Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

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Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Page 1578

by <unknown>

  But after examining the basic parameters of the capital, and even digging tens of thousands of meters into the ground for exploration, he discovered that the capital was nothing like Earth in his memories. There was no way that they were the same planet.

  "Perhaps we have been wrong since the very beginning. The Empyreal Terminus Sector is, and only is, the center of the Pangu universe."

  The mental devil said philosophically, "But Earth can totally be the center of other universes. There isn't any contradiction."

  "Other universes?"

  Li Yao asked subconsciously, "Which universe?"

  "Every one of them."

  The mental devil said, one word after another, "Let's infer with the boldest imagination. At the very least, based on the current evidence, Earth is very likely to be the center of every universe and all the universes. It is the center of the multiverse!"


  Li Yao jumped off from his bed. "What is that?"

  "Why would I know? It's just one of the words I seized from your memory pieces. I found it cool and decided that it could be used for our discussion."

  The mental devil opened its hands. "As to what it is exactly, you will have to explore and figure it out on your own!"

  Li Yao was dazed for a long time before he finally extended a finger and pressed the sprout made by the mental devil back into his head.

  Now that he couldn't fall asleep, he decided to take a walk.

  At this moment, the Blue Sky Market was in the middle of heated maintenance and upgrade for the starships. Almost all the docks and streets were ablaze with lights. There was no distinction between day and night at all.

  In order not to be disrupted, Li Yao and the rest of them had asked Boss Bai to settle them in an abandoned port that was relatively quiet.

  When he walked out of the room, Li Yao saw an illusionary moon on the artificial sky illuminating the starry docks far away. There were also the synthetic sounds of rising and ebbing tides, which calmed his messy mind soon.

  As it turned out, he was not the only person who had trouble going to sleep.

  Somebody was one step ahead of him, leaning against the rusty, decorative rail and enjoying the digital tides and the "sea wind" that carried a salty stink.

  Her long black hair fell to her waist. Her face that looked like that of an elegant beauty from ancient times made of diamonds was slightly broken by her slightly protruding nose, but it only made her seem more resolute. Long Yangjun in the moonlight was so grave and sacred that she did not look like a human being made of flesh and blood but more like a god from the primeval age who had time traveled to the irreligious modern day.

  Only when she glanced at Li Yao did the almost immaculate face release a hint of humanity, transforming her from a god into a human being.

  "Don't come any closer."

  Long Yangjun chuckled. "I knew that you were an unbelievable monster, but your monstrosity is still far beyond my expectation. It's only been a few days since you brought two information lives to me telling me that they were your children, and today, you are saying that you know 'witchcraft' and 'ABCD'. Come on, can you please stop being so impossible and give up a buffering moment to take the information in?"


  Scratching his head, Li Yao leaned close. "I really don't know how I should explain myself. All in all, the more I know, the more I find myself unaware of… Do you understand what I'm talking about?

  "Cough. Let's drop my issues aside for now. I don't know when I can sort through the mess in my head yet. Let's focus on you for now. Why did you fail to go to sleep too? What are you thinking here?"

  Looking at the dark, black ocean far away that was simulated by panoramic light beams, Long Yangjun said, "I'm not interested in the wizardly civilization and the lies, no more than I'm interested in that Earth in your dreams. What I'm more interested in is the 'Flood' that Boss Bai talked about.

  "I'm thinking if the Flood had anything to do with the primeval wars that caused the destruction of the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations. Hey, do you think that the Flood really exists, or did it arrive at our universe in the primeval age hundreds of thousands of years ago? Was it the Flood that proclaimed the ending of the Pangu and the Nuwa civilizations and built the universe into what it is today?"

  Chapter 2483: The Reason to Erase Feelings |

  "The Flood and the primeval age? The Flood resulted in the ending of the Pangu and Nuwa civilizations and the rise of humanity in the three thousand Sectors, making the Cultivation world what it is today?"

  Li Yao pondered for a long time. Looking at Long Yangjun whose lips were bitten and whose eyebrows were furrowed, Li Yao knew that she was not throwing out ungrounded speculation. "Why would you think that?"

  "According to Boss Bai, the Flood is an ultimate catastrophe that happens on the other side of the universe. Although it has destroyed thousands of civilizations including the wizardly civilization, it hasn't affected the three thousand Sectors we are in yet. Or rather, because of the high and thick 'black wall' outside of our world, even the Flood finds it impossible to break in. However, I have different opinions."

  Looking at the black tides ahead of her rising and ebbing, Long Yangjun mumbled, "Up until now, we know very clearly that at least two extraterrestrial civilizations have crossed the 'black wall' and come to our world. One of them is the wizardly civilization, and the other is the Blood Stripe Virus that you discovered on the Iron Plateau. Let's call it 'Blood Stripe civilization' for now.

  "Between them, the wizardly civilization had been developed to an extremely advanced level. Based on highly sophisticated starships and the guidance of some sort of artificial intelligence or amalgamations of remaining souls named 'GHOST', they crossed the black wall through the delicate, advanced technologies.

  "The Blood Stripe civilization was the exact contrary. They abandoned all the external, advanced, and civilizational forms, making them retrograde into the most simple, fundamental, and primitive form, like a germ or a virus, before they boarded on the meteorites and crossed the almost infinite black wall in billions of years through the most simple if not stupid way.

  "Look, both the most advanced wizardly civilization and the most primitive Blood Stripe civilization had their own ways to cross the black wall. The many apocalyptic strikes since ancient times must've been from the alien civilizations from different space zones and even different dimensions. It means that the black wall is absolutely not impenetrable. In fact, it may have been riddled with holes!

  "Since the wizardly civilization could pass it, the Blood Stripe civilization could pass it, and so many apocalyptic strikes could pass it, why couldn't the Flood, which was capable of destroying all of them?

  "Getting to the bottom of it, the so-called 'black wall' is not mysterious. It is just a huge vacuum around the three thousand Sectors without stars, planets, and spiritual waves. As long as your speed is high enough and you have enough resources, or if your consumption of resources is extremely little, it will be possible to cross the wall in a million years or perhaps longer, right?"

  Li Yao nodded his head slowly. The "apocalyptic strikes" had been happening since ancient times. They were undoubtedly a certain destruction or blockage imposed by the extraterrestrial powerful civilizations.

  Even the highest, thickest, and safest wall could not stop someone who was determined to cross it.

  Li Yao said, "I admit that the black wall may not be enough to stop the Flood, but at least for now, our world is thriving spectacularly. What do you mean when you proposed that the Flood and the primeval age were connected?"

  "It is just my guess, or a hypothesis of mine, which answers a question of critical importance for the primeval age that has baffled me for a long time."

  Long Yangjun said, "The question is, why did the civilizations in the Pangu's alliance unanimously agree to seal the feelings and will, transforming from absolutely-free dominators of the universe to submissive, nonchalant wa
lking dead?

  "You should know that the many clans in the Pangu civilizations' alliance in the beginning, including Pangu, Gonggong, Kuafu, Houyi, or even Nuwa who joined last, were made of flesh and blood and had intense feelings, right?

  "However, at a certain point that we do not know, the alliance reached a consensus to seal their feelings and will, turning themselves into puppets and machines.

  "They had such strong fear and rejection against feelings and will that they called such notions as chaos, devils, and the evilest and most dreadful things, which they believed would destroy their civilization.

  "What has been baffling me is, why? Why did they do that?"

  "Isn't there an answer already?"

  Li Yao blurted out, "Because the resources in the three thousand Sectors were not enough, and they could not get out! The thirteen advanced carbon-based lives that the Pangu's alliance was made of, after fighting countless wars, realized that they could not destroy each other if they went on fighting but would only die with each other. So, they abandoned wars and got in touch with each other, establishing an alliance to configure the resources in a peaceful and efficient way.

  "However, even without wars, the Pangu's alliance was still faced with problems such as population boom, shortage of resources, etc. If the individuals did not try to suppress their feelings and desires, the resources would run out soon. Besides, with feelings and desires, it would be easy for malicious schemers to instigate trouble and raise new wars.

  "Considering the technologies and the destructiveness of the Pangu's alliance, all the civilizations would've been destroyed with another war!

  "What happened later did prove their concerns. A new war truly broke out later. The thirteen primeval clans, which made up the alliance, were all doomed. Only human beings, their servants and machines, survived!"

  "Yes, that is the standard answer. All the specialists of the primeval history believe so. But do you not feel that such a theory is too simple and rough?"

  Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao, with tides rolling inside her eyes. "This is a prejudiced opinion, an answer that human beings have found through colored glasses. You have always regarded the primeval clans as certain… condescending, unreasonable, heartless beings. It's almost like you think as long as some leader of the Pangu Clan gave the command, everybody from top to bottom would give up their feelings and will without any hesitation.

  "But is it possible?

  "Just ask yourself. If you really regard the Pangu Clan as living people who knew love and hate, do you think it is possible to let them give up their emotions without complaints and regrets?"

  After a brief silence, Li Yao struggled to reply, "But the Pangu's alliance was trapped in the three thousand Sectors by the 'black wall', which they couldn't pass. They abandoned feelings and desires to reduce resource consumption…"

  "It's a highly unconvincing reason."

  Long Yangjun shook her head. "For any civilization that has discovered that it is trapped somewhere, its first choice will be to break out of the cage and escape, won't it?

  "It must be noted that the Pangu's alliance already mastered the technologies to absorb the stellar energy at a super high efficiency. Even if they were not as good as the wizardly civilization, how much worse could they have been? Even the wizardly civilization and the Blood Stripe civilization were able to cross the black wall. How far could the Pangu's alliance have been from it even if they were unable to achieve it? Was it really so bad that they were devastated and completely gave up the idea of breaking the black wall, darkly and desperately turning to deprive everyone of their feelings and desires?

  "You must know that even if feelings and desires were reduced to almost zero, the individuals of the Pangu's alliance would still consume resources, and as long as they could not cross the black wall, the resources in the three thousand Sectors would run out eventually someday.

  "In other words, erasing feelings only slightly delayed the eventual drought, but it completely cut out the hope of Pangu's alliance for long-term survival and prosperity. Since the moment they erased their feelings and will, the Pangu's alliance had in fact locked and frozen themselves.

  "Without the power of ambitions, the curiosity for the unknown, the infinite thoughts raised by the collision of complicated feelings, a civilization can never evolve. It's such a simple logic that both of us understand. Could the wise leaders of the Pangu's alliance have been unaware of it?

  "Here comes the question. The wise leaders knew clearly that erasing feelings and will be chronic suicide for a civilization, but why did they insist on doing that? Also, the seemingly… coldhearted practice did not raise many objections among the people. Why?

  "The resistance of the Nuwa Clan only took place when they were enchanted by the extraterrestrial devils and realized the importance of feelings and will. In other words, even the Nuwa Clan agreed to get rid of feelings and will. It doesn't make any sense!"

  Li Yao was in deep thought. "It indeed sounds rather unreasonable."

  "It is absolutely unreasonable. However wise, powerful, and prestigious the leaders of the Pangu Clan were, they couldn't have talked the people into erasing their feelings."

  Long Yangjun said, "Take you for example. You are admired enough in the Star Glory Federation as the 'founding father of the federation and dominator of three Sectors', aren't you? If you go back to the federation and tell the people that 'because our universe is closed and resources are limited, in case we use up our resources in our happy life, let's suppress the feelings and erase the will with me'. How many people do you think will answer to your call?"

  "Well, I assume that I would be drowned by foul eggs and rotten tomatoes immediately."

  Li Yao said, "Speaking of which, why on earth would I make such a stupid proposal? If our universe is closed, we should try to open it, stab it, or drill through it! If the resources are limited, we will try to create more resources or loot more resources from the outside! It is exactly because of feelings and will that we are called a 'civilization'. Otherwise, we will only be a collection of zombies. Would there be a 'civilization' at all?"

  "Exactly. That's what any normal person would think. Even you are thinking that way. Why do you think that the leaders of the Pangu's alliance would be an exception?"

  Long Yangjun said, "Even if one of the leaders went mad and decided that heartlessness was necessary, why didn't other leaders stop him, and why did all the people obey him and abandon their feelings and will docilely?

  "In conclusion, the reason that 'our universe is closed and we cannot get out of here, so we must save our resources' was too weak a reason for the Pangu's alliance to do such an insane thing in unity. There must've been a stronger, more direct, and fatal reason that forced them to give up their feelings, desires, and even the ambitions to break the black wall and explore the extraterrestrial lands!"

  Chapter 2484: Self-Locking! |

  Vaguely guessed what the "reason" that Long Yangjun mentioned was, Li Yao was breathing heavily.

  Long Yangjun smiled and said, "Think about it. Under what extreme circumstances do you think people will abandon their feelings willingly?

  "Oh, there is no need to think about it at all. You'll know it if you look at the incident of Nepenthe in the Great Iron Plants below the capital that we just went through. Extreme shortage of resources, extreme pain and exploitation, and extreme desperation. With those mutually-affective conditions, people will abandon everything including feelings voluntarily without any deception or coercion!

  "Then, is it possible that extreme dread was the reason?"

  Li Yao was silent for a moment. He asked when he knew the answer, "The 'extreme dread' for what?"

  "You have guessed it."

  Long Yangjun said casually, "The Flood. The 'extreme dread' for the Flood that was capable of destroying everything, erasing everything, and eliminating everything.

  "For all the time, we have speculated that the Pangu's alliance was inca
pable of crossing the black wall and that they were confined to the three thousand Sectors for technological reasons, which resulted in the tragedies such as shortage of resources, relinquishment of feelings, the temptation of devils, the rebellion of the Nuwa Clan, etc.

  "But let's change our mindset. What if the Pangu's alliance was already capable of crossing the black wall and exploring the extraterrestrial lands when the Pangu's alliance was developed to the peak?

  "Think about it and walk in the shoes of a leader during the prime days of the Pangu's alliance. Your civilization is made of thirteen highly-developed carbon-based lives who were full of bravery, wisdom, technologies, and morals. You are already capable of absorbing energy from stars freely and creating brand-new life forms. Naturally, you are striving ambitiously to conquer the known and unknown universe.

  "Nothing can possibly stop your ambitions. How can a minor black ball make you abandon your feelings and your lofty ideal? That's a joke!

  "With the most advanced technologies of the entire civilization, you have finally established a massive, incredible expedition fleet. Overcoming all the difficulties and resolving the complicated, previously-unknown questions, you are finally crossing the moat that confined the civilization, the 'black wall' made of desolation and void. You find yourself in a grand universe countless times vaster than the three thousand Sectors!

  "It seems to be a bright and beautiful ending, does it?

  "It's a shame that the grand universe beyond the black wall is far beyond your imagination. This is not a prosperous land brimming with crystals and spiritual energy, not even a 'dark forest' which is dangerous but at least vigorous, but a wasteland, a desert, and an area of residues that have just been savaged and chewed by the 'Flood'. All lives, all civilizations, be they kind or evil, advanced or primitive, with or without real entities, have been destroyed by the Flood.

  "Are you imaginative enough to picture that? After all the difficulties and sacrifices, you have finally crossed the black wall with the hope of the entire civilization, only to witness such a cataclysm, such destruction, and such a rampant Flood!


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