Test Drive

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Test Drive Page 24

by Marie Harte

  He glanced at her then settled his gaze on the road. “Nah. Not now, at least. The guys I work with, we’re all tight. I love Del and Liam, but don’t tell them I said that. Del’s a pain in the ass as it is.”

  She grinned.

  “What about you? I know you want to be a nurse. You work your ass off all the time. So once you’re a nurse, then what?”

  “Then I save up for a better apartment. I quit Ray’s.”

  “No, you can’t. You’re why I go into that place.”

  “Not for the beer?”

  “No offense, but no. Not even for cheap wing night.”

  “Man, Ray will hate to hear that.” She squeezed his thigh, aware of the bunch of muscle beneath her palm.

  “So what else? You going to move away or something? Become a nurse to some grizzled millionaire rancher out in Montana and make a fortune?”

  She chuckled. “Where do you get your ideas? No, of course not. I want to be near my family. I may get nutty with them, but I love them.” She paused. “And to hear my sister tell it, I invite more busyness than I need.”


  “Kristin and I had a heart-to-heart today. Ron left a note on my car.”

  “The hell he did.”

  “No, it’s okay.” That didn’t explain the hang-ups on her phone, but maybe he’d been trying to figure out how to ask for forgiveness. And maybe he hadn’t been the one making the calls. “He basically apologized for being grabby, then offered Kristin a better sum than she was getting before. He wants it all over, and she does too.”

  “That’s good, I guess. But if that douche bag tries anything again, you let me know.”

  “I will, I promise.”

  “Good.” His grip around the steering wheel was telling.

  “So about tonight. What do you have planned, exactly?”

  “You’ll see.” He relaxed, so she slid her hand higher on his thigh. Then, because she could, she reached between his legs and squeezed.

  The car swerved before he righted it.

  “Jesus. Don’t do that.” He looked pained.

  She grinned. “I thought we were going to funville.”

  He groaned then laughed. “Oh, we are. We’re just taking our time getting there. Now quit feeling me up before I come in my pants, woman. And get ready for some fun I know you’re gonna like.”

  * * *

  Lara didn’t seem as amused as he’d hoped. “Seriously? A nurse’s uniform?”

  “Not just any uniform. A sexy nurse’s uniform.” He’d had to guess on the size, but the tighter the fit the better, in his opinion. “And you don’t have to wear it until next week’s party.”

  “As a matter of fact, people I know, from work, will be at next week’s party. No way I can go as a sexy nurse.”

  They sat in the living room he’d cleaned from top to bottom, discussing the Halloween party he and the guys were invited to, courtesy of Del and McCauley. Some gathering in Queen Anne that everyone who was anyone went to.

  “So what then?” He frowned. “This costume was meant for you, baby.”

  “Oh, please.” She tried to glare but ruined it with a pained groan. “You’re so bad.”

  “I try.” Amused and charmed because she kept eyeing the costume despite denying she wanted to wear it, he changed the subject. “So, tonight, a hot, catered dinner that will knock your socks off. Then a scary movie, complete with popcorn and Junior Mints.”

  “My favorite.” She smiled. She’d worn her hair down, and every time she moved, it flowed over her shoulders and swept her cheeks. Her brown eyes seemed impossibly deep, filled with joy. But he wanted to see them even darker, lost in pleasure while he filled her up.

  “Oh, and something else.” He left her and returned with the results of his physical. “I’m clean.” He’d implored the clinic he’d visited to rush him the results. Fortunately, his doc had understood, being a guy with woman problems himself.

  “I, um, I see.” Her cheeks turned a pretty pink.


  “I’m clean too. Well, I mean, if I’m not, it’s your fault.” She shrugged. “I haven’t been sexual with anyone in a year but you.”


  “I mean it.” Man, she was so red. “I’ve been too busy for sex.”

  “That’s just sad.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “But I’m back on the Pill, so I’m covered, I guess.”

  His heartbeat raced. “You’re safe now?”

  “Yep. I’m all synced and ready to rock the old two percent chance of pregnancy. Go, team.”

  He blinked.

  “You know, I think Angi’s influence has rubbed off on me.” At his confusion, she said, “She’s one of my nursing instructors at the hospital. She’s a trip, and she’s kind of snarky. I learn a lot from her.”

  He remembered her talking about her work at the hospital, learning about administering meds, admitting patients, and going about a daily routine. He had to admit he was impressed. She was so smart, his Lara.

  “All I know is if I was admitted, I’d want you giving me sponge baths. Just sayin’.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “And with that said, let’s get some dinner.”

  They ate a delicious meal from Bill’s Kitchen of seafood linguini, Caesar salad, decadent cheese bread rolls, and some froufrou wine the place had paired with it. To be honest, Johnny didn’t care much for the wine, but Lara seemed to like it, so he nodded and smiled with her.

  They talked about everything and nothing. With Lara, the simplest conversation felt intimate. Like finding the cause for engine cutout in an ’89 Bronco. He hadn’t meant to go on and on about it, but he had her laughing at his attempts to try to find the problem.

  “Yeah, so Lou is harping on me to get that piece of crap out of his bay, as if he owns that spot in the garage. Sam’s arguing with Foley, and the swearing is crazy. Then we all hear that damn jar shaking, and everyone’s diving for cover.”

  She continued to laugh, and he was grinning wide.

  “Liam comes out from under the car he’s working on and starts with f-this and f-that, and you guys are f-ing assholes and can’t a man find a moment of f-ing peace. And Del’s standing right over him with that jar while the others hightailed it out for a break. I’m doing my best not to laugh, especially because right behind her is six-year-old Colin, staring from Liam to Del. Then the kid lets out an f-bomb, and I can’t take it anymore.”

  She wiped her eyes. “My God. I bet her head was about to explode.”

  He grinned. “Especially because she had a new client, this little old lady standing behind Colin, waiting to hand over her keys. I swear, I was dying laughing, because Liam went beet-red, Colin was repeating everything he said, and Del looked shell-shocked. You had to be there.”

  “Actually, I’m getting a pretty good picture right here.” She stood and helped him clear the table, despite his demand she sit tight and let him do the work. “You’re funny, Johnny.”

  “Funny-looking? Come on, drop the hammer. You know you want to.”

  She bit her lower lip, trying to stifle more laughter, and all the feeling in him went straight south, filling up his jeans. If sex would have been the whole of it, he wouldn’t have been so unsure about how to handle her. But being with her like this, feeling such happiness, it caused that bubble inside him to burst, spreading warmth in all his cold places. He fucking loved being around her, just looking into her eyes, holding her hand. Hearing her laugh. He could stare into her eyes and never stop, addicted to such soul-deep beauty.

  “What’s that look?” she said, still grinning. “You’re awfully intense.”

  “I’m trying to figure out the most romantic way to get you into bed. Because jumping you right now isn’t going to send a good message.”

  “How’s that?”

  “That the Rattle of Oppression is somehow erotically charged.”

  She laughed again.

  “Get your ass in the liv
ing room. I have a special treat for you tonight.”

  She wiggled her brows and stared at the noticeable erection straining his jeans. “Oh?”

  “Just go sit down and get ready for something amazing.”

  “Brag much?” she asked as she sauntered out of the kitchen.

  He had to take a moment to breathe, to get a handle on the emotional time bomb inside him. From all he’d heard, read, and tried to piece together, the best way to make a relationship stick involved a solid foundation between partners. And that meant more than just sex, unfortunately. Johnny excelled at being charming. But to woo and keep Lara, he needed more.

  After a moment, he carried a tray of popcorn and candy into the living room, where he had the movie all set to go.

  “More food? Are you trying to kill me?”

  “Nah. This is to lull you into a food coma, so I can do whatever I want with you later.”

  “Good call.” She eyed the Junior Mints. “I love these.”

  “I know.”

  “You seem to know a lot for a guy who can barely work an oven.”

  “I learn fast though. Note I had the meal catered, so no heating up necessary.”

  “You’re spending too much money on me.” Her smiled turned into a frown.

  “You think? I hate to break it to you, but if you hadn’t come over, I could have eaten our entire meal and had lunch with leftovers tomorrow. You ain’t breaking the bank, sweetheart. Far from it. I might just be a mechanic, but I do all right.” He did better than all right, actually. He might have started out making pennies, but he’d learned how to manage a buck from his dad.

  Johnny had savings and a few investments. He lived in a cheap-enough house, had a car already paid for, and had few if any bills. A glance around his place showed he hadn’t poured the money into furnishings. For all that though, he wasn’t rich, and he’d probably never be able to afford an upscale place in Queen Anne for Lara, not unless he won the lottery.

  Bummed at the thought, he filled the silence between them with a smile and light-hearted banter. When he pressed play on the streaming video, her unmistakable enthusiasm eased him once more.

  “Oh wow. Creature from the Black Lagoon?”

  “I thought we’d go classic tonight. And there’s a follow-on if you’re still in the mood. The Wolf Man, starring not just one, but two film legends of the dark screen.”

  “Lon Chaney Jr. and Bela Lugosi. Nice.”

  “A creature double feature for you.”

  She gushed, “With my own man-creature next to me. I am so blessed.”

  “Or damned, depending on your perspective.” He gave an evil laugh. “Man, I love Halloween.”

  “Me too. It’s my favorite holiday.” She snuggled next to him.

  They spent the next two hours giving a critique of all they loved about old Hollywood horror movies, and Johnny enjoyed verbally sparring with her. He’d been aroused all night, and from more than just being near her. Just talking to her, seeing her smile, turned him on. Even her scent, the unmistakable floral sexiness that was Lara, kept him on edge, yet the happiest he’d been in years. Hell, in forever.

  As the movie came to a close, they both lamented the fact the creature had been killed.

  Lara rolled her neck and sighed. “I love it, and I hate it. Why does the monster always have to die?”

  “I know, right?” Johnny stopped the movie and stood to stretch. “Ah. Bathroom break.” He took his time, doing his best to get his lust back under control, and returned to find her…not in the living room. “Lara?”

  He walked through the house, finally stopping at the closed door to his bedroom. He tried to ignore the pounding of his pulse, but there was no getting around how much he’d hoped their date would end this way.

  Except when he entered the room and looked around, he didn’t see her. “Lar—ah!”

  She’d jumped out at him from the shadows and scared the living shit out of him. Thankfully the little witch was laughing so hard she didn’t seem to realize how high his voice had risen when he’d shrieked like a little girl.

  “Funny, Lara. You—oh hell.”

  She was wearing the sexy nurse costume, and the erection he’d done his best to get rid of returned full force. If he didn’t tone it down, he’d end up looking like a two-second wonder by the time he took himself out of his pants.

  “Poor Johnny.” She held a toy stethoscope in hand and twirled it around. She wore a white top that bared more than it covered. The white camisole piped in red hugged her breasts and tied around her neck. A slender strip of white material bisected her midsection and flared at her hips, exposing the toned, creamy lines of her slender belly. The woman had a body on her, for sure, and her nipples stood out, the areolas darker against the sheer white of the costume.

  Yeah, she’d been right. No way in hell could she wear that in public.

  He continued to stare at her, noting the tiny white skirt. If she bent over, it would show her ass and everything in between her glorious thighs.

  She must have read his mind, because she dangled the stethoscope from her fingers as she watched him, then dropped it. “Uh-oh.” She turned around and deliberately took her time bending over to get it.

  She wasn’t wearing panties.

  Johnny could only handle so much.

  He pressed up against her backside and kept a hand on her lower back. “Stay down,” he growled.

  She chuckled, a sexy laugh from low in her throat, and he wanted to pant with pleasure. Instead, he did what he’d been wanting to from the very first. Time to show Lara how to handle one particular patient suffering from a bad case of unfulfilled desire.

  Chapter 18

  Okay, so she’d been dying to try on that naughty nurse outfit. She’d admit it—to herself. She’d always wanted to be sexy and bawdy instead of girl-next-door wholesome. Only with Johnny had she felt that she could let go of her inhibitions and be the sexual creature she was deep inside.

  Only with Johnny did she feel the need to show him all of herself, even the scandalous parts she wasn’t always comfortable with. Being with him tonight showed her so much more about him. He was a genuine person, a man she could—soon would if he kept being so damn charming—fall in love with.

  He was so adorable, working hard to give her the perfect date night, which after her perfect fantasy, would have been tough to beat. Yet he’d produced all her favorites. Favorite meal, favorite candy, favorite movies. He had an inside source, no doubt Rena. But the fact that he took the trouble to learn what she liked and wanted to please her gave her warm fuzzies for the man all over again.

  Seeing how his eyes glazed over, how he tensed and grew hard just looking at her in this getup, made her feel sexy and strong. Being with Johnny never degraded her. He empowered her.

  And now, rubbing up against her while she remained bent over, he aroused her.

  “Nurse Valley. I’m sick. Really, really sick.”

  She stifled the urge to laugh and groaned instead when he palmed her ass. His big, callused hands felt rough and erotic. “What seems to be the problem, Mr. Devlin?”

  He nudged her ankles to widen her stance, but when she tried to rise, he put a hand on her back to keep her down. She heard his zipper slide down, and her arousal grew. She felt wet and achy, empty. Her breasts tingled, and knowing he’d gone to a doctor to get checked out—for her—gave her the excuse to invite him inside. She was on birth control, and the timing worked out.

  They could have sex, no condoms or stopping the moment. Johnny inside her, skin to skin.

  She panted, waiting, but he only stood behind her, stroking her ass with his hot hand while keeping her down.

  The bite of control threw her lust into overdrive.

  “Come on, Mr. Devlin. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’ve got a problem, nurse.” He moved closer to her and she felt him, sliding against her ass. That cock big and slick at the tip. He was aroused, wanting her. “I’m aching and swollen. I
n fact, I’m having a hard time breathing, and I’m hot.”

  Was he. “Maybe you should take off your clothes and cool down.”

  “Or maybe I need some medicine to cool down my fever.” He pulled back, and she straightened.

  She turned around to see his pants down around his thighs, his erection thick and long. He pulled off his shirt as she watched, and the sight of his sexy upper body, those ropy muscles bunching as the light played over him was mesmerizing. The tattooed car on his arm seemed to beckon, inviting her to touch.

  “You do look hot,” she agreed, not surprised to find herself breathless.

  “You look hot too.” He stripped off his jeans and underwear, now totally naked. The light sprinkle of hair down his belly traveled to nest around his taut balls and cock. As he moved closer, she marveled at the sheer size of him.

  “I might have a remedy for you,” she teased and started to untie her top.

  Johnny stopped her and walked her backward, toward the bed. “Yeah, I think you do.” He kissed her, devouring her with hungry lips and a tongue that took what it wanted. He stroked in and out of her mouth while grinding against her belly, his desire enhancing her own.

  He inserted a hand between them, cupping her breast, stroking her ribs, her hip, then sliding into the hot, wet arousal she couldn’t hide.

  He groaned and deepened the kiss but didn’t penetrate with his finger. Instead he continued to play with her, getting close but not close enough to where she needed him. Johnny kissed his way to her ear and whispered, “I need healing, Nurse Valley. A release for the pent-up tension in me. Can you help?” He nibbled her earlobe, and she sank into him on a breathy moan, so far gone she had trouble thinking.

  “Now about that medicine…” He kissed her neck, her shoulder, then trailed his mouth lower, between her breasts. He nuzzled there, and mixed with the lust, she felt a loving so deep it brought tears to her eyes.

  Oh hell. She couldn’t stop herself. She loved him.

  Johnny pulled aside the material cupping her breasts and set his mouth over her nipple, drawing and teething the nub until she found herself begging for him.

  “God. In me. Now, please.” She writhed against him, but he wouldn’t be rushed. Instead, he gently lowered her to the bed and followed her down.


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