Hard To Fall (Sliding Home Book 3)

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Hard To Fall (Sliding Home Book 3) Page 13

by Elizabeth Perry

“Yeah. I don’t want children.”

  Huh. I’m not so sure what to make of that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Take that shirt off.”

  My head snaps in Ryan’s direction, as I give him a stern look.

  “Isaac is right there,” I hiss at him, and he simply smirks.

  “Yeah, he is. And it’s not like I’m telling you to strip right here, baby. Chill.”

  “Ryan,” I hiss again at his term of endearment. “You can’t call me that in front of Isaac.”

  “Why not?” He shrugs, before glancing across the room to the boy. “He’s going to find out sooner or later.”

  “Well, I would prefer later, since we literally just got together last night.”

  “We got together a week ago, actually. But alright, you’re probably right. We’ll keep this between us for now. But I still want you to take that generic shirt off. You’re wearing my name and number from now on, and that’s not open for discussion.”

  He crosses his arms and stares back at me, almost daring me to disagree.

  Geez he’s bossy.

  I’m not used to having a man tell me what to do, and normally this is something that I wouldn’t like at all. Except when Ryan does it, I have to admit.

  It’s kind of hot.

  Alright, so it’s really freaking hot.

  He tosses a jersey to me, with his name and number displayed across the back.

  “You’re wearing this.”

  “You know, I’m not super big on being told what to do,” I point out, although he doesn’t budge. He simply raises an eyebrow at me until I finally cave, turning on one heel and stomping back towards my bedroom.

  Ryan’s aunt dropped Isaac off right after we got out of the shower. He’s offered a nice distraction, because honestly, if he hadn’t have come back today, I would have probably spent the entire day in bed with Ryan.

  As it is, every movement makes me ache in the most delicious way, and my body literally craves him.

  Too much of a good thing too fast is bound to set us up for failure.

  I mean, if we weren’t already heading in that direction.

  So, a little distraction is probably the best thing that could happen.

  I change quickly, grumbling the entire time that I put his jersey on.

  But I still do exactly as he asks.

  I have no reason to be uncomfortable with the fact that I’m wearing his name and number, but as we arrive to the baseball field and heads turn my way, an uneasy feeling erupts inside of me.

  I’m not exactly comfortable with the idea of everyone knowing that Ryan and I are together.

  If that is even what I can call us. Maybe I should just say, sleeping together. Because we are definitely doing that.

  We’re an odd fit, and I know this. And while I don’t know the extent of Ryan’s dating history, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that he has definitely been with woman who are far more beautiful than I am, even on my very best day.

  And to top that off, I can’t help but acknowledge the fact that if Ryan knew me, and I mean really knew me, he’d probably drop me in a heartbeat.

  The look on his face today when I told him that I didn’t want children was all that I needed to realize that I could never give him what he wants out of life.

  I know that I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself here, but in all honesty, I have to protect my heart.

  And my heart would definitely be damaged if Ryan walked away from me when he realized that I can never give him more children.

  We have no real shot at a future, so blasting our relationship to everyone is only setting me up for some serious heartbreak and humiliation.

  I’m not exactly down for that.

  So, I hustle Isaac across the stadium to our seating area, careful to avoid the watchful eye of all of the paparazzi.

  I take my seat, but Isaac spots Jacks and ditches me quickly. Avery glances at my jersey, before a smile spreads across her face.

  “Hey, Isabelle.”

  My eyes connect with the beautiful woman sitting next to me, and I smile. Her eyes leave mine, before focusing on the number on the back of my shirt and smiling again.

  “I see Ryan has convinced you to wear his number.”

  “Well, I mean, it’s just a shirt.” I stumble over the words as my face flames. Her grin only widens as she rolls her eyes.

  “Right. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the way that he looks at you.”

  “The way that he looks at me?” My cheeks flame as I glance onto the field and see Ryan standing there, staring up at me.

  I swallow hard.


  “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m not going to pry here, but for real. Ryan is a great guy. I think it would be really cool if you guys got together.”

  “You do?” I pull my eyes away from Ryan and stare at Avery. “I mean, ok. But we’re not together.”

  “Right.” She smiles again before reaching out and squeezing my arm.

  “Listen, it’s none of my business, but it’s obvious with the way that Ryan looks at you that maybe you are more to him than just Isaac’s teacher. And I’m not asking for info, but please know one thing. Ryan is one of the good guys, and he has been through a lot. If there is something going on between you guys, please. Go easy on him. That guys been through hell.”

  I turn my head back to Ryan, watching the way that his body moves on the field in his warm up. I guess I never really considered that he would be feeling a lot like I am, afraid and unsure of how this could turn out. I mean, I just assumed that he could have anyone that he wanted, so I didn’t imagine him feeling uneasy about us. Honestly, the man could replace me in a heartbeat.

  “His ex-wife really did a number on him,” Avery continues, as my attention stays focused on Ryan. “He hasn’t really dated much, and last I knew, he had sworn off every having a serious relationship again. So, if there is something going on between you guys, know that it means that you’re special. Because he is not the kind to just date anybody. That man has a huge wall built around his heart. So, if he’s let you in…”

  My eyes snap back to hers.

  “Then you are special to him, and he cares a lot about you. Please don’t hurt him.”

  She finishes with a soft smile and squeezes my arm.

  I swallow hard as I let my eyes focus on Ryan, and for the rest of the game, I watch his every move.

  Could Ryan be the kind of guy to accept me as I am?

  I guess only time will tell.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’m not exactly sure how my sister roped me into helping her at her restaurant today, but here I am, standing on the counter and dusting about a million liquor bottles.

  “Don’t you have a bartender to do this?” I mutter, before glaring at Arielle.

  “Actually, not really.” She shrugs. “I’m so short staffed right now, that last night, I had to tend the bar.”

  “I think bartending would be fun.” I shrug. “I mean, aside from this part.”

  “Oh yeah?” She looks at me with a huge smirk. “You want a job?”

  “Pass.” I roll my eyes, before replacing the bottle of Crown Royal back on the shelf.

  “On a serious note, though, have you started looking for a job? For, you know. When you’re done working for Ryan?”

  My stomach sinks at the thought.

  For the last three weeks, I’ve been living in a bubble with Ryan, and it has been amazing.

  The days were busy, between teaching Isaac and then of course, the games and team activities.

  But now, we’re home for six days, without any baseball whatsoever.

  Isaac and I already finished all of the kindergarten curriculum. It honestly didn’t take long at all, because he’s such a smart kid.

  We started to work a bit on some things for first grade, but I’m hesitant to move forward with too much of it.

don’t want him to start school in the fall and be bored out of his mind.

  “I have started looking. It’s just, there aren’t really a lot of teaching positions open.”

  “So, what are you going to do?”

  I shrug.

  That is the question of the day.

  I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do for a job once this gig with Ryan ends.

  I’ve sent my resume in to several different schools, but I haven’t heard a single thing back from any of them.

  We’re already halfway into summer, and I know that if I don’t find a teaching position soon, I may not get one before the school year starts.

  “Well, I’ll have made enough this summer to get my own place and to carry me for a while. I suppose I’ll substitute teach and maybe work for my beautiful sister if I need extra cash.”

  Arielle nods.

  “That’s not the best plan, but at least you have a plan. I was worried that you didn’t have one.”

  “Really?” I raise my eyebrow at her. “What did you think that I was going to do?”

  “Is, I don’t know. I mean, I don’t know what Ryan does in the off season, or whether or not you guys have even spoken about it. I’m glad you have a plan that isn’t dependent on him, that’s all.”

  That’s the thing with Ryan. We haven’t discussed the future much at all.

  We’ve been living in our little bubble, the three of us, and then why Isaac stays the night with Jacks, Ryan and I have hot as hell sex.

  We go to sleep, and then we repeat.

  There has been no talk of the future, or as to what will happen when my employment with him ends.

  When his eyes lock with mine, I see so much emotion in them, but he never elaborates on how he feels.

  The closest thing that I get to a relationship talk with him, is when he’s buried inside of me and growling to me that I’m his.

  He’s so sweet to me, and so protective, that I haven’t even been able to stop myself from falling in love with him.

  But I have no idea whether or not he feels the same way.

  I’ve wanted to talk to him about it, and about us, but I’m afraid that once we start to discuss the subject, if he doesn’t feel the same way that I do, it will wreck the rest of the summer between us.

  “Well, I’m glad that you’ve been thinking about life past this summer. That makes me way less worried about you, Isabelle.”

  I just nod, before turning my attention back to cleaning the bottles.

  “Hey, Isabelle,” Arielle calls out, making me turn towards her.

  “I think you have a visitor.”

  Per usual, my heartbeat accelerates in my chest, as I watch Ryan move through the door.

  His long-sleeved shirt molds against his rock-hard body, and his jeans hang low on his hips, hugging him in all of the right places.

  My eyes flick down, to where his jeans are the snuggest, and my body aches for him.

  It’s like the second that I’m around him, I become a blob of need for him.


  I bite my lip hard as I watch him approach me.

  “Hey baby.” He flashes me one of his killer smiles. “What are you doing up there?”

  “I’m being Arielle’s slave today. She’s got me dusting like Cinderella.”

  “Ah.” He smiles, before glancing over to Arielle.

  “Can Cinderella have a break?”

  “I guess.” She shrugs, before winking at me. “A short one, though. I need to work her hard before she turns into a pumpkin.”

  Ryan’s eyes darken as he reaches for me, grabbing my waist and helping me down.

  “I’d also like to work you hard.”

  Oh boy.

  I would have to bite my lip off to try to control the sudden, intense urge that his words fill me with.

  Dammit all.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask him, as I take a step back, trying to escape the heat radiating off of his body.

  That heat makes it hard to focus on anything for tearing his clothes off of him.

  “I missed my girl.” He smiles sweetly at me, before reaching up and cupping my cheek.

  His thumb strokes my skin, and for a second, my eyes close.

  Good lord, what a mess this man makes me.

  “Isaac went to Eric’s for a few hours, so I figured that I could spend some time with you.”

  Since we’ve been home, we haven’t been able to spend an awful lot of time together.

  The only times that we’ve seen each other are the few hours that Isaac plays at Jacks’ house, or of course, after he goes to bed for the night.

  “Oh.” I bite my lip again.

  “I was hoping that you’d be free this afternoon. I have something that I really want to show you.”

  I glance over to Arielle before sighing.

  “I really wish that I could, but I promised my sister…”

  “Get out of here.” Arielle smiles.

  “I’ve gotten enough free labor out of you for today.” She winks at me before turning to Ryan.

  “Take care of my sister. Don’t let her get hurt, or anything. I’m planning on milking even more labor out of her this week.”

  “Got it.” Ryan smiles between us. “But no worries there. I have no intentions of hurting your sister.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  “Where are we?”

  Isabelle’s head snaps towards me as I turn my truck off of the main road, and onto a small dirt road.

  “In Lapeer county, just off of highway 10.”

  “I know that. I can read the signs.”

  I don’t even have to look at her to know that she’s rolling her eyes.

  “Let me rephrase my question. Why in the world are we way out here, in the middle of nowhere, in Lapeer county?”

  “Be patient, baby. You’re about to find out.”

  “Huh,” she huffs, before glancing out of the window.

  “I don’t think that I’ve ever been out this far. I haven’t seen a single house in miles.”

  “Yeah, that’s one of the bonuses of this place.” I smile at her before nodding towards her seat belt.

  “How about you unbuckle and slide over here?” I pat the middle of the bench seat of my truck.

  “We’re in the country. Let’s ride country, baby.”

  She eyes me warily before shrugging.

  “Alright.” She slides next to me, and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

  “You know, most guys in the country get a blow job when they’re riding like this.”

  “Don’t push your luck, James.” She rolls her eyes again. “I’m nervous enough without my seatbelt on.”

  I chuckle.

  “You’re safe with me, baby. You know that I would never allow you to get hurt on my watch, right?”

  She shrugs.

  “Plus, we’re almost there.”

  I turn down one more dirt road, which is actually my new driveway.

  I’ve been scanning land for sale for at least the past year, but since Isabelle and I have gotten together, I’ve been looking even harder.

  This piece of land popped up yesterday, and today, I made it mine.

  It’s everything that I was looking for, and everything that I imagined spending time on.

  Imagining spending time here with Isabelle has only sweetened the pot.

  “Wow.” She glances around at the thick forest, with a smile on her face. “This really is beautiful.”

  “Just wait, baby. It gets better.”

  I roll the windows down, letting the smell of pine tree’s mixed with salt in the air seep into the truck.

  Even as far away as we are, I can hear the waves crashing onto the shore in the distance.

  “Is that the ocean?” Isabelle glances up at me, and I nod my head.

  “Yes, it is. Just wait until you see the view.”

  I park the truck at the end of the dirt drive and hop out.

  I reach inside for her, wrapping my arms around her waist and helping her down.

  She scans our surroundings, narrowing her eyes towards a small opening in the trees.

  “I can hear the ocean, and I can smell it. But I can’t see it. How close is it?”

  “Closer than you think.”

  She sets her hand on my arm before turning her head to the side.

  “It’s so peaceful back here. This view is amazing.”

  “This view is pretty amazing,” I tell her, as I stare directly at her.

  She blushes.

  “I meant the forest, Ryan.”

  “I know that you did. And I meant my view of you.”

  “Stop.” She smiles, before gently smacking my arm. “You’re going to give me a big head.”

  “That’s not a bad thing. You always give me a big head,” I joke, but as the words leave my mouth, her eyes darken, and her teeth fly to that damn lower lip of hers.

  “Stop biting your lip like that, baby. Otherwise I’m going to bend you over this truck and show you just how big my head is right now.”

  Her breath catches, and she blinks.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing. I actually like the sound of that.”

  This woman is going to be the death of me.

  Here I had a romantic afternoon all planned out for us, and now, the only thing that I’m thinking about is ripping all of her clothes off of her and sliding inside of her sweet ass body.

  I take a step back, forcing myself to focus.

  “I can make that happen, baby, I promise. But first, let me show you why I brought you here.”

  “Fine,” she pouts. “But no more talk about your head then, because I will not be able to hold myself back from you much longer.”


  I grab her hand in mine, bringing it to my lips and smacking a kiss on her palm, leading her towards the small opening in between the trees.

  “C’mon, hot stuff. Let me show you around.”

  She follows along next to me, as her eyes continue to scan my new land.

  I love the way that her eyes widen at the beauty of this place, and the way that the corners of her mouth turn up with every step that we take. By the time we make it to the clearing, her face is absolutely lit up.


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