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Devils: Cutthroat 99 MC

Page 28

by Evelyn Glass

  “I didn’t, did I?”

  “Oooh…mystery man,” Fawn cooed.

  He grinned. “I run a little security firm, DR Security.”

  “Never heard of it,” the fourth woman said.

  “No reason you would have,” he replied.

  “Securities, as in stocks and bonds?”

  “No, as in keeping people safe.”

  The women looked at him, obviously reassessing. “You’re like that guy, what was his name,” Fawn asked, snapping her fingers, “Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard?”

  “I love that movie!” a woman said.

  Beast grinned. “Yeah. Kevin Costner’s character is based on me.”

  “You’re shitting me!”

  “Yeah,” he replied, his smile growing wider.

  It took them a moment, but then the women began to laugh. “You’re such a bad man!” one of the women said.

  “Only in all the best ways,” he said, pitching his voice down a little and giving them a smile.

  “So, if I need you to protect me tonight, you can do that?” Fawn purred. It’s never good to mix business and pleasure, but he’s so damn fine!

  “I guess it depends on what you need protecting from.”

  How about being horny as shit? Fawn smiled to herself.


  Fawn breathed deep as Beast kissed the hell out of her and pushed her blouse off her shoulders. By the time they’d gotten done flirting she was so wet she was surprised she hadn’t left drips on the floor from the mixer to her room. She was forty-five, divorced, and had taken care of herself, but to have Beast in her bed for the evening was the score of a lifetime. With a few light nips and tucks over the last few years, she was still able to pull most men if she wanted to, but this swinging dick was in a whole new league. If he fucked as good as he looked, she might have to call for a wheelchair to make it to the table in the morning.

  God…damn! she thought as Beast pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it casually into the side chair. Like an Olympic swimmer, he was ripped and toned without an ounce of fat to be seen, but without the bulk of a bodybuilder. His torso had a scar from left shoulder to just under his right nipple, and for reasons she couldn’t easily explain, it made him hotter still. As she admired his form, he shoved her roughly backwards onto the bed before taking a half-step forward, standing between her legs as he bent and kissed her again.

  Beast pulled back from the kiss, pulled the condom from between his wallet and ass cheek and placed it on the side table before he slid out of his pants. Fawn was a bit older than his normal conquest, but with a little help from modern medicine, she was still hot as shit. As he stepped out of his pants, she was busy skinning out of her own clothes, watching him with obvious hunger. She was ready, he knew that, but he wanted to play a bit before he took her. He wanted to fuck the living shit out of her, not only because he could, but to give her something to think about tomorrow during the tournament. She was almost certainly favored to make it to the final rounds, and if she were taken out early, that would benefit him.

  He stepped between her legs again as she threw her pants to the floor, but before she could scoot back in the bed he grabbed her legs, holding her in place as he knelt. He kissed along the inside of her thigh, slowly working his way up, caressing her skin with lips and tongue while dragging his nails lightly down the back of her leg. As he moved farther in, taking his time, teasing her with anticipation, he slowly draped her legs over his shoulders.

  “Fuck…” she murmured as he neared his ultimate goal, making him smile. He moved past her womanhood and began to kiss up her stomach. She was patient, he’d give her that, not begging or trying to steer him to her pussy, moving and twisting slowly as he kissed along her skin. With another smile, he quickly dropped back between her legs, going in hard and fast, his tongue finding her clit and pressing in hard before giving her a couple of slow licks. She shuddered slightly as he pinched her lips with his own and pulled gently, before going back to batter her with his tongue.

  “Fuck!” she hissed, caught off guard by his sudden change in pace, her hands in his hair, pulling him in harder as she thrust at his face.

  He rose slightly to give himself room and slid a finger into her wetness, stroking her firmly but gently by curling his finger in a come here motion inside of her as he continued to torment her with his tongue. He worked his face around, his tongue and finger working together to twist her up as her thrusts became harder.

  He could sense her approaching orgasm before she began to push him away. He fought her, pulling his finger from within her and wrapping his arms around her legs, locking his face in her pussy, wanting to send her crashing over the edge, but she fought away from him and scooted back in the bed.

  “Shit,” she gasped. “You almost made me come. But it’s not that easy, lover boy,” she purred as she scooted over and patted the bed beside her, now confident that he’d service her well.

  He grinned as he joined her on the bed, lying on his back with his head at her feet. He’d had women try to out fuck him before. Some had come close, very close, but none had succeeded yet. But I love it when they try.

  Fawn swung a leg over, settling on his face as she draped herself across him, taking his throbbing cock into her mouth as he wrapped his arms around her hips and drew her down tight. She won’t get away again. As he began to plumb her depths with his tongue, she began to thrust her hips again, grunting and cooing over his cock. He focused on his task, his tongue and lips busy while trying to ignore the searing pleasure as she bobbed her head over his cock.

  “Fuck!” she snarled before taking him into her mouth again, her tongue whipping the head of his cock furiously. “Shit, you’re going to make me come,” she gasped, stroking his cock. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…fuck!” she growled before she plunged him into her mouth, taking him deep and sucking hard. He hummed and grunted into her pussy as she worked on him, battering the base of his cock mercilessly with her tongue.

  He pulled her down tighter, driving his tongue into her before sweeping along her slit and stroking her button slow and hard. He felt her begin to heave, breathing hard through her nose as she held the head of his cock in her mouth and thrashed it with her tongue.

  “Oh…oh…oh…fuck!” she whimpered as she became still. He could feel the tightness of the muscles in her legs as she rode the wave of her rapture as he continued to lick her clit hard and slow.

  “Shit!” she gasped, blowing hard as the tension flooded out of her and she relaxed. “Goddamn. I haven’t come that hard in a long time,” she giggled, as he allowed her to pull away from his face. “You are a bad man…but in all the best ways,” she sighed as she unwrapped the condom and slid it over his cock.

  He lay still, allowing her to prepare him for fucking. After covering his cock with the condom, she turned and brought her lips to his for a slow, deep, kiss while she moved her hips over his. After taking her fill of his lips, she reached between her legs and steered him into her. She settled back with a sigh, smiling down at him.

  “You like that? You like the feel of my pussy?”


  “I like the feel of you inside me. Do you want me to fuck you?” she purred.


  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  Fawn didn’t answer, but began to slowly move, twisting her hands up in her hair to show off her breasts – and very nice breasts they were, too, he had to admit. He caressed them, feeling their firmness as he gently rolled the nipples between his finger and thumb. They were obviously fake, as proven by the small scars on their undersides, but they still felt lovely in the hand.

  They moved together for many long moments before she lowered herself to his chest and kissed him slowly, deeply, sweating from her exertions despite the coolness of the room. He wrapped her up, tangling a hand in her hair to hold her lips to his as he began to thrust, driving into her harder and faster.

�Yes,” she grunted. “Like that. Just like that. Yes, fuck me.”

  He picked up the speed of his thrusts, pushing her lower down his body to drive as deep into her as possible. He could feel his orgasm trying to form, but he tamped it down, not wanting it to be over too soon. He rolled her off of him onto her back, turning with her and moving between her legs before he began driving into her with hard plunges.

  He began to thrust into her hard and fast, watching as her eyes closed in pleasure. He could sense her rising pleasure as her face began to twist in erotic agony. “I’m going to come…make me come,” she gasped. He continued to pound into her, enjoying watching her rise to peak pleasure, then gasp softly as her face twisted in sweet distress.

  He stopped his pounding hips, allowing her to take her pleasure, kissing slowly as he caught his breath and allowed his own rising orgasm to stall. She gasped as he pulled himself from her then slowly turned to her stomach and pulled her ass up into position.

  “You better come soon or I’ll have to finish you with my mouth,” she breathed. “You’re wearing my ass out.”

  “And a lovely ass it is, too,” he said as he kissed one cheek before thrusting into her again. He had a lot left, but he didn’t want to be left hanging, so he was going to allow himself to climax this time.

  She held out longer than he expected and he was bathed in sweat and panting hard as Fawn began to climb the mountain to her orgasm. He’d driven her flat to the bed some minutes before as he slammed into her from behind and had lowered himself onto her. Holding most of his weight on his elbows, he kissed her neck as she began to whimper softly and mutter something he couldn’t understand. He began to loosen his control, trying to time his orgasm to hers. As she began to keen louder, he relaxed and allowed his orgasm to rise within him, finally overwhelming him as he grunted through the pleasure.

  He lay still, enjoying the physical release before pulling out and flopping to his back with a sigh. Fawn slowly turned before collapsing across him, her lips taking his in a long slow kiss.

  “Oh my God, that was incredible,” she whispered as she rolled to her back beside him. “Was it good for you, too?”

  “Yes,” he said as he rolled over and kissed her again. “Do you feel protected?”

  She giggled and nodded her head slowly. “Very,” she murmured.

  He smiled as he watched her slowly drift into sleep, deciding he didn’t want to stay the night. It was a dick move, but he didn’t care, and he’d done it many times before. After a bit of thought he decided to stop by the concierge desk on the way out and have some flowers and a sappy note sent to her in the morning. He didn’t want to create bad blood and lose his spot in the tournament just because he decided to dip his wick. If she threw a fit and the organizers had to choose between the number one ranked woman in the world and some guy nobody had ever heard of, he knew who they would choose.

  He lay back, waiting for the sweat to dry and for Fawn to be deeply asleep. When he began to feel drowsy, he rose, dressed, and closed the door silently behind him.


  Shayna snapped the parasitology textbook closed and placed her glasses on the nightstand with a frustrated sigh. She was getting sleepy and she knew from experience she was wasting her time if she studied while drowsy. She’d been studying for a couple of hours, a good night’s work…if she’d actually studied. She’d tried, but thoughts of Beast kept intruding, and after a few moments she’d realize that she couldn’t remember a damn thing she’d just read.

  Giving up, she sat the book aside and rolled off the bed, tugging her pajamas straight as she wandered into her bath to brush her teeth. As she brushed, she smiled at herself in the mirror. What a stupid nickname…Beast. Conor is a much better name. She spat out the toothpaste and looked at herself in the mirror again, shaking her head at her dog-covered pajamas. She didn’t know what Beast was doing tonight, but it had to be more interesting than this.


  Shayna tugged her uniform tight to remove any wrinkles and checked her look in the mirror, twisting one way then the other to make sure everything was covered. With a satisfied nod she strode out of the lounge attached to the changing area and showers, and headed for the ballroom where the poker tournament was being held. The tournament had started at ten, six hours before. It was probably a madhouse in the beginning as everyone got settled and she wasn’t sorry she missed that. The tournament was going to be held in three rooms to begin with, two rooms with a hundred tables, plus a smaller room with fifty. As players were eliminated the number of tables would decrease until there was only one table left with the final eight players.

  She shook her head in amazement as she entered the smallest of the three rooms. She couldn’t believe two thousand men and women were betting fifty-thousand dollars that they were the best poker player in the casino. The men, and women, must have balls of brass the size of bowling balls. If they won they would take home fifty million, but if they lost they would leave with nothing. Once you entered the game, you played until you were busted.

  There were only sixteen tables left already and she quickly noticed Beast was among those still playing. He had a sizeable mound of chips in front of him, far larger than the other five players at his table. He appeared relaxed and in control and she wondered if he’d fed her a line about being an amateur. She walked over to relieve Tonya.

  “How’s it going?” Shayna asked quietly.

  “Easy money,” Tonya replied with a smile. “The organizers told me to stand out of the way. If the players needed anything, they would signal, but otherwise to leave them alone.”

  Shayna grinned at the beautiful woman with skin the color of well-creamed coffee. “I thought Ted was crazy to assign us twenty-five tables each, but I guess he was right.”

  “Yeah. Listen, now that you’re here, I’m going on break then I’m supposed to move into one of the larger rooms. You got this?”

  Shayna giggled. “I can stand by the bar as easily as you can.”

  Tonya grinned back. “Like I said: easy money.”


  The single bell announcing a break sounded. The players had five minutes to finish their hand before two bells sounded to end play for fifteen-minutes. The players didn’t react to the sound, but, as she watched, one table after another began to close down, the dealer picking up the cards but not dealing another hand.

  “How’s it going?” Shayna asked as she sauntered up to Michelle, one of the dealers at an empty table.

  “Great! These guys know what they’re doing, so each play goes really fast. They tip good, too,” she grinned, pointing at a small stack of chips by the shoe. Shayna did some quick math and realized there was almost a grand on the table.

  “Damn! Maybe I should have been dealer instead of a hostess.”

  “Well, this is from all today, but yeah, I could get used to the twenty-five dollar tips.”

  “Oops! Got to go,” Shayna said as another table broke up and one of the men waved her over.


  After the break the organizers consolidated tables again, bringing the remaining thirteen tables back to full strength. The tables were clustered around the food and liquor so she had a good view. Beast was sitting at one of the nearer tables and it appeared he was kicking ass and taking names. His pile of chips was considerably smaller than before the break, but she knew that was because the organizers were banking the player’s winnings and exchanging lower value chips for higher. Where other players were throwing in five, six, sometimes ten chips, Beast would toss in one. What she thought was interesting was how little play there was. On each round only two or three players would stay in the game, the others folding early.

  Beast was playing his game, tight and aggressive, and it was working for him. He’d fold early if he didn’t see anything developing in his hand, playing it tight, but when he had something he bet aggressively. He was winning about eight hands out of ten when he played. Of course, he knew he was sitting at th
e kiddie tables, where the weak and unknown players fought amongst themselves to allow the cream to rise to the top, while the major players duked it out in one of the two large rooms. That was fine with him. He’d take these fish for all he could to pad his bankroll before he started mixing it up with the big boys.

  Like now. He had a Full House, Sixes over Eights, and he was pretty sure he held the winning hand, but Nelson was desperate, down to his last few chips, betting it all on what he had in his hand. Beast picked at the corner of his hole card with a fingernail. It was a tell that he allowed to show when he was trying to sucker someone, and Nelson took the bait.

  “Raise, another five-thousand,” Nelson said throwing in ten chips.

  Beast studied his cards again. It would cost him another five grand to call. He had a pair of Sixes in the hole. Taking the pair of Eights and the other Six from the Flop, he had his Full House, but Nelson seemed confident. If Nelson had a Nine and a Seven, he could be betting on a Straight.


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