Texas Hope: Sweetgrass Springs Stories (Texas Heroes Book 16)

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Texas Hope: Sweetgrass Springs Stories (Texas Heroes Book 16) Page 17

by Jean Brashear

  Then everything else went right out of her head as she spotted him.

  Gordon. Her cowboy. Still tall, still lean. Still so handsome. The cane at his side couldn’t diminish his powerful bearing.

  And he still took her breath away.

  When his gaze locked on hers, her knees went weak. How, after all these years, after another marriage and a second child, could she feel tossed back in time to that first day she’d seen him?

  The end of the escalator surprised her, and she stumbled, had to focus on righting her bag.

  A big hand gripped her elbow, steadied her. “How is it you’re more beautiful than ever?”

  She looked up in to those gray eyes that had once been her world. “Gordon…” Her voice was barely audible.

  He smiled past all the worry she could see on the face that had weathered with time but was still…Gordon. His temples were a distinguished silver, his dark hair threaded with the same.

  Age looked good on Gordon McLaren.

  He drew her to the side. “Here. You’ll get trampled. Do you have any bags checked?”

  “I didn’t bring much. If Ian hates that I’m here, I’m leaving tonight.”

  “Don’t.” He squeezed her arm. “Don’t give up so easily, Sophia.” He sighed. “He is angry, and he may not relent real soon, but you won’t win him over by running away.”

  Her heart sank. “So he knows. And he’s furious.”

  A muscle in his strong jaw clenched. “He promised to be polite.”

  Her laugh held no mirth. “I know I should be grateful. I am grateful. I just—”

  “He’s a fair man. I believe he’ll do better than polite if you give him time. Anyway, Scarlett was thrilled with the locket, and she’s on your side. She’s about a big as a minute, but she stands up to him whenever she needs to, and she tore a strip out of his hide last night.”

  An unexpected champion. “I don’t want to cause trouble between them.”

  “You couldn’t part those two if you blasted dynamite. The love between them is real and solid.”

  As ours was not. The lack still grieved her.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Honestly? I’m terrified. Does Michael know?”

  Gordon shook his head. “He’s pretty tied up with Laken, and anyway, my read on him is he’d just feel bad for both of you and be torn about what to do. He and Ian are starting to act like brothers, and that’s a bond that will go on long after you and I cease to be. I don’t want to damage it.”

  “I agree.”

  “Good.” He glanced away. “I need to give you fair warning, though. I had thought maybe you and Ian could hash things out before you see Michael, but Ruby whipped up a Texas Independence Day celebration for today—did it just last night in an effort to help Michael show Laken what’s great about Sweetgrass. The whole town’s involved.”

  “So no quiet time with Ian.”

  “Probably not. Anything happens in Sweetgrass, everybody turns to Ian to get things done. He’s long gone from the ranch by now.” His expression was rueful. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know anything about this when I asked you to come.” A small chuckle. “I suppose it might work in your favor. He’d never make a ruckus in public.”

  She winced. “The whole town will be there?”

  “’Fraid so.”

  “Everyone who hates me for leaving Ian.”

  “There are a lot of new folks in Sweetgrass these days.”

  But plenty who weren’t new to town. Who would remember how she never fit in. The urge to turn back to the terminal was overwhelming.

  He noticed. “I’ll be right by your side the whole time.”

  Her eyes stung at his kindness. “Why would you do that? I left you, too.”

  His jaw flexed as he stared ahead. “I didn’t handle anything well back then, so there’s a whole lot of hard feelings behind us, but—” He looked down at her. “We have a grandchild coming, Sophia. We made mistakes with our child. Let’s do this one right.”

  He’s still amazing. Still that rock-solid integrity that had first captivated her so many years ago. Caught in the conflicting worlds of her memories of this man and all that had changed since, Sophia had no idea where solid ground was.

  Until he smiled. “Not promising it’s gonna be easy, but we’ll do this together.”

  The earth beneath her steadied. She nodded. “Together.”

  “All right then.” He returned the solemn nod. “How about I buy you some breakfast before we get on the road?”

  Gordon couldn’t stop glancing over at Sophia on the drive back. Her clothes seemed expensive, and her sense of style was as refined as when he’d first seen her years ago. How could he ever have deluded himself that she could be a ranch wife? Everything about her appearance screamed class and elegance.

  But despite all her sophistication, he could still see bright flares of the woman who’d captivated him. Her mind was keen, and he’d forgotten her wicked sense of humor. She had once laughed easily, back in the early days…before Sweetgrass had beaten her down.

  He shouldn’t have asked her to come. Her fear was evident, and they weren’t even in Sweetgrass yet. He would just have to get between her and anyone who would throw her past in her face.

  Even his son.

  For the longer he was with her, the more he understood that she was as he’d imagined her so long ago, sweet and loving and kind.

  And tender. Easily bruised.

  How bad must things have been for her to make her leave? Every memory she brought up was infused with her love for Ian.

  What the hell had he done to her? To them?

  “Oh.” A reverent gasp as they topped the hill just before the turnoff to Sweetgrass and the Hill Country spread before them in all its glory. Her fingers closed around his forearm. “I’d forgotten this,” she said softly. “It still takes my breath away.”

  There was love in her voice.

  So how had it turned to such misery that she’d had no choice but to go?

  He stared at her delicate hand. When he didn’t say anything, she removed it, and he wanted to grab it back.

  “Yeah,” he managed. “I don’t pay much attention anymore.” He glanced over. “A lot I didn’t pay attention to back then, I’m thinking.”

  Her gaze locked on his, dark with apology. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “Wasn’t it? Look at you.”

  She glanced down. “What do you mean?”

  “Only a fool would think fine china wouldn’t get broken in a ranch kitchen. I owe you an apology, Sophia. A whole lot of them.”

  “No. You don’t. I let you down, Gordon. I ran away from the life you love.”

  Not as much as I loved you, he thought.

  He wondered at how much he still might—which was crazy to even consider. The stories she’d shared over breakfast had highlighted how different her life had been in the years since. Her late husband had given her everything he’d never be able to.

  But guilt and blame wouldn’t help Ian, and this visit was about his son and the child who would soon be born.

  Gordon shoved away the past. “Let’s make a deal.”

  “What kind of deal?”

  “Let’s agree that we both have regrets and put them aside. You’re here for Ian, and we need to keep our heads clear and work together. So…what’s done is done. I won’t ever stop being sorry for how things went down, and I know the fault isn’t yours.”

  “Not true. I was weak and—”

  He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “And we’re not going there anymore. This is Day One of our life as grandparents. Our son needs us, whether he knows it or not. Our grandchild deserves to be born surrounded with peace and happiness and love. Agreed?”

  She squeezed back. “Agreed.”

  “I’ll drive on through town and take you to the ranch so you can put your things away first.”

  “Oh, Gordon, I can’t stay there. Ian lives there, doesn’t he?”

bsp; “He and Scarlett have talked about building their own house, yes, but it’s still my home, and I’m inviting you to stay there.”

  “There are only three bedrooms. Isn’t one going to be the nursery?”

  “It is, and you’re right, but I’m giving you my room. I’ll bunk with the hands.”

  “No. I can’t turn you out of your own home. Oh, please, isn’t there a hotel here yet? A motel?”

  “No. Only one B&B that’s full right now with Jackson’s geeks.”


  “I’ll explain later. But stop panicking and think about this: staying at the ranch gives you the most opportunities to be with Ian away from the crowds.”

  “And just as many chances to ratchet up the tension in the house.”

  “Scarlett wants you to stay there. The sofa pulls out into a bed, so I can stay inside if you’re afraid of Ian.”

  “Could I stay in the bunkhouse?”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure Billy and his brother would be thrilled. No—you remember what that bunkhouse was like. It hasn’t improved.”

  “Then let me sleep on the sofa. Or get a room in Fredericksburg or—”

  She was clearly terrified and inches from fleeing.

  “You’ll take our—my room. That will give you the most privacy. And Ian is going to behave himself.”

  “Or else?” A flicker of a grin.

  “Something like that. You haven’t seen Scarlett in action with him.”

  “Oh, Gordon, I don’t know…”

  “I do.” He hoped so, at least. “Would you rather see Ian first, before we go out there? Get it over with?”

  “In front of everyone?”

  He thought a minute. Blast this celebration, anyway. It sure complicated his plans. “Okay, let me make a call.” He pulled out the cell phone he seldom used and handed it to her. “Look up Scarlett’s number, please.”

  She did and he punched the number.

  “Ruby’s Looney Bin,” Scarlett answered.

  He grinned. “That bad, huh?”

  “Oh, good grief, why on earth did Nana want to pull this off overnight? It’s a madhouse. Is she with you? Sophia?”

  “She is.” He glanced over at Sophia. “I’m having some trouble convincing her that she’s welcome at the ranch.”

  “Let me talk to her, would you?”

  “I guess.” He handed over the phone.

  Hesitantly, Sophia took it. “Hello?”

  He could hear Scarlett talking a mile a minute.

  “That’s very sweet of you, but—”

  Apparently Scarlett was not taking no for an answer.

  “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. He’s already been hurt too much. And you don’t need the stress.”

  As she listened, her head cocked as if considering. “Do you think you can get him there?” She gnawed at her lower lip.

  Gordon dragged his gaze away from her mouth and focused on the road.

  He’d kissed that mouth many a time. Had loved every second of each kiss. He wished he could…

  Wow. He shook his head. Now that was getting ahead of himself and completely off track.

  He tuned in again as the call drew to a close. “See you there. Scarlett, thank you. I can’t wait to meet you. I’m so happy about your baby, and if you’d let me—well, I shouldn’t jump the gun. Ian may ban me from Sweetgrass, but if he doesn’t, I would very much like to be a part of your baby’s life.” Tears glistened in her lashes. “Really?” One tear fell. “I’m so happy Ian has you.” A small smile. “You’re too generous. I—there’s no way to make up to him what I—okay. Yes. You’re right.” She drew in a breath that hitched a little. “Thank you, Scarlett. I don’t have the words to tell you what this means.” At Scarlett’s next words, Sophia smiled and wiped at one eye. “See you soon.” She disconnected and held the phone close, not looking at him.

  She was small and soft and fragile. He couldn’t keep himself from placing one hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  She looked up, eyes bright with tears. “She’s really wonderful, isn’t she? Good for Ian.”

  “She really is.”

  “She says no matter what Ian does today, she wants me in their baby’s life. She swears he’ll come around.” Hope warred with fear. “She’s going to get Ian over to Ruby’s house, so we can meet in private.”

  “That’s a good idea. And she’s right. He’s a good man, and a fair one. Stubborn as a rock, but not cruel. He’s just been…”

  “Hurt,” she supplied. “At my hands.”

  “But not your fault. And I’ll keep telling him how things really were as many times as I need to. It’s on me more than you, Sophia.”

  “It’s not. I’m the one who—” She smiled. “We’re doing it again, aren’t we?”

  “I guess we are. So…did talking to Scarlett help?”

  “It did, but—” She hesitated.


  “Would you stay nearby? It’s not yours to fix, and I’m not asking for that, but if I knew you were close, I’d—”

  “I’ll stand right by you, if you want.”

  “Oh, I want,” she said with a twinkle. “But I’m through being a coward. Or at least, not so much of one.”

  “I think you’re brave as hell,” he said as they reached the outskirts of Sweetgrass.

  “If you see Veronica, I’m counting on you to herd her my way, Mr. Mayor.” Jackson Gallagher’s voice was all deference and crap.

  “Would you stop that? There is no mayor, and as long as we don’t incorporate the town, we don’t need one,” Ian frowned at his childhood best friend as they finished nailing together the kissing booth.

  “I can see it now…written in the sky…A Vote for Ian Is a Vote for Truth. Justice. The American Way—oh, wait, that’s Superman.”

  “Bite me,” Ian tossed back. “If you’d mind your own—”

  “Ian!” shouted Eric Mackey. “There you are!”

  “Hey, Eric,” Ian greeted the boy. “Having a good day so far?”

  “Yeah, and I—” He wrinkled his nose. “Kissing booth? Yuck.”

  “And here we thought you’d be happy,” Jackson said.

  “Why would I be happy, Uncle Jackson? Kissing is gross.”

  “Better not tell Samantha that.” Ian kept his expression serious. “She’s planning to buy kisses from you.”

  “Eww! No way! Kissing is stupid, and Samantha’s stu—”

  “You weren’t about to call Samantha stupid, were you, son?” asked Mackey as he sauntered up.

  “Um—no, sir. But—” The boy was clearly conflicted, and Ian couldn’t hold back his grin. At seven, kissing was not an activity any boy wanted to contemplate.

  “But what?” Mackey asked. “Kissing is something you’ll learn to appreciate as you get older.”

  “If you say so.” Eric’s skepticism was clear. “You and Mom like it, but you’re weird.” Mischief danced in his eyes.

  “Weird, huh?” Mackey made a grab for him, and Eric dodged, but not fast enough. Soon he was upside down and being tickled unmercifully.

  Ian and Jackson watched, grinning. The boy had had a rough start in life with his neglectful birth mother, who’d spent all her attention on one lowlife after another—until one killed her. Eric had learned to flee to Rissa’s barn when the men turned their fists on him, and when he’d been orphaned, Mackey and Rissa quickly stepped up to adopt him.

  One lucky kid, Eric was.

  “Uncle?” Mackey asked, still tickling.

  “No way—” Eric dissolved into giggles again.

  “No way?” Mackey twirled an imaginary mustache. “So I need to be more creative in my torture, you say? I know—I’ll hold you down while Samantha kisses you.”

  Alarm took over. “Dad! You wouldn’t!”

  Mackey set Eric on his feet, grinning. “You think not?”

  “Please, Dad. Oh, wait—”

  “Hmm…waiting…I don’t think so.” He looked ar
ound. “Anybody seen Samantha?”

  “Wait, Dad. For real. I’m supposed to tell Ian Scarlett needs him.”

  Ian lost his grin. “What’s wrong? Is she at the cafe?”

  “She said she’s fine, she just needs to see you.”

  “How did she look?”

  Mackey glanced at Jackson. “You believe this guy? No way am I acting like a fool over Rissa when she gets this far along.”

  Jackson snorted. “Get real. You’re crazy about my sister. It’s just that you know she could whip your ass.”

  “There are other things she likes more about my—” Mackey glanced at Eric and shut up.

  Jackson snickered. “Oh, do tell, Romeo…”

  Mackey might have answered, but Ian was already racing off. Barely two minutes later, he was walking into the cafe. “Where’s Scarlett?” he asked Jeanette.

  “Where do you think she is? Cooking, as usual.”

  “She’s not supposed to be cooking today. Everybody’s bringing stuff.”

  “She’s got it in her head that she needs to make a special dish.”

  “So she’s all right?”

  Jeanette had once had a crush on Ian, though he’d never realized it. She only looked at him with pity now. “She’s not the first woman on the planet to have a baby, Ian.”

  “I know, but—she’s so tiny.”

  Jeanette’s eyebrows rose. “You’re planning to mention that? She’s twelve feet tall in her head.”

  “I know, but…she’s really okay?”

  “Sure, she’s tired, but who isn’t?”

  “Okay.” But he wouldn’t breathe easy until he laid eyes on her. She was more than simply tired, and she’d been up again in the night with contractions, so he wasn’t happy to find out she was standing and cooking.

  The woman had no sense of her own limits.

  He would have them for her. Even if she didn’t like it. “You need to sit down,” he said as he entered the kitchen.

  Ruby chuckled and glanced at her granddaughter. “Told you.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes dramatically. “Didn’t Eric tell you I’m fine?”

  “He did, but—”

  “Ian.” Her smile was sweet and soft…but her expression was solemn.

  His senses went on alert. “What?”

  “Let’s go out back for a minute.” She removed her apron. “You got this, Nana?”


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