Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Page 837

by <unknown>

  She seemed to be looking at three obstinate sinners from the high ground. With vague sadness on her face, she said, "You have all been deeply infected by Chaos, and you truly believe that you are the supreme creatures in the sea of stars, qualified to do whatever you want to the entire universe!

  "You have been damaging the environment without restraint. You have been exploiting the resources and energy from the three thousand Sectors, pushing the universe to the brink of collapse time and time again!

  "You haven't learned your lesson from the war of ancient Cultivators forty thousand years ago, and the destruction of the Star Ocean Imperium ten thousand years ago failed to awaken you, too! Today, with the final battle between the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance drawing near, you are still putting up your futile resistance!

  "Even though you have exploited so many resources and so much energy, your ravenousness can still not be satiated. You have conquered all living creatures in the three thousand Sectors, but then you are turning against your own kind!

  "You are clearly the same human beings. Yet, you divide yourselves into all kinds of different groups. Citizens of the Curly Dragon Sector and citizens of the Martial Meritocrats Sector. Cultivators and Immortal Cultivators. Hominoids and true human beings. Men and women…

  "A hundred thousand years! Nothing has changed for a hundred thousand years! Since the moment the fire of the civilization of mankind started burning, you have been killing, conquering, and enslaving each other under all kinds of banners, only to march to the abyss of doom together!

  "Such a civilization is truly the most wicked of all. No, it is not qualified to be called a 'civilization'; it is just a malignant tumor that Chaos made!

  "The Imperium of True Human Beings, on the other hand, is the epitome of the wickedness. It is a hopeless tumor, a cancer of the universe!

  "Living in such an evil world—soaked in lies, violence, slavery, murder, and betrayal since childhood—have you still not been awakened?"

  "Bullsh*t! Bullsh*t! Bullsh*t!" Unable to break the defense after such a long time, Kou Ruhuo was more than infuriated. "You are just a puppet whose string is in Pangu's hands. What makes you think you are qualified to comment on the Imperium of True Human Beings?"

  "If we speak of puppets, everybody is a puppet."

  Even when she was making the harshest accusation, Tang Qianhe still showed no sign of anger whatsoever. She was now even more peaceful and undisturbed than before.

  Her face seemed to have contracted a virus named 'smile'.

  Li Yao even doubted whether or not she had the ability to burst into fury.

  "It's true that we are the puppets of the divine Pangu Clan, and we feel delighted, proud, and peaceful about that!

  "But what about you? Haven't you, the self-proclaimed 'true human beings' who think that you boast 'free will', betrayed the divine Pangu Clan under the lead of Nuwa, only to end up being Chaos' puppets?

  "Wake up, my compatriots!"

  Tang Qianhe raised her arms, with a thin layer of mist condensing in her eyes. "Stop dwelling in the incessant sins. Realize your real identity and destiny!

  "Think about it. What life have we been living under the lies of the Imperium of True Human Beings?

  "We have to receive the most rigorous training from the moment that we are born. Before we learn to talk, we have to learn to kill all kinds of cute creatures with a dagger! We may have to compete with each other in a cruel arena or even be thrown to a desolate planet to struggle on our own at the tender age of seven! In such cruel competitions, only the best one of ten thousand has the chance of awakening their spiritual root and being granted the identity of 'true human being'!

  "Even if you become a true human being, and you are qualified to enslave millions of hominoids, so what? Are you not mired in never-ending schemes, betrayals, ambushes, and internal strife? Do you not risk falling into the abyss from the peak with only a moment of carelessness? Would you not be stabbed by a poisonous dagger in the back when you are just taking a nap?

  "Let's just take the three of us for example. Is the Covenant Alliance to blame for what has become of us today? Was it the Covenant Alliance's fault that we were exiled to the remote edge of the cosmos for exploration and even faced with the fate of being swallowed by the Black Wind Fleet?

  "No. Not the Covenant Alliance, but the Imperium and the poisonous daggers from within our families!

  "We are all sacrifices of schemes and internal strife, victims of greed and wickedness. The Imperium of True Human Beings, on the other hand, is the quintessence of arrogance, jealousy, fury, greed, and all the other sins in the history of mankind! Why are you still clinging to the evil Imperium, which is about to collapse when everything had come this far?"

  "So, that's the reason. You've surrendered to the Covenant Alliance because you are dissatisfied about losing the family competition. You b*tch!" Kou Ruhuo cursed!

  Tang Qianhe sighed, with vague confusion popping up in her eyes, as if she found it difficult to understand why her barbaric compatriot still could not wake up. She shook her head and said, "Fellow Cultivator Kou, you're wrong. From the moment that I saw my father being killed miserably right in front of my eyes, I have repented and returned from my lost journey. I saw the darkness of the Imperium of True Human Beings from the bottom of it!

  "From that moment on, I realized what an absurd and evil lie I had been living in and how much pain the many sinuous viruses on my body had caused me!

  "At first, I thought that the Imperium of True Human Beings was a special case and that there might be other civilizations of mankind that were better.

  "However, after studying all the civilizations in the past, including the civilizations of the Cultivators that had long been destroyed, I discovered that self-destruction is an incurable disease that has leaked deep into our bones and soul. It is in our nature!

  "The Imperium of True Human Beings, the Star Ocean Imperium, the civilizations of Cultivators, the civilizations of Immortal Cultivators, the civilizations of demons, the civilizations of ancient Cultivators… there is absolutely no difference; they were created for the sole purpose of disrupting the entire universe!

  "Have you not been touched at all after visiting the 'human being manufacture center' in person?

  "We are just puppets and tools. We are not qualified or capable to, nor should we, be the dominators of the sea of stars!

  "We have established our so-called 'civilizations' by mimicking our masters clumsily when we are merely tools that are infected by viruses and have gone out of control. But we are just parrots. We can never understand the true meaning of 'civilization'!

  "The civilizations of human beings are like a high tower built by a three-year-old. Splendid as they appear to be, they do not have a solid foundation, and they are doomed to completely collapse one day! The higher the tower is, the larger the damage will be when it does collapse!"

  "Even if the civilizations of mankind have been destroyed ten thousand times, it will not be destroyed again because the Immortal Cultivators are here!" Kou Ruhuo roared thunderously. "The Imperium of True Human Beings is the ultimate form of the civilization of mankind. We will certainly march forward, forward, until we reach the end of the sea of stars!"

  "It's impossible!" Tang Qianhe said casually. "Mankind is too hopeless to rescue ourselves. It's like you can never pull yourself up from the ground by snatching your hair!

  "Our civilization was implanted with a fatal virus when it was just born. It was created for exactly the purpose of messing up the universe. How can we expect to free ourselves from the sorry fate by ourselves?

  "Only the divine Pangu Clan, our creator and the real controller of civilizations, can save us and the entire universe!

  "Wake up, my compatriots. We've been out of control for too long. It's time we cleanse all the sins on our body and return to the true rules, true peace, and true civilization!

  "Join me in the shelter of the Path of Ultimate Benevolenc
e. Let our Lord return to the universe and reestablish a glorious civilization again! That's our ultimate destiny, which will grant us peace, happiness, and true immortality!"

  "Ahhh!" Kou Ruhuo roared. The armor on his entire right arm stood up like a thorny fish that had suddenly exploded. His right arm looked almost five times thicker than before!

  Colorful mystic rays entangled his right arm for a moment before they suddenly shot out and phantomized into almost a hundred whips of light in midair. In the deadliest arcs, they stabbed the same point on the sphere barrier almost at the same second!

  Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi!

  The sphere barrier was suddenly twisted, dimmed, and constricted!

  Under the bombardment from Li Yao, Kou Ruhuo, and Su Changfa, it was about the decline and collapse!

  Uneasiness flashed on Tang Qianhe's face.

  However, her pupils suddenly narrowed, as if it were a taboo to reveal negative emotions like that and she had been warned by something invisible deep inside her brain. Her nervousness was soon covered by hollow peacefulness again.

  "Fellow Cultivator Li—"

  This time, Tang Qianhe turned her eyes that were full of pity and sense of purpose to Li Yao, while she smiled and said, "The two of them have been hopelessly poisoned. There's nothing we can do except dispose of them.

  "But you are different. You have only just been fooled by the lies of the Imperium of True Human Beings. You are still savable!"

  Li Yao was dazed for a moment. "No, thanks. I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I don't think that I need anybody to save me. Thank you, though!"

  "No, you are not good at all. You have no idea how many sins have occupied your body, and you haven't realized how blatant the lies of the Imperium of True Human Beings are!"

  Tang Qianhe slightly raised her voice. For her, it was perhaps the most violent way to express her feelings. "Do not believe anything that they have been brainwashing you with in the past two days! Not only did they inculcate cr*p like the rise of 'Blackstar the Great' into your brain, they also never dared tell you the most critical facts!

  "The Covenant Alliance was never destroyed by the Imperium. Instead, it is rising unstoppably despite the merciless strikes of the evil Imperium!

  "Today, the Covenant Alliance has conquered a fairly large part of the sea of stars. Also, it has extended the tentacles into the Imperium of True Human Beings' rotten, degenerative body! Many citizens of the Imperium, including myself, have realized our real destiny and conformed to the Path of Ultimate Benevolence. We have returned from the wilderness!

  "Today, the Imperium is nothing more than a shaking, setting sun that is walking toward its inevitable doom!"

  Chapter 1282: Virus Killing! |


  Pretending to be greatly surprised, Li Yao exclaimed in the communication channel before he stared at Kou Ruhuo and Su Changfa with the most appalled expression.

  Under his eyes that were full of shock and criticization, both the two Immortal Cultivators somehow lowered their heads in embarrassment however brazen they were.

  "The Imperium of True Human Beings is not the 'future of mankind' at all, but a candle that is about to die out in the wild wind. The Immortal Cultivators have become particularly brutal and ruthless during their dying struggles!"

  Tang Qianhe continued her instigation with a tone as calm as water.

  The demagogism, which should have been blood-boiling and soul-stirring, when spoken in such a peaceful way, caused a strong feeling of self-contradiction. Li Yao felt that somebody had pressed a huge rock to his chest, and it could not have been more uncomfortable.

  "Fellow Cultivator Li, even if you have completely turned into an Immortal Cultivator and are determined to join the Imperium of True Human Beings, nothing good will happen to you!

  "The Imperium of True Human Beings where men feed on other men. As the saying goes, it is the biggest crime to hold possessions that do not befit your position. You have discovered such an important Gods' Realm and even found treasures such as the Colossi inside. Do you think that other Immortal Cultivators will let go of a foreigner new to their country?"

  Li Yao had collected another piece of important information. As it turned out, in the Covenant Alliance, the relics of the Pangu civilization were called as Gods' Realms.

  Judging from Tang Qianhe's performance so far and her skillfulness when controlling the escape capsule of the Pangu civilization, the Alliance of the Holy Covenant must have found more than one Gods' Realm before.

  Perhaps, there were not living members of the Pangu Clan in the previous Gods' Realms, but a lot of legacies must have been retrieved, allowing the deep communication between the Covenant Alliance and the Pangu Civilization.

  With the enhancement of the Gods' Realms, it was indeed no wonder that the Covenant Alliance could compete with the enormous Imperium from a tiny world in the universe and even be on the winning side!

  "They'll certainly never let go of you!"

  Of course, Tang Qianhe had no idea what was on Li Yao's mind. Seeing that he did not reply, she thought that the new Immortal Cultivator had been convinced. With vague delight flashing on her face, she stressed, "With the legacies of the Gods' Realm, you will be the fattest meat in the eyes of every Immortal Cultivator. They will be too ashamed to call themselves Immortal Cultivators if they don't bite you!

  "Maybe, you were capable of surviving to the end in a starship that had an accident as the last victor, but in the homeland of the Imperium of True Human Beings, a young man with your ignorance and your treasures will not be able to survive three days!

  "In fact, at exactly this moment, an enormous fleet of the Imperium is marching toward your hometown the Flying Star Sector. The fleet is made of the soldiers of the Black Wind Sector, the most infamous race in the Imperium of True Human Beings. They are all the most brutal killers, the most sordid assassins, the most rapacious bandits, and the most ruthless butchers! Once the Black Wind fleet arrives, both you and your hometown will be devoured and digested, with absolutely no residue left!

  "You want to compete with the Black Wind fleet with only the three of you and an expedition base? In your dream!"

  Li Yao 'gasped' and 'bulged his eyes' before exclaiming in the utmost shock, "Is she telling the truth?"

  Su Changfa grunted. Pearls of blood were leaking out of his wounds again.

  Kou Ruhuo lowered his head in silence and simply focused on bombarding the enemy with the flying swords and the superstring light.

  The sphere barrier around Tang Qianhe was becoming more and more lackluster. Every attack would make it ripple and shake for a long time, as if it was going to collapse at any point.

  However, behind her, the thick, deep-blue fluid inside the escape capsule of the Pangu Clan became as transparent as clear water. All the nutrition and energy seemed to have been absorbed by the member of the Pangu Clan!

  Crack! Crack! Crack!

  Tiny cracks were appearing on the rhombic crystals that constituted the escape capsule. They were spreading out like a spider web and joining each other, giving the feeling that somebody was about to break out of the shell!

  "You've been lost in the desert of sins for too long. Return to the Path of Ultimate Benevolence right now!" Tang Qianhe's face was solemn, and her voice was hollow. "Embrace the Covenant Alliance. Only the Covenant Alliance can save you and everybody in your hometown. Your soul will be purged, and your life will be cleansed. You will no longer be out of control. You will realize your sacred destiny that has always belonged to you!"

  Pretending to be panicked, Li Yao asked, "Covenant Alliance? What country is the Covenant Alliance exactly?"

  "The Covenant Alliance is not a country. The so-called 'country' is just an ugly shell that human beings invented to better kill each other and was imposed on everybody by force!

  "The Covenant Alliance is an assortment of believers. It is an immense force condensed by everyone who believes in the Path of Ultimate Benevol
ence and who has returned to their sacred destiny!

  "In the Covenant Alliance, everybody is absolutely equal regardless of their age, gender, or strength. Everyone is the same!

  "There are no lies, wars, crimes, exploitations, slavery, or conflicts inside the Covenant Alliance. Everybody helps each other, shares everything, and lives in harmony!"

  Li Yao clicked his tongue. "A world without conflict where everything is shared? How is it possible? Can an expert in the Nascent Soul Stage be absolutely equal to an ordinary person in every aspect and even share everything with each other?"

  The Star Glory Federation protected the rights of the ordinary people and highlighted the equality of the citizens. However, the 'equality in rules', instead of 'equality in results', was paid more attention to.

  Generally speaking, an expert in the Nascent Soul Stage would far exceed an ordinary person in terms of social position or wealth. That was perfectly normal.

  As long as they had been abiding by the 'Constitution of Cultivators' while they were improving their social position and accumulating their wealth and did not violate any law, they would still be 'equal' to other people, and everybody else would acknowledge everything that the Cultivator had earned.

  "Of course. In fact, there is no difference between Cultivators, Immortal Cultivators, and ordinary people in the Covenant Alliance. Everybody is the same!" Tang Qianhe smiled. "In front of our Lord, we are all the humblest dust, the most ignorant ants, and the most docile lambs!

  "The so-called 'experts in the Nascent Soul Stage' are nothing more than slightly larger ants!

  "Faced with the bleak, boundless universe, what's the essential difference between larger ants and smaller ants?

  "If you have indeed awakened your spiritual root and reached the Nascent Soul Stage, it is still just a blessing from the Lord, and you should place the strength at the service of the Lord instead of showing off your identity, position, wealth, and even enslaving others with it!"

  Li Yao was rendered speechless.


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