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Alien Allure: A Garden Girls Cozy Mystery (Garden Girls Christian Cozy Mystery Series Book 23)

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by Hope Callaghan

  “I have a blow-up mattress you can borrow,” Lucy said. “I’ll bring it by after the alien invasion.”

  “Invitation,” Ruth corrected.

  Gus removed his ball cap as he made his way over. “I’m sorry, Ruth. I’m the last person who wants to be responsible for taking your van, but I don’t have a choice. Think about the boy in Lakeville and his family, how they must be feeling. Your van might hold the key to finding out what happened to him.”

  “I know. You’re right.” Ruth sucked in a breath. “I’m not trying to be difficult. No one wants to find out what happened to the boy and to stop this person more than me.”

  “I’ll handle the spymobile with kid gloves,” Gus promised. “I’ll even deliver it back here when they’re done.”

  “I…you don’t have to do that, but I appreciate the offer.”

  “I don’t mind. As long as you don’t hold this against me.”

  “I don’t.”

  Gloria guided Ruth away from the van and kept a firm grip on her arm as Gus maneuvered the tow trailer before exiting the vehicle.

  He and Officer Nelson stood talking in low voices before Gus hesitantly approached. “I need the keys.”

  Ruth reluctantly pulled a single key from her pocket and handed it to him. He squeezed her hand. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered.

  To his credit, Gus was careful to keep the safety chains away from the custom paint job. He secured the van and then double-checked the straps before returning to the driver’s seat.

  The women watched as Gus, the tow truck and Ruth’s van rumbled out of the parking lot and down the street.

  Nelson trudged back over. “I’m sorry about Leonard too. The Bearney boy isn’t certain anymore that Leonard was the man who tried to drag him to his van.”

  Ruth’s shoulders slumped in defeat as the officer drove off. “This has been one of the worst days of my life. A boy is missing. Leonard is a suspect, my spymobile is gone. What else could happen?”

  “The good news is Cameron Burke’s speech is over,” Lucy said. “Margaret did a great job of introducing him.”

  Ruth brightened slightly. “Is he still here?”

  Margaret and Gloria exchanged a quick glance. “He…uh. He was in a hurry to take off.”

  Lucy slid the polarized police-grade sunglasses from her head and handed them to her friend. “He returned the sunglasses. I have to admit he seemed a little…full of himself.”

  “And rude,” Gloria added.

  “He’s a jerk,” Margaret said bluntly.

  “I got that impression from him too, but he knows his stuff. Do you think he would come back if we invited him again next year?” Ruth asked.

  “No,” Gloria and Lucy said in unison.

  Margaret patted Ruth’s shoulder. “The good news is you have a whole year to find someone better than Cameron Burke.”

  Before Ruth could reply, a pink Cadillac flew around the corner and veered into the parking area.

  “Take cover!” Gloria yelled.

  The women scrambled for safety as Eleanor’s Cadillac screeched to a halt. The car’s shiny chrome bumper nudged the handicapped parking sign, causing it to wobble.

  The driver’s side door flew open, and Eleanor emerged. “Did I miss the aliens?”

  Gloria took one look at her friend and burst out laughing. “What on earth?”


  “You. Your outfit.”

  “You don’t like it?” The silver glitter balls on Eleanor’s headband swayed back and forth. “I borrowed this getup from my neighbor. She wore it to a Halloween party last year.”

  Margaret flicked a strand of Eleanor’s purple hair. “You died your hair purple?”

  “It’s one of those temporary colors. It will come out in a couple of washes.” Eleanor twisted to the side. “Check out my light-up sneakers.” She tapped her foot on the ground. Pink and blue lights flashed.

  “I bought a pair of those for my grandsons years ago,” Gloria chuckled.

  “They’re hard to find. I figured I would go all out since I don’t get a chance to dress up often.”

  “This isn’t a dress-up party. These people believe aliens exist,” Ruth said.

  “Oh, I know, which makes it even more fascinating.” Eleanor glanced around. “Where’s the spymobile?”

  “Don’t ask,” Lucy said.

  “The police took it,” Ruth sighed heavily. “They’re holding my friend, Leonard, and my guest speaker was a joke.”

  “He wasn’t a joke,” Margaret said. “He was a jerk.”

  “Joke. Jerk. This convention is a disaster.”

  A group of convention-goers strolled past, carrying folding chairs and blankets.

  “You’re wrong,” Gloria said. “Look at how excited these people are. They’re in their element. They love this stuff. So, you’ve had a couple of hiccups. This is your first crack at hosting a convention. You need to cut yourself some slack.”

  Ryan ran around the corner. Tyler and Paul followed behind.

  “There you are.” Paul gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek. “We stopped by the pavilion and discovered the guest speaker had already left. How did it go?”

  “You don’t want to know,” Lucy answered.

  Paul did a double take when he caught a glimpse of Eleanor. “Eleanor. I didn’t recognize you at first.”

  “Cool costume, huh?”

  “It’s…very unique,” Paul said diplomatically. “The boys and I checked out the area where the alien event is being held. The place is filling up.”

  “Did you happen to see Dot or Rose?”

  “Rose is already there,” Paul said. “She and Helena staked off enough spots for all of us to sit together. Dot, Ray and Johnnie are on their way.”

  “We’ll hang out here for a minute and wait for them,” Gloria said.

  “We passed a concussion stand on the way,” Ryan said. “They have hot dogs, chicken wings and pizza. Can I have a snack?”

  “Concession stand,” Gloria corrected.

  “Can we go now?” Ryan spun in a fast circle.

  “Why are you in such a hurry?” Gloria’s hand shot out to stop him. “Do you need to use the restroom?”

  “Maybe.” Ryan pirouetted.

  Gloria motioned to Tyler. “Take your brother to the bathroom. We’ll wait right here. Make it quick.”

  “Okay.” Tyler grabbed his younger brother’s hand and led him around the side of the building.

  “He’s wound up about this alien thing,” Paul chuckled. “Rose sold out of her potions and Helena only has two prepper meals left. I can’t believe the number of people who are here.”

  “See?” Gloria patted Ruth’s shoulder. “This convention is a huge success.”

  “I suppose,” Ruth attempted a smile. “I’m not hosting the next event. Bernadette is hosting that one. I’m gonna grab a couple of flashlights from the office so we can see.”

  Dot, Ray and Johnnie pulled in while they waited for Ruth to return.

  “Are we late?” Dot asked.

  “Nope,” Gloria said. “Tyler and Ryan went to the restroom. They should be back any second.”

  “I’ll go check on them.” Paul began walking in the direction of the restrooms, nearly colliding with Tyler, who barreled around the side of the building.

  “I can’t find Ryan.”

  Chapter 17

  “What do you mean, you can’t find Ryan?” Gloria pressed a hand to her chest.

  “He went into the bathroom. When he didn’t come back out, I went in looking for him, and he was gone,” Tyler said.

  Ruth had returned and caught the tail end of the conversation. “The restrooms have double entrances so people can enter on either side. He must have gone out the other exit.”

  “Let’s split up and search the area,” Paul said. “He couldn’t have gone very far.”

  It was getting dark, and the post lights scattered around the flea market grounds were few and far between.<
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  Even if Ryan had taken the wrong exit, he would have known to circle back to where his brother waited for him. A chill ran down Gloria’s spine. There was something terribly wrong.

  “He knows we were heading in the direction of the back where the alien event is taking place. Maybe by the time he came back around, Tyler was already inside looking for him, and he decided to head over there,” Ruth said.

  “No. We told them we would be waiting right here.” Gloria shook her head as a terrifying thought occurred to her. “We need to keep an eye on the exit to make sure someone with a van isn’t trying to leave the area.”

  “Is there any sort of intercom system on the grounds?” Paul asked.

  Ruth handed him one of her flashlights. “The only intercom system is in the auction area.”

  “The sooner we start looking, the sooner we’ll find Ryan.” Gloria pressed a light hand to her forehead. “I think someone should stand guard near the exit.”

  “It probably wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Paul said quietly. He placed a light hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “Let’s check the restrooms.”

  “I’ll stand guard at the exit,” Margaret said.

  Lucy and Eleanor volunteered to search the front two sections or zones. Dot and Ray took the third zone. Johnnie headed to the Vulcan area in the back to track down Rose and to make sure Ryan hadn’t gone on ahead and was waiting for them there.

  The only areas not covered were the pavilion and the vendor section. Gloria jogged to the pavilion first, all the while forcing herself not to panic.

  The area was dark, with only a single dim light near the row of grills.

  She waited for her eyes to adjust and then quickly scanned the perimeter. A couple stood near the back. The rest of the area was empty. Most had already made their way to the highlight of the evening – the alien gathering.

  Gloria made a thorough sweep of the picnic area, calling Ryan’s name as she walked. “Ryan…Ryan.”

  Up next was the vendor section. Green tarps covered the tops of the tables. Gloria switched her cell phone on and beamed the flashlight along the back and under the tables. “Ryan.”

  Her voice grew more urgent as visions of her grandson being abducted and already on his way to who knew where filled her mind. Gloria clutched her stomach, feeling nauseous at the thought of him being snatched or harmed, and knowing she was to blame.

  Even though Tyler was older, she never should have let the boys go off by themselves. She should have sent Paul with them.

  She caught a glimpse of a light bobbing erratically up ahead. Ruth appeared wearing the same expression Gloria was certain was on hers.


  “No. I circled the area twice. I’m sure if someone found him, they would be calling by now.”

  “This is awful.” Tears welled up in Gloria’s eyes, and she choked back a sob. “I’ll never forgive myself if something happens to Ryan.”

  Ruth placed a sympathetic arm around Gloria’s shoulders. “We’ll find him. He’s around here somewhere. Do you think there’s a chance he would have gone off with a stranger?”

  “No…I mean, Jill has talked to both boys, and they know better, but if someone were really convincing?” Gloria’s heart raced, and she could feel a sense of panic setting in.

  “Don’t freak out. We have to remain calm.”

  “I’m trying. Let’s keep looking.” Gloria and Ruth hurried to the front where Margaret stood near the exit. She waved them over.

  “Have any vehicles left?” Ruth asked.

  “Just a couple of cars and a small motorhome,” Margaret said. “I stopped all of them and checked the interiors. They’re clean.”

  “See? Ryan is still here somewhere,” Ruth said.

  “If they left the property, they didn’t do it from here.”

  “There is one other exit, but the gate is locked,” Ruth said. “There’s only one way in and out of this place.”

  “We’ll keep looking.”

  “I’ll stay right here until someone tells me otherwise,” Margaret promised.

  “Let’s swing by the bathrooms and then check in with Rose.”

  Ruth and Gloria found Paul standing near the entrance, talking with a person who looked vaguely familiar. As they drew closer, Gloria noticed the woman was wearing a pink volunteer shirt. It was Bernadette, one of the event staff.

  “Your husband was telling me your grandson is missing.”

  “When I saw her wearing the same hot pink shirt, I figured she was one of the convention’s staff members,” Paul said. “The more people looking for Ryan, the better our chances of finding him are.”

  “I radioed Cliff to have him keep an eye out for him too,” the woman said.

  “Cliff.” Gloria drew a blank.

  “The other coordinator.”

  Tyler emerged from the bathroom and joined them. “I checked every stall. He’s not in there.”

  “Let’s head to the back and check with Rose. Maybe he’s wandering around in the crowds and has no idea we’re looking for him,” Paul suggested.

  While they walked, Paul told his wife they had checked out the restrooms and the row of campsites closest to the area where Ryan was seen last.

  “Margaret is guarding the front. She’s checking each vehicle that exits the grounds,” Ruth said.

  “Meaning Ryan is still here somewhere.” Paul reached for his wife’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We’ll find him. He may have gotten turned around and forgot how to get to the office.”

  “It does look different after dark.” Gloria had another thought. “What about a cell phone? I never thought to ask if Ryan has a phone.”

  “Nope.” Tyler shook his head. “Mom and Dad won’t let him have one until he turns thirteen.”

  Gloria grew silent as they walked, her eyes continually scanning the area. “Are you sure you told Ryan to meet you right outside the restroom?”

  “Yeah. I said it twice. Ryan isn’t very good at following directions.”

  “Did you happen to notice a man with long hair hanging around?” Gloria asked.

  “I already showed the man’s sketch to Tyler,” Paul said. “He didn’t recognize him.”

  “I’m sorry, Grams,” Tyler apologized. “I wasn’t paying close attention. I was looking at my phone while I waited for him.”

  “Which means he could’ve left the restroom, and you didn’t notice.”

  “It’s possible. I hope he’s okay.” Tyler shoved his hands in his pockets, and Gloria’s heart went out to him. She knew exactly how he felt. He was blaming himself.

  “If anyone is responsible, it’s me. I was the one who told you to take him to the restroom.”

  They caught up with Rose and Johnnie. Rose rushed toward them. “Any luck finding Ryan?”

  “No. We haven’t checked in with Lucy, Dot or Ray yet.”

  “It’s awfully dark out here,” Rose said. “He could’ve gotten turned around.”

  Gloria rubbed the sides of her arms, silently praying Ryan would miraculously appear. “Should we notify the police?”

  “I already called it in,” Paul said quietly. “They’re on the way to help with the search.”

  “I need to call Jill.” Gloria’s face crumpled as the reality her grandson was missing hit her full force.

  “Let’s wait a little longer to call her,” Paul suggested. “We haven’t searched the entire grounds yet. Like you said, Margaret is checking anyone who leaves. He’s here…somewhere.”

  “I feel like I need to keep looking,” Gloria’s voice rose an octave. “We have to keep looking.”

  “I’ll stay here, Grams,” Tyler said. “I’ll stay with Rose.”

  “Stay, and don’t you dare move.”

  “I promise I won’t.”

  She backed up and then hurried away, her eyes frantically darting back and forth.

  Paul caught up with her. “Panicking will not help us find Ryan.”

  “Standing around tal
king about it won’t either.”

  Paul grasped his wife’s arm and turned to face her. Their eyes met. “Let’s take a deep breath and think about this for a minute. Ryan wasn’t paying attention to which door he used. When he left the bathroom, he went out the wrong exit.”


  “He didn’t see his brother, so he started to go around the building. By that time, Tyler had gone inside to try to find him, and they missed each other.”

  “It’s a plausible explanation,” Gloria said.

  “Ryan is on his way back to the office, and something happened. Maybe he became distracted and wandered off.”

  “He was…he was asking if we could buy something to eat at the concession stand,” Gloria said. “I remember passing by it on our way to the back.”

  The two of them picked up the pace and made their way to the flashing lights of the food trucks. One was offering sweet treats – ice cream, cotton candy, caramel apples and soft drinks. The second was selling elephant ears and funnel cakes. Gloria approached the third, offering hot dogs, chicken wings and pizza for sale. “He mentioned this one.”

  “Let’s check to see if they’ve seen him.” Paul approached the order counter, and the young woman smiled down at him. “What can I get you?”

  “We’re wondering if you saw a boy with brown hair, about ten-years-old and wearing a…” Paul cast his wife a questioning glance.

  “He was wearing a t-shirt. I think it had a green dinosaur on the front.”

  “I haven’t. Hey, Melody.” The girl turned and hollered over her shoulder. “Have you seen a boy, about ten-years-old, hanging around or ordering food?”

  “Green space aliens? Check. Kids? Nope.”

  “Sorry. We haven’t seen him.”

  “If you do, could you please call my cell phone?” She choked back a sob. “He’s lost.”

  “Sure.” The girl picked up her cell phone and tapped the screen while Gloria rattled off her number.

  “If you see him, please have him wait right here. Please.” Gloria knew she sounded as desperate as she felt. With each minute that passed, the chances of finding Ryan were growing slimmer.

  “I will.”

  A customer approached, and the couple shifted to the side. “Ryan mentioned being hungry and pizza. He hasn’t shown up here yet. Of course, he didn’t have any money. He spent some time with Rose and Helena at the vendor area. I’ve already been there. There’s no one around.”


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