The Dividing Line

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The Dividing Line Page 28

by Victoria H. Smith

I shook my head, scraping at the oil pencil of my name on the coffee sleeve.

  “I think you should tell him, Lacey. It sounds like your dad genuinely wants to reconnect with you. I can imagine Drake will only support that if that’s what you want.”

  “You think so?” I asked. Looking up at him, I saw a wide smile complement his dark complexion.

  He leaned back, crossing his leg at the knee. “You forget I saw firsthand what he was willing to do just to spend a few hours with you. A man that in love will do anything to make sure his woman is happy. You got no worries there.”

  Cooper was always so sweet and incredibly caring. I could imagine in another life the two of us might have had a shot. I hoped one day he’d find someone worthy of his heart.

  Some giggling sounded into the café, and Cooper and I turned. The laughter was Natalia, and she had a rather close proximity to my boyfriend. She nudged him, flashing teeth at whatever Drake said that made her laugh. She noticed me first and put space between them immediately.

  She would always do that. Be so casual with him then fidgety whenever she noticed me watching the two of them together. Like she was guilty of something. Like she had something to hide or be ashamed of.

  Drake finally noticed me, and he didn’t react how she had. He didn’t push away from her like he was guilty. In fact, his eyes lit up at the sight of me. He looked surprised yes, but he was happy. No guilt in his eyes whatsoever. That’s because he had nothing to be ashamed of. He had nothing to hide. He was here with his friend and nothing more.

  Maybe what they had was only a friendship. But only to him.

  Chapter Forty-Nine


  Lacey was here, and goddamn did she look beautiful. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. It was as if her large brown eyes had locked me in place. She looked a bit tired; a slight darkness under her eyes, but she was still stunning. Absolutely gorgeous. When Natalia suggested coffee this evening to take my mind off things, I originally turned her down. Now, seeing Lacey here, I was so glad I had that last minute change of heart.

  I moved toward her, and when I did, a movement from the opposite side of her table took my attention. Who it was couldn’t have shocked me more. Cooper Ferguson stood and went to Lacey’s side of the table, and all I could do was watch.

  “It was good chatting with you, Lacey,” he said. “I’m glad we ran into each other.”

  Her fatigued eyes left mine and settled on Cooper, and to my surprise, she brought him into a friendly hug. “You too, and thanks for the advice.”

  He told her to take care and approached me. He placed his hand out and simply said, “Hey, Drake.”

  I shook it, and though I was beyond confused about what was going on, there was one thing I noticed I wasn’t.


  This time last year I might have had thoughts to beat him to a pulp, but that wasn’t how I felt now. In fact, I didn’t feel threatened at all. My shake was loose during my thoughts. I strengthened it. “Hey, Cooper. How have you been?”

  “Good.” He released my hand stepping back. “You take care, okay?” After tipping his cup to me, he passed by.

  “Yeah. You too,” I said, my mind still whirling by what was happening.

  He left me standing here, and I was thrown when Lacey’s scent breezed by me. She moved past me so quickly that she was out the door before I realized what happened. I turned to Natalia. “Just one sec, okay?”

  Natalia looked just as surprised as I felt when she nodded. She moved to the right, and I raced outside.

  Chapter Fifty


  Hurried steps followed behind me, but I didn’t stop. When my shoulder was touched, I had to.


  Turning on my heel, I made eye contact with his deep amber eyes. Drake’s handsome face didn’t have the same happy expression as a moment ago. I hated that reason was most likely because of me, but that still didn’t mean I wanted to talk to him.

  He dropped his hand from my shoulder. Shoving both hands into his pockets, he stared at me in a heavy silence.

  I crossed my arms. “So have you come to yell at me?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  I gestured toward the coffeehouse like it was obvious. “For that in there. Cooper. Are you here to let into me now because I was having coffee with him?”

  He cringed. “Of course not, Lacey.”

  His answer caused my brow to twitch up. “Really? Why?”

  Slowly, he rose and dropped his broad shoulders. “Well, because I trust you.”

  The tension that I’d built from going on the defense suddenly flooded from my body. I thought he’d be furious, but he wasn’t. He trusted me. He wasn’t mad.

  He stepped closer to me. Lifting his hand, he touched my cheek, and the concern in his eyes was evident. “You look so tired, Lacey.”

  I was. Stressed. I told him I’d rest, but I’d been doing the opposite. I only remained silent in response.

  “Can we talk?” he nearly whispered. Like being too loud would cause me to break. “I need to fix this. Let me.”

  I made a move back, and his fingers left my face. “I understand why you didn’t tell me about your search for your birth mom, and I do know you would have told me when you were sure about moving forward with the process.”

  A relieved breath escaped his lips. “Good. I’m glad you know that.”

  “I also understand why you told Natalia. Because you needed her help, but what you’ve failed to understand is the implications of those decisions for both parties.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You not only hurt me by not telling me, but you also let her know that there was something you felt more comfortable going to her about than me. Whether intentionally or not, you’re allowing her to think what you two have may be stronger than it actually is.”

  “Lacey.” He took my hand, shaking his head. “I’ve told you there’s nothing going on between us.”

  “And I know that. On your end there are no romantic feelings, but you’re completing ignoring hers. She likes you Drake. I can tell. By the way she looks at you when you talk to her. The way she touches you, and how she suddenly becomes awkward when she knows I’m around.”

  Staring at the ground, he couldn’t have looked more confused. “I think you’re misunderstanding her. It’s just… It’s just not like that with her.”

  “Listen to yourself, Drake. I think you want this friendship so badly you’re willing to ignore the obvious just to have it. To hold on to it no matter how far you lead her on. And if you continue to do that, you’re only going to create more problems for yourself. Confusion in your relationship with her and strain on your relationship with me.”

  He had nothing to say to that, and he watched my bag when my cell phone buzzed from inside it. I pulled it out without words and read the screen.

  Lacey, it’s dad.

  I narrowed my eyebrows. Why was he texting me? I continued reading the message.

  I hate to ask, but I need you to stop by the sober living home. I can’t explain, but it’s really important. Let me know quickly if you can come.

  “Lacey, what is it?” Drake’s voice pulled me from the text.

  I put my phone away. “Something I need to take care of. I think you have something similar to do inside that coffeehouse.”

  My feet took me away from him. When he didn’t follow me I only hoped he’d do what I suggested.


  I called my dad right after his text. I wanted to know if he was okay, but he didn’t pick up. I left him a message that I would figure out a way to get out there, and only seconds letter, I received another text from him.

  Sorry. I can’t talk on the phone. Thanks for coming out. I’ll be expecting you.

  I didn’t really know what was going on, but deep in my heart I had a bad feeling. Like maybe he was in trouble. Did the program kick him out for some reason and he simply needed a ride to his new place? I d
idn’t know but decided to call Margot for use of her old Camry just in case. Her apartment was only a couple blocks from the coffeehouse and that would be the quickest means of transportation.

  She asked me why I needed it, but I made up a quick excuse. If I told her the truth she might have tried to stop me from helping him. She was there when he left. She knew how many nights I spent crying over him not being in my life, and she’d be protective. I couldn’t risk that.

  Her car also had a GPS, so it was quite easy for me to make the long drive out to the sober living house after typing its name into it. It was pretty far out of the city, nothing but highway surrounded by cornfields. There was no traffic, so I got to my destination rather quickly. The same woman with the wide smile and nice pantsuit sat at the desk.

  “Hello, again. How can I help you, Ms. Douglas?”

  I took a moment to catch my breath. Between my anxiety about what was wrong with my dad and the long drive, I was winded. “I’m here to see Kevin Anderson again.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. He hasn’t checked back in yet for the evening.”

  I blinked, unsure I heard her right. “But he told me he’d meet me here.” I took out my phone like I needed to prove my statement.

  “Perhaps he meant when he comes back, but even so I’m sorry. There are no visiting hours this evening for guests.”

  I put my hand to my head, not understanding.

  “I wish I could help you. Would you like me to leave him a message for you?”

  I read my texts from my dad several times as I made my way back to Margot’s car to confirm I understood what he asked. There was nothing confusing about the message. He wanted me to come, yet he wasn’t here. Pulling back onto the road, I called him again. There was no answer just like before. This didn’t make sense. Why would he text me to come out here for no reason?

  I tossed my phone to the passenger side of car, shaking my head. Maybe I shouldn’t have trusted him. Was he playing with me? Telling me all the things I dreamed of hearing about him genuinely wanting to be a part of my life only to crush my heart? I felt so naïve. So incredibly stupid. I was glad I never told my family and Drake about him. I saved myself the embarrassment on top of the hurt.

  With hands I didn’t know where shaking, I attempted to type in Margot’s address into the GPS but a light in my review mirror blinded me. I dropped my hand from the GPS, squinting into the mirror. The driver was getting closer, but their lights didn’t allow me to see them clearly.

  I switched lanes, hoping they’d pass me. When they pulled up beside me, I immediately recognized the vehicle. It was the one from the coffee shop. The black SUV with tinted windows.

  Putting both hands on the wheel, I didn’t think much of it, but when the car grew closer to me, forcing me to skeet off to the shoulder of the road, my heart leaped in my throat.

  I screeched back onto the road, but the SUV attempted to side swipe me again. Pushing the pedal to the floor, I raced ahead and gazed out the review mirror. The SUV came up fast, and I shrieked when they rear-ended me.

  My head shot forward, sending a sharp jerk into my neck. I was thrown, my hair covering my vision, and I swerved, nearly hitting a passing car in the opposition lane. They honked, distracting me, and the SUV caught up to me again.

  I switched gears and gained ground, but they were quickly covering the distance between us. I reached over, patting the passenger seat to call for help, but my hand couldn’t grasp it. A look to my left told me why.

  My cell phone was nowhere in sight.

  Scanning around viciously, I spotted it on the floor of the passenger’s side. I gazed up to the rearview mirror for a visual on the SUV. They were close, and they were only getting closer.

  Chapter Fifty-One


  “Drake, did you hear what I said?”

  Natalia’s voice brought me out of my daze. Her expression read of a deep concern.

  She pushed her coffee to the side, leaning forward. “Maybe you should go after Lacey. I told you we didn’t have to do this. I feel like what happened was my fault. Maybe we shouldn’t hang out so much. I don’t want her to be upset.”

  I tapped at my cup, getting lost in it as I had been since we got our coffees. Eventually, I sat back. “Lacey doesn’t mind that we hang out, Natalia. I told you that, and I can’t go after Lacey. She needs time alone. I can tell.”

  Her eyes flashed away for a moment in thought before heading back. “Well, can I do anything to help?”

  I’d been dancing around in my head all evening on how to talk to her about what Lacey and I discussed outside, but now that she said what she had, I’d been given the perfect opportunity. That fact still didn’t make it any easier to broach her on the subject. “Can you be honest with me about something?”

  She blinked, my question surprising her. “Sure. What is it?”

  I ran my finger over the dried coffee that tinted the lid. “Lacey said this thing outside. About you, and I need to ask you about it.”

  Her eyes casted in worry, but she said, “Okay.”

  I decided to just come right out with it. “She believes you have feelings for me.”

  Her mouth parted slowly. She didn’t say a word, but I needed her to.

  “Is that true?” I pushed, prompting her.

  She chewed her lip, and I knew the answer to my question before she even voiced it.

  I sighed, turning away.

  She leaned forward, placing her clasped hands on the table. “I’d never act on it, Drake. I know you’re with Lacey. I understand that and accept it.”

  I shook my head. Why didn’t I see this before?

  “I don’t want this to ruin our friendship. Please don’t let it.”

  I faced her, grabbing my cup. “It won’t ruin our friendship, Natalia. But I won’t lie. It will change it.”

  She watched as I stood from my chair.

  “I’m going to need some time. I’m not trying to hurt you but—”

  She raised her hands. “I understand.”

  I left the café without any real destination, but when my feet went in the direction of Margot’s apartment, I knew exactly where I was headed. Who I wanted to see. I wasn’t able to make many steps before my cell phone rang, and my heart thumped when I saw Lacey’s number on the front.

  I slid my finger across the screen. “Lacey?”


  I closed my eyes, loving the sound of her voice. “I’m so glad you called, Lacey. You were right. You were right about everything with Natalia, and I’m so sorry I didn’t see it. I’m on my way to Margot’s apartment right now. Are you there? God, Lacey, please say you are because I need to see you so bad.”

  “Drake,” she breathed heavily into the phone. “Drake, I’m so scared.”

  I froze. “What? What are you talking about? What’s wrong?”

  “Drake, I’m being followed. This SUV keeps trying to run me off the road. I got ahead of them, but they’re getting so close. I’m so scared, Drake. Please help me.”

  I felt nauseous. This wasn’t a joke. I could physically feel the fear in her voice. “Okay. Just stay calm. Tell me where you are. I can’t help you if I don’t know where you are, baby”

  “I don’t— I don’t know. I’m on the highway. Have been for a while, but the GPS fell off into the car somewhere when they hit me the first time. I used it to get up here.”

  My heart threatened to burst from my chest. They’d already hit her?

  “Oh, God,” she whimpered. “They’re getting closer.”

  “Lacey,” I let out a breath, forcing myself to remain calm, “do you remember what road the GPS had you on?”

  The nanoseconds of silence before she spoke nearly killed me. “I think it was I-94 East. I’m heading the opposite direction.”

  “Okay, baby. Good. Now, do you see a mile marker on the road?”

  “One-fifty-seven,” she panted out, and I could tell she was fighting herself from panicking.

sp; “All right. Now, hold tight. I’m going to call 911 and tell them where you are.”

  “Please, don’t hang up. Please. Please. Don’t leave me.”

  “Okay. Okay.” God… I gripped the phone. “I won’t hang up. I’m still here with you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Drake. I shouldn’t even have been out here in the first place. I should have told you about him contacting me. I should have told you.”

  “Him? Him who? Lacey?”

  “Oh, God!”

  My adrenaline pumped, my heart racing so fast I feared it would stop beating entirely. “Lacey? Lacey, what’s going on?”

  What happened next would haunt my dreams for a long time. I got to hear my girlfriend, all alone, screaming my name into the phone just before our call was lost.

  Chapter Fifty-Two


  They found the car she was driving on the very same highway she told me over the phone. I later found out it was Margot’s, though the damage was so bad she could barely identify the vehicle. The car was flipped and rolled into a cornfield after it was driven off the road.

  No one knew what happened. No one knew who did this to her. The only thing I did know, the only thing that mattered, was what the doctor told me when I arrived at the hospital.

  “The seatbelt and airbag saved her,” he’d said.

  The woman I loved was alive, and now, I could continue breathing.


  “Truman Drake.”

  Though my name was called, Lacey’s entire family and Margot looked up at the nurse with me. They were all tired, all as beat as I was after being here all evening. I could imagine they were all quite sick of hospitals. Not too terribly long ago Lacey’s mama was here in this very same hospital. I’d driven Lacey to see her the night it was announced her cancer had spread to her brain. Now her daughter was here. The whole dark irony of it all had me feeling sicker than I already felt.

  I stood, forcing myself to stay strong and push the sickness away. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pant legs. “That’s me,” I told the nurse.


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