Dare To Love Series: The Marriage Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Dare To Love Series: The Marriage Dare (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Marian Tee


  “Keeping me in line.”

  Jane started in her seat. He was right! She mulled it over, and Jane realized something.

  And she started to laugh.

  “What is it?” Christian’s British accent became pronounced in his puzzlement.

  “Since I’m the one keeping you in line---” Jane’s laughter threatened to bubble past her lips once more, but she managed to keep it down, saying, “Doesn’t that make me your master and you my pet?”

  Christian’s handsome face became stoic.

  Don’t look smug, Jane told herself. Don’t look smug.

  But then she heard Christian mutter under his breath, “Bloody hell.”

  She couldn’t keep it in any longer.

  Jane didn’t just laugh. She practically doubled over, gasping and clutching her stomach, laughing until there were tears in her eyes. Straightening, she told herself to take the upper road, but then she saw his jaw clenching, and Jane couldn’t help crowing, “Hashtag Am I Right!”

  And that set her off again.

  After a few moments, she heard him say, “Alright, that’s enough.” His voice was serious but gentle. “Time for serious talk, pet.” His hands clasped her waist---

  Jane gasped when she suddenly found herself lifted off her seat.

  He deposited her on the island, right between his arms, her legs dangling off the edge.

  “I’m serious, Jane. I want to marry you.”

  She bit her lip. “I just think marriage seems excessive---”

  He shook his head. “There’s something you must understand. My life is my work. My passion. It’s the invisible third party in all my previous relationships---” He stopped. “You seem surprised. Did you think I haven’t had any ex-girlfriends?”


  He raised a brow. “You never thought about me in the past two weeks?”

  “I did.” Jane couldn’t quite meet his eyes this time. “But only…in…a…”

  Be yourself.

  She heard herself say, “Sex-doll-sort-of-way?”


  Shit. Should she have pretended just a bit about that maybe? Unable to handle his silence, she slowly turned towards his direction, peeking at his face---

  “I am wounded,” he said gravely.

  Oh thank God, he hadn’t been turned off!

  “D-don’t be.” Her voice wobbled a little, the way her feelings seesawed from fear to relief making Jane feel a little dizzy. “You were like Don Juan de Marco in my dreams. Like, the best.” But she ended on a strained note, with all their talk about sex making her remember things she didn’t and shouldn’t remember---

  The feel of his mouth on hers, his tongue penetrating her---

  The feel of his breath against her skin----

  The feel of his finger shoving inside her pussy---

  A whimper tried to crawl out of her throat, but Jane managed to keep it down.


  Oh God.

  That crisp, sexy purr.

  It was like having her own James Bond---

  He suddenly stood up, and this time she did whimper, and when he leaned forward, she couldn’t help leaning back, balancing herself as her palms landed against the tabletop.

  “What can I do to convince you?” Christian asked. “What do you want?”

  “I d-don’t know---”

  His head started to move towards her.

  “I c-can’t think---”

  Jane tried to lean back as far as she could---

  She fell on her elbows, and she gasped when she realized she was practically laid out on the island like she was attempting to turn her body into his feast---

  And then she caught the look in his eyes, one that told her he was thinking the exact same thing.

  A tiny moan escaped her, and Jane felt his hands curve around her calves.

  One firm yank, and she slid back down, more of her legs dangling while her pussy stopped right at the edge of the counter. His hands slowly moved up on her legs, parting her thighs, and oh God---

  Oh God.

  She could feel his breath against the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, and her entire body trembled. His fingers skimmed the edges of her underwear, and she could feel her brain cells dying one by one---

  Christian was tugging her panties down.

  ---until only her ability to feel was functioning.

  The panties went down one foot, falling to God knew where, and then she felt it---

  His tongue licking her folds, already moist with her cream, a lazy, thorough stroke that made sure every millimeter from top to bottom bore his mark.

  She screamed.

  His fingers moved towards her folds, parting them, wider and wider until all of her core was beautifully exposed.

  His tongue thrust in, and she screamed again.

  A rhythm was set, his tongue pushing in and out, and she could no longer stop screaming. Somewhere along the way, her legs locked over his shoulders, her fingers drove through his silver blond hair with a tight grip---

  Christian’s tongue moved even faster, and her eyes rolled back, the last of her inhibitions falling away. She found herself clutching his head hard, thrusting her hips helplessly against his mouth.


  His mouth moved up, capturing her swollen clit between his teeth just as two fingers thrust inside her.

  It was too much, and she came, moaning his name over and over.

  When Jane hazily resurfaced, she was in his arms, and Christian was walking out of the kitchen. Forcing herself to raise her head, she mumbled, “Where are you taking me?”

  “My bedroom,” Christian murmured, “so I can coerce you into marrying me.”

  Her fist weakly pounded against his shoulder. “Not funny.”

  “Then may I coerce you tomorrow?”

  Jane’s teeth sank into one rock-hard shoulder in sleepy chastisement.

  “One week.” Christian’s tone was even.

  “Oh, Christian.” She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or just let him sweep her away like a storm, the way he was basically promising to. “Marriage is a serious undertaking,” she whispered. “It’s not something you just enter into---”

  “You say that, and yet…” Christian stilled in the middle of his living room. “Why do I get the feeling you’re merely saying these things because you’re supposed to and not because it’s what you truly believe in?”

  It took some time for his words to penetrate Jane’s mind, but when they did---

  “You caught me.” Jane shook the cobwebs off her mind. “And yes, you’re right. I always did think marriage is just a piece of paper.”

  “Then that should bode well for us, don’t you think?”

  She bit her lip, and his eyes narrowed. “Let me.”


  His teeth replaced hers, sinking into her lower lip to create the most delicious mix of pleasure and agony.

  Oh. So that was what he meant.

  He released her lip, and she tried not to cry out and beg him to do it again.

  His gaze claimed her, and he stated quietly, “One week.”

  Jane took a deep breath. “One week.”

  And then he took a deep breath, which confused her.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  This confused her even more, but she answered hesitantly, “Yes?”

  “I thought so.” His voice was harsh.

  “Virgins aren’t your thing?”

  “It’s more of…self-denial isn’t in my nature.”

  “I still don’t understand---”

  “I won’t fuck you until we’re married. But when we do marry---”

  If, she thought weakly.

  Christian shifted her in his arms, causing Jane to straighten and her legs to automatically lock more tightly around his waist. Their eyes met, and he bit out, “You need to choose whether you want to share my bed or not.”

  “A-and if I don’t?�
�� she couldn’t help asking. “Will you have sex with other women?”


  “Can I have sex with other men?

  “That is entirely up to you.”


  “But if I have sex with you?”

  “Then we only fuck each other, as many times as we want, wherever we want.”

  Chapter Five

  Shareholders Meeting

  AMC Executive Conference Hall

  Struggling to make sense of the statistical data projected on the white screen, Jane had to squint and frown several times until her vision finally cleared and the figures stopped looking like hieroglyphics.

  She did a rapid scan and slouched down in relief. Oh thank God. Last quarter’s numbers were up, which meant there wasn’t any need to tiptoe around pissed-off management. More importantly, it meant she could nurse her sexual hangover.

  A grimace started to contort her face, and this made Jane’s head pound even more painfully. Dear God. If someone had told her it was possible to feel hung over due to one too many orgasms in a single night, she would have died laughing.

  And then cry, Jane thought glumly, because apparently the joke had been on her.

  Not that she was actually complaining, of course. Christian Ravenhearst had been fantastic. There was no other word for it. Or maybe there were, Jane pondered absently.

  Insatiable would do, too.

  And also – did all English guys have iron self-control like Christian?

  Not once had he made her touch him or help him come, even though the expression on his handsome face had become increasingly strained. Once, she had asked him awkwardly if perhaps she could do the same thing for him, but Christian had only shaken his head, telling her curtly that if he allowed himself to come in her presence, he might not control himself at all.

  He would fuck her, and he probably wouldn't be able to stop until both of them couldn’t walk.

  “…and that’s it,” the head of AMC’s finance department finished. Closing remarks were given and people started rising from their seats. Shareholders started shaking hands with each other, and a buzz of conversation soon filled the conference hall while Jane and other select employees invited to witness the meeting filed out. Most of them were in finance, and of course the anchors were there, too. As always, Jane was the only one from P.R., once again filling in for her boss Vince.

  Just as she reached for the door, she heard someone say from behind, “A moment please, Ms. Cooper.”

  She froze. That couldn’t possibly be---

  But then she saw that everyone – both shareholders and employees of AMC – had fallen silent as they turned to look at her, and Jane’s heart sank.

  She slowly did a 180-degree turn, and her worst fears were confirmed.

  It was the CEO who had addressed her.

  Jane felt like she was on her way to the chopping block as she headed towards AMC’s CEO. This was all Christian’s doing, she thought. If she got fired because of whatever Christian had said or made the CEO think, she would kill him.

  When she reached the CEO, she reluctantly raised her head to meet his gaze. “Good morning, sir.”

  Jared Westland looked at her thoughtfully. His height and build were as imposing as Christian’s, but whereas Christian’s looks were more of an angel’s, Jared’s were dark and roguish, with his chestnut brown hair, near-black eyes, and deeply tanned skin.


  She held her breath.

  “…asked me to put a good word in with you.”

  Oh. What a manipulative SOB that man was. She said without thinking, “It’s not---”

  Jared Westland arched one eyebrow. “Will the threat of firing you do the trick?”

  “I am going to marry him right this moment, sir.”

  A low laugh escaped the CEO, and Jane tried not to fidget. Was that good or bad?

  “He told me you were funny,” Jared mused. “Anyway, I’ll see you later.” He dismissed her with a nod before walking away.

  Her mouth opened and closed. What did the CEO mean later?

  On her way out, she caught sight of Merry glaring at her and quickly ducked her head, acting like she hadn’t seen anything. She heard footsteps behind her, and Jane made a dash for it, knowing that Merry’s hectic morning schedule wouldn’t allow the news anchor to follow Jane all the way to the P.R. department.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  This was Christian’s fault.

  He had made her stand out, and now people who knew she wasn’t supposed to stand out were mad at her for stealing their Disney moment. When she made it to her cubicle, she threw herself in her old but comfortable chair, her heart thudding against her chest.

  It was like she had just escaped from the jaws of death – no, from the Jaws itself. Remembering Merry’s murderous glare made her shudder, and Jane began to understand what Madison and Riley had meant when they first met and told her that everyone at their press launch had looked like sharks.

  Taking her phone out, she started texting Christian---

  What did you tell the boss of my boss’ boss?

  Her fingers stilled, and she gnawed on her lip as she reread her unsent message. Did she need to tack another ‘boss’ to the label?

  Standing up, she knocked on the cubicle next to her. “Sandy?”

  The other woman looked up. “Yo.”

  “Can I also call the CEO as the boss of my boss’ boss?”

  Sandy started flicking her fingers out then shook her head. “That lacks one level.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, but I wasn’t sure. Thanks.” Jane plopped back in her seat and retyped her message.

  Jane: What did you tell the boss’ boss of my boss’ boss?

  Yes. That sounded about right.

  She was about to press Send when Sandy poked her head past their shared wall, asking, “Since when were you friends with the CEO?”

  Jane almost dropped her phone in her shock. “Jesus!”

  “Oops. Sorry.” But Sandy’s grin was sly.

  “I’m not friends with the CEO,” Jane muttered as she hit Send. Looking up, she tried to explain, “He only knows someone I know.”

  Sandy looked disappointed. “I was hoping for something juicy.”

  Jane forced a laugh. “Do I look like I’d have something juicy to share?”

  Sandy sighed. “You’re right.”

  Jane’s phone vibrated as Sandy retreated back to her cubicle.

  Christian: I told him I asked you out and that you turned me down.

  Jane almost dropped her phone again. What the--- Did Christian Ravenhearst understand the concept of TMI? What if they were thick as thieves? What would that mean for her job if she chose to say no to his proposition?

  Christian: He’ll join us for dinner later, by the way.

  Jane glared at her phone. Wasn’t he even going to try asking her out first?

  Christian: I’ll pick you up 5PM.

  Jane angrily jabbed at the screen of her iPhone.

  Jane: NO.

  Jane: HELLO?

  It took her an entire minute to realize that Christian probably wasn’t ignoring her. Most likely, this was what he had warned her about.

  Jane: Okay. I got it. You’re with your other girlfriend.

  She put her phone away, along with all distracting thoughts about Christian Ravenhearst, and focused on her work.

  At exactly five in the afternoon, she was outside AMC and rehearsing her speech for Christian while she waited by the steps. He was to ask if she wanted to have dinner first. Her life didn’t revolve around him. If he couldn’t accept that, then he could go to hell.

  Fifteen minutes passed.

  Jane sighed. Since he didn’t strike her as someone petty or irresponsible, did this mean he was still busy with the third party?

  “Hello, Ms. Cooper.”

  She jumped, literally, at finding the CEO walking down the steps, and for one moment she was confused.
  Didn’t the CEO always get in his ride at the basement for security reasons?

  Then she saw his arched expression, and she flushed, realizing she had failed to return his greeting. “Good afternoon, sir,” she said hurriedly.

  They looked at each other.

  She asked uncertainly, “Shall I look for your chauffeur, sir?”

  His lips curved. “I’m guessing Christian forgot to tell you.”

  Oh. So she was right, and Christian was busy with his other girlfriend!

  “Thanks for letting me know, Mr. Westland.”

  Jane’s rueful tone surprised AMC’s CEO. Most women would have thrown a tantrum by now or at least said something scathing about Christian and his work.

  “I apologize on my friend’s behalf,” Jared heard himself say.

  The unexpected words made Jane immediately protest, “It’s really okay, Mr. Westland. Christian let me know from the start that the third party was a non-negotiable presence.”

  Jared frowned. A third party? This was the first time he had heard about such a thing, and it was completely unlike his friend to have one.

  “So…” Her voice trailed off, Jane realizing she might have just babbled. She took an awkward step back. “Thank you again, sir.” She turned away to beat a hasty exit, but the CEO’s next words stopped her.

  “Where are you going?”

  Jane reluctantly faced the CEO again. “Home, sir?”

  Jared laughed. “I must apologize again. I made you misunderstand. What I meant about Christian neglecting to tell you was that he asked me to take you to the casino instead.” He glanced past Jane. “And perfect timing…my chauffeur’s here.” He gestured towards his limousine. “Shall we go, Ms. Cooper?”

  As Jane stepped inside the car, she absently looked back at AMC’s---

  Merry glared at her from the second-floor windows.

  Jane almost tumbled inside the limousine in her haste. Shit. Merry was never going to forgive her after this.

  When the car started moving, the CEO drew her attention back to him as he murmured, “So, Ms. Cooper…” He paused. “Who’s this third party you were talking about?”

  “Someone called H,” she said a little sheepishly, “and according to the latest stats, she divides her attention among twenty million other men every day.”

  A startled chuckle slipped past Jared’s lips when he finally understood what Jane Cooper was talking about. It was none other than H, the latest and so far most successful game Christian Ravenhearst had developed. H could either stand for ‘heaven’ or ‘hell,’ with the game also allowing players to explore both types of worlds, with a little help from augmented reality.


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