speeches of, in Deuteronomy, 60
Mot (god of death), 51
Muhammad, 443, 444, 452
Mukish, 43
Muqqadisi, 444
Murashu texts, 282, 311–12
Mursilis I, 40
Mursilis II, 162
Muwatallis, 46
Mycenaean empire, 90
Mycenaean pottery, 115, 126, 153
myrrh, 109
mystery religions, 417
myth and myths, 19–22
creation, 19–20
Naaman, 225, 271
Na’aman, Nadav, 93, 130
Nabateans, 109
Nabonidus, 272–73, 282–83, 285, 450
religious practice of, 283–84
“Verse Account of Nabonidus,” 282, 283
Nabonidus Chronicle, 282, 284
Nabopolassar, 258
Naboth, 223
Nag Hammadi, 428
nagîd (prince or ruler), 178
Nahal Mishmar, 15
Nahum, book of, 243, 258
Babylonian exile and, 270
divine element in, 29, 53, 212, 291, 312
Yahwistic, 282, 291, 312
names of God, Canaanite evidence for, 53–54
Naram-Sin, 31, 33, 447
Narmer, 18
national god, 156
national religion, 156
Naveh, Joseph, 129, 163
Neapolis (modern Nablus), 354, 385
Nebo, Mount, 5, 60, 68
Nebuchadrezzar (Nebuchadnezzar), 262–66, 268, 269, 272–73, 279, 287, 450
Neco II, 261, 262, 264–65, 450
Nefertiti, 82
Negeb, 5, 6, 138, 208
pottery from, 184
settlements in, 183–84
trade and, 190
Nehemiah, 277, 288, 289, 290, 296, 298, 302–11, 313, 451
Hebrew language and, 279
wall of, 309
Nehemiah, book of, 347
history of composition of, 281 See also Ezra-Nehemiah
Neo-Assyrian empire, 176, 449
Neo-Babylonian Chronicles, 244
Neo-Babylonian empire, 263, 450
Aramaic language in, 278–79
fall of, 272–74, 283–84
Neolithic Age, 10–12, 447
“Neolithic revolution,” 10
Neoplatonist school of Athens, 427
Neo-Sumerian culture, collapse of, 34
Nero, 363, 378–79, 382, 401–05, 452
Golden House of, 402, 407
Nerva, 385, 412–13, 452
Neusner, Jacob, 387, 438, 442, 445
Newsom, Carol A., 163
Nicanor, 342
Nicea, Council of, 391, 425
Nickelsburg, George W. E., 350, 387, 418
Nicolaus of Damascus, 354
Nile River, 7, 68
Nile Valley, 7
Nineveh, 224, 263, 280, 450
palace relief at, 251
Nippur, 224, 263, 280, 282
Niya, 37, 43
Noadiah., 310
Noah, 21
as planter of first vineyard, 21
Noble Sanctuary (Jerusalem), 443
nomadism, 54–55
non-Jews, 347–49
Nora inscription, 155
northern kingdom
attitude of, toward kingship, 217
fall of, 236–40
succession of rule in, 217
Noth, Martin, 145
novel, Jewish, 322
Nuhashe, 37, 43
Numbers, book of, 60
Nuzi, 37
archaeology and, 52
tablets, 52
Obadiah, book of, 243, 267
obsidian, 11
Octavian, 355–57, 452. See also Augustus Caesar, 389–90
Ofer, Avi, 129
Old Greek version of Hebrew scriptures, 320–21
Old Kingdom, in Egypt, 18
Olmstead, Albert T., 316
Omri, 449
and Mesha Stela, 175
Omri-Ahab dynasty, 212, 218–28
archaeology and, 218–21
Oniads, 327
Onias III, 324, 327
Onias IV, 333, 344
Oppenheim, A. Leo, 17
oral law, 386
Pharisees and, 366
oral tradition, Genesis and, 27
Orient, 3
Origen, 428, 438
Orni, Ephraim, 23
Orontes River, 5, 9
Orontes River Valley, 5, 9
Orosius, 421
ossuaries, 14
Othniel, 134–35
Otho, 405
Ottoman Turks, 432
P, 28
as pentateuchal source, 61
paganism, 427–28, 432
Paleolithic era, 10
geographical divisions of, 6
under the Hasmoneans, 332
under the Herods, 354
in Persian period, 288–90
population of, in Bronze Age, 30, 31
settlement of, 87 (see also conquest of Canaan)
Pamphilus, 423–24
papyrus, 19
Papyrus Oxyrhynchus, 401
Papyrus Rylands, 265
parables, as genre, 3
Paran, 107
Pardee, Dennis, 56
Parker, Simon B., 56
Parr, Peter, 110, 130
Parsa, 283
Parthians, 356
Hadrian and, 416–17
Passover, 362
and dedication of Temple, 295
and plagues of Egypt, 59
and reform of Josiah, 260
in Second Temple period, 358
Pastoral Epistles, 415
pastoralism, 54–55
in Midian, 108
pastoral nomadism, and premonarchic Israel, 102–03
Paul, 374, 378, 379, 404
pax Aegyptica, 82
Pax Augusta, 390
Pax Claudiana, 398
Pax Romana, 356
Peace of Callias, 306
Peace of Lysias, 331
Peebles, Christopher S., 203
Peleset. See Philistines
Pelikan, Jaroslav, 445
Peloponnesian War, 306, 314, 451
Pentateuch, 276
Greek translation of, 320
legal traditions of, 307
Mosaic authorship of, 62
origins and date of, 276, 302
“people of the land, the,” 230, 262, 299
Per Atum (Pithom), 65
Perevolotsky, Aviram, 89
Per-Rameses. See Rameses
relief from, 293
Persian empire, policies of, 285
Persian Gulf, 8
Persian period, 276–316, 451
Aramaic language in, 278–79
archaeology and, 278, 279
boundaries of, 280
chronology of, 279–82
cultural influences in, 277–79, 286–87, 293
Greco-Persian conflict in, 304–06
Jewish writings of, 276–77
reign of Darius, 292–95
religion of Israel in, 276
sources for, 279–82
Persians, 283
Pesach. See Passover
Pesharim, 368
Peter, 374
Peters, F. E., 351, 445
Petrie, W. M. Flinders, 160
Pettinato, Giovanni, 33, 56
Phanni (Phanassus) ben Samuel, 382
pharaoh, 18, 66
Pharisees, 277, 339, 342–46, 365, 369, 385–86, 420
Alexandra and, 339, 366
beliefs of, 343–44, 366–67
and First Jewish Revolt, 381
and Hasmoneans, 366
and Herod the Great, 366
Josephus and, 365, 366
name of, 365
and oral tradition, 366
and Stoics, 365
Phasael, 355–56
Philip of Macedon, 318
Philippi, battle of, 355
Philip the Tetrarch (son of Herod the Great), 360
building projects of, 362
Philistine pentapolis, 114, 127, 152, 153
in early Iron Age, 152–54
Philistines, 28, 46, 90–91, 113–29, 448
archaeology of, 115–17
culture of, 115
economy of, 122–23
and formation of the state of ancient Israel, 178–79
pottery of, 116–17, 122–23, 153
religion of, 153
ships of, 119 See also Sea Peoples
Philo of Alexandria, 277, 321, 365, 367, 376, 397
Legatio ad Gaium, 397
Phinehas, 108
name, 65
Phoebe, 429–30
Phoenicia, 154–55, 208, 280, 287
cities of, 152
Phoenician alphabet, 42
phylacteries, 368
pictographs, writing and, 18, 19
pilgrimages, 425
feasts and festivals and, 358
route of Exodus, 69
pillared buildings, 188
pillars of cloud and fire, 64
Pi-Ramesse, 84–85
Pitard, Wayne T., 25–57, 240
Pithom, 65
place-names, meaning of, 101–02
plagues, of Egypt, 59
Pliny the Elder, 365, 367
Pliny the Younger, 403, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414
poetry, biblical Hebrew
early, 158–61
as genre, 3
Pompeii, 408
Pompey, 339–40, 452
death of, 355
and Judea, 353–54
pontifex maximus, 393, 427
Pontius Pilate, 363, 369, 395–96, 403, 452
pope, 434
Porcius Festus, 378–79
Porten, Bezalel, 275
Postgate, J. N., 23
at Ain Ghazal, 11
archaeology and, 14, 18
Greek and Attic, 278
from Iron Age Israel, 186–87, 189–90
at Kuntillet Ajrud, 233
of Midian, 108, 110
“Negebite,” 233
from Negeb sites, 184
Philistine, 115–17, 122–23, 153
“Solomonic ware,” 186
Potts, D. T., 23
Praetorian Guard, 398, 405
prayer houses. See synagogues
“Preaching of Peter, The,” 409
Price, Barbara J., 203
Price, Simon, 411, 419
priesthood, in Roman period, 358
Priestly document, 28, 29
Prisca (Priscilla) and Aquila, 379, 430
Priscilla (second century), 429
Pritchard, James B., 7, 17, 117
promise, to Abraham, 26
Promised Land, 5, 58, 60, 93
Moses and, 5, 106–07
and apocalyptic thought, 301
as genre, 3
postexilic, 300–02
in Chronicles, 222
in Deuteronomic History, 222
literary, 234, 247
proseuche (place of prayer), 360
“proto-Deuteronomy,” 217
“protosynagogue,” 271
and Babylonian exile, 271
proverbs, as genre, 3
Psalms, 302
Psalms of Solomon, 355
Psammetichus I, 255, 259, 261, 450
Psamrnetichus II, 265
Psamrnetichus III, 292
Pseudo-Cyprian, 437
Ptolemaic empire, 325
Ptolemaic period, 319–22, 323–26
archaeology and, 319
Ptolemy (son-in-law of Simon Maccabee), 336
Ptolemy I, 319–21, 451
Ptolemy II Philadelphus, 320
Ptolemy IV, 600
Ptolemy VI, 335
publicans, 364
“Pul.” See Tiglath-pileser III
Pummay (Tyrian king), 155
purity ritual, 359
pyramid, 7
Pythagoreans, 365
Q, 372
Qadesh, 37, 43, 45, 84
battle of, 45, 46, 85
fighting against Egypt, 44, 81, 84–85
Qantir, 65, 85
Qarqar, battle of, 21, 219, 220, 224, 225, 263, 449
Qatna, 31, 36, 37, 40, 41, 43
Qaus (Edomite god), 156
Qoheleth, 349–50
Quadratus, 417
Quietus (Lusius Quietus), 421
Quirinius, P. Sulpicius, 361, 395
Qumran, 332, 354
archaeology and, 367, 368
Essene settlement at, 345 See also Dead Sea Scrolls; Essenes
Qumran community, 277, 345–46, 364, 369
and First Jewish Revolt, 382
organization of, 368
as “sons of Zadok,” 345 See also Dead Sea Scrolls; Essenes
Qumran literature, 368
Hymn Scroll, 368
Pesharim, 368
War Scroll, 368 See also Dead Sea Scrolls
Quran, 443
Qurayyah, 106, 110
rabbi, role of,
emergence of, 420, 439–40
in late antiquity, 438
rabbinic Judaism, Pharisees and, 344
rabbinic teaching, authority of, 440
rabbinic tradition, 307
rabbinic writings, 338, 365, 372, 386
Midrashim, 440
Mishnah, 440
Talmuds, 440
women in, 442
rabbis, 386, 420, 439–40
and interpretation of scripture, 386
and Sadducees, 365
Rachel, 27
radiocarbon dating, 10, 12
Rameses (city), 65
starting point of Exodus, 67
Rameses I, 66, 84
Rameses II, 45–46, 65, 84–85, 106, 146, 448
Rameses III, 85–86, 90, 92, 97, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119–20, 121, 122, 152, 153, 448
Ramesside period, 65
Rashap, 32
Ras Ibn Hani, 118, 153
Ras Shamra. See Ugarit
redaction criticism, Exodus narratives and, 62
rededication of Temple, 332. See also Hanukkah
Redford, Donald B., 89
Redmount, Carol A., 58–89
Red Sea, 5
Exodus and, 60, 67
Rehoboam, 210, 212, 214–15, 449
resurrection of Jesus, 374, 396
resurrection of the dead
Pharisees and, 366
Sadducees and, 365
Revelation, book of, 403, 412
apocalyptic imagery of, 410
Rezin, 236–37
Rib-Addi (king of Byblos), 49
Amarna letters and, 49
Rift Valley, 5, 6, 90–91, 97
Rim-Sin (ruler), 35
Ringe, Sharon, 163
Roetzel, Calvin J., 419
Rolfe, J. C., 419
Rollefson, Gary O., 23
Roman Empire
governors in, 361–64
Jesus movement in, 388–89
Jewish women in, 441–42
Jews and Christians in, 420–52
organization of, 389–90
Roman-Jewish War, 420
Roman legion, tenth, 382, 385, 396, 405
Roman period, 352–87
First Triumvirate, 354
social movements in, 364–74
Romans, Seleucids and, 324
Romans, letter to the, 429
Rome, 400
conflict with Egypt, 356
fall of, 432–33, 452
Jewish community in, 353
Root, Margaret Cool, 285, 316
Ruth, book of, 137
and premonarchic period, 137
Sabbath, 281, 333–34
and Babylonian exile, 271
and Nehemiah, 309, 31
sacrifice, animal, 281, 312
Sadducees, 342–46, 365, 386
Alexandra and, 339
beliefs of, 343–44, 365
Dead Sea Scrolls and, 367
Josephus and, 365
name of, 365
social makeup of, 365
Temple and, 359
view of the law, 344–45
Zadok and, 343–44, 365
Safrai, S., 387, 419
Saggs, H. W. F., 23
Saldarini, A. J., 387
Salome Alexandra. See Alexandra
Samaria, 208, 224, 236–40, 263, 280, 287, 325, 332, 354
archaeology and, 219, 288
as Assyrian province, 256–58
as capital of northern kingdom, 206, 449
capture of, by Hasmoneans, 336
fall of, 449
Herod and, 357
ivories from, 219, 234–35
Omri and, 218–19
in Persian period, 290–91, 313
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