturb her sleep. Shanny wraps me in a rib crushing hug before placing a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “Love you, Nicky,” she murmurs into my skin.

  “Love you too.”

  I press a long kiss to her forehead before releasing her. Kellerman shakes my hand before I pull him in for a manly back patting half hug.

  “Thanks for everything. I owe you,” I say locking eyes with him.

  “You don’t owe me shit. You saved my woman’s life and defended her when I couldn’t. Three fuckin’ times. I owe you. I’ll keep your kids safe.”

  His words knock the breath out of me so I just offer him a chin lift as he walks out of the room with everything I love in the world other than my wife. I trust him to keep them safe. It’s a relief I can’t describe. Now I can focus on Kat and getting her home. Once I have her home I’m turning our basement into a torture chamber and dragging the Bookers down there until they give me what I want. The monster has one last kill before I release him forever. I better make it good.


  Everything is covered in fluffy white pillows, twinkling with hidden Christmas lights. The ride home is quiet and I take advantage, absorbing the false beauty of Maybelle. There’s over a foot of snow on the ground and more snowflakes are pouring from the cloudy grey sky. Nick drives slowly, carefully attending to the road. I just want him to hurry up and throw caution to the wind. I want my boys in my arms as much as I can have them before they leave.

  Waking up yesterday with all the boys in the room along with Shannon and her family…I knew. Nick and I can’t keep the boys safe and wrap the op. I need to know they’re away from here and protected. I’ve spent days talking to Shannon for a few hours off and on. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough to know she’ll keep my family safe. And after getting eyes on her gigantic drop dead gorgeous fiancé, I felt even better about the decision. Nick trusts Shannon above anyone and I trust Nick. So I’m shipping my newly acquired kids to the Midwest. I hate it.

  “How’re you doin’?” Nick asks as we turn on our road.

  “I’m okay, Nicky.”

  He’s asked me that question about twenty times since I was discharged from the hospital this afternoon. It’s driving me nuts and making me happy.

  As we approach the house, I notice our driveway is full of cars including a Maybelle Police cruiser. And just like that my head doesn’t hurt, my mind is clear and Nick drives at an appropriate pace.

  I jump out of the SUV as Nick storms into the house. I follow quickly, skidding to a stop at the sight in front of me. Shannon is about two inches from Officer Burke’s face, while Dylan is in a protective stance in front of the boys. The Ashcrofts and Benningtons are standing behind Burke, looking pale.

  “Are you aware that kidnapping children is a punishable offense?” Shannon asks in an intimidating growl.

  “Ma’am, we have court orders,” Burke says in a cocky tone.

  “No, what you have are motions for hearings to consider parental rights reinstatement. Can you read?”

  “Ma’am, typically in these cases parental rights are reinstated. There’s a request for visitation included.”

  Nick and I slide into the fray, flanking either side of Shannon. I let her continue to work though. She’s an attorney after all.

  “I can guarantee you parental rights will not be reinstated to those people and they’ll never get visitation. I’ll work day and night to make certain of that. No judge in this state will give children back to parents that abandoned them for months with little to no contact during that time. While the request indicates the children were left with able bodied staff to care for their needs, there is no evidence to support this claim. The children moved into this home with no concern from the biological parents. They had no idea who was caring for their children for months. That is classic abandonment.”

  “Ma’am, you can argue your case to the judge.”

  “You bet your ass I can. Now, I suggest you leave this home before I call the Chief of Police and inform him of your persistent harassment of my clients. Don’t come back to this property without a warrant. And you four,” she directs her verbal assault to the parents. “I suggest you save your money and your time and drop this case. I’ll bleed you dry and tie you up in court until the boys are eighteen. I’ll also dig into your lives so far that I’ll find every salacious thing you’ve ever done. If you’re willing to fight that hard for the boys, good luck.”

  “She murdered a man and he shot Patricia Lancaster in front of all the boys,” Mrs. Ashcroft complains like a petulant child.

  “Both of those events are unfortunate. I’d like to point out that those incidents were in the defense of the child abandoned by the perpetrators. Nevertheless, I can see you must be concerned since you’re here for your children. Were you concerned before or after the motion for you to reinstate the boys’ trust funds came through?”

  I stand stock still not knowing anything about reinstatement of the
boys’ trust funds. I keep my mask on and stare down the quivering puddles being assaulted by my friend.

  “We shouldn’t have to pay for them if we’re not responsible for them,” Mr. Bennington grinds out.

  “All right, I’ll revoke the motion and you’ll leave the boys alone from now on. No contact at all. If you attempt to contact them again, I’ll come after every dime you have. I’m aware of some SEC violations that could be very problematic for you Mr. Bennington. And Mr. Ashcroft, I suggest you get your financials in order before you enter a courtroom with me. Hookers and blow can only be hidden so well.”

  She’s met with stark silence. I’m in awe.

  “If there’s nothing else, I believe you should see yourselves out,” Shannon finishes fiercely. “And Officer Burke, heed my advice. If you come near my clients again for any reason without cause, I’ll come after your badge.”

  He flares angry eyes at her until Nick and Dylan take a step toward him. That causes the punk to pale to a shade matching the idiots behind him.

  “Time to go,” Nick growls.

  The five of them turn swiftly and head to the front door, Nick and Dylan following with menacing glares on their faces. When they’re out of sight I wrap my arms around Shannon as hard as I can.

  “I’m so fuckin’ sorry,” she murmurs into my hair. “That was my fault. I wanted to draw them outta the woodwork with the financial threat. I should’ve told you and Nicky about it. I didn’t think they’d have the balls to show up here with a dirty cop. I’m sorry, Kat.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for. You were lookin’ out for my boys,” I assure her softly.

  I release her from my grasp and pull Cole and Dane into my arms.

  “You okay?” I mumble into their hair.

  “We’re good. Aunt Shanny had that shit under control. And Uncle Dylan was about to smash Junior Burke’s face in,” Cole says with a chuckle.

  I chuckle along with him. They’re okay.

  “My turn,” Nick announces at my side.

  I release our boys and fold myself into Dylan’s arms. He holds my body so snugly I can barely draw a decent breath.

  “Get off my wife, Kellerman,” Nick growls in a teasing tone.


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