Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Page 1343

by <unknown>

  When every mitochondrion in every cell had been burnt to the maximum and had the deepest reverberation with his soul, Li Yao shouted and pushed his palms out brutally!

  Chapter 2100: Save Yourselves! |

  It was like a hundred billion suns exploding inside the narrow vertical channel at the same time. Congregating into a storm of light that could pierce through the entire universe, they marched forward at the depths of the channel unstoppably.

  At the bottom of the vertical channel, a lot of Immortal Cultivators were still fleeing in panic, too intimidated by Li Yao's unparalleled might to confront Li Yao at all. They were about to escape to the inner parts of "Manjusaka, the City in the Sky" to ask for help.

  However, the sharp alarms from their crystal processors and the sense of burning of their nerve endings completely ossified their body. Driven by their natural instincts, they all turned around in devastation.


  They saw an ocean of light, heat, blast, ultra-radiations, and high-energy particles smashing at their faces overwhelmingly, enshrouding them in the blink of an eye.

  Their crystal suits were melted, their skin withered, their blood boiled, their bones were burned into ashes, and their souls ripped apart, turning into a tiny bubble in the ocean of light.

  The unpardonable Immortal Cultivators were obliterated into nothingness before they had the opportunity to scream!

  All the prisoners in the cells nearby found it impossible to open their eyes under the incomparably brilliant light.

  Some of the flames and blasts even surged into the cells through the cracks on the transparent glass walls, rushing past their heads and savaging crazily.

  It was like an infuriated river of magma, running unstoppably above their heads with surging tides.

  They could only stick their heads to the floor and scratched it hard with their fingers while keeping their mouths wide open, letting out hysterical roars, melting their wrath, hatred, and entire soul into the overwhelming tides made of flames of light and blasts!

  The roars of light that felt like an outburst of a solar storm continued on for more than half a minute.

  The prisoners could see absolutely nothing except for pure whiteness. There was nothing but the sound of frictions caused by the air burned by the high-speed spiritual energy in their ears, like what people might hear when they broke into the atmosphere at a super high speed on a landing capsule.

  Suddenly, everybody sensed that a dull explosion took place in the depths of "Manjusaka, the City in the Sky" below their feet, followed by such a great earthquake that something seemed to have been completely destroyed.

  The storm of light finally died down bit by bit.

  The whiteness before their eyes gradually faded away, replaced by the hints of the color of blood. They were the capillary vessels on their eyelids, which were now clearly seen by them.

  Before the prisoners took a breath in relief, a series of world-shaking explosions burst out deep down their feet.

  As if they were a response to the storm of light just now, infinite mystic rays, blasts, and high-energy particles spurted upward along the vertical channel in the form of a volcano eruption, splashing all the way to the outside of the beehive prison through the gate!

  The prisoners moaned in pain again and buried their heads deep in their arms. Their heads, which were now a mess, were occupied by two questions.

  Firstly, was the unbelievably strong freak outside capable of resisting such violent blasts of spiritual energy?

  Secondly, why were they able to move their arms now? They could cover their head!

  Did it mean that the array of Dragnet was losing effect?

  The outburst of spiritual energy from bottom to top lasted slightly more than one minute intermittently, before it ran out of momentum too.

  The energy system of the beehive prison seemed to have a lot of faults. Even the illumination rune arrays and the defense shields had stopped functioning, not to mention "Dragnet", the super magnetic shackles that tied all the prisoners up tightly!

  The prisoners staggered to their feet. Wiping the blood that flowed out of their eyes, their nostrils, their noses, and their mouths, they shook their dizzy heads hard and looked at the shackles on their wrists and ankles suspiciously, still not having the vaguest clue what had just happened.

  They only knew that…

  First of all, now that the magnetic shackles had lost effect, they were now able to perform the swiftest and most agile body movement skills!

  Secondly, after so many rounds of repetitive savaging, the transparent glass walls before them were riddled with holes. Even if they had not completely collapsed yet, it would be very easy to blow a reasonably large hole on the glass walls.

  Thirdly, all the jailers in the beehive prisoner had been killed in the most miserable way. Now, the prison was theirs.


  All the prisoners looked at Li Yao who was still floating in the vertical channel at the center of thousands of prison cells in shock, astonishment, confusion, and admiration!

  At first, he burned tremendous cells and mitochondria into the purest energy to bombard the energy relay station of the beehive prison. Then, he resisted the counterforce of the explosion of the energy relay station the hard way and even absorbed some of the escaping spiritual energy for his own use. Under the protection of Li Yao's spiritual energy in the Divinity Transformation Stage, the "Mystic Skeleton Blood Wing" showed absolutely no sign of being damaged. Instead, another layer of bouncing flames was added to the pair of broad wings, making them look even more eye-catching, majestic, and dominating.

  Such an unparalleled appearance almost made all the prisoners grow the urge to worship him in their excitement.

  "Who is he exactly?"

  "Why is he so strong?"

  Ten thousand question marks were popping up in the hearts of the prisoners.

  They were perhaps not Immortal Cultivators, but having grown up in such a dog-eat-dog world as the Imperium of True Human Beings, they had natural reverence for the experts. Li Yao's mysteriousness and magnificence were like burning nails that were deeply pinned into their hearts!

  Hiu! Hiu! Hiu! Hiu! Hiu!

  Behind Li Yao, the wings that were almost forty meters long were withdrawn, rolled, and loosened again, blowing out thousands of feathers to all directions like a storm. Every feather was like a tiny flying sword when they darted at the transparent glass walls of the thousands of prison cells.

  In the next moment, Li Yao's hands performed almost ten thousand signs, extending thousands of spiritual threads from his fingers to pull the feathers.

  The feathers turned from red to gold, and from gold to dazzling white. In furiously burning flames, they burned a hole almost two meters in diameter on the transparent glass walls of all the cells!

  As a result, even the prisoners who could not escape from the cells on their own were now able to breathe the freshest air!




  Many prisoners jumped out of the holes in a hurry before waiting for the orange materials at the edge of the hole to cool down.

  They stared at Li Yao carefully at first, before they glanced downward in curiosity, wondering what kind of damage Li Yao's blow had caused just now.

  After a look, everybody was completely dumbfounded.

  At a very far place down in the beehive prison, the channel and the metal structures had been completely melted up into boiling magma. When they looked at it from a distance, they could see nothing but red and orange colors.

  It could be vaguely seen that the shell of the energy relay station had been completely blown up, and a series of smaller explosions were still going on inside. It seemed that the beehive prison was not the only victim whose energy supply had been affected; even the main power source of "Manjusaka, the City in the Sky" might be caught in trouble too.

  If the main power source of "Manjusaka, the
City in the Sky" was affected or even completely sabotaged, it would mean that the space fortress lost the ability to power the spiritual shields and the anti-gravity rune arrays. That would certainly be a lot of fun!

  "Was it… really done by a single person?"

  "It is even more unbelievable than the damage that a whole army could've made!"

  "Who is he exactly? What does he want?"

  After witnessing the damage that Li Yao had caused on his own, all the prisoners began to tremble hard. All of their nerve endings were shaking unpredictably under Li Yao's pressure.

  More and more prisoners broke out of the cages, but they did not know what to do in the next step. They were all in the middle of the dark, boundless space, with nowhere to run to at all!

  The thousands of prisoners, the ghastly monsters, and the poor creatures who had gone through all kinds of suffering although they were all common miners, farmers, or even unlucky bottom-level Immortal Cultivators in the past, all stared at Li Yao at a loss.

  The hell march that had been bombarding the beehive prison all the time, however, did not stop, although the energy supply of the entire prison had been cut off and the broadcast rune arrays had been blown up. The music that was full of incitement and explosiveness was getting even more passionate and soul-stirring. This time, it directly burst out from Li Yao's body!

  "You can stop looking at me like that. I am not here to save you!"

  Li Yao's very first declaration dumbfounded all the prisoners.

  What did he mean? Having killed so many jailers, destroyed the array of the "Dragnet", and set all of them free, he claimed that he was not here to save them?

  "I am a Cultivator and a resister who is unwilling to be enslaved, tortured, and living in a dark, miserable, hopeless life forever!"

  Glancing around coldly, Li Yao roared in a sound that felt like rumbling thunders and spread it out in the waves of spiritual energy. "The Cultivators' army is now attacking 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' and determined to demolish it even at the cost of their death. Simple as that!"

  "The Cultivators!"

  The prisoners were all shocked.

  In the Imperium of True Human Beings' propaganda, "Cultivators" were never a formidable enemy and often showed up as the lackeys of the Covenant Alliance or the extraterrestrial devils.

  However, the powerful damages that Li Yao demonstrated just now were enough to overthrow all the stereotypes that the prisoners had for "Cultivators".

  Li Yao's explanation for the Cultivators triggered a strong mutual feeling in the hearts of the prisoners too.

  "To be enslaved, tortured, and living a dark, miserable hopeless life forever!"

  Wasn't it exactly the depiction of their life?

  The prisoners swallowed back their bloodstained saliva. Many of them breathed fast as they watched Li Yao's awesome look, and they clenched their hands that carried sharp talons into fists.

  "Nobody can save you right now except for yourselves!"

  Li Yao continued bellowing, "Right now, the fleet of the Cultivators is engaged in a fierce battle with the fleet of the Immortal Cultivators in space. We are all determined to blow up 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' even if all of us will be sacrificed here!

  "In order to completely annihilate the Cultivators, the Immortal Cultivators have launched most of the forces in 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' deep into space. This place can't be more weakly defended right now. Only one-tenth of the soldiers at best, and we, are left here!"

  Chapter 2101: Wuying's Broken Dream |

  The word "we" touched all the prisoners.

  Were people like them also qualified to be equal to the mysterious and strong Cultivator before their eyes and referred to as "we" by him?

  "Outside of this place is the boundless sea of stars, where countless warships of the Immortal Cultivators are fighting. Leaving them aside, more reinforcements of the Immortal Cultivators will certainly arrive in ten to fifteen days. If you stay here, there is absolutely no way that you can get out of your doom!"

  Li Yao continued bellowing, "No matter how you bend your knees and beg before the Immortal Cultivators' feet for their mercy, your fate will still be as cursed as before. You will still receive inhumane sufferings in the sunless prisons and laboratories until you die at the end without a sound!

  "There is only one way that you can survive!

  "While 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' is more weakly guarded than ever, attack the core of the space fortress with me, kill all the Immortal Cultivators, and occupy the place completely!

  "There is an abundant reserve of resources here, including astronomical crystals, fuel, and Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures. A lot of civil carriers are docked at the spaceports at the periphery too. As long as they carry enough fuel and food, it is impossible that they can ship some people away. It will be a success as long as you persist until the moment of the space jump!

  "But the prerequisite of everything is to conquer 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' first and grasp the defense system of the space fortress entirely!

  "Otherwise, even if we can hijack a few civil carriers, it is still absolutely impossible to sail out of the spaceports. Even if we can sail out of the spaceports, we will be shot down by the defense system of the space fortress in half a minute!

  "Yes. This is a very dangerous, life-blighting mission. Most of you will die here. Nobody can guarantee that you can certainly survive.

  "But I can guarantee that the sacrifice of each of you will mean the deaths of ten or even a hundred Immortal Cultivators who will go to the other world with you!

  "This is all I have to say. If you still have the slightest courage in your veins, if you do not wish to die anonymously like an ant and a cockroach, if you have had enough of the mockery and derision of the Immortal Cultivators, if you want to avenge your deceased family members, and if you want to fight for a slim chance of survival for yourselves, just come with me. I will fight side by side with you. The resisters and the avengers will blow up 'Manjusaka, the City in the Sky' and take back the freedom that belongs to us!"

  After speaking resolutely to this moment, Li Yao did not waste any time but simply stretched the black wings at the back of his crystal suit to the maximum. Redness emanated from the endings of the feathers again, raising an overwhelming fire of fury, as he dashed to the main area of "Manjusaka, the City in the Sky".

  The prisoners in the remains of the prison looked at each other in bewilderment, pondering at a loss.

  There was no telling who roared first, but very soon, the declarations of anger and regret echoed all over the beehive prison.


  The furiously burning torrent of iron had been gathered. Under Li Yao's direction, it congregated into an invincible tsunami that could destroy everything as it ran to the most vulnerable abdomen of the Immortal Cultivators!


  At the central control room in the core part of "Manjusaka, the City in the Sky", Wuying Lan, owner of the space fortress, still did not have the faintest clue about the superstorm that had already taken shape right next to him.

  His face with a casual smile was covered by the colorful, flashing numbers and graphs on the thousands of light beams. He couldn't have looked more confident of his victory.

  The coalition fleet of Starlight in space had been tackled by the fleet of the Imperium led by Li Lingfeng in person. The crystal suit groups that looked like swarms of bees had blocked every gap that the Cultivators could possibly escape through.

  Although it would take some additional efforts, the destruction of the coalition fleet of Starlight was only a matter of time.

  The underground branch of Starlight on the Land of Sins, which they had intentionally kept as bait, was on the brink of collapse too. It seemed that they might lay down their weapons and surrender without him doing anything.

  Everything had been conducted according to the scripts that Li Lingfeng and he had carefully drafted. Everybody wa
s their chess piece and their marionette.

  The ecstasy of having everything under control made Wuying Lan narrow his eyes and shiver softly. His nerve endings felt so comfortable that they seemed to be stimulated by feeble electric currents.

  On the other hand, and on the more important level, the large epic quest "Dying Light", a special show presented by the slaughter stream platform of the Heavenly Eye Group, now had an audience rate far higher than the shows of the other corporations of similar types. It was even higher than the combined audience rates from the second place to the tenth place on the rank. To some extent, it had completely monopolized the eyes of all the people in the entire Imperium.

  According to the breath, heartbeats, brainwaves, and secretion of adrenaline on the few samples, the viewers had been deeply fascinated by their show and were completely dwelling in the world and ideas that they had constructed.

  Both Wuying Lan and Li Lingfeng would announce their grand entrance in the show in the next step. Their influence in the entire Imperium would be expanded further than ever.

  For a moment, a ridiculous idea occurred to Wuying Lan's brain that was almost simmering in excitement.

  If the Heavenly Eye Group continued developing like that, was it possible that Li Lingfeng would really become the leader of the Li family and one of four Kurfürsten of the Imperium, and he, as an abnormal member of a branch of the royal family, would get a chance to claim the ultimate throne someday?

  But the idea was completely deleted by him after it only flashed for a moment in his head.

  Wuying Lan laughed in amusement, at his own arrogance and idiocy.

  His reliance was Li Lingfeng and the Li family, but the emperor right now had already been pushed forward and backed by the Li family. The Li family even arranged for Li Linghai to be the queen.

  Then, according to the unspoken agreements of the four Kurfürst families hundreds of years ago, the Li family would certainly back off slightly regarding the candidate of the next emperor now that it had earned enough benefits from the current one. It was impossible for two emperors who were inclined to the Li family to be elected in a row.


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